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Anxiety and Physical Symptoms

Community Member

Hey, I am new here, i have been reading through different topics and feel this place has helped me a lot so i decided to share what i was going through.

i was fine just a month ago until i had a random panic attack which lasted few seconds, felt like i might pass out and i called my partner straight away (she was just working outside the house) as soon as she came in i was totally fine.

  • My father had panic attacks my twin brother passed out and had to an ambulance called on twice. he went through all the tests which came back clear, this was an year ago. so later i started of the same way, few panic attacks, shoulder tense which btw i recommend physio, clouded head and eyesight, back pain and random pains around the body scariest of them all is chest pain which my doctor said something about gas being released from stomach. My GP didn't ask me to do a single test and just said you have anxiety issues. well im like doesn't feel like it tho.
  • i went in again to see someone else as my GP went away and after some hands on tests she said you dont need tests and said i am fine. but i am not convinced. chest pains were sharp and sometimes dull mostly in specific areas, sometimes they wake me up from my sleep but mostly i sleep okay. Jaw hurts because i think i clench my jaw in sleep and while i am awake too. i just recently started to go to a gym and it help with pain, which i think is probably only thing helping me right now along with my partner.
  • i understand that given my family history everything does point towards anxiety (my dad was checked every month and he is fine) but i sometimes feel like i should go and ask for some tests done?
  • also i would like to know what symptoms you get and how long do they last for?
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi mehmeh,

Welcome to the community here. Anxiety can cause all kinds of symptoms in our bodies, they can be different for every person, and be triggered by all kinds of things as well.

If you are really concerned about your heart for instance you could ask the Dr if they could organise a chest x-ray for you. There is always some risk to any procedure that is performed, so I believe the Drs don't usually suggest them unless they are necessary.

Gas coming up from the stomach can cause all kinds of pains I believe. It may help if you Google reflux and see if that is similar to what you are experiencing. You may be able to reduce the might time effect with a change to diet and drinking later in the evening.

Have you Googled "symptoms of anxiety"? More importantly how to assist with anxiety?

Yes, it is important to have issued checked out with your Dr. If you are still concerned you can always see another Dr. Are you receiving any help or assistance with your anxiety so you can better understand it and find ways to help yourself?

My anxiety adds to my back pains, head aches, shoulder pains and chest pains. I had some heart tests done and my heart is okay. I am now on blood pressure medication though as my blood pressure was high. A Dr or a chemist can assist you with checking blood pressure readings. The medication has helped to reduce my chest pains.

I also have reflux which can create some really horrid chest pains now and then. Antacid tablets helps with that.

Hope this helps a little! Cheers to you from Dools

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Mehmeh

Good on you for posting such an excellent thread as anxiety disorder can present itself in many ways including chest pain. Anxiety of any level is usually an environmental problem sometimes caused by a stressful event or many of them

Dools posted above about reflux....which can cause awful chest pain. I understand your anxiety as I have had it for a while and its an awful condition to have. Your doctor would have fast tracked you for tests even if there was any doubt...however if it would bring peace of mind....have the tests done

You mentioned that you clench your jaw whilst asleep and awake.....This is very a common symptom of anxiety mehmeh...I used to grind my teeth for years until I realised I could get counseling for my anxiety disorder

Dools is very experienced with anxiety disorder yet its only my opinion not to use Google as a research tool only because the results can be so varied and confusing when we are in the early stages of anxiety....Here are a few symptoms of anxiety....and some may not apply to how you are feeling

  • Tight breathing/Rapid heart beat/palpitations
  • Chest pain.....throat pain....back spasms/pain....headaches....
  • Sleep problems....bad dreams....waking up at night for no reason
  • Grinding of teeth or sore jaw
  • loose bowel movements
  • Nausea or upset stomach
  • Night sweats
  • Feeling Dizzy...Light headed
  • Having difficulty concentrating

The list can go on and you may not experience most of these symptoms mehmeh. Anxiety symptoms do reduce in severity over time with frequent counseling

I hope you can post back when its convenient for you mehmeh. The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post

I have learned that the earlier any level of anxiety is treated the better our recovery will be 🙂

I really hope you can stick around the forums mehmeh

my kind thoughts
