
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Rikka anxiety & hyperventilation
  • replies: 52

does anyone have constant hyperventilation, where you need to force yourself to breathe or else you'll feel like it'll stop\ yep. also have a good day you can do this!

does anyone have constant hyperventilation, where you need to force yourself to breathe or else you'll feel like it'll stop\ yep. also have a good day you can do this!

Soleggiata Anxiety at Work Leaving Me Paralysed
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone, Has your workplace and their culture made your mental health worse? Work (and working from home in general) has made my anxiety skyrocket. Last week I was having constant anxiety attacks from my workload and the idea of not being able to... View more

Hi everyone, Has your workplace and their culture made your mental health worse? Work (and working from home in general) has made my anxiety skyrocket. Last week I was having constant anxiety attacks from my workload and the idea of not being able to get through it. I was so worked up that even hours after finishing for the day I couldn’t sit still or speak properly. I have since spoken to my boss and had my workload reduced but I’m still feeling overwhelmed and so sick to my stomach that it took me an hour to actually start my day and once I did I kept needing to take little breaks to walk around the house or make coffee. Worst of all I cannot stop crying. I have been looking for a new job for months, but just don’t have to confidence I once did to try, and again it feels overwhelming. I want to resign but I am scared of the shame I will feel about giving up. I don’t know how to pull myself together anymore to get through this and I feel hopeless. Have you experienced this and how did you make it out the other side?

Panic90 Anxiety and Difficulty with New Manager
  • replies: 6

Hi everyone I have anxiety and PTSD. I have recently started a new job within the same company. I have a new manager and work in a different office space with different colleagues. I was in my old job for three years and found it very difficult. I wa... View more

Hi everyone I have anxiety and PTSD. I have recently started a new job within the same company. I have a new manager and work in a different office space with different colleagues. I was in my old job for three years and found it very difficult. I was glad to leave. I've been in my new role about four months now. My new manager is a lovely lady but her management style is significantly aggravating my anxiety. She is high energy, constantly on the go, zooming in and out of my office with different things, she can't focus on one task at a time, literally runs around the office freaking out about things, sends 15 emails before 8am changing her mind about everything, doesn't let you finish a sentence without interrupting with some random thought, forgets what she tells you to do, forgets to go to meetings, is constantly late for everything etc I find myself getting really agitated, freaked out and nervous by this type of environment. I had my anxiety well managed until now. I don't want to let it get out of control. I ultimately know that the only way to deal with her is to sit down and speak with her but my anxiety is at a point where I can't do it. I had a bad experience with management in my last role and I feel physically sick at the idea of having to discuss this with her. I also feel like I haven't been there very long to be making such a bold complaint and I don't know how she will take this. It's basically criticising her personality. I've tried some other tactics: Closing the door to my office to prevent her from ducking in and out 50 times a day (not joking). However, she just opens the door and closes it constantly which aggravates me even more. When she gives me verbal instructions and I know she will forget it, I send an email confirming those instructions. She doesn't read it and still forgets. Wearing noise cancelling headphones. She just waves her hands in my face 50 times a day (not joking again) and I end up taking the headphones on and off and on and off. Has anyone with anxiety experienced a person who aggravates their condition and how did you deal with it? I

ThoughfulOne When to get help
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone This is my first post on this forum. It's great to know that there are resources out there to help, especially during these strange times. I have always thought myself to be a resilient person and have been mindful to look after my mental... View more

Hi everyone This is my first post on this forum. It's great to know that there are resources out there to help, especially during these strange times. I have always thought myself to be a resilient person and have been mindful to look after my mental wellbeing. We have had major events in our lives (like everyone I'm sure!) however I dealt with them quite well. After a recent event, I've realised my reactions to other events in my life have resulted in me overanalysing, stressing, or feeling like I'm watching someone else's life play out. It's like I'm detached at times. I've had a health concern that so far has two specialists stumped, and will be going to another at some stage. It's good they are doing the best they can to work out the problem. I've mentioned to them the delays resulting from covid and the lack of results are really starting to stress me out, but haven't had any guidance from them. I had one major meltdown with my family and talked it over with them, but I feel it's unfair to unburden on them. I'm trying to put on a brave face to not freak them out so much. Sorry so now I have on here! There is the potential that my health condition is irreversible and will deteriorate, and if so, it will majorly change my life, and theirs. Well, I suppose it already has. I know I shouldn't but I've been playing the possibilities over in my mind. I just can't seem to stop. I know what's been going on in my life is small compared to others around me, and that it's just a rough patch, when it's over I'll be fine. I don't want my family to worry about me any more than they already are (re health conditions). Anyway, sorry for the long post and for unburdening here. I don't usually like sharing this kind of stuff, as I know after a while I'll be ok. Thanks for listening.

BabySteps 25 and I've Never had a Job and without my Driving and Ruined for different Reasons, Also No Friends, and Girlfriend - Experiences
  • replies: 13

I was Miss Diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Contracted Pre Diabetes Type-2, and have a Polyp In my Gall Bladder, and I'm overdue for Surgery by 1 Year due to Covid 19, It put my Driving behind by 9 Months In relation to my Driving Progress at 25 I start... View more

I was Miss Diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Contracted Pre Diabetes Type-2, and have a Polyp In my Gall Bladder, and I'm overdue for Surgery by 1 Year due to Covid 19, It put my Driving behind by 9 Months In relation to my Driving Progress at 25 I started at 22 Pursuing my Driving, However 1) Based on my Mental Health Miss Diagnosis, It took ( Dandenong ) 11 Month's to Fill out my Permission Forms so I could eligibly go for my Permit eligibility 2) I Finally started getting Driving Lessons, and I had the Wrongs Instructors till my recent Instructor that I much prefer 3) I had No Suitable Parent's, or Others to Drive with outside Lessons 4) I wasn't always guaranteed a Weekly Lesson, all the Time 5) I wasn't always guaranteed a suitable Weekly Session Time 6) Had to change My Old O.T Occupational Therapist, because She Told VIC ROAD's that I'm not In her favor of Confidence, now they either want to Restrict me or Suspend my Permit, TRAGICALLY, and that's not needed at all to happen ... In Relation to WORK 1) I never had my Driver's License, and Much Public Transit Skills, besides 2 LOCAL ROUTES that I rarely Take 2) I never had a sense for what's Manageable, Available, or generally what I ( enjoyed outside my Hobbies ) 3) You need Experience or Volunteer for most Entry Jobs, sometimes Further Education, and not all Industries or Jobs or Employers offer Volunteer, and not all either way would lead to a Payed Position anyway 4) Having by LAW, To notify a Employer about a Diagnoses of Illness, Discriminates me by Double the Regular Standard, Even If so a Miss Diagnosis 5) I can't Study without Driving, to complete Work Placement, and you need, Affordable Cost's, Local Proximity for Educational Institutes, maybe preferably ONLINE STUDY 6) I also don't have Friendships and NET WORK to Land me a Job 7) I try'd a JOB RECRUITER, and I was mainly offered 2-4 Jobs I didn't want, Mainly told to take ADMIN ADMINSTRATIVE/ADMINISTRATION, Entry Jobs which I didn't want, I was only fortunate to have 11 MONTH'S VOLUNTEER, In a RETAIL Role, that I didn't want, and I couldn't handle under a Payed Position with Professional Deadlines I know my Hobbies, and my Job PRO's and CON's, I haven't had any Experiences besides High School and Primary School and Hobbies, and lost

Erida Help : She thinks she has the Father in Law from hell
  • replies: 3

Hello, For nearly 10 years, our daughter in law has been my sons partner and from day one we felt she wanted to avoid us. Frequently she would withdraw to the bedroom when we were at their home, not that that happened very often. . In the 10 years th... View more

Hello, For nearly 10 years, our daughter in law has been my sons partner and from day one we felt she wanted to avoid us. Frequently she would withdraw to the bedroom when we were at their home, not that that happened very often. . In the 10 years they have been to our home, 4 times. My son defers to her. Happy wife, happy life, Seems to be his motto, She has declined countless nvitations to both visit us and be involved in family events We suspected she has anxiety and depression from her behaviour so we didn't push things. Recently after a strained get together cross words were exchanged and a horrible argument ensued during which she said that she ONCE had an eating disorder and was hospitalised. This explained a lot but now she accuses us of criticising her and not supporting her. Our son supports her, she is his wife. We want to have a caring relationship with her but it seems she has decided she loathes her father in law and accuses him of picking on her. We understand that anxiety is not anyone's fault. How do we best relate to her and reassure her ? We want to embrace her as part of our family.

Kailani Drowning in Anxiety
  • replies: 2

Before I start I want to say there is no need to reply to this. I am merely venting about my feelings and I do not want to burden anyone with feeling like they need to respond. However, feel free to post your own feelings on this thread. Anxiety has ... View more

Before I start I want to say there is no need to reply to this. I am merely venting about my feelings and I do not want to burden anyone with feeling like they need to respond. However, feel free to post your own feelings on this thread. Anxiety has taken so much from me. My happiness. My joy. My independence. Friendships. My love for activities. It has taken over my life. The mere task of going out by myself is overwhelming. I avoid social events because I don't want to feel the lack of control that anxiety induces. I have lost so many friendships because of my anxiety. I just feel like I am stuck in concrete while the rest of the world moves around me. I am slowly drowning in silence as anxiety has become my constant companion. It is hard to remember the times that I was not anxious as they are very rare. The physical impact of anxiety is exhausting. My chest is constantly tight, my breathing shallow. My stomach in knots. What kind of life is this?? The anxiety and thoughts can become so rapid and overwhelming that I feel like slamming my head against a wall. Maybe then it will be quiet for a bit. I have began to reach out to services but I know as much as they are helpful that my anxiety will always be with me. Acting as an anchor that weighs me down as I suffocate. Even now as I write this I am anxious. My heart is racing. This battle is exhausting. It tears me down little by little. I have so much admiration for those who fight this battle as well. Who knows how my battle will end. Which side will win. "but if I sit in the rain maybe I can drown in something other than my own thoughts" To end this on a more positive note, I hope u are all well.

Kailani OCD and public perception
  • replies: 9

Hi, first of all I want to stress that I am safe and I hope u all are as well. OCD is very misunderstood within society and is often utilised as a 'quirky' character trait. If I had a penny for every time I have heard someone say "I am so OCD as I ha... View more

Hi, first of all I want to stress that I am safe and I hope u all are as well. OCD is very misunderstood within society and is often utilised as a 'quirky' character trait. If I had a penny for every time I have heard someone say "I am so OCD as I hate mess" or "you are so neat you must have OCD" I would be rich. What these people don't realise is that OCD is crippling. It invades into your life and makes simple day tasks exhausting. There are also so many different forms of OCD so characterising OCD as just being neat can be seriously damaging. I personally will not call someone out for using phrases like the ones I previously mentioned as I know that it is due to a lack of education on OCD. I guess I just wanted to know how you guys respond to phrases like these? Do you start a conversation with people? Or do you just ignore it? Finally I would like to finish this off by saying I hope u are all well and remember we are in this fight together!

tomgajerry Pins and Needles - Anxiety?
  • replies: 1

Hello, Hope you are all well; I personally am. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with what I'm feeling, and whether they could provide some insight. I've always been a pretty self-conscious person - conscious and often actively thinking ... View more

Hello, Hope you are all well; I personally am. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with what I'm feeling, and whether they could provide some insight. I've always been a pretty self-conscious person - conscious and often actively thinking of what others consider of me appearance-wise and also in terms of what I think my 'name' means to them when I am not present. I've also always been competitive - eager to put in work to achieve some sort of goal, whether it be awards, recognition, or more recently, personal satisfaction. For this reason, and being fortunate enough to have had an educated upbringing, I have always done well in academics and co-curricular, and am currently studying medicine full-time whilst doing private tutoring as a job. I work on average 20 hours a week during the uni semester. (Not sure how relevant these last two sentences were, but just added them for info). Recently however, perhaps halfway through this year, I noticed that whenever I think of others, I often think of their perception of me (consciously, or subconsciously). This wouldn't have been out of the ordinary during times when I was younger, but I began to feel pins and needles whenever this self-conscious side of me props up, especially in my neck, trunk and thighs. I don't quite mind if I unavoidably become self-conscious whenever seeing others or thinking of others, but the pins and needles are quite discomforting, and I sometimes have to scratch, ventilate, contract my body, or pause what I'm doing for a little bit, until they reside. Has anyone had a similar problem and what are your experiences with this? Thanks in advance, hope you're all staying healthy

riddle95 My anxiety is impacting my work life :(
  • replies: 2

Hello internet! I'm 25 years old, female, and have been diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder over the years, as well as depression and I take medication to help. I do find the medication has helped me as it helped me get out of a very bad depr... View more

Hello internet! I'm 25 years old, female, and have been diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder over the years, as well as depression and I take medication to help. I do find the medication has helped me as it helped me get out of a very bad depressive state last year. I also feel like a person with a sense of purpose and enjoyment with life now. Last year I could not get myself to go to work and I had several hospital visits. At the beginning of 2020 I was going to work about 3-4 days a week, which was extremely good for me and a major change from the year before. Now, as you all know, Covid hit and I lost regular work for about 7 months. Now that we're coming out the other side, work has begun ringing me and calling me in to work more. I don't have my set rostered shifts as I did at the start of the year at the same venue, so I am getting changed around a bit. For insight, I'm a substitute teacher. Here is my problem. I'm feeling the same anxious nervous that I felt last year about working. I get these feelings of dread about the phone ringing and going to schools. I also feel really tired and am not sleeping well. So even if I say yes to a shift the day before, I usually have a shit sleep and then I call in the morning saying I'm unwell and can't work. Or I don't even get to this stage and the phone rings and I know it's work offering me a shift so I just don't answer. I've worked about 4 teaching shifts in the past 3 weeks. Also over the past few months I have been applying for full time jobs for next year because I believe that the consistency will help ease my anxiety as I know where I will be going and I'll have the same kids to teach, as well as have a steady income. I'm lucky at the moment because I am earning job keeper through my other casual employer so I am not stuck for money. But I haven't had a single interview yet and continue to get job rejections. Overall I just feel a real sense of failure over my ability to work and hold a job. I've questioned whether I'm in the right career, but when I think about doing other jobs I feel just as anxious about working, so I don't think it will matter what I do. I feel really shit about all this