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Anxious about cervical precancer

Community Member

Hello everyone, new to this forum and in seek of some reassurance I guess.
I was having some menstrual issues an sling story short, I was overdue for my cervical screening. I was supposed to have it 3 years ago. No excuses here, I did have a bit of a rough 4 years separating from my husband, young kids etc. things truly slipped off my mind. Never had an abnormal result before. Different story this time around - came back as cervical adenocarcinoma in situ. I researched this and sounds like it’s precancer. The doctor proceeded to tell me they only scrape superficial cells and only after a more thorough exam at the gyno they will be able to confirm this. Gp also told me I will be ok, which is reassuring and I am not going to die anytime soon. I have sever health anxiety and I am scared to death about my gyno visit and a worse outcome. I have spoken with my psychologist which of course, has helped, but has anyone here had a similar diagnosis and then it turned out to be ok, cancer was contained and they survived just fine? I am not worried about hysterectomy or anything else, just want to be ok. I have two young kids and I’m worried to death. Thank you 💜

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi there Vivi82,

Thanks for reaching out here on the forum. I am sorry you are going through this difficult time of worry. It is hard having all that 'what if' thinking circling around in your mind. I do hope you find some rest from it and allow you mind to have a break. It is really brave of you to post here and reach out for support. You have taken some very proactive steps by discussing your concerns with your psychologist and are booked into to see the gynaecologist.

It is really normal to have worry when a new health diagnosis is brought to your attention but in your circumstance it sounds like all the right moves have been made for you to have every success in getting the right treatment.

I have a very similar story to yours and had missed a year for my cervical screening and found very quickly from a GP that I had precancerous cells and required to have a what is called a 'cone biopsy' where they take some of your cervix away. The procedure was pretty straight forward but I was quite shaken as I can imagine you are feeling at the moment. The outcome of the procedure was positive for me with a quick recovery and no further issues 15 years onwards. At the time, I mentioned the procedure I was having to some friends at the time and was quite surprised at the number of other women who had similar experiences.

Every situation and circumstance is different and unique but I thought it might help to know a 'me too' story that has had a positive outcome.

Keep writing here if it helps. Sometimes just talking about your worry can help you get through some hard moments. I wish you the best on your appointment with your gyno.

Nurse Jenn

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Vivi82

We're all just doing our best, right? Took me ten years to go have a screen, and then got an abnormal result. All turned out ok here in the end though. Health anxiety is difficult to manage, so good on you for having a chat to your psych. Try your best to trust the experts.

Best wishes, Katy

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello vivi82,

I know some one who had pre cancer cells it was incarsinomia in situ not sure if it’s spelt this way..... they had a knife cone biopsy done....... this came back as clear margins...... these cells haven’t come back for over 6 years and they have conceived since so yes if you have the correct treatment things are very positive 😊