
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

ggrrrpphephe This is how my anxiety comorbid with OCD and depression
  • replies: 2

Please share how my experience may be similar to people in this support group. I made a bad decision - have to deal with its consequences - like a grown-up adult. Perhaps I am not grown up yet. All I can see myself doing is ruminating my regret. Bein... View more

Please share how my experience may be similar to people in this support group. I made a bad decision - have to deal with its consequences - like a grown-up adult. Perhaps I am not grown up yet. All I can see myself doing is ruminating my regret. Being hijacked by the awful experience that comes with the bad decision (sorry i know it's vague...i bought an asset!) Worse I got my partner to deal with the consequences as well....which further makes me lose my self-esteem. Stand up and deal with it, right... How to break a lifelong pattern? And start to live freely???

Vivi82 Anxious about cervical precancer
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Hello everyone, new to this forum and in seek of some reassurance I guess. I was having some menstrual issues an sling story short, I was overdue for my cervical screening. I was supposed to have it 3 years ago. No excuses here, I did have a bit of a... View more

Hello everyone, new to this forum and in seek of some reassurance I guess. I was having some menstrual issues an sling story short, I was overdue for my cervical screening. I was supposed to have it 3 years ago. No excuses here, I did have a bit of a rough 4 years separating from my husband, young kids etc. things truly slipped off my mind. Never had an abnormal result before. Different story this time around - came back as cervical adenocarcinoma in situ. I researched this and sounds like it’s precancer. The doctor proceeded to tell me they only scrape superficial cells and only after a more thorough exam at the gyno they will be able to confirm this. Gp also told me I will be ok, which is reassuring and I am not going to die anytime soon. I have sever health anxiety and I am scared to death about my gyno visit and a worse outcome. I have spoken with my psychologist which of course, has helped, but has anyone here had a similar diagnosis and then it turned out to be ok, cancer was contained and they survived just fine? I am not worried about hysterectomy or anything else, just want to be ok. I have two young kids and I’m worried to death. Thank you

bluetime00 Throat symptoms of anxiety
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Hi, I am a long term sufferer of healthy anxiety and reactive depression. Recently, my latest symptom of anxiety has been the feeling of something stuck in my throat. It feel as though I have swallowed a piece of food that has then gotten stuck in my... View more

Hi, I am a long term sufferer of healthy anxiety and reactive depression. Recently, my latest symptom of anxiety has been the feeling of something stuck in my throat. It feel as though I have swallowed a piece of food that has then gotten stuck in my throat. Has anybody experienced anything similar to this? It is extremely uncomfortable and I cannot stop thinking about it.

Eoeon Extreme nausea from my crush! Help!
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Hi, I’m 16 years old and in the 12th grade. Earlier this year I became friends with a boy from my local boys school (I go to an all girls school). I quickly developed a crush on him which has grown quite a bit throughout the year, I think he likes me... View more

Hi, I’m 16 years old and in the 12th grade. Earlier this year I became friends with a boy from my local boys school (I go to an all girls school). I quickly developed a crush on him which has grown quite a bit throughout the year, I think he likes me back, but I don’t want to risk that as he’s quite busy with his studies. today we went out on what I would LIKE to call a date and I was alright for a while, but when we went to eat I started to gag and choke on my food, I physically could not swallow anymore. I had to go to the bathroom just to relax myself. I felt sick for a while but it got better as we walked it off, but as we sat down and talked while waiting for my bus home, I felt sick again, he held my hands to try and make me feel better, which just made it worse. I played it off as being my seafood intolerance as we had ate sushi, but I know that prawns do not trigger it and this was much stronger. It felt like my stomach was cramping and every time he looked away I gagged, he looked very concerned. I’m lucky he’s a very caring guy. can anyone explain why my crush endured nausea is so strong? And any ways you think I could cope with it till at least year 12 graduation next year, which is when I would completely open up to him.

_Peta Maybe on the wrong medication for me?
  • replies: 2

Two years ago after having had therapy consistantly for a period of 4 years I felt I was getting more anxious. I woke up one night at about 3am with intense pain in my chest. It was so painful I couldn't breath normally. I dragged myself to my Brothe... View more

Two years ago after having had therapy consistantly for a period of 4 years I felt I was getting more anxious. I woke up one night at about 3am with intense pain in my chest. It was so painful I couldn't breath normally. I dragged myself to my Brothers room (we were housemates at the time) where I managed to wake him up and say the word "help". He called an ambulance, the entire time waiting for the ambulance I was convinced this was my first big panic attack. I was further convinced of this when the fantastic ambo's arrived and 4 minutes later the pain dissapeared. What other condition makes you feel so close to carking it and then you are suddenly fine? After many visits to the doctor and multiple tests, it turned out I had a gallbladder full of gallstones. I had it removed 3 weeks later. Before my pain was diognosed my doctor started me on some anti-depressants. I was just about ready for some extra help anyway. They helped a lot through this stressful period of time. I felt my panic symptoms dissapate and overall felt I was able to go day to day more pleasantly. Fastforward to COVID and having immediatly started to work from home at the start of March, I began to feel... everything. Anxious, dissjointed, overwhelmed but especially tired. My doctor increased my medication to compensate for all of the extra life stressors. I think the increased dose helped a bit? I am not actually sure. The main difference I have felt is absolute fatigue. I can barely make it through a day if work or even a day of nothing. I am dragging myself around like a slug. It has just gotten worse the longer I have been on this increased dose. Or is it just this year? I told my partner and my parents I don't know how I am going to get through my last 2 weeks of work before Christmas. It really makes me cry. I am so done. My mum is worried as she said she has never seen me look so tired and even though I have been through some really tough periods in my life, I have still always been able to look after my self a little bit, and at the moment, I JUST CAN'T. I think I would just like to know, is it the wrong medication? I have never tried another one. Or is this a symptom of 2020? I would like to feel good enough to leave the house and do some basic human activity but it's all too hard.

jessm1 Dealing with Anxiety
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I should be so happy I have happy and healthy children that I love and they love me, I have a husband that I love and he loves me and looks after me. I have a a family that loves me, our new family home and animals that love me... why do I still feel... View more

I should be so happy I have happy and healthy children that I love and they love me, I have a husband that I love and he loves me and looks after me. I have a a family that loves me, our new family home and animals that love me... why do I still feel so empty and like I'm failing at life? We moved from Sydney to Queensland 1.5 years ago leaving our family and friends behind. It was so hard to start off with but got through it. Now The past year had been hard with the covid and packing and moving all by myself and my disease Lupus and Fibo doing it all alone i have been running on adrenalin and now my head and body just can't take it any more and I feel like an emotional mess. I know it was our decision to move up here to make a better life for the kids and a slower paced life for us with the bigger house and no debt other then our home loan. And that we have done with pride and the kids love it up here. But the empty spot in my heart is my parents not being near. I know it was our decision to move our your life is in Sydney, but I wish so much they could make part of there life up here with us aswell! I feel there missing out on so much of ours and the kids life's. All there school stuff milestones etc and life is just passing so fast. I want to look after tyem both when your old and dribbly, with appointments etc. I want to be able to get in the car and drive over whenever I feel like it. My only ever regret is leaving you them and not being able to get in the car and see them whenever. When I see other families my heart breaks so much which I try and hide and brush off for the sake of my kids, but I know when they see grandparents etc at school events there hearts break aswell. I am a mess with it all at the moment and I am really not coping with it at the moment, constantly crying and a feeling of emptiness. Any ideas on how to deal with this? Thank you.

Guest09876 Work harassment and anxiety
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I have anxiety and mild depression and I am a diligent employee that tries to stay out of drama, however I work in a toxic work environment with issues stemming from my direct manager to other colleagues, but this is the "norm" here and management do... View more

I have anxiety and mild depression and I am a diligent employee that tries to stay out of drama, however I work in a toxic work environment with issues stemming from my direct manager to other colleagues, but this is the "norm" here and management doesn't care. Besides this, this job is very fitting to my circumstances so it is a shame that I will have to find a new job and quit soon because of troublesome people as it is triggering my depression immensely. Anyway, on top of this an older colleague I don't work with has taken a liking towards me and keeps doing uncomfortable actions towards me singularly for months including sending messages to me (not work related) which I have been ignoring but he does not get the point. I thought since it did not affect my work (just my wellbeing) and to avoid awkwardness, I did not do anything about it as it wasn't sexual or physical harassment. However, I couldn't take it anymore and finally confronted him politely when he messaged again via a reply. I could have done it face to face but given he constantly messages it seems appropriate to do it via messaging too and I would have had a giant panic attack if I had to confront face to face- which I already have been having immense anxiety issues after sending that message. I did not get a reply yet and my mental health is suffering from this whole situation. I don't understand why problems keep finding me when I really just want to work in peace. I will obviously act as if nothing is wrong if I see them but I hate this feeling and can't stop thinking about it.

Pyrolee Behind on work
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Hi, I'm new to beyond blue. I've moved careers from the science industry to Plumbing. In the science industry I worked with great people but the work was more like factory work and didn't really learn or progress as a career. I changed careers to plu... View more

Hi, I'm new to beyond blue. I've moved careers from the science industry to Plumbing. In the science industry I worked with great people but the work was more like factory work and didn't really learn or progress as a career. I changed careers to plumbing as I found I was good hands on and liked the idea of using tools. I worked for a company for 3 years 4 months during my apprenticeship, lots of politics but the pay was good for me and got incentives which made things easier for me, have left that company as the training was very bad and they did very little to no plumbing. I've joined a new place and they've said I'm still a beginner after working with them for two weeks and said for me to be a proper plumber that I'd have to start from scratch which means dedicate another 3 years of my life. I'm finding it extremely difficult because I'm not smart, I can't read books, retain and understand information, I'm very slow in terms of learning even the very basics and I've found plumbing is alot of reading and understanding regulations and comprehending which I'm not good at at all. My new place is having second thoughts about having me work for them. I feel like I've failed and wasted all these years and don't know how to pick myself up and where to go from here. I feel like I took a chance to better my life and it just all crumbled. What should I do from here?

Nyiknyik Anxiety and "compulsive" talking to self
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Hi everyone, I’ve been dealing with anxiety for a while, but over the last 12 months, I’ve developed a habit of talking loudly to myself to chase away negative intrusive thoughts. And when I say loudly, I mean really loudly (to drown out the noise of... View more

Hi everyone, I’ve been dealing with anxiety for a while, but over the last 12 months, I’ve developed a habit of talking loudly to myself to chase away negative intrusive thoughts. And when I say loudly, I mean really loudly (to drown out the noise of the thoughts, I think).... it's embarrassing. I get negative intrusive thoughts every day, and when the thoughts come, I get an overwhelming and almost uncontrollable urge to say something out loud or make noises to try and chase away or dull the thought in my head. This happens at anytime, like when I at home alone and sometimes mid-conversation with someone. I am usually aware of it happening, but sometimes I am not, and I don’t realise I’m making noises or speaking loudly to myself; my partner and mum have pointed it out to me when they’ve witnessed it. Because of these times of random unawareness that happens (pointed out to me by mum and partner), I’ve become even more worried about having outbursts in public, like on public transport or, God forbid, at work. I don’t want to embarrass myself by randomly shouting at my intrusive thoughts, so the pressure to “keep quiet” (and anxiety) consumes me most days at work, and is affecting my performance really badly. This outburst habit and the associated anxiety has been getting increasingly worse, and I’m finding it harder and harder to cope with being anxious all the time. I work an extremely physical job as well, the physical exhaustion coupled with mental exhaustion is hellish and taking me into a dark place. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? If so, did it go away? How did you get on top of it? Does anyone have any tips? I’d appreciate any help at this stage. Thank you, and I hope my post makes sense.

FuturePersonality Asbestos Anxiety
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Hello all, This is my first time I have ever discussed mental health online, so please bear with me. For the last couple of years, I have had some asthmatic-like symptoms when exercising, which I had never had previously and aren’t in the family. I h... View more

Hello all, This is my first time I have ever discussed mental health online, so please bear with me. For the last couple of years, I have had some asthmatic-like symptoms when exercising, which I had never had previously and aren’t in the family. I have previously disregarded this, but am going for a medical checkup this week (for an unrelated matter, but may also bring it up). My big concern regards our bathroom. In 2017, part of the floor collapsed due to rotten wood underneath the floorboards (as a result of bad plumbing) and a makeshift repair was made. However, this involved removing some tiles and cutting through the layer of material underneath, which remains exposed today. Parts of this have no tiles on top and have begun to break apart due to being walked on. Due to our house being older, and the fact that asbestos was commonly used in bathrooms, I fear that perhaps this is asbestos and that, unknowingly, we have been exposed to it for the last few years. I have voiced my concerns to my mum, but she doesn’t seem at all fazed, instead worried about the costs of having it tested and then removed, if it is asbestos. I can’t afford to have it done myself, since I am in late high school, but am seriously considering picking up more work to be able to do so. My brother also doesn’t seem to care at all; are my fears really that misplaced? How can everyone be so apathetic otherwise? Please help me figure out what to do, if anything. I cannot simply accept the risk of harming my health, and that of my family, due to something preventable, but perhaps there is a better course of action. Thank you.