
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

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Misswren Binge Eating
  • replies: 5

I recently found out that a friend of a friend has told them they believe I am a binge eater. Years ago I was very badly bullied and used food as a coping mechanism. It was a an extremely sad, lonely time in my life. I've tried very hard to control m... View more

I recently found out that a friend of a friend has told them they believe I am a binge eater. Years ago I was very badly bullied and used food as a coping mechanism. It was a an extremely sad, lonely time in my life. I've tried very hard to control my food impulses and do enoy eating healthy food, but I still struggle every day coping with my emotions and not relapsing to relying on junk food when I'm depressed or angry. Hearing what this person thinks of me is disheartening to say the least. I can't say I now have a good relationship with food because I know I don't, there are some days I want to just give in and eat but for the most part I manage to keep my indulging in check and stop myself from overeating. On those days I give myself a little pat on the back, but on other days it's really hard not to allow myself to give in, especially hearing something negative from someone I thought was a friend. I guess I'm really confused about knowing what is normal eating and what's not.

HGC Panic attack on zoom
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Hi all, Haven't posted here for a while, mostly it was about my wife/marriage previously, which is under control (kinda making me worried that things are so normal but that's another story). Anyway, I had a strange re-occurrence of my own anxiety thi... View more

Hi all, Haven't posted here for a while, mostly it was about my wife/marriage previously, which is under control (kinda making me worried that things are so normal but that's another story). Anyway, I had a strange re-occurrence of my own anxiety this week where I kind of had a freak out on zoom during a presentation. I started a new job recently and literally had to talk to a slide for a few mins to a couple of dozen people. But when it came up, I started to hyper ventilate and had to step away from the computer, no idea what people thought and it was rather embarrassing. I came back 3-4 minutes later and proceeded as normal. This had happened before, but not for a very long time (10+ years). I trained myself to prep and breath for in-person events which works well. It's also random as I am used to speaking to large groups on zoom/vc regularly. Anyway, my questions to the forum are: -Does anybody else suffer from this and if so, what are the triggers? -What type of techniques can be employed to avoid this? -Is it possible that the extended period of work-from-home and covid is eroding my ability to deal with people and my dominant introvert is messing with my mind? Just looking for general advice, no emergency here. So thanks in advance and take care all. Cheers, HGC

LittleCat Some insight needed after weird 'anxiety' like attack
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I've never actively posted for myself before because usually I can find answer through others. I've made an account because I'm a little more concerned about a specific thing that has happened to me. I've been diagnosed with BPD Depression and Anxiet... View more

I've never actively posted for myself before because usually I can find answer through others. I've made an account because I'm a little more concerned about a specific thing that has happened to me. I've been diagnosed with BPD Depression and Anxiety back when I was 16, I am now 25. Today I had an experience I hadn't had since I was 17/18. It came out of no where and I'm not even sure it was my anxiety doing it. I'm curious if anyone has had something similar happen, as if it's not mental health related I'm worried it might be something worse. So I was putting together a shopping list with my brother, while my sister was washing dishes. I got a weird cramp, I passed it for an upset stomach as I had eaten KFC, it doesn't always agree with me. But about 1ims later suddenly my hands were shaking, then my body felt weird and jittery. About five minutes after I was struggling to form sentences without stuttering, something I hadn't done since I was a kid, or jumbling up my words. This lasted 20mins or so and I couldn't even write. Now, if I was anxious I'd know because it has mental and other symptoms I know to associate it as that. But I was thinking clearly, I wasn't panicked or scared. My breathing was normal. I did want to disassociate, like I felt that pull to shut off, but I didn't. I laughed about it with my siblings, especially my messed up handwriting, but I'm a little concerned and even becoming anxious now because it's not something I've had happen in so long. I don't like not being in control of my body, so being mentally alert but not physically able to control myself really bugs me. Is this something like an anxiety attack but without the mental thoughts and symptoms or something different? Could I be stress, both physical and mental. As things have been hard at home over the last year, even beyond the virus. Thank you for any insight.

SlipperySteps Please help me with my night time anxiety
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Hi all, I’m posting this in hopes someone can help me. I’m 16 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with anxiety many years ago. I worry about things that haven’t even happened which in turn keeps me up. For example, I woke up at 2am, 4am and 6am yesterda... View more

Hi all, I’m posting this in hopes someone can help me. I’m 16 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with anxiety many years ago. I worry about things that haven’t even happened which in turn keeps me up. For example, I woke up at 2am, 4am and 6am yesterday worried about the glucose test I had to take that day. The test wasn’t pleasant and I managed to get it done. However due to the stress of waking up constantly during the night in a state of panic, I’ve now created a unsafe space in our bedroom. Moving forward to tonight and I woke at 1am in a panicked state. I don’t even know why I woke up feeling so panicked and anxious. The test is over. I don’t have to deal with it again for another 10 weeks. But now I’ve created a monster that isn’t letting me sleep. I keep trying to get to sleep but I start worrying about not being able to sleep and having to go to work tomorrow. Thus the vicious cycle starts. Try to going back to sleep, can’t doze off, panic that I’m not sleeping, heart starts beating incredibly fast, have to remove myself from the situation to calm down (the bedroom) walk around the house. Try going back to sleep. Repeat. If anyone has any tips I’d really appreciate hearing them. I’ve tried sleeping on the couch and in the spare room to no avail.

Weaponsofmassdisstortion I felt liking complaining to someone....
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I have always struggled to make friends. I am a misanthropic introverted loner by nature. Many people think I am just putting on an act to get attention or just doing it to be funny. Then after a while they realise it isn't an act and try to "fix me"... View more

I have always struggled to make friends. I am a misanthropic introverted loner by nature. Many people think I am just putting on an act to get attention or just doing it to be funny. Then after a while they realise it isn't an act and try to "fix me". I don't require a lot of socialising. But I do need some, otherwise I get even weirder then usual. I was engaged with a support group for years, but they changed their policy and now I have to go somewhere else. I am now engaged with another support group but that is only short term. I really don't like meeting new people. I think it might be a combination of social anxiety and possibly a mild form of autism. I have never understood how people can just meet and become friends. I don't have a lot in common with most people. Truth be told I would rather interact with people who have been through hardship. The idea of having to go out and meet new people causes me a great deal of inner turmoil. Its hard to find people who will respect my personal boundaries. It makes me look forward to a time when I am dead, and all my trials are over. When I am in heaven and can chose to have interactions with a small number of people in a limited setting. God, that sounds even more depressing when I read it back to myself.

AJ1234 Constantly feeling short of breathe/like I’m choking
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I’ve been struggling with a constant feeling of shortness of breathe for three months now. I originally went to my GP for investigations (they did ECG, chest X-ray, CT chest) all of which were normal. They started me on medication for anxiety and sta... View more

I’ve been struggling with a constant feeling of shortness of breathe for three months now. I originally went to my GP for investigations (they did ECG, chest X-ray, CT chest) all of which were normal. They started me on medication for anxiety and started a mental health plan. I’ve seen my psychologist only three times now as she’s very hard to get into, and have had my medication increased as I feel like I’m not getting anywhere, now feeling like I’m choking/have something stuck in my throat on top of the shortness of breathe. I’m getting more investigations to get my thyroids checked and have started medication for GERD to rule this out. Does anyone else have constant physical symptoms without actually feeling anxious?? I can feel completely calm and mentally well, but like I have a band around my throat or like I can’t get a breathe in. I just want my life to be normal again, I feel it’s all I can think about because I’m always so uncomfortable, it’s taking over my life.

Kailani Reaching New Low
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I don't really know why I am writing this tonight. I guess I just feel so overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated that I needed a place to vent. Recently I reached my lowest point. For weeks I struggled to function as my OCD and anxiety ruled my life. ... View more

I don't really know why I am writing this tonight. I guess I just feel so overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated that I needed a place to vent. Recently I reached my lowest point. For weeks I struggled to function as my OCD and anxiety ruled my life. Eventually, something gave and an event (I won't go into detail) occurred. After this event I felt relatively ok. Not happy but not sad. Numb. Which for me is fine. At least I can function. At least I feel relatively normal. However, the past few days I feel myself slipping back into that mindset. And it scares me. I am so terrified of getting stuck in that mindset again. I don't want to go through it again. In fact I don't know if I have the energy to go through it again. My increased anxiety is making my OCD so much worse. My routines are ruling my life, leaving me exhausted. Frustrated. I hate this. I just want to live life normally. But maybe I am not meant to? Maybe I am destined to always feel this way? The worst thing is I have no support network. Nor do I think I ever will. There are too many things stopping me from getting help. I have so much respect for people fighting mental illness. It takes so much strength. I hope u are all well. Now time to go do my rituals/routines... (Just because I am scared someone might accuse me of self diagnosing, I sought help a few years ago and it was during this time that I was diagnosed with OCD and anxiety. However, I stopped seeing a psychologist not long after the diagnosis hence I have no support network)

Freoman Palpitations and anxiety
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I have recently started getting Palpitations, by this I mean extra beats or a feeling of skipped beats, It only seems to happen when I think about them or think about them when I am taking my pulse. ( eg: My pulse will be steady then I will think I a... View more

I have recently started getting Palpitations, by this I mean extra beats or a feeling of skipped beats, It only seems to happen when I think about them or think about them when I am taking my pulse. ( eg: My pulse will be steady then I will think I am going to miss a beat and I do ) I should add that i used to suffer from Atrial Fibrillation until I had an ablation 3 years ago. These palpitations are nothing like that (when my heart used to race with irregular beats up to 120 bpm) Now my pulse it steady at 65 to 80 bpm but with the occasional palpitations. This has only occurred since i stopped smoking completely 10 days ago so I am unsure if its my body adjusting or if the smoking was negating my anxiety to a degree. Any one else had this happen

Anthony_a Desperately need advice
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Hi everybody, I’ve been going through a rough patch for the past 3 months. I’ve had problem after problem and haven’t had a break. I’ve been pro active and have been seeing a psychologist which has helped but I’ve still been experiencing constant ove... View more

Hi everybody, I’ve been going through a rough patch for the past 3 months. I’ve had problem after problem and haven’t had a break. I’ve been pro active and have been seeing a psychologist which has helped but I’ve still been experiencing constant overwhelming anxiety and stress. I’ve been sleeping max 4 hours per night and feel like I’m chronically stressed and anxious. I feel like My flight or fight is activated more than it’s not. 6 weeks ago I was lying in bed and got really bad heart palpitations which lead me to the hospital as I thought it was a heart attack ( I got cleared ) A week later I had digestive issues which were quite bad which lead me to think I had colon cancer. This lead to 3 hospital visits, blood tests & colonoscopy / gastroscopy (everything came back clear) I then ended up having really bad back and stomach pain so I got a CT scan & x-ray (everything came back clear) And for the past 2 weeks I’ve been getting severe body twitches & spasms that have had no mercy (especially in both my calf muscles) these twitches are basically from morning to night which also gives me really tight calf muscles and of course, now I’m really worried about that. I’ve spoken to my Dr and he told me it’s anxiety. For the past week I’ve been taking magnesium, trying to sleeping better and trying to minimise stress and it’s not getting better so my question is - Has anyone else experienced muscle twitching & spasms consistently ? I’m really anxious and would love to know if anybody has also experienced persistent body twitching. And can anxiety really cause these symptoms ?

Jispy Other methods besides alcohol
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Ok, so I’m here to get advice on what to look for or what to do to help me out. where to start? Ok so pretty much this post is to seek out anyone who could help me with my late struggles. I have social anxiety and I might have slight depression based... View more

Ok, so I’m here to get advice on what to look for or what to do to help me out. where to start? Ok so pretty much this post is to seek out anyone who could help me with my late struggles. I have social anxiety and I might have slight depression based off of symptoms. These have been going on for years. pretty much with my anxiety I can’t talk to people without having a small panic attack. I used to get them at random especially when travelling but it’s gotten better over the years and only happens in convo and I also can’t drive at all without a complete panic attack Now the possible depressive side is the fact that I’m numb a lot of the time, have 0 motivation or when I do it’s short lasting. I struggle to get out of bed. I ALWAYS feel at the minimum a bit tired and always feel like I’m in a dream state. Every couple months or weeks I go through severe suicidal tendencies. Keep in mind I can feel happy and have emotion but it’s very watered down to the point of barely feeling anything. now recently I’ve been getting relief through alcohol. When I drink all of that does a 180. It’s made me realise I crave being and extrovert without any anxiety. It makes me so enthusiastic, motivated, happy, extroverted, I feel like I could do anything a normal person can do and feel euphoric for the first time in my life. When I drink I want to go to go out and enjoy life. Whilst sober I barely have the energy to move. now even though I feel so good, I have good control. I , at a maximum, drink once every 2 week. But I don’t want to rely on drinking to enjoy life and have worth. I’ve tried therapy and a couple different types of ssri’s, which yes does help a bit with anxiety, but makes me even more numb and ruins creativity which is a bad thing seeing how I’m a musician by trade< which is another thing anxiety ruins. I just need help with a direction I can go?