
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Catie 08 Fear of failure
  • replies: 6

Hi, I suffer with ptsd but I'm just starting to realise that I also have a fear of failure. Last week I couldn't work as I was looking at what was in front of me and felt completely overwhelmed. The anxiety kicked in, I couldn't concentrate and I cou... View more

Hi, I suffer with ptsd but I'm just starting to realise that I also have a fear of failure. Last week I couldn't work as I was looking at what was in front of me and felt completely overwhelmed. The anxiety kicked in, I couldn't concentrate and I could hardly breath. I feel that if I fail I will disappoint people and for me disappointment is the very worst thing. The feeling has been getting worse over that past few months and I'm scared that I won't be able to work and therefore wont have money to put food on the table. I'm sure there has to be others out there dealing with this... I would love to hear about other people's experiences and methods of treating this. Thanks, Catie08

SilverLight Eating and Anxiety
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone, Does anyone else have a massive problem with food, cravings and over eating? When I have bad days with my mental health (today for example 臘) I can't be bothered cooking because I'm tired and stressed and I crave junk food/sugar. I tell ... View more

Hi everyone, Does anyone else have a massive problem with food, cravings and over eating? When I have bad days with my mental health (today for example 🤦) I can't be bothered cooking because I'm tired and stressed and I crave junk food/sugar. I tell myself I'll just order in or cheat this time and then I'll give it up/save more money but the bank balance keeps going backwards and I keep getting bigger and bigger... How do I control this?!

Anon222 Health anxiety about heart
  • replies: 7

Hello, this is my first time posting and I’m not sure if anyone will be able to relate or not but I always have chest pains and I am constantly getting heart palpitations and I have convinced myself there is something wrong with my heart, I have had ... View more

Hello, this is my first time posting and I’m not sure if anyone will be able to relate or not but I always have chest pains and I am constantly getting heart palpitations and I have convinced myself there is something wrong with my heart, I have had ECG and blood test and chest X-ray and my GP and the doctors from the hospital (I’ve been to emergency) have said it’s most likely not my heart but they can’t tell me what it actually is which gives me really bad anxiety. I can spend hours googling my symptoms online. My heart feels like it skips a beat sometimes and then a thud and then beats really hard, sometimes I’ll just be watching tv and it happens... it doesn’t hurt but it scares me and then I get anxiety about it. I’m pretty healthy I’m 29 year old female not overweight and my cholesterol and everything is normal I’m just paranoid that the doctors are missing something. My actual chest pin varies from burning sometimes to little twitches that hurt & sharp pains and it’s forever changing. I don’t know how to stop worrying about it and going to the doctor every week for them to tell me it’s nothing

elsewhere When to give up struggling with something and when to push through?
  • replies: 3

I couldn't decide which forum to post this in as it's as much depression as anxiety, but it's def both and I landed here so... My mental health has taken a battering this year as has most people's. I've had anxity and depression for ages but I'm at a... View more

I couldn't decide which forum to post this in as it's as much depression as anxiety, but it's def both and I landed here so... My mental health has taken a battering this year as has most people's. I've had anxity and depression for ages but I'm at a new, extremely low point where I just can't.... do anything. I can't get started on work or study, brain just turns to foggy quicksand mush and I'm so behind and overwhelmed that I'm in fear of losing my job and failing my course. I'm seeing a psych occasionally and we talk strategies for getting started but when it comes to it I don't have anything left to implement them, I'm just.... out of it. And then cue panic, then exhaustion, then depression, rinse and repeat. I'm finding it takes everything I've got to take just one simple step towards self care, like eating a meal. So I need to do that, but there's nothing left over to do anything else. Like the work and study I need to do to keep my life going. Today I'm thinking, this is really, really not a good place. Like I'm just actually really unwell and getting worse. The only thing I can imagine helping at this point is to just... stop for a while, quit my course and take time off my job. This would be horrific for me as I've spent 5 years battling through this course (thanks anxiety) and I am SO close to finishing. I think 'I just cannot give up now'. I'm scared I won't get my job back if I take time off. But I literally can't seem to make myself do anything but stare at the walls. I can't see any way to get through it. I have people I can talk to but it doesn't help in making me do the work I need to do. It's just more exhausting than anything talking about it. I'm scared about how much worse I feel lately, how non-functional I've become in the last few months, and even with strategies and help I'm struggling to get out. How do you know when it is time to just follow the urge to take time out and stop for a few months, and when to push through? I'm scared I'm going to push myself too far and get even worse, just incapable of doing anything. But I'm just as scared of ruining my life by quitting. And I've been thinking this for months now. How the hell do I decide the right move? I feel at the end of my rope but I like I have to push on, but I can't. When is it ok to give up for a while to heal? How do you know?

Von is lost Social anxiety
  • replies: 2

I have a group of friends that I hang out with once in a while. I didn’t realise until only recently but I have social anxiety. There is one really good friend in this group who always makes me feel comfortable and is the one always inviting me to th... View more

I have a group of friends that I hang out with once in a while. I didn’t realise until only recently but I have social anxiety. There is one really good friend in this group who always makes me feel comfortable and is the one always inviting me to things with the group. I feel totally fine when she’s around, but I obviously can’t rely on her for the whole time when we’re hanging out as a group. I feel quite anxious and awkward trying to talk to others in the group. I have tried on lots of occasions but they don’t give me much back in terms of conversation, which makes my anxiety worse because it feels like they’re not interested enough in me to talk to me. I find myself standing on my own because the rest have gone off somewhere and I don’t know what to do. I wish I was confident enough to feel comfortable on my own and better at socialising to connect more with these people but my anxiety does hold me back sometimes.

bill12345 Covid anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hi, i am from adelaide australia and i am 17 year old who has been diagnosed with mild OCD and Anxiety. We have just come out of a 3 day lockdown after a cluster broke out last week and it has increased my anxiety heavily. This is due from when today... View more

Hi, i am from adelaide australia and i am 17 year old who has been diagnosed with mild OCD and Anxiety. We have just come out of a 3 day lockdown after a cluster broke out last week and it has increased my anxiety heavily. This is due from when today, my dad had to fill up his car, and i realised it was at the petrol station where a week ago a covid case had been discovered. Obviously it was closed, cleaned and then reopened and i stayed in the car because i was too scared to get out. I’m just so worried now that i might get covid because i was at that place but it would have any left if it was allowed to reopen right

Rikka anxiety & hyperventilation
  • replies: 52

does anyone have constant hyperventilation, where you need to force yourself to breathe or else you'll feel like it'll stop\ yep. also have a good day you can do this!

does anyone have constant hyperventilation, where you need to force yourself to breathe or else you'll feel like it'll stop\ yep. also have a good day you can do this!

Soleggiata Anxiety at Work Leaving Me Paralysed
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone, Has your workplace and their culture made your mental health worse? Work (and working from home in general) has made my anxiety skyrocket. Last week I was having constant anxiety attacks from my workload and the idea of not being able to... View more

Hi everyone, Has your workplace and their culture made your mental health worse? Work (and working from home in general) has made my anxiety skyrocket. Last week I was having constant anxiety attacks from my workload and the idea of not being able to get through it. I was so worked up that even hours after finishing for the day I couldn’t sit still or speak properly. I have since spoken to my boss and had my workload reduced but I’m still feeling overwhelmed and so sick to my stomach that it took me an hour to actually start my day and once I did I kept needing to take little breaks to walk around the house or make coffee. Worst of all I cannot stop crying. I have been looking for a new job for months, but just don’t have to confidence I once did to try, and again it feels overwhelming. I want to resign but I am scared of the shame I will feel about giving up. I don’t know how to pull myself together anymore to get through this and I feel hopeless. Have you experienced this and how did you make it out the other side?

Panic90 Anxiety and Difficulty with New Manager
  • replies: 6

Hi everyone I have anxiety and PTSD. I have recently started a new job within the same company. I have a new manager and work in a different office space with different colleagues. I was in my old job for three years and found it very difficult. I wa... View more

Hi everyone I have anxiety and PTSD. I have recently started a new job within the same company. I have a new manager and work in a different office space with different colleagues. I was in my old job for three years and found it very difficult. I was glad to leave. I've been in my new role about four months now. My new manager is a lovely lady but her management style is significantly aggravating my anxiety. She is high energy, constantly on the go, zooming in and out of my office with different things, she can't focus on one task at a time, literally runs around the office freaking out about things, sends 15 emails before 8am changing her mind about everything, doesn't let you finish a sentence without interrupting with some random thought, forgets what she tells you to do, forgets to go to meetings, is constantly late for everything etc I find myself getting really agitated, freaked out and nervous by this type of environment. I had my anxiety well managed until now. I don't want to let it get out of control. I ultimately know that the only way to deal with her is to sit down and speak with her but my anxiety is at a point where I can't do it. I had a bad experience with management in my last role and I feel physically sick at the idea of having to discuss this with her. I also feel like I haven't been there very long to be making such a bold complaint and I don't know how she will take this. It's basically criticising her personality. I've tried some other tactics: Closing the door to my office to prevent her from ducking in and out 50 times a day (not joking). However, she just opens the door and closes it constantly which aggravates me even more. When she gives me verbal instructions and I know she will forget it, I send an email confirming those instructions. She doesn't read it and still forgets. Wearing noise cancelling headphones. She just waves her hands in my face 50 times a day (not joking again) and I end up taking the headphones on and off and on and off. Has anyone with anxiety experienced a person who aggravates their condition and how did you deal with it? I

ThoughfulOne When to get help
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone This is my first post on this forum. It's great to know that there are resources out there to help, especially during these strange times. I have always thought myself to be a resilient person and have been mindful to look after my mental... View more

Hi everyone This is my first post on this forum. It's great to know that there are resources out there to help, especially during these strange times. I have always thought myself to be a resilient person and have been mindful to look after my mental wellbeing. We have had major events in our lives (like everyone I'm sure!) however I dealt with them quite well. After a recent event, I've realised my reactions to other events in my life have resulted in me overanalysing, stressing, or feeling like I'm watching someone else's life play out. It's like I'm detached at times. I've had a health concern that so far has two specialists stumped, and will be going to another at some stage. It's good they are doing the best they can to work out the problem. I've mentioned to them the delays resulting from covid and the lack of results are really starting to stress me out, but haven't had any guidance from them. I had one major meltdown with my family and talked it over with them, but I feel it's unfair to unburden on them. I'm trying to put on a brave face to not freak them out so much. Sorry so now I have on here! There is the potential that my health condition is irreversible and will deteriorate, and if so, it will majorly change my life, and theirs. Well, I suppose it already has. I know I shouldn't but I've been playing the possibilities over in my mind. I just can't seem to stop. I know what's been going on in my life is small compared to others around me, and that it's just a rough patch, when it's over I'll be fine. I don't want my family to worry about me any more than they already are (re health conditions). Anyway, sorry for the long post and for unburdening here. I don't usually like sharing this kind of stuff, as I know after a while I'll be ok. Thanks for listening.