
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

Rosm_ Over thinking
  • replies: 14

I have been struggling with over thinking for a long an event or something happens during the day at work I can't switch off and think about it for far to long.then I worry that I'm leaning on people to much and worry the will get sick of me ... View more

I have been struggling with over thinking for a long an event or something happens during the day at work I can't switch off and think about it for far to long.then I worry that I'm leaning on people to much and worry the will get sick of me any advice

Orangeicy Narcissist??
  • replies: 8

I had the mind blowing experience encountering a narc in a group of friends. Well so I think.Long story short, a group of 4 person joined our group because we had initially spoken about how sucky it is being on your own and we didn't wan... View more

I had the mind blowing experience encountering a narc in a group of friends. Well so I think.Long story short, a group of 4 person joined our group because we had initially spoken about how sucky it is being on your own and we didn't want to exclude people. Anyway, over the past 6 months this person has completely turned on me. It started slowly, but over these few months I can see the poison. She started not greeting me when she was alone and saw me. Only saying goodbye to everyone else. In a group of people would never look at me or talk to me, but be so "nice" to everyone else.Then she started inviting other group members out to events and stuff. Never me. She has my (now) former friends acting like little puppies around her. Overheard her saying "she needs to be taught a lesson" (meaning me).Thing is I don't know what I've done. Asked several of them and I am being ignored by everyone. I generally try to be respectful of others. Take an interest in other people. Listen when someone opens up and needs to vent.But this woman has me questioning everything I do! Sent my anxiety sky-rocketing because I couldn't figure out what I had done. I am starting to put it all behind me. But I keep coming back to the question of her behaviour. Was she gaslighting me...or just a nasty person?Input please as I'm trying to understand it all so I can move forward. Thank you!

Rainbowpolly 1st Vaccination Anxiety
  • replies: 14

I'm getting my 1st Covid Vaccination today and its causing major anxiety, I'm actually not as worried about myself but I'm seriously having anxiety about my 17 year old daughter, I left the decision up to her if she wanted to take it as she is 6 mont... View more

I'm getting my 1st Covid Vaccination today and its causing major anxiety, I'm actually not as worried about myself but I'm seriously having anxiety about my 17 year old daughter, I left the decision up to her if she wanted to take it as she is 6 months off 18 and figured it should be a decision she makes, and now I wish she had decided not to have it, recently the Dr put me on medication to help with the anxiety but these feelings Im having about my daughter are so overwhelming I can't stop worrying about her having it....please can someone offer something its 2 hours away and I'm so worried I will have a full blown panic attack in the Drs in front of my daughter which will cause her to then worry about having the vaccine and I will be back on the ride again going in a vicious circle, sorry if this makes no sense I'm all jumbled in my head at the moment.

Beaser Floods distraught about my brother..
  • replies: 4

I was distraught to see my brother in the Herald Sun during the Victorian floods. He is so fragile health wise anyway and to see him like this just broke my heart. I know hes safe know . He is in a very complicated home situation and is deaf . I beli... View more

I was distraught to see my brother in the Herald Sun during the Victorian floods. He is so fragile health wise anyway and to see him like this just broke my heart. I know hes safe know . He is in a very complicated home situation and is deaf . I believe he is being kept at home by his partner for financial reasons and not his best interests . All this on top of my own life battles is taking its toll on me. Im sorry to say but its just so tough at the moment. Brett.

Lindy77 I’m so over it.
  • replies: 5

Hi allim back here again typing about the same thing… I can’t kick the feeling that something is wrong with my heart. I’ve seen 2 different doctors that have said it’s just my panic/anxiety. I’ve had ECG’S and the blood test they do with the ECG and ... View more

Hi allim back here again typing about the same thing… I can’t kick the feeling that something is wrong with my heart. I’ve seen 2 different doctors that have said it’s just my panic/anxiety. I’ve had ECG’S and the blood test they do with the ECG and it got to a point last month that I went to the hospital cause I was sick of feeling like this and again blood test and ECG that was normal. I’m constantly feeling like my heart is going to stop or it’s not beating properly I’m feeling it now and I’m just lying in bed. I swear I’ve got arterial fibrillation I’ve got all the symptoms but wouldn’t that have shown up in one of the many ECG’S I’ve had. I’m sick of feeling like this it’s debilitating and I’m scared.

Andthen8 Constantly living in fear
  • replies: 3

I left my husband 4 years ago today. I left in the middle of the night with 6 kids. 4 kids didn’t even have shoes on and none of us clothes to change into. I didn’t know what to do or where to go but I can tell you I had never been more scared for my... View more

I left my husband 4 years ago today. I left in the middle of the night with 6 kids. 4 kids didn’t even have shoes on and none of us clothes to change into. I didn’t know what to do or where to go but I can tell you I had never been more scared for my life or for my kids life. I barley had any money but I managed to rent a one bedroom cabin in a town far away from home, nobody knew where we were. I managed to get a job and a small house closer to my work, and i started again from scratch, I slowly bought furniture and everything we needed to live with no help from anyone. I’m proud of the fact that I done this on my own. I’m struggling but I have my kids food on the table and a roof over our heads.I have always had the fear that my ex would find us but lately that fear is deeper and I’m terrified. I don’t know what to do and how to get help, I know he is looking for us but what can I do if he finds us

that guy I’m terrified that I have MS
  • replies: 48

Hello Everyone i have health anxiety and I’m currently going through my worst attack right now. It all started about a month ago, when my muscles started twitching and pain that felt like someone was poking me with a needle. My arms and legs were als... View more

Hello Everyone i have health anxiety and I’m currently going through my worst attack right now. It all started about a month ago, when my muscles started twitching and pain that felt like someone was poking me with a needle. My arms and legs were also feeling like they were tired. These symptoms would come and go, and wouldn’t last too long. After a blood test about 2 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with Glandular fever, which made me feel better that it wasn’t serious, and the symptoms died down. However on Wednesday the symptoms came back, and now I’m also light headed, with some headaches and even my eyes have been hurting, along with itching all over my body, these symptoms are usually worse in the morning. my brain has gone from Calm, to full on anxiety mode. And of course I looked on google to try and get some reassurance, and it told me that I had MS. I’ve seen how MS can affect people, and I’m terrified now. I don’t know if it’s worth going back to my doctor as I think she may say it’s just the glandular fever, but honestly I don’t know what to do, my Parents are dismissive, I don’t see my psychologist for another month and a half and I gotta go to work today. I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. sorry for the rant, but thanks for reading aswell

ceoofoverthinking Anxiety about the future
  • replies: 6

Hi everyone, I'm 18 years old and recently moved unis after one semester. This was mainly because the course I was doing didn't have a good reputation / wasn't academically stimulating. I did really well in high school and the HSC so it always felt l... View more

Hi everyone, I'm 18 years old and recently moved unis after one semester. This was mainly because the course I was doing didn't have a good reputation / wasn't academically stimulating. I did really well in high school and the HSC so it always felt like I could be learning more. However, I had fantastic roommates at this uni - our dynamic was great. They became almost like a new family, so my move back home was an attempt to distance myself because I thought I was getting unhealthily attached after only six months of living there. I was also in my element socially as I'm a very extraverted, outgoing person who loves being around people, so living on campus was amazing for me as I was meeting new people every day. I never found a "group" in high school but at this uni, I made so many friends. Yet I always had this nagging feeling that it would all disappear eventually whereas a solid career would not. To cope with stress, I fell into some bad habits like drinking and going out really late, which I blamed on the uni and not my own actions. Now that I'm attending a different uni and living at home, none of those issues have disappeared. There were so many times at the old uni where I'd wake up feeling worthless. I craved being busy as well as completing a more challenging course. Now I'm doing all that - working four jobs, taking extra subjects outside of uni and only just managing the workload of my new course. But the anxiety has only gotten worse. For a few days in a row last week, I couldn't stop crying whenever I experienced a minor inconvenience or when coming home late after a class on the train. I'm exhausted most nights when I get home due to long days and a long commute. And I've started regretting my decision to move. I always feel like I'm thinking only about the future or what I can do now that will ensure my happiness. Not only is that exhausting, but it's also preventing me from focusing on the present. How hard is it to just think through things rationally and not catastrophize? How hard is it to just enjoy moments rather than thinking about how they are passing you by? Surely there is some kind of technique I can learn to teach myself to really, truly live in the present? For anyone who may have been through a similar situation, I would appreciate any advice or strategies on how to deal with this! Thank you! xx

bc48 Intrusive thoughts
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone! I am fairly new to the Beyond Blue forums. Recently, like in the last few weeks I have been experiencing intrusive and harmful thoughts, which often centre on me losing control and harming someone, losing my loved ones because of a car c... View more

Hi everyone! I am fairly new to the Beyond Blue forums. Recently, like in the last few weeks I have been experiencing intrusive and harmful thoughts, which often centre on me losing control and harming someone, losing my loved ones because of a car crash etc, or believing in superstitions. These intrusive thoughts have become so obsessive that they've caused me a lot of anxiety and created fears that I would physically commit these actions. I have practiced meditations and exercises which have calmed me down for a short period before these thoughts appear back again. Anyone advice would definitely help!

Wtgb2022 Overthinking and want to stop
  • replies: 1

How do I stop? I started a new job and I thought the overthinking will stop but I feel like it’s only going to get worse. I think it is expected of me to work overtime which I am ok in doing but I also catch public transport so don’t want to miss my ... View more

How do I stop? I started a new job and I thought the overthinking will stop but I feel like it’s only going to get worse. I think it is expected of me to work overtime which I am ok in doing but I also catch public transport so don’t want to miss my train. I am overthinking thinking they hate me already. I don’t know how to stop and this is a constant issue I have is I overthink for nothing how do I get better? Then when I overthink I cry and that’s not who I am or want to be.