
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
  • replies: 0

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

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JohnA Insomnia
  • replies: 8

I've been working on my insomnia for years. I've tried many things: cutting caffeine, meditation, prescription drugs, etc. The process of repeated trial and error has been arduous and I've often felt hopeless. It is ultimately worth it because I am g... View more

I've been working on my insomnia for years. I've tried many things: cutting caffeine, meditation, prescription drugs, etc. The process of repeated trial and error has been arduous and I've often felt hopeless. It is ultimately worth it because I am gradually getting closer to sleeping normally. What have your experiences been like? I'd really love to know.

P458999 Trying to decide what's best
  • replies: 7

In a few weeks, I will join the growing ranks of those who have to live in their car, and I am struggling to decide what is the best thing I can do for my canine companion, who I adopted five years ago.Before that he had been in the same family but w... View more

In a few weeks, I will join the growing ranks of those who have to live in their car, and I am struggling to decide what is the best thing I can do for my canine companion, who I adopted five years ago.Before that he had been in the same family but with various members for several years, but he’s been with me the longest time. He has become my best mate and the only reason I have kept going this long. Like me, he is an old fella and according to his breed, likely has another 12 – 18 months left in him.In my head, I am planning a last road trip, pick a direction and see what happens and where I end up. I did something similar about 15 years ago in the same car, driving around Australia for 6 months. It’s a make or break trip and I would love to have my mate along with me, but I also recognise that aside from the condition of my car, a number of medical conditions I have, are likely to make long-term survival on the road difficult.My worry is that if something where to happen to me out in the middle of nowhere, what would become of him. Equally, if I give him up, what will the time he has left going to be like. Will someone care for him as I have. Will he be happy with yet another change as he comes to the end of his time. Having been with me 24/7 since before COVID, the thought that he might end up sat alone in a yard all day or experiencing other major changes to the life he’s become used to, horrifies me.At my age, I care little about what happens to me, nor does it upset me to the same degree as it does when I consider or discuss his future. He is like a child to me and I want to do what’s best for him.So which is the lesser of two evils, take my mate with me, which may result in a premature end for him, or give him up to go live with someone who won’t care or cater to his needs as I have done?

melmon75 Stomach issues
  • replies: 1

Hi I’m a just writing this to share my current experiences I’m having with stomach issues and wondering if anyone has gone through a similar experience and can offer any advice, I’ve been having a bloated and gassy stomach for the last couple of mont... View more

Hi I’m a just writing this to share my current experiences I’m having with stomach issues and wondering if anyone has gone through a similar experience and can offer any advice, I’ve been having a bloated and gassy stomach for the last couple of months and was on tablets and stuff for it but didn’t seem to help so I went to see my GP and they did some self tests and didn’t seem to be any major issues and they prescribed a slightly stronger stomach acid reduction tablet which after a few weeks had only slightly eased the issue so I decided to try a natural gut relief which I’ve only been on now for a few days but has seemed to have reduce my bloated stomach a lot so I’m thinking of continuing that for a few weeks but I asked my GP since I have cut out drinking energy drinks, soft drinks and fatty processed snacks etc which I have done now for nearly 10 weeks and I’ve lost weight but now they’ve sent me for blood tests and a stool test to make sure there’s no concerning issues in my stomach so now I’m very anxious about what maybe going on as I already suffer with mild anxiety and stress over any health problems going on with my body so this now has me very concerned but hoping is nothing and just a precaution. Anyone that’s has a similar story I would love to hear from you and talk more about how you got through it or how you are dealing with it if it is still going on. Thank you

Si1enzio Anxiety/PTSD
  • replies: 4

Hello, my recent epidsode has caused my anxiety over sleeping. Bit more detail of the epidsode, i woke up from sleeping choking & I believe I may have sleep anea. I am booked for a sleep study for sleep apnea early November however i believe it has c... View more

Hello, my recent epidsode has caused my anxiety over sleeping. Bit more detail of the epidsode, i woke up from sleeping choking & I believe I may have sleep anea. I am booked for a sleep study for sleep apnea early November however i believe it has caused an issue which is anxiety. For the past 2-3 weeks I am struggling to get a good night sleep & have only a few hours sleep. My mind is restless & cant control my thoughts as I am trying to sleep. As soon as I lay down my mind races a million miles & cant settle down. I am currently seeing a psycologist however my next session is in 2 weeks & my GP does not recommend me taking sleeping pills due to my sleep apnea. I am so fed up & so helpless & not sure what else I can do. If you have any advice i would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Roogirl14 I have myasthenia Gravid
  • replies: 4

I have been diagnosed with this disease. It's causing me anxiety and I am getting into trouble at work because I get anxious and get into arguments with my co workers. I have to attend a meeting with management tomorrow and I am very anxious about lo... View more

I have been diagnosed with this disease. It's causing me anxiety and I am getting into trouble at work because I get anxious and get into arguments with my co workers. I have to attend a meeting with management tomorrow and I am very anxious about losing my job. I don't mean to do these things.Any help would great please.Thankyou Gerri

Apricit123 Anxiety and tablets
  • replies: 7

Does anyone get a fear when they need to take their medication I hate it

Does anyone get a fear when they need to take their medication I hate it

Doglover66 Health Anxiety Ruining My Life
  • replies: 18

Hi All I have suffered from the dreaded Health Anxiety since I was a young child. I have had so many diseases; mostly terminal...that haven't actually eventuated to anything. However; I have really suffered in the last two years. It all began after l... View more

Hi All I have suffered from the dreaded Health Anxiety since I was a young child. I have had so many diseases; mostly terminal...that haven't actually eventuated to anything. However; I have really suffered in the last two years. It all began after losing my job due to severe shoulder injury. In that time I have had tongue cancer, throat cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, bowel cancer, ovarian cancer........had numerous tests etc all ruled out any pathology. I do realise that major stress in my life brings this on. Five weeks ago I began a new job. It was full on; 9 hour days of skype training....within two days I had severe thoracic and chest pain and decided I had lung or pancreatic cancer. I spent three weeks doing this job with the constant fear gnawing away at me and making the symptoms so much worse. I had a thoracic spine and chest xray two weeks ago which ruled out cancer of lung but did show a herniated disc...which is now being managed by physio etc. Deep down I still think there is something more sinister going on...and of course that makes the pain worse. I thought that was bad enough. But then I heard about Van Halen dying from throat cancer and almost immediately my throat began to hurt. I absolutely loved him....I was so gutted to hear of his death. This throat business started four days ago. I took a torch and had a look and almost fainted when I saw one tonsil is huge and red and the other side has a yellow spot and looks so weird. I am now convinced I have tonsil cancer. It hurts constantly; my ear hurts...I am so terrified and so convinced it is cancer. I know....I went through all of this a year ago. My horrible mind is now saying "cancer can sneak upon one; regardless of clear mri 13 months ago"....I am now back on that rollercoaster from hell...of googling and rechecking and rewriting my will....I seriously cannot live like this. I hide it from my beloved teenage son as much as I can. My fear is all about him; not me. I cannot leave him until he is at least 18! I cry all the time; I have panic attacks; I google stuff and almost faint...I cannot sleep or eat. I KNOW what I am doing is totally nuts. I have been doing this shite since forever...I feel a prisoner of my own mind. I have seen so many professionals and had so many medications thrown at me. Nothing works. I am truly at my wits end. I have made an appointment to see my gp tomorrow and am terrified. thanks

Pawprint Discuss with Parent about seeking help with Retirement
  • replies: 7

Hello,My mum retired in 2019 and at first, she was happy with the retirement and was doing things in the garden, seeing people, and doing stuff she had never been able to do while working full-time. However, over the last year, things have changed to... View more

Hello,My mum retired in 2019 and at first, she was happy with the retirement and was doing things in the garden, seeing people, and doing stuff she had never been able to do while working full-time. However, over the last year, things have changed to the point where she refuses to try new things, go out, and see people. She has been using excuses to avoid any activity and recently was using excuses to stop going to the other side of the country to see her oldest daughter because of the dogs. She takes care of a family friend’s child once a week but other than that, she barely leaves the house. My mum spent most of her life working as a nurse and we notice when she spent time working casually undertaking COVID-19 vaccinations to people in the community, I notice that she seem happy again with the interactions with people but since she stop doing that, her mood changed back again. It is getting to the point that it is affecting my mum and dad’s relationship at home. Two of the children live far away and I live the closest to her. I call her every week and try to see her when I can, but I travel a lot with my work and at certain times of the year can be very difficult. Recently I found out she went back to the doctor and got anti-depression medication. However, I think she might need to talk to someone about this transition in life. My mum is incredibly stubborn and every time we make suggestions for activities she might enjoy, she would make excuses and get defensive. I know when I ask her, she won’t tell me how she is really feeling. I do feel it is affecting our relationship.How can I have the conservation with my mum to get her to potentially seek help about the transition in life and some strategies to help her start enjoying retirement? Pawprint

Mina19 Age 23/very anxious about doing driving test next month
  • replies: 3

Hi people,I’ve been diagnosed with severe anxiety, ptsd, panic disorder and a few other smaller things but have been trying to take care of myself. Anyway, I’m 23 now and want to push myself to do my driving test. I haven’t had a ridiculous amount of... View more

Hi people,I’ve been diagnosed with severe anxiety, ptsd, panic disorder and a few other smaller things but have been trying to take care of myself. Anyway, I’m 23 now and want to push myself to do my driving test. I haven’t had a ridiculous amount of practice but I would say I know the main things fairly enough but I’m just scared because from people who have taken the test, are the driving test instructors like the ones on the main day of the test mean to people and yell?? I know it might sound like a stupid question but I just have seen in like movies and things like they yell at people and make it impossible for them to pass. I feel like I’m overreacting but I’m just so scared. I will definitely practice more in the coming weeks for sure but I’m just worried about the actual day.

blues23 Struggling
  • replies: 31

Having a bad time lately lots of things happening at work I went to work safe cause of Persistent bullying behaviour from co workers , and ever since I did this my anxiety is thru the roof I have so many people poking prodding making me relive the th... View more

Having a bad time lately lots of things happening at work I went to work safe cause of Persistent bullying behaviour from co workers , and ever since I did this my anxiety is thru the roof I have so many people poking prodding making me relive the things those people did to me I am so sad and scared and just want it all to stop all I want is a safe work place where I won’t be bullied threatened and assaulted is this too much to ask ? Obviously it is I’m my workplace