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amamas Quitting smoking!!
  • replies: 21

I know I'm sure you all think I'm as crazy as I think I am! Who tries to quit cigarettes at a time as triggering as this? Me it seems. 24 hours, feels like a year! It's because I started smoking when I was living in hell and I want to do something to... View more

I know I'm sure you all think I'm as crazy as I think I am! Who tries to quit cigarettes at a time as triggering as this? Me it seems. 24 hours, feels like a year! It's because I started smoking when I was living in hell and I want to do something to show myself that hell is well and truly over. One thing on the positive side it's certainly not as bad as coming off meds, at least so far. I'm sure I'll possibly be posting some crazy messages for a little while - nicotine withdrawals suck! Cheers

lostone73 maybe they are wrong .
  • replies: 4

Howdy all and Merry Xmas I have a problem that i am trying to get my head around . Sorry if it is so long but needs a background . Few years ago i was placed on a benzo and had a very bad reaction . It took me a long time to get back to something nea... View more

Howdy all and Merry Xmas I have a problem that i am trying to get my head around . Sorry if it is so long but needs a background . Few years ago i was placed on a benzo and had a very bad reaction . It took me a long time to get back to something near normal but never right . The problem was that everyone treating me wanted to look at the anxiety . Not sure if you may know but benzos can cause anxiety and this is one reason why they should not be used long term . The problem was because i had the bad reaction it caused the anxiety from day one . I never had anxiety before this , only normal anxiety . The problem is as i have said every one wants to treat the anxiety but as i am not a anxious person and in fact think very logical i dont think this is the problem . I dont say i dont have anxiety but as i live with sympton that are far from nice everyday i understand it . If the symptoms go i can adress what anxiety they cause really fast and move on but the problem is the symptoms dont go often . I find that the symptoms are always bought on worse by being overwhemled and this is not fear based but depressed based . The problem i believe is depression but i cant get someone to agree with this as the main underlying problem. If you spoke with me you would also not see if . But if i think or asked what is wrong i would simply say that i am overwhelmed with everything . I would not say i am scared although i do get scared but this is from the symptoms more than life in general . I did not have a easy upbringing or a easy life and the one thing i have learned is to just accept things and not react as others would . I think this is what has feed my depression and what makes it so hard to see as its not new but part of me . I went to a expert and they say no depression because i dont act like i am depressed but come on dont people kill themslves and people say i never knew he was depressed . Why would it be simply because i am so use to it that i dont show it as much as someone that could be new with it that i dont have it . I have friends on ADs for depression but would not sya they are depressed but they say they are so who am i to judge . My mental health worker sees depression i will say but not full on . I really do think that i just hide it well as i have had 40 years of doing it . So is any one like this also ? By the way i am male and 41 . cheers all

Cory87 "Professional" Help and its Flaws
  • replies: 4

My psychiatrist, in 2009, trialed a medication on me (I was diagnosed with bipolar 1), and it magnified my manic episodes, in which case I stopped taking it.He then trialed anti depressants - the first few made me sleep in until 1pm every day and oth... View more

My psychiatrist, in 2009, trialed a medication on me (I was diagnosed with bipolar 1), and it magnified my manic episodes, in which case I stopped taking it.He then trialed anti depressants - the first few made me sleep in until 1pm every day and others basically just slowed down my emotional response, which was the one which I still take because I'm used to it.fter 3 months of seeing him, he let me loose and didn't book any more appointments. From 2009 to 2013 I was married, divorced, became homeless, lived in 3 different cities over a year's period, broke my right hand during an episode in which I punched a concrete floor for no reason, and attacked my ex wife physically on several occasions.I got back in contact with my psychiatrist after grueling efforts, and he has been, for the past year, absolutely indifferent and neglectful to me. Every month or second month I see him, he can't remember what we discussed the month before. He refuses to discuss a disability pension with me, and he keeps coming up with mental health plans for me which he disposes of the next month and so on.I AM AT THE END OF MY WITS HERE AND I FEEL LIKE THE WHOLE WORLD IS PLAYING A BIG ELABORATE GAME WITH ME. Help.

Melcat Antidepressants & teens
  • replies: 1

Why do GPs handout antidepressants to teens when research indicates that they aren't useful? My daughter can't even metabolize the main types of antidepressants, we had her genotyped.

Why do GPs handout antidepressants to teens when research indicates that they aren't useful? My daughter can't even metabolize the main types of antidepressants, we had her genotyped.

Bulletin_Board_Archive cyclical depression or bipolar 2 ?
  • replies: 6

Originally posted by: Kate on 28 May 2012Hi there. I was diagnosed with major depression about 2 years ago & have been on antidepressants (SSRI) for most of that time. While they seemed to work OK for the first 6 months or so, they have made little d... View more

Originally posted by: Kate on 28 May 2012Hi there. I was diagnosed with major depression about 2 years ago & have been on antidepressants (SSRI) for most of that time. While they seemed to work OK for the first 6 months or so, they have made little difference in the past year and I have been alternating between weeks of being OK and then weeks of depression regardless of the dosage I have been on. I have started weaning off the meds as a result. My psych has suggested it is a cyclical type depression, but has also distantly mentioned bipolar 2 at times. I had always thought that Bipolar involved having manic episodes as well as depression - but can it also be periods of just being OK and then periods of depression? I have been recommended mood stabilising meds, which are used to treat Bipolar but am reluctant to take them, especially without a formal diagnosis. I was also told that it can take years before bipolar is accurately diagnosed - usually at the onset of a first manic episode - so am worried that this is where things might be heading. While I have read what usually constitutes a 'manic episode' and don't seem to meet that criteria, can it also present as periods of intense anger & irritability instead of the usual highs of mania? Thank you for reading. Kate

Kaylina Meds are making me worse....
  • replies: 3

I'm really not doing great today. I haven't been doing great all week. i had a bit of a breakdown a few weeks ago. I'm a nurse, I work in intensive care, and my anxiety, which I've had most of my life had been growing out of control over the last few... View more

I'm really not doing great today. I haven't been doing great all week. i had a bit of a breakdown a few weeks ago. I'm a nurse, I work in intensive care, and my anxiety, which I've had most of my life had been growing out of control over the last few months.I thought I had been unlucky enough to pick up three rounds of gastro since July - but the reality is the concept of going to work and what that day will bring is making me physically ill, with vomiting and diarrhoea. My GP prescribed me a benzo, and an antidepressant. The anti-depressant was meant to make me restless, instead it made me sleepy - but bareably so (I haven't been able to sleep much lately so I thought this was a good thing). Last week on Wednesday I was meant to titrated my dose up of the antidepressant - doubling it, which I did. I had night shifts thurs /fri / sat / sun. Thursday night was terrible. I was literally propping my eyes open all night, clumsy, yawning continuously and completely petrified that I would miss something and my patient would die. But even that fear couldn't clear the fog.I am not suicidal, I haven't been in over 15 years - but very black thoughts crept in. They haven't gone away. I went cold turkey off my meds to be safe looking after patients for the rest of my night shift, and recommended on my starting dose on Monday night. But I'm just in a foggy, completely unmotivated stupor. It isn't helping me. I can't do even the simplest of things. I am hating myself so much right now. My husband wants me to take a notepad and pen out to a park and just sit and write - because I love writing - but I am petrified of what will come out - of how dark that will be. That if I read what I write.... Things may just be too dark to go on. Mathis stupid fog is as bad as Thursday night right now, a week ago. I've called in sick for work today. I told myself is get some things done. Housework, Christmas shopping, anything. But I'm paralysed. I just want to lie in bed and cry all day. I know now things aren't going to get better unless I start doing things. That the overwhelm just gets compounded through inaction, but I can't make myself do a single thing and I hate it so much. I feel weak and useless and pathetic and just so lost and stuck. Im hoping and praying my period starts today so I can put some of this blackness down to PMS, go eat a bucket of chocolate and feel better.

Paul1 Emerging into the light: Lesson Learned: Supplementary
  • replies: 10

I learned something very useful about depression. I had suffered from depression on and off for about 15 years. I discovered that a simple regimen, coupled with standard treatment under my specialist, has enabled me to live a positive existence. Seve... View more

I learned something very useful about depression. I had suffered from depression on and off for about 15 years. I discovered that a simple regimen, coupled with standard treatment under my specialist, has enabled me to live a positive existence. Several years ago, a Melbourne researcher published a paper linking natural sunlight exposure to increased levels of serotonin. Further clinical studies, described below (2), have lent weight to and put into practical application this discovery. I find that, in my case, one hour per day of natural sunlight makes a significant positive difference. This means simply being out in the unfiltered sunlight (ie without sunglasses or glasses), which I weave into the day with light exercise and usual activity (eg eating meal outside) is enough to make a great deal of difference. My understanding is that it is the light entering the eyes, rather than light on the skin that is significant. I believe that there is nothing peculiar about my condition or situation to suggest what works for me should not work for others. Further details below 1,2. Best wishes to fellow forum members, Paul1 1. Lambert, Reid, Kaye, Jennings, Esler: Effect of Sunlight and Season on Serotonin Turnover in the Brain, The Lancet, Vol 360, Issue 9348, pp 1840-1842, 7 Dec 2002. 2. Dr Gavin Lambert (1) referred to work of Dr Prof Anna Wirz-Justice as "well ahead of the pack" in terms of the understanding and application of the above. For further information see

Mbuna Boxercise as a Treatment for Anxiety and Depression ?
  • replies: 3

Hi Guys and Gals I speak to a lot of people with depression and anxiety disorders. I like doing this because i find talking helps. I know im not the only person out there with my sorts of problems. I also learn a lot form others and try to help as we... View more

Hi Guys and Gals I speak to a lot of people with depression and anxiety disorders. I like doing this because i find talking helps. I know im not the only person out there with my sorts of problems. I also learn a lot form others and try to help as well if i can. I have had two people tell me recently that they have taken up boxercise classes and that it has really helped them. I did a bit of boxing and martial arts when i was younger but back then I did not have any issues. I just thought i would throw it out there to see what everyone else thinks about it. I know walking and swimming helps me control my demons. Boxercise is not fighting but apparently there is a lot of punching into bags and mitts. Ive been told that its a very good cardiovascular workout so I can sort of see how it would be helpful. Any feedback experiences would be appreciated.

Daisychain Medication for anxiety
  • replies: 7

Hi guys, I would appreciate any feedback on this matter as I am desperate at this stage with my anxiety. I have had a mild anxiety for years but didn't realise it until being with my dad when he passed away 4 years ago and then a series of other sad ... View more

Hi guys, I would appreciate any feedback on this matter as I am desperate at this stage with my anxiety. I have had a mild anxiety for years but didn't realise it until being with my dad when he passed away 4 years ago and then a series of other sad events. My GP put me on a medication at that time and it was like a miracle - no anxiety, no feeling to what I can only imagine a bleeding ulcer would feel like 24/7. Unfortunately I have suffered only what I can term as a "nervous breakdown" at the end of May this year from pressure of running my own business and on going back to my doctor he increased my medication .. Unfortunately this did not have the miracle effect of the initial dose and I have ended up being switched to another medication initially and then when that didn't help the dose was increased. I feel absolutely horrible, terrified and scared and so alone. My anxiety is taking over my life. The medication seems to have no effect and although I know a drug is not the only solution, I am also seeing a psychologist and attending a meditation class in the desperate hope that something will help me out of this hell. I was thinking that maybe a switch back to my original medication at a higher dose might help. My anxiety is generalised; I don't worry ruminatively about things, I don't have panic attacks my body is just in a constant state of tension, my stomach is sore and my mind feels paralysed. I can't sleep without sleeping pills, I can't concentrate on my work. I don't know any other way to describe it. I feel I am losing everything; my poor family don't understand and I absolutely sick of thinking about myself. Any thoughts of anyone who has used medications and how they helped them would be absolutely appreciated.

Beetle OMG meds really help!
  • replies: 2

OMG i cannot believe how differnt i feel after having started on an SNRI. I have just started three days ago and after having really bad sideeffects i halfed the dose. Yesterday they really kicked in and i felt some heavy dark cloud has lifted the fi... View more

OMG i cannot believe how differnt i feel after having started on an SNRI. I have just started three days ago and after having really bad sideeffects i halfed the dose. Yesterday they really kicked in and i felt some heavy dark cloud has lifted the first time in years.I could feel that i stopped worrying and i could smile witout effford. I could connect to people and make jokes wihtout worrying what others think of me. Thing is i havent told my friends that im on SNRI's since im so embarrasssed. but since the drug causes pupil dilation i looked really high and just told them im on strong painkillers( well its not a ly since the drug does that too) So since i have never taken any of such drugs before I wonder if its normal that the drug kicks in so quickly? I expected it takes weeks? I mean im so happy since i was suicidal on thursday and now i cannot understand how i could even think of it!! Has anyone had similar expereinces with this drug? If it keeps making me feel good i wont stop it. I am so relieved!