I recently joined up an anxiety group therapy program of say 10 people
suffering anxiety who attend on a weekly basis, run by a psychologist,
who share their struggles with anxiety, together with the facilitator
discussing different topics each week....
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I recently joined up an anxiety group therapy program of say 10 people
suffering anxiety who attend on a weekly basis, run by a psychologist,
who share their struggles with anxiety, together with the facilitator
discussing different topics each week. I suffer from Generalised Anxiety
Disorder, social anxiety and major depression plus chronic illness/pain.
It was a big step for me to go along to the group. I suffer from a great
deal of social anxiety in groups. As the weeks have gone by, it became
apparent that most of the members suffered from anxiety however on the
lower end of the spectrum. I being the only one with an anxiety
disorder. Fair enough. I usually speak when asked and offer my comments
when I feel up to it, however mostly am quiet during the sessions.
Social anxiety causes me to freeze in group situations like these. This
together with my pain levels and body tremors, make things a little
difficult. There is another lady attending the group sessions who I
noticed last week was rolling her eyes and smirking at others and the
leader whenever I said anything. This then made people react, which made
me turn around and look at her, and she would quickly change her
demeanour. Today, while I was having a particularly bad day and became
quiet emotional in the group, expressing my frustration and some of my
struggles with anxiety, some other members shared their stories also and
displayed empathy. It was then that another member offered to be a
support person for me and this lady rolled her eyes and smirked at this
other lady which made her stop and look at her, which made me turn
around and realise she was engaging in this behaviour. She continued to
do this to others while talking to me and the group facilitator also.At
break time, I got up and went to outside and then returned after a few
minutes. Upon entering the room again, I overheard her say "Oh, she
probably went to ......." in a snide way. It was then that I lost it. I
turned around and said to the facilitator thank you however I'm leaving
the group. I then turned around to this lady and said "I can see you
rolling your eyes at me and others and smirking. You are a bitch, a
bully and a narcissist" I then stormed out in tears, the facilitator
followed me, saying that I was very inappropriate, that I should leave.
I told her that if she witnessed this, why did she allow it to continue
and why should I pay for the remainder of the therapy (which is
stipulated in their consent form x4)