Hi everyone, I first posted a few months back on how I was starting to
become down and struggle with everything. My parents were telling me to
book an appointment to see the school counsellor, and I received the
same answer on here. I was incredibly ...
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Hi everyone, I first posted a few months back on how I was starting to
become down and struggle with everything. My parents were telling me to
book an appointment to see the school counsellor, and I received the
same answer on here. I was incredibly anxious about seeing her for the
first time, even though I knew her as I had seen her before (but for
other friend's problems). I hung off a couple more months, thinking it
would all go away, but I'm getting worse. It came to the point where if
I didn't go to her, my parents would have forced me to. I emailed her,
and saw her the next day. I told her that I was struggling with
tiredness, lack of concentration, overwhelming irritability and anger
towards my younger sister (who is autistic), change in appetite to the
point where the thought of eating food would make me feel sick during
the day, and just struggling with day-to-day living. I saw her, and told
her all this. She suggested that I go to the GP to have a blood test
done, as she thought I was lacking in iron and vitamin B. Got the bloods
back a week later showing I was not lacking in anything, so she sent me
back to the doctor. Through talking with him and filling out a SAD
(stress anxiety depression) quiz sheet, he's referred me onto a sleep
specialist (to check for sleep apnea) and a psychologist. The waiting
periods for these two things are huge, I booked a month in advance for
the sleep specialist (who I will see at the end of this month), and have
been mucked around with the mental health care system. My dad's work
offers free mental health care for immediate family members, but after a
few weeks trying to get into them and failing to do so, we've gone back
to the doctor to draw up a mental health care plan. He's referred me to
a nearby psychologist, who we rung up today and were told I would first
be able to see her in at least 2-3 weeks time, as she's booked out
completely until then. Sorry for spilling, but here's my concerns; I
haven't told anyone just how much my anger has been affecting me (to the
point I want to physically hurt my sister to stop her stimming and
annoying me) and I am anxious about seeing this psychologist. I feel if
I spill everything, I'm going to be referred into more mental health
care or possibly something else. I've started failing school subjects,
and since then have given up my dream career of being a vet. I have no
clue what I want to do in life anymore. Thanks in advance, just needed
to get that off my chest xx