Many of us, those with and without MI, will be confronted with the
"gang" mentality. Age has no barrier to this especially in cyber world.
We felt it in the school yard, in the workplace and now in social media.
Why does it exist? Gangs have strength...
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Many of us, those with and without MI, will be confronted with the
"gang" mentality. Age has no barrier to this especially in cyber world.
We felt it in the school yard, in the workplace and now in social media.
Why does it exist? Gangs have strength by numbers. Often there is a
leader and that leader find comfort and security with his/her brood
hanging around. With cyber world there might not be a leader, more often
than not there is more of a 'feeding frenzy' amongst those that have a
common cause- to denigrate and destroy. These groups more often than not
are no longer interested in remedy, to keep the victim within their
group, no longer believing that person has anything left to offer them
anything significant that they themselves can provide. We all know the
scenario. Gangs in school were made up with miss/master popular, the kid
that didnt have to do much to be so. All he had to do was be the master,
the attractive cool type, that seemed to have it all just by being
himself, He would always be in the middle with his disciples flanked on
either side jostling for his attention. Who were their targets? More
often than not their target were kids that didnt fit in well with
others, looked different, weren't "cool" and came from well structured
caring households. The kids that weren't let loose on the streets, had
little self esteem and displayed their fear of them. Natural targets.
Social media. Facebook, twitter and the like. Evidence of the 'gang'
feeding frenzy- you dont have to look far. Early 2014 actress Charlotte
Dawson bowed to the pressure. Faceless cowardly gang member didnt even
know each other, but they boarded the bully bus together in a shocking
display, public display at that, frenzy that had fatal consequences.
Protection? Well even this 58yo male with a security and prison officer
background found it just too hard to survive in 2 motoring clubs against
the 'flow' of the frenzies. In my case both clubs knew of my struggles
mentally as I'm 'out there' with my life and what bothers me. Those that
can hide their issues may well be better off, the quiet type, the
reserved. But in my case why should I hide anything to be "one of them".
T'is why I'm here. I'm one of you. But I feel a loss not maintaining
some sort of mild friendship with some of the clubs members. I'm an
outcast, I'm not in the "clique". Since distancing from the clubs I'm
happier. And that's the bottom line. How do you fare with clubs/groups?
How do you survive in them?