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Just Sara A Bouquet for Pearls - share your appreciation for other members
  • replies: 715

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful word... View more

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful words. I hope this thread stays active through members giving out praise regularly to people they feel deserving, and therefore keep generosity of spirit alive within the pages of BeyondBlue Forum. My bunch of Red Roses (my choice) goes to Wishful for the following sentence; 'Personally, I see no reason to be praised in me, but I'm learning that seeing through the eyes of others can be more accurate!!' I so hear you Wishful. Just beautiful... Try to keep your leading comments short to focus on 'their' words. Choose specific flowers (or a gift if you like) to present to them. Sign off respectfully and sincerely. I hope this takes off... Spreading the love...Sara

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The_Real_David_Charles Is a close brush with death a good tonic for life ?
  • replies: 6

Today I was driving with my youngest daughter. We missed a huge car smash by about 2 inches. Afterwards I had a couple of easy hours where I was more positive. Is a close brush with death a good tonic for life ? The thought of losing everything, in a... View more

Today I was driving with my youngest daughter. We missed a huge car smash by about 2 inches. Afterwards I had a couple of easy hours where I was more positive. Is a close brush with death a good tonic for life ? The thought of losing everything, in a split second, seems to make me want to live more. Hollywood is always portraying impossible situations that, at the last minute, get resolved. Is seeking a happy ending that simple ? There are plenty of excepts like "Thelma and Louise", "The Elephant Man", "The Godfather", etc, "Don't Look Back", "Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid". But the spirit of these "negative movies" can still inspire. Adios, David.

lissyloo Being involved
  • replies: 3

Is anyone here involved with working with people that have anxiety or doing something to make a difference? Im not even in recovery quite yet but I feel this urge to just be a part of this field one day to help others with anxiety. Are there workshop... View more

Is anyone here involved with working with people that have anxiety or doing something to make a difference? Im not even in recovery quite yet but I feel this urge to just be a part of this field one day to help others with anxiety. Are there workshops or something that I can attend to help me get through recovery? Im determined to recover!

JCPIK After quiting medication"X"
  • replies: 6

Hi, I have a few questions about quiting anti-depressant. Maybe we can share some good and bad experience here. I was on medication"X" for 4.5 years. I worked effectively on me and helped me go through the hard time. I stopped taking it ONE MONTH ago... View more

Hi, I have a few questions about quiting anti-depressant. Maybe we can share some good and bad experience here. I was on medication"X" for 4.5 years. I worked effectively on me and helped me go through the hard time. I stopped taking it ONE MONTH ago, and successfully went through all the headache, "black outs" in my brain, dizziness, sickness etc. I am feeling physically well, but this few days, I start to feel anxious (the cold weather worsen my muscle tension) and depressed for no significant reason. I drank wine occasionally to relax. Last night I had a little more than usual, then today, I felt very depressed all day. An hour ago, I was too upset to talk. I cried when I tried to talk. And there was no reason... Has any of you had same experience like mine? Does anxiety and depression just bounce back temporarily after quiting medication? Is it totally normal? I will try to find the answer from any sources available. And I will keep everyone updated if I hear anything from professionals. Jess

cass1981au coping with years of depression A mother’s fight over the years with depression, facing my fears and opening up
  • replies: 1

I wasn’t one to share my feelings and for weeks I was writing this in my head, not that I’m a writer but I needed to get it all out, and when I did a felt like I was free, I posted this on face book to all my family and friends, the love and support ... View more

I wasn’t one to share my feelings and for weeks I was writing this in my head, not that I’m a writer but I needed to get it all out, and when I did a felt like I was free, I posted this on face book to all my family and friends, the love and support I got and stories they told me or going though something like I did at some point, I have to share it with the world too A mother’s fight over the years with depression, facing my fears and opening up can't remember when I was truly happy with me, I think it would have been about the age of 21 was truly happy, fit, healthy just loving life and everything about it, It all became a blur, crying one moment, yelling the next, not able to sleep then get up in the morning nearly impossible I became one of the many that get a mental illness I lost control having depression, one day it all just got to much, trying to cope with everything nothing going right, i sat on the floor and just cried for hours, my children didn't know what to do but hug me, I kept it from my husband, but he new there was something not right, I kept it from my friends they didn't know how I felt or so I thought I was lying not just to myself but to the world, the friendly out going girl that was full of confidence that everybody know and loved was just me covering up a side of depression and anxiety, that was taking over me this had to stop and stop now I think It really begun at the age of 14 being teased horribly by some girls at my school, to the point I left the school, but didn't know I was depressed back then, after meeting my birth mother at the age of 16, I got a little more depressed not knowing where I fit in and who I really was, I knew I was adopted but I think I really didn't know at the time how I'd feel or how I would react to meeting her Then my best friend passed away 5 days before I had my first child But wasn't till I had my first child I was diagnosed with depression for the first time at the age of 23 I couldn't believe it, after 4 months of my daughter not sleeping more then an hour at a time day or night I lost the plot, we went to sleep school with her for help & i was put on meds by the doctor to cope with my life, was on them about a year looking back now I should have stay on them because I relapsed twice back into depression & anxiety, At 24 I had a miscarriage but really didn’t morn or anything because it was 2 weeks till I was getting married I will have to say I married the sweetest supportive man ever was the happiest day I can remember within this fight of depression second time I was 25 was after my son was born, sleep deprivation & anxiety of being stuck in a my little world at home with two children got to me, my body really got to me also this time after having a 4.6kg baby that left me with excess skin and couldn't get rid of the baby fat and didn't see the signs & fell into depression again, everything was going great with my life when I broke down again, this year, missing family and friends, and wanting to see them more, wanting move home so badly to Melbourne, body image, asking myself questions what I wanted to do with my life, what did the future hold and why I couldn't cope and do it all, I’m a mother this is my job, i closed myself off, i was safe in my little world, I now know I'm not that woman and you can't do it all but this time was different I saw the signs and found help, It's more a mid life crisis this time, being 31 now I'm still fighting it, day by day!!! still have anxiety, hard not to with four full on kids, I look at life differently now days, I don't like my body, but I can change that, i can see my family & friends, I can have some time off and the world wont fall apart it wasn't easy to share my feeling as i have always run from my emotions and shut them away it was easier to do that I know now life could have been easier it I talked about them out loud, I’m a Survivor, stronger then I have been in years, just letting this all out I feel free This has helped me with the healing process don’t get me wrong I have a long way still to go but a weight has been lifted, small steps, but it helped me, Ask for help, everyone's can change there way on their thinking, doing things they are really passionate about, eat right, exercise and always ask for help, I closed some door pushed people away but we cant have regrets, and cant go back, as much as I would love to some days, I’m looking forward to what my future holds, first time in years, there is always someone with a story and everyone's is different, open your ears, eyes, arms and your hearts, someone needs you and won't know how to ask for help! I’m a busy mother of four, a photographer and writing my first cookbook, I was trying to do to much all the time and ended up in a big mess, Ask for help

vip Depression and Suicide
  • replies: 1

II have been a depression sufferer since I was 17. It worsened after the birth of my son. 3 years ago I attempted suicide but fractured my pelvis, heel bone, hip bone, . I survived am still walking after surgery . I recently have come off my medicati... View more

II have been a depression sufferer since I was 17. It worsened after the birth of my son. 3 years ago I attempted suicide but fractured my pelvis, heel bone, hip bone, . I survived am still walking after surgery . I recently have come off my medication and put back my life together very slowly. It was the worst thing that happened to me in my life. Feelings of shame and guilt are the biggest emotions to deal with and the fact that everyone found out what happened. I was a very quiet shy reserved person who was too proud to ask for help when everything was troubling me I made out that I was fine. It has taken me 3 years to talk about this on these forums. I exercise regularly eat healthy and keep active with good friends who have stuck by me and family, meditate ect. I have started a small candle business with my friend and will fundraise these for beyond blue. Depression in my eyes is the cruelest, sad lonely hidden disease and thank goodness for beyond blue help people speak more openly about it. I have amazingly been able to help a few of my friends or people around me who have had depression and recently have helped a friend of a friend who is a mother that harmed herself. I look at it this way depression has taught me to be a more stronger posative person if I survived and came out at the end I know now I can accomplish anything. God gave me 1 life and a second chance I will prove to myself that I can accomplish anything now.

Rose1920 Talking to a loved one can help
  • replies: 1

I've been like this for as long as I can remember. I grew up with abuse and divorce , my dad leaving us and making a new family, and an over powering mother who's idea of parenting was that similar to how a warden treats a prisoner. I always thought ... View more

I've been like this for as long as I can remember. I grew up with abuse and divorce , my dad leaving us and making a new family, and an over powering mother who's idea of parenting was that similar to how a warden treats a prisoner. I always thought that considering all the things ive been through that I was fairly normal. Never felt like I was depressed. But there was always something different about me and I just thought everybody was like that. It wasn't until two years ago that I realised I had anxiety. I get frequent panic attacks, tight chest. Pains in the chest, shaking and all the symptoms you could think of. I'm scared of everything. I have a very small comfort zone so when I'm outside of that I get scared. Simple things as going to the hairdresser I get anxious. I have a big fear of death. And when I walk down the street I'm scared that everything will kill me. A tree will fall on my head or a car will crash into me. The "bogey monster still lives under my bed": that's how bad i am. I have had my boyfriend for 3 years now and I can tell you that his support has been phenomenal. There are times where I push him away during my anxious times but he sticks by me. Since having him and someone to talk to my symptoms have lowered. I have less panic attacks, and I'm not as afraid as I was. I still have a lot of work to do. He is the only person that knows of my anxiety and I'm worried I've put too much pressure on him. I fear of telling people as I have always been the "happy" girl and I don't want people to think of me as anything else. I want our relationship to work so that is my motivation to get this anxiety the hell out of my system so I can live a fear free ,panic free ,full life. Sorry it's so long but my objective of this was to express my life with anxiety and to show that talking to a loved one can impact very positively on your battle

Mark_098 Isn't it funny...
  • replies: 2

Isn't it funny, when life's little annoying things have a habit of turning out just the way you want? I just got a new job after 3 months of bugger all work and now I couldn't be happier. All I can say is it's about bl#%$y time. two years from now, T... View more

Isn't it funny, when life's little annoying things have a habit of turning out just the way you want? I just got a new job after 3 months of bugger all work and now I couldn't be happier. All I can say is it's about bl#%$y time. two years from now, Tasmania here I come.

Sheiknah Hope
  • replies: 2

I heard this song on the radio today driving home from an appointment and it really spoke to me and brought me hope. I had just had an appointment with someone that was going to help me work through the issues that have brought me down. I really felt... View more

I heard this song on the radio today driving home from an appointment and it really spoke to me and brought me hope. I had just had an appointment with someone that was going to help me work through the issues that have brought me down. I really felt God speak to me through it. Weather you believe in God or not I am sure and hope this brings you hope too. A few words of the song need to be tweaked but you get the message !! Please cut and paste the link below. May we all break free of the chains . . with love . .

mandyjk esteem game
  • replies: 8

Hi my name is mandy and i have a challenge for anyone interested. My game starts with using the alphabet - A,B,C etc. put in place the sentence I AM ___________ and using the first letter A think of as many possible positive words to describe yoursel... View more

Hi my name is mandy and i have a challenge for anyone interested. My game starts with using the alphabet - A,B,C etc. put in place the sentence I AM ___________ and using the first letter A think of as many possible positive words to describe yourself. eg. I am Amazing. I am angelic. I am articulate. Then move on to the letter B. eg I am Beautiful. I am Brave etc. I can guarantee that you will have a smile on your face fairly quickly particularly if you use positive words and say them with enthusiasm. You can joke around with funny words but the most impact will be felt from positive words.I challenge you to try the positive words first and if you dont think they work see how you feel after using negative ones. More than likely not very good. So please stay with positive words and you can play any time of the day or night, standing or sitting. Have fun, keep smiling and shining.

Night_Blakey What do you say to a friend?
  • replies: 5

Hello, I'm new so please bear with me. Recently a friend of mine attempted to end his own life. You see he has been down for a while, and we'd talked him into seeing a psychologist. Unfortunately he'd been too uncomfortable to talk to his psychologis... View more

Hello, I'm new so please bear with me. Recently a friend of mine attempted to end his own life. You see he has been down for a while, and we'd talked him into seeing a psychologist. Unfortunately he'd been too uncomfortable to talk to his psychologist about these issues and kept it hidden. So we are going to go see him in hospital tomorrow and I don't really know what to say to him. I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience or advice to give.