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Disclosing your illness to Employers

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello my name is Kerri and this is my first post on the site.

I would like to ask if people disclose their illness to their employer or a prospective employer? I was diagnosed with PTSD and Depression just over 10 months ago and did not work for that period of time. I have worked all my life and to suddenly have to try and explain why there is a gap on my résumé feels wrong not to tell the truth but am worried about employers reactions.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


7 Replies 7

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear KJ, there has been a lot of talk about whether your employer should be told about having depression, so say yes, some so no, and my opinion is no.

The only reason I say this is because if the company needs to relieve or sack staff because the company needs to trim their costs then this person would be the first to go.

Another reason is that they might be picked on or bullied to a certain extent, which would then increase their depression.

This period where you were having issues with your depression or maybe a relapse, and I know how this feels, can you just say that had a holiday staying with a friend interstate or something like this.

What do you think. Geoff.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


I was made redundant in December last year and couldn't find work for 4 months.  After many job applications and interviews I finally found a job.  I was wondering the same thing as you when I got this new job.  I talked it through with my psych and doctor and they both agreed that I didn't have to say anything.  So I started my new job in pharmacy but was very worried "what if they found out" or phoned my previous employer where they knew my situation.  After a few months I had a mini melt down at work and told my manager that I am suffering depression and memories of childhood sexual abuse.  She was amazing, comforting and said to me that the pharmacist/owner is very caring with people who are like me. And that if I decided to tell him he would understand.  

I haven't told him as I feel that for now I'm doing ok at work and I haven't had another melt down.  But I think if I do, I will sit down and explain to him that yes I am suffering depression and anxiety.

I guess you could just write on your resume - home duties and if asked at an interview just say that. You don't need to put on your resume that you had 10 months off for your depression.  No one needs to know.

Good luck, take care



Community Member


Many people don't understand depression. It scares them. The last thing you want is to miss out on a job because of other peoples ignorance. Just tell them that you needed to take some time off work to have a break and be with your family. They really don't need to know any more than that. In the end its your call though. You have to feel comfortable with the decision.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Geoff

Thank you so much for replying to my question.

I feel like I should be out saying "hey I have a mental illness and I am ok" but I think you are right in that I will be judged.

I will just take your advice and say I have been travelling or been away. 

Every day I learn something new about my illness and how to deal with it and today just reading your message has helped me.

Onwards and Upwards.

Thanking you


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jo

Thank you for being so honest about your own experiences. 

Having not worked for so long is hard enough but to have to contend with keeping a secret makes it doubly so.

I am going to say I was travelling and if something happens in the future I will deal with it then.

Am so happy you are back working with a great supportive employer behind you.

Fingers crossed I am successful at my next interview.

Thanks again


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks for your advice I really appreciate your insight and your help.

Day at a time.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Kerrie

Good luck with your job interview.

Wish you all the best.
