Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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Onepa Im moving with my husband and my mum wants to come
  • replies: 5

Ok. Long story short, my partner and I get married in three months. After our honeymoon we are moving to a very small town (1000 people) as he has taken a transfer. I'm really excited for the challenge of establishing ourselves as adults and for ours... View more

Ok. Long story short, my partner and I get married in three months. After our honeymoon we are moving to a very small town (1000 people) as he has taken a transfer. I'm really excited for the challenge of establishing ourselves as adults and for ourselves. However. After we told our family my mum has decided she was thinking about applying for a job in the same town. Basically. I don't want her too. I'm really excited about us being out of our comfort zone and having some time to ourselves. Establishing ourselves without our families etc. I don't know how to say to her I don't want her to apply. We are looking forward to it being just us. She takes everything to heart so I don't know how to approach the situation. Help?

Tearsfall Life is killing me and i dont have energyorstrength to fight
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My partner doesnt drink all the time but when he does he drinks way too much. i keep it all to myself , but have talked to his mum about it i love him with all my heart and i know he loves me. But he told his mum im possessive ot obsessive and try to... View more

My partner doesnt drink all the time but when he does he drinks way too much. i keep it all to myself , but have talked to his mum about it i love him with all my heart and i know he loves me. But he told his mum im possessive ot obsessive and try to control him . She says he needs his space. Well he does what he damn well likes , goes where he wants and if we do anything together he will ask what i want to do . I reply i really dont mind . He makes all the decisions . He controls the money or should i say keeps his money to himself . But i share mine . I apparently have insecurities and issues. But i told his mum that "my only insecurity or issues" is that when he drinks he drives and that iv given up everything i had to be with him. Of course i worry about his drinking . If thats controlling him ? Im just easy going and relaxed but am offended that this is being said. I just want a good future with him . Is this his way of having control because his mum will always defend him? When i spoke to him about this he said he knows im not obsessive or posessive. I broke down at work the other day and was sent home. I feel embarrassed and like a fool im too shy to be a controller and i was just happy to have him in my life am i just being blamed cause he cant accept he is doing the wrong thing this stuff about me came up when his mum try to talk to him about his drinking ... it all got turned around on me . I was told along time ago when people cant accept what they do is wrong they shift focus and place blame on others close to them? im so exhausted i feel im slowly dying inside and dont have the energy to fight

lalatray How can I let go, move on, find peace
  • replies: 3

I've been feeling this way for more than 6 months. I've been obsessed with someone I cannot be with. I am in a long term relationship and it is good and something I need to hold on too. I love my partner but I'm also in love with this other person. K... View more

I've been feeling this way for more than 6 months. I've been obsessed with someone I cannot be with. I am in a long term relationship and it is good and something I need to hold on too. I love my partner but I'm also in love with this other person. Knowing the other person is dating makes me extremely jealous and crushed. I try my best to avoid this person and I think I am gradually distancing myself and it may be working. It is so hard though. I need to move on because I do not want to be with this other person in reality. I feel like I'm splitting into 2. So much so that I often feel lonely and physically disconnected from reality. I was stressed and unmotivated at work, so I quit with a game plan to advance my career and I'm currently looking for work. It is looking positive but change is hard. I feel like am forcing change on myself and I will find new problems and adventures to keep me occupied eventually. Sometimes all I want is peace and an end to these obsessive thoughts of an unattainable person. What can I do?

Daydreamer67 To stay or to leave engagement.
  • replies: 10

Hey I’m new to posting and well I could really do with advice. ive been in a 4 year relationship 2 in which I have been engaged. we’ve had a lot of ups and downs ranging from online cheating. After every time I stayed because I loved him and that I b... View more

Hey I’m new to posting and well I could really do with advice. ive been in a 4 year relationship 2 in which I have been engaged. we’ve had a lot of ups and downs ranging from online cheating. After every time I stayed because I loved him and that I believed he’d change. The last time he did it was just after we got engaged. I left but took him back not long after afraid I’d be alone. the last year has been different I see and notice things I didn’t before he tells me he loves me but I fear he only says it and doesn’t truly mean it. He doesn’t want to talk to me, do things with me. It’s like he’s cast me aside. I’ve tried to make plans to encourage him but I’m shut down every time. We fight and he tells me I’m small minded that I’m not smart enough to understand it or remember it. That he’s boss and I should do as he says. He wanted to move with his family but that meant giving up all my hopes and dreams for my career. I told him I didn’t. He honestly didn’t care what I wanted because he said we where moving and that was it. He’s finally agreed to stay but now I want to post pone the wedding as it’s 4 months away and I don’t know if getting married is the right thing? I’m a hopeless romantic I need spontaneous and affection though I crave the small gestures nothing to elaborate. A simple I love you no matter what. Kind of thing. Though I don’t even get that. He sits on his PlayStation and I feel like I’m jut apart of the furniture. I leve to do things and he gets cranky I love exercise and he hates me doing it in fear someone would try to chat me up at the gym. Hes refusing to postpone the wedding even though I said I’m not ready. Not only because I’m not sure about our relationship but because I no longer see myself when I look in the mirror I no longer know who I am. I want so many things but I feel like they are out of reach . That or he doesn’t approve of them. what should I do? Stay, leave, find myself , accept it and deal with what I have?

Jud Family not in sync
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This is the first time I've asked anyone, other than my husband, for help. I really don't know what I want to say, so bear with me while I try to put some words down. I have struggled with anxiety, I'm fairly certain, for most of my life. It wasn't u... View more

This is the first time I've asked anyone, other than my husband, for help. I really don't know what I want to say, so bear with me while I try to put some words down. I have struggled with anxiety, I'm fairly certain, for most of my life. It wasn't until my beautiful son was around 6 years old and I started doing some research, that I learned what anxiety was all about. I see so much of myself in him, which really scares me. I am a good person and I always aim to do the right thing by others, but at my core, I cannot say with 100% honesty that I have ever been truly happy with myself. I have done so much work on myself over the last 3-4 years that has greatly benefited me and my family, but some days I feel like I have a long way to go. I have read so many books by psychologist, parenting experts, life coaches etc. and attended many seminars and work shops on parenting that I feel have been so helpful. I try to discuss it all with my husband but I feel as though I am wasting my energy. I feel like we are on totally different pages when it comes to life and parenting our 2 children. We agree on a lot of subjects when we discuss them, but I feel like he just agrees with me at times so I'll just stop talking. I have always felt less of myself because I never attended university, but at the same time, I would be totally happy if my kids decided not to take that path. All I want is for my kids to be happy, helpful, curious, courageous and kind. I want them to find their passion in life. Something that drives them. Something that lights them up. I feel like my husband doesn't have that. We have been married almost 13 years and I feel as though he is just going through each day with no spark or determination. I try to speak to him about it, but he is so dismissive. He used to be so affectionate. We hardly ever spend time together due to his work hours, which he says he is trying to change, though I'm not so sure. We have sex less than once a month these days. It's like we're just going through the motions. I don't believe he is attracted to me anymore or that he finds me interesting. I'm not sure what advice I'm expecting, but some days I feel as though I'm getting everything wrong. I have the most important job in the world in being a parent and I feel so much pressure to get it right. I know that it's pressure I put on myself. Thanks.

cookyboy12 Grief just keeps visiting and triggering my anxiety/depression
  • replies: 6

Okay, so here dear brother-in-law died from cancer Jan 2016. That was the first of five family deaths that year. Fast forward this great uncle passes away in April, my mother-in-law in May. There are ongoing issues with my nephew'... View more

Okay, so here dear brother-in-law died from cancer Jan 2016. That was the first of five family deaths that year. Fast forward this great uncle passes away in April, my mother-in-law in May. There are ongoing issues with my nephew's high school who seems to be inept in the psychology of teenagers, and a dear cousin who I'm close to (I've posted on a different thread regarding that one) I had a fight with in September. And now my great-aunt, the last of her siblings and her generation, passed away on Monday (4.12) and the funeral was on Thursday. The funeral I had to help arrange. It was a beautiful service. Oh, and did I say I had a car accident early last month and a CT scan showed a congenital arterial and veinous malformation on my brain, for which my neurosurgeon has referred me to get an angiogram done? Where for every year of my life there's a 3% increased risk of a bleed/seizure, but because I'm at the prime of my life and the risk of surgery may mean the loss of my arm and face. Where does it stop? I really can't take much more. I'm fed up. All I want is my family, and everything to be normal again. I just want my cousin back. Yes he did stupid stuff but how I handled it could've been better (but I'm human so I've forgiven myself - I think. I find it easier to forgive him than myself). How much more will life throw at me? I have regrets and wish to God I could wind the clock back. But I've so much to live for. But this latest loss has again triggered all the previous griefs, hurts and rejections all over again and I cry at the drop of a hat. All I want is for the earth to stop so that life can give me a breather, a break, for just a little bit, before getting back on its merry-go-round. I'm trying to look after myself and it's hard because I have so many commitments. But if it weren't for my husband and kids I shudder to think where I might (or might not) be.

DylanS Boderline Personality Disorder Relationship Breakdown
  • replies: 7

Hi All, About 5 months ago my BPD partner ended our relationship. I have contacted her twice via text since then but got no response from the last one. I am wondering if I should continue to try to reach out to her or stop. I don't want to distress h... View more

Hi All, About 5 months ago my BPD partner ended our relationship. I have contacted her twice via text since then but got no response from the last one. I am wondering if I should continue to try to reach out to her or stop. I don't want to distress her but I do miss and think about her a lot and can't seem to get over her. Is it likely that I am upsetting her by messaging more than anything else? I don't want her to think she isn't loveable and important but if at this point I am completely devalued would my messages have more of a negative than positive impact?

loz-grace Don't want to give up on my depressed ex
  • replies: 3

I have been in a very happy relationship with this guy (he's 36, I'm 25). Both of us have suffered from depression in the past. Recently his business has started to fail. He broke off our relationship saying that even though there was a lot of feelin... View more

I have been in a very happy relationship with this guy (he's 36, I'm 25). Both of us have suffered from depression in the past. Recently his business has started to fail. He broke off our relationship saying that even though there was a lot of feeling involved still, he didn't want to put me through his ups and downs over the next few months. He emphasised that we should still stay in close contact, and that he really wanted to be friends still. We kept up messaging but he essentially withdrew completely from seeing everyone, including me. A few months later I saw him again for the first (extended) period of time (he had kept putting it off,there was also a death in the family), and he became pretty emotional, saying that he felt very uncomfortable around his closest mates. He was pretty pessimistic about his situation. He said he still had very strong feelings for me, but that he couldn't see any possibility of a relationship, but again implored me to keep in contact with him, and said he couldn't bear it if I went out of his life. Since then contact with him has been sporadic. I message him a few times a week, just wanting to provide a distraction for him. I believe he has Asperger's (undiagnosed) as well and do not know how to approach the topic with him, since I feel he has pushed me away a lot. In the month since I saw him in person (I went away for a while to give him space) he has become even more withdrawn and very manic, and despite our on-and-off again contact he still is keen to make time for me, though he does have days and weeks at a time where he can't bear to see anyone. His work situation is dire, and I am worried about how distant and frenzied he has become to the point where he doesn't seem recognisable. I love this guy very deeply. Since we broke up things have become drastically worse with no sign of improvement, and I am at a loss now with what to do. I never want to give up on him, but lately it seems no-one can actually bring him back, and that he has no desire to seek help. I want to talk to him but I am also fearful of pushing him further away. Not sure what to do

Cindy_looloo Confused
  • replies: 4

I have been married for 15 years and with my husband for 18, We met in high school I fell pregnant and we stayed together. My husband had a gf before me they were in the same group of friends, they drifted after I fell pregnant. When my husband took ... View more

I have been married for 15 years and with my husband for 18, We met in high school I fell pregnant and we stayed together. My husband had a gf before me they were in the same group of friends, they drifted after I fell pregnant. When my husband took me home to meet his family, they compared me to his ex and told me she was better suited. I told my husband this made me feel uncomfortable. When we had our daughter that night he went home I tried to call him as I was having a melt down and his phone was engaged for hours, the next day i found out he was on phone to his ex for hours because he felt overwhelmed and needed to talk to someone, she even came into the hospital and they cooed over our daughter together, we argued and I said I didn’t like it, as far as I know he hadn’t seen her since. When he joined fb years ago I saw he added her as a friend and we argued about it, I bit my tongue and just let it go and sarcastically said well you should just go for coffee then. Last week I found they have been private messaging for years. He will message things like “ I just heard this song and thought of you so thought I’d say hi” he invites her for coffee, asked if she really did sleep with the guy that broke them up, all these texts are when I’ve been at work. I knew nothing about them. He then text her saying he’s just been listening to their favourite song and thinks about what they used to have and yes sorry for hurting her all those years ago. He had major back surgery last year and I spent every day in hospital comforting him and helping him, I now see that as soon as I left he was texting her saying how **** he feels. I confronted him he says she’s just a friend but I don’t get that. Am I wrong to feel betrayed by any of this?

Brittles Moving on
  • replies: 1

Hi all. My partner of 11 years left in January. We didn't have a great relationship for quite a few years. We have 2 kids together now 8 and 4. I had a 7 year old when we met. When he left he said he got his own place an hour away. I was glad because... View more

Hi all. My partner of 11 years left in January. We didn't have a great relationship for quite a few years. We have 2 kids together now 8 and 4. I had a 7 year old when we met. When he left he said he got his own place an hour away. I was glad because I just wanted him to go as it was affecting our kids. I was however worried about finances as he was the main income earner and I'm a low income worker. We only talked via text and we eventually decided on shared care 50/50. I applied for parenting payment and child support. This however took forever. I was in a financial mess. I thought he would be more supportive. I got a letter from the real estate saying the rent wasn't paid, he said he'd cover that. 2 weeks later our cars got repossessed that were in his name. I found out that he got a personal loan in 2012 and had the cars as an asset, without my knowledge and he hadn't been paying it off. In this time I find out he actually moved in with a woman and her 2 kids whom he met in September last year. He was now driving her old car and she got a new 7 seater car which he said later is her work car. So there I was no car, no money, 4 weeks rent to pay and in total disbelief as to what's happened. In February he would message me saying to come pick him and the kids up, there's been an incident with her kids. I said basically suck it up. He started messaging me saying he loves me, charming me which eventually lead to sleeping together. This went on for 2 months. I put a stop to it. It was affecting me so much. I hit rock bottom. I was so confused. I hated that I let him take advantage of me. I wanted him home even knowing it would never work. He was using me. I eventually told him I would tell his new girlfriend what's been happening. I had plenty of evidence. He started paying me back the debts he put me in. To shut me up lol. But it's helping. He is now also in a bad place regretting how he handled things. I'm forgiving but he needs to be accountable. I'm doing really well now, but I want to meet with this woman who my kids are with half the time. I want to forgive and move on. I know this woman is a decent person. I think my kids will benefit from this knowing that we as adults are getting along. We don't have to hang out lol but at least it will be a start and no matter what's happened in the past we can move on and not have this hanging over our heads. Has anyone been in a similar situation? How did it pan out? Any advice would be helpful. Thank you xx