Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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LostonaForum Friendship is a mess, what should I do?
  • replies: 2

So this is a fairly long and complicated story so i'll do my best. I have a friend and we've been really good friends for a while now but about three weeks ago her sister moved in and the day I visited her and her sister it became a total mess when t... View more

So this is a fairly long and complicated story so i'll do my best. I have a friend and we've been really good friends for a while now but about three weeks ago her sister moved in and the day I visited her and her sister it became a total mess when those two broke out into a fight. I know i'm biased but I felt that her sister was in the wrong and I told her sister off then I said that my friend should stay with me for a bit to cool down, which she did. After she left the next couple days seemed fine but I noticed my friend became a bit more distant I asked about it and she said she needed space so I said okay. I gave it a bit and asked if she wanted to catch up and she declined I was hurt but I understood. It then got to a point where I was lucky to get a text message from her. When I asked if something was wrong she just put it down too trying to focus on her studies. I was really worried I thought I may have done something so I decided to ask her partner if she knew about anything and I regretfully asked her partner not to say anything as I didn't know how she'd react. Her partner was not happy at all and proceeded to tell me off and explained that my friend was stressed and needed space as she wanted to fix things with her sister. I then got an angry message from my friend telling me off for contacting her partner behind her back but I felt I was out of options as I didn't know why she was so distant and I was worried I may have done something. After the fight I said we need to fix this, it's not that I even expect us to be friends anymore I just don't like to leave things this way. We did plan to meet up today but she cancelled last minute I then asked if we could reschedule but she doesn't want to. I don't know what to do anymore I feel there's a lot of issues between us and if it goes ignored for too long it'll fester. If it's true that I should give her space then I don't know what I did to make her feel she needed space from me and I still feel that no one is telling me why.

Ianto At my wits end, relationship is falling apart...
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A week and a half ago, my partner came back from a short snow trip with some friends where they had taken my ute and told me that they hit a kangaroo on the way there. Thankfully, the only damage was a broken mudflap. All people and presumably the ka... View more

A week and a half ago, my partner came back from a short snow trip with some friends where they had taken my ute and told me that they hit a kangaroo on the way there. Thankfully, the only damage was a broken mudflap. All people and presumably the kangaroo survived the ordeal as they couldn’t find the offending roo. When he told me, I looked at it and my response was, “ah well, these things happen. Don’t worry about it”. After that, he made the assumption that I was angry and subsequently got angry with me. Also, my understanding was that he would be the one doing the driving. I have a problem trusting just anyone to drive my cars as you never know if they’ll take responsibility for anything they do. He agreed to that. A few days later I saw a picture on facebook showing that one of his friends were driving and when I confronted him, he first denied it, then admitted it and proceeded to tell me it was my fault that he didn’t feel he could tell me the truth. I’ve asked him why he feels that way, but I haven’t got a clear answer other than he lives in fear of disappointing me, and that it has something to do with his parents. Obviously, that’s pretty unclear to me… So I’ve written that for context… He has a lot of issues that he has to deal with. He’s an extremely highly strung, angry man who suffers substance addiction problems, depression and anxiety attacks. A lot of this I didn’t know until after we’d been together for a while. As far as substances are concerned, he had told me, but said it was way behind him. He smokes pot every day now because he can’t get his preffered pain killer over the counter anymore. He had been taking up to 60 of those tablets a day. I kept telling him to stop because it would damage his stomach but obviously the addiction meant he didn’t listen. He has now dropped more than 30Kg and has constant pain from a suspected stomach ulcer. I’m worried and angry because we’re now living the nightmare I warned him of but I can’t say “I told you so”. There's more to this that I'll get to gradually.

Countrygal85 Separated, addiction and lost
  • replies: 8

Hi to all, this is the first time writing this so please be gentle on me 2.5 years ago my fiance separated from me and after that I have not coped so well. 7 years and 2 kids he just didn't wanttodoitanymore I was a nurse who loved her job and it was... View more

Hi to all, this is the first time writing this so please be gentle on me 2.5 years ago my fiance separated from me and after that I have not coped so well. 7 years and 2 kids he just didn't wanttodoitanymore I was a nurse who loved her job and it was my passion, I have lost that. Since the separation I have learnt to cope with alcohol and marijjana (which my x introduced me to). I have been to rehab and detox but has not seemed to help. My past has come up a lot and the pain of sexually abuse as a child, and I don't know how to cope with the pain. I have no family support friendships here. My x has basically had the children for the laSt 2 years and I hate it. I want to be the confident, successful lady I once was, but I have hit rock bottom and don't know how to get out of it. I feel all alone, and no one would even notice if I was not here one day. Please help

Guesy_839 Hurt
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Hi, So, my mum and dad have little to no relationship with me, and they’ve done things that make me not want a relationship with them anymore. Things like slapping, hitting and I was once chased with a coat hanger. I had a fight with my mum, and she ... View more

Hi, So, my mum and dad have little to no relationship with me, and they’ve done things that make me not want a relationship with them anymore. Things like slapping, hitting and I was once chased with a coat hanger. I had a fight with my mum, and she hit me on the back of the head and told me everyone looks at me with disgust because I’m blunt, maybe a little cynical and I’ve stopped speaking so much. With my dad, he was never there for me and my best friend told me I was probably emotionally neglected. I grew up sad, and spent lots of my early childhood spending as much time as I could at my other friends’ houses, and imagining stories of me having another dad, particually my twin friend’s dad, who we’ll call Felix. Felix adopted my two friends, “Elise” and “Elsa”, and was a great single dad to the girls, which was incredible, as Elise has schizophrenia and Elsa has had childhood anxiety since she was 4. He also has a job that requires him to have like a recording studio or something in his house, and I remember when I was younger, he took 7 kids on a “tour”, and let us record a song. My dad just ignores me, and after things he has said to me, as well as my mum, I don’t want a relationship anymore. They also don’t call me my preferred name, which hurts like hell. I didn’t have a happy childhood, and I’m not happy now. I have no idea what to do. Sierra.

Ms11 Stressed mumma
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I don’t know where to start. I am married with 2 kids. My husband has barely anything to do with the kids and has little interest in doing anything for them. My children feel like hard work. The older one has huge attitude talks back has no respect a... View more

I don’t know where to start. I am married with 2 kids. My husband has barely anything to do with the kids and has little interest in doing anything for them. My children feel like hard work. The older one has huge attitude talks back has no respect and won’t listen. I’ve been told it’s because she is a spoilt brat. The little one has always been difficult with anger issues and extreme stubbornness and meltdowns. They both take 2 hours to put to bed by the time they do I am so tired I go straight to bed angry that I never get any alone time to wind down. They fight all the time. I have no friends and no family support. My mum helps occasionally but her priorities have recently changed. We are in massive debt due to renovations. Our house does not feel homely because it is always under construction. My job is stressful and emotionally draining. My husband has no interest in spending time with me and we never do anything together. We don’t even celebrate anniversaries. I love travelling but can’t afford it because all of our money is being spent on the house. I have nothing to look forward to. I feel pretty stressed and hopeless at the moment. I feel I just need to vent sorry if I’m offending anyone or sounding selfish

unicornprincess29 Small things starting to annoy me
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I have a question, just after some opinions I guess: When small things about your partner start to annoy/irritate you, is that a red flag, or is that normal?

I have a question, just after some opinions I guess: When small things about your partner start to annoy/irritate you, is that a red flag, or is that normal?

Belate Why do i exist?
  • replies: 6

My whole life i've felt as though i shouldn't have been born. From the little details i know surrounding my birth i have the feeling as though i am nothing more than a mistake. My parents were only married for around a year before my dad found his ne... View more

My whole life i've felt as though i shouldn't have been born. From the little details i know surrounding my birth i have the feeling as though i am nothing more than a mistake. My parents were only married for around a year before my dad found his new partner and divorced my mum, i think that happened before i was two. My mother also found a new partner years lately both new partners seemly make it their mission to make my life harder than it needs to be. I grew up with both of my parents arguing over custody battles and being moved schools every couple of years. I never could understand why they argued so much seeing as it was over me and it only ever hurt me. I think i was quite a odd child, i was shy but other times i would lose all control of my temper into a fit of rage. I hated (still do) my step parents, my step mother forced me to call her Mum, telling my dad that it was the only way to stop her new child for calling her by her first name and of course he went along with it. She has total control over my dad and will manipulate any situation she can. My step dad has a narcissistic personally cant stand me having anything. He will lie, abuse, manipulate, threat and even turn violent for even the slightest reason. This is the type of man who held his dyeing mother in his hands basically demanding that she couldn't leave him. I spent most of my childhood failing at school, having barely any friends, being bullied and depressed. So many years i feel as though I've been treated as a second grade citizen to everyone and everything. Constantly everyone else's needs have been put before mine and i cant stay that i can every think of a moment where I've felt genuinely loved. I only feel the fake affection my family has given me out of sympathy. They have seen my issues and never quite took them onboard to actually help me with. Half arsed attempts to show others that they have done something about it. Sending me to the school counsellor after i told them i wanted to kill myself, Putting me on Ritalin to help with my school work but making my break downs worse. Ill say that my mum did try. Although i spent most of the childhood watching my step father abuse her verbally and physically. I tried my best to be there for her and protect her even though that was her job for me. These lasts couple of years i find myself waking up angry or sad most days. Feeling totally alone and not able to connect with anyone. All i really want is to be loved by someone.

Blake_Slak ROCD
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Hi.... Well this is the first forum ive ever been apart of about this stuff.. Im 24 and have had a myriad of anxiety problems in the anxiety...general anxiety and just about every form of anxiety you could have. This one has really got... View more

Hi.... Well this is the first forum ive ever been apart of about this stuff.. Im 24 and have had a myriad of anxiety problems in the anxiety...general anxiety and just about every form of anxiety you could have. This one has really got me to make a thread and ask help because this is something that i dont want to do the wrong thing. I have been with my current gf for 7 months now....she is an angel of a girl ive ever met, treats me well and also understands i do have anxiety issues. As of recently have been having higher than normal anxiety....lost my job so have alot of time to ruminate....we talk alot and we see eachother alot...why am i asking myself the question "do i love her?" i know i do but for some reason i keep asking that question and because i ask that question it makes me think "if u really did you wouldnt ask this" but then the thought of her not being in my life legit makes my stomach drop which is why i am making this thread. Alongside this i saw another thread poster who mentioned the thought of breaking up with them is because it may rid them of this constant questioning please help, i can deal with other anxietys about health and what not but this has really gotten to me and its making me depressed because i do not want to lose her...she is 1 in 10000.

MayHem84 Feelings for a married man - should I tell him?
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I am kind of in love with a guy, let's call him "Simon". I have been in love* with Simon for 2 years. I used to work at his workplace. Simon is awesome. I know this is going to sound clichéd but it's almost as if he fell from heaven or was somehow ma... View more

I am kind of in love with a guy, let's call him "Simon". I have been in love* with Simon for 2 years. I used to work at his workplace. Simon is awesome. I know this is going to sound clichéd but it's almost as if he fell from heaven or was somehow made from my imagination. Like he's really nice, he's handsome (most handsome man I've ever seen in real life) he's polite, friendly, and everyone loves him. He's just an all round good guy. He's absolutely perfect in every way. And he's also a fireman (!) It's as if god made him just for me. Except he didn't. Because someone else already has him and has 2 kids with him. I would never in a million years get with a married man, because I respect the institution of marriage and believe that the family unit is probably the most sacred thing of all. So nearly 2 years ago, I decided that I had to get away from Simon so I left my job and drove over 1000kms to work in QLD. The first night I was there I went out for dinner with my new bosses and my workmates. And wouldn't you believe it, the couple opposite me (let's say they are called "Trent" and "Tracey") were friends with Simon. They used to work at my old work, and Trent used to work under Simon. We had been talking about people that we knew from my old work, and when I mentioned Simon the first thing that Tracey said was "Oh, I love Simon. He's so gorgeous". That's 9 women (me, Tracey, and my old co-workers) who think that he's sexy. I have been thinking about Simon every day for 2 years and I feel like I'm going to go mad if I don't tell him how I feel. Would it be wrong to do this? Even if I have absolutely no intention whatsoever to take anything further. I don't want to be disrespectful to his wife. But on the other hand I don't know how this is going to be received. Like, maybe he will be really happy to know how desirable he is (which he must already know) and maybe his wife will be glad that people lust after her husband (which she must already know). I have written up a message which I was going to send to him on Facebook, but I want to hear your opinions on this first.

Hopeful9 Depression and anxiety & love
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Had a some stressful events leanding up to a week of spiraling into deep depression and anxiety attacks , On the second from last day of my spiral I was crying telling my gf how much I loved her and that I couldn’t see how I would support her and kid... View more

Had a some stressful events leanding up to a week of spiraling into deep depression and anxiety attacks , On the second from last day of my spiral I was crying telling my gf how much I loved her and that I couldn’t see how I would support her and kids asking not leave ect ect and that I didn’t want to be depressed for ever , the next day I wake up and boom the tummy turned and I had the same thought of it’s you and her that’s the problem all day over over , I couldn’t sleep and against advice I split with her. she has been so supportive and helped me as best she can , but I still had the thoughts and couldn’t shake them , I decided to try again but after 2 weeks of thought she decided it wasn’t best we so I do it , which set me back , . What I don’t understand is why I’m still having the thoughts bug now it’s flipped 180 and it’s telling me I messed up as she’s everything you want now I feel like I wdon’t na be with her but it also makes me feel anxious too - it’s like I do but I don’t but I do