Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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Weemary Hi I am lost
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Hi i am 48 years old and I am married to a man 18 years older than me, we have 2 grown up children and we have been married for nearly 29 years, I am not from Australia ( but am a Australian citizen) I have not been happy with my marriage for a few y... View more

Hi i am 48 years old and I am married to a man 18 years older than me, we have 2 grown up children and we have been married for nearly 29 years, I am not from Australia ( but am a Australian citizen) I have not been happy with my marriage for a few years, my husband has his own business and I am the home maker, I went back to my birth place last year ( where all my family live) I am in Australia with no family, I met up with a x who I have fallen for and this has made me look at my marriage and realise that I am not happy at all, but my husband is telling me that I am ruining his life that he is 66 and will never find a mother women at his age, we have nothing in common and it’s only since meeting up with my x of 30 years that I want to walk away from my marriage, I have been with my husband 28 years we have had our ups and downs and now I feel it’s time for me to live my life, I have been there for my husband and children for 29 years, why do I feel like I am in the wrong for wanting a new life, I do love my husband but I am not in love with him, he keeps telling me I knew he was 18 years older than me but I don’t want to live like a 66 year old, sorry to go on but this is my life am I being selfish x

Merkles Lack of relationships issue
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Hi guys, not sure how to put this, or if it's worth posting here, I just feel so alone lately. I am 27 and have never been in a relationship before and it's really starting to take it's toll on me. I live alone, all my close friends have partners and... View more

Hi guys, not sure how to put this, or if it's worth posting here, I just feel so alone lately. I am 27 and have never been in a relationship before and it's really starting to take it's toll on me. I live alone, all my close friends have partners and are moving on with their lives. I'm not sure why I struggle so much to find someone. At the start of the year I got close with someone I've known for some time now, we were chatting quite regularly (Mostly daily). I thought for sure it was going to turn into something more. We had a weekend planned away, that I was really excited for, I spoke to her about it and she had forgotten about it? Which really made me feel worthless. I suffer from GAD and I couldn't stop thinking about why she would have forgotten. Since then she hasn't really been close with me, sometimes messages me out of the blue and then leaves me on read for days. I just keep thinking to myself what did I do. This is just one example; I always feel nothing works out for me, even though everyone says how great of a person I am. It's leading me into quite a depressed state as I can't help but envisage a future spent alone, and it's scary. None of this is her fault, I'm sure she has her reasons, who knows, maybe she's found someone better, maybe I was always just an option, anyway the best to her. I can't help but think back on the good times now and I miss them like crazy, my phone can go days without getting a notification that isn't from work. Not sure what I'm looking for posting here, I just think I needed to get this off my chest. Thank you if you read this all.

Jacko93 I’m stuck and confused as the last 2 years of my life have been taken away
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My girlfriend of 2 years went on holidays with a group of people for a my “friends” 21st birthday, I couldn’t go because of work and asked her 3 times I wasn’t ok with her going without me (I was already getting suss that something was going on betwe... View more

My girlfriend of 2 years went on holidays with a group of people for a my “friends” 21st birthday, I couldn’t go because of work and asked her 3 times I wasn’t ok with her going without me (I was already getting suss that something was going on between them) we couldn’t afford it but she went anyway. When she came home 2 weeks later she broke up with me out of the blue saying she had feelings for this guy who’s birthday it was and she didn’t miss me while she was gone. She’s 27 and we lived together and had a lot of stuff together, trying for kids, had 2 dogs ect. She kicked me out with no warning and didn’t even wait 48 hrs or before I moved out to get in bed with him. She says she didn’t cheat but in my eyes she 100% has emotionally (and probably physically) one half of me still loves her but the other half never wants to speak to her again as she took EVERYTHING from me. I could really use some advice as I’m just taking it day by day at the moment and fell very lost and very confused at the moment. This happened a month ago and I haven’t spoken to her since. I want to reach out to her but I know I have to wait for her to reach out to me(I honestly don’t think she will as she doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong) Thanks for your time and advice

LUCIDFOX_X Cheated on my partner with my ex
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This has been quite troubling for me. I sort of told myself that I would never be that person who cheated. I vowed it to myself really. Straight afterwards I mostly just felt shocked and sort of frustrated with myself, I haven't told anyone and don't... View more

This has been quite troubling for me. I sort of told myself that I would never be that person who cheated. I vowed it to myself really. Straight afterwards I mostly just felt shocked and sort of frustrated with myself, I haven't told anyone and don't plan on telling anyone but I'm am mostly just surprised. I don't want to be viewed as the 'cheater', the 'once a cheater always a cheater'. I'm at a point in my life where I really don't know what I want and it feels like quite a 'transitional phase'. I'm only 22 and I've heard of this so many times from my older friends where your 20's is where you really discover yourself. This, of course, is not what I'm referring to when it comes to discovering myself. I mean more like I want to move cities just to try it (Why not), and meet new people, and study animals like I've always wanted to since I was a little girl, become a zookeeper and work my way up, I want to discover things and become someone who I love. Don't get me wrong, I love my partner... As ridiculous as that sounds... I really do though, he is such an angel and I don't know where I'd be without him sometimes, but I don't think I'm 'in love' with him anymore. He's been my rock for a very long time but there's a lot of things we don't agree on and I'm a very hypersensitive person, and he isn't, i'm very empathetic, he isn't, I communicate using different pitches in my voice to express my care and love for someone, or anger or sadness, he doesn't (So offends me a lot without realising), he's very black and white, I'm not, he has a criminal record, I didn't sign up for that, he's cheated on me twice (?) and has sent photos of me to his friend when we had been dating for 6 months. So, ultimately, I'm just unsure of what direction I want to go in really, and where I want to go and who I want to be. As for my ex, this person has been in my life since we were in year 8 and we have always had a lot of love and care for each other, it did make us feel things, but he seems more distant now, I think because he feels so guilty. And for some reason, I feel nothing, I can't stop thinking about it, and I think I feel sort of sad (?), but I mostly think I feel indifferent but also just nothing. It's hard to explain. Please don't give me a grilling. I really don't want one lol. I know how bad it is... I just need some advice or insight.

We_Can_Get_Through_It Why do I feel worse?
  • replies: 4

I've been dating this guy for about a month now and I love him so much, he is caring and is very patient and I am so happy when I am around him. But when I'm not I'm super anxious and depressed and it's getting way worse, I feel like I'm acting very ... View more

I've been dating this guy for about a month now and I love him so much, he is caring and is very patient and I am so happy when I am around him. But when I'm not I'm super anxious and depressed and it's getting way worse, I feel like I'm acting very clingy towards him already and the feeling of loneliness is suffocating. I have no idea what to do, any ideas?

Claypole Wife Had Affair - 3 Yaers later, Relationship Is not the same
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My wife had a five year long affair with one of our best friends. I found out when I saw a text message on her phone. We decided to stay together , and the aftershcok of the affair had a big effect on our social base and friends (most blamed her and ... View more

My wife had a five year long affair with one of our best friends. I found out when I saw a text message on her phone. We decided to stay together , and the aftershcok of the affair had a big effect on our social base and friends (most blamed her and ditched us both) Three years on and I feel very confused, my wife and I are still close, but there is no intimicay in the relationsip at all. I still do not fully trust her, and every time she is away my anxiety levels rocket. My self asteim is very low because of the lack of intimacy, and I feel kind of trapped. Is it time to end the relationship? Can it be fixed? I have tried talking to her, but she would rather just sweep it under the carpet and pretend it didn't happen. she just says things like "but things are good now, we should just move on". She doesn't seem to understand that things are not good. This just feels like a friendship rather than a marriage - we do lots together, but not really as man and wife. We have been married for 25 years now, and I'm not sure I am just staying for a sense of loyalty or duty. There is no other person on the horizen, I have never actively looked, but I am worried if I don't will I be stuck in this state of Limbo for the next 25 years?

battling_and_confused Management of work colleagues
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Hi Just like everyone work sucks sometimes and we all have good and bad patches. I would like opinions on how I have handled the following scenario and how I should have handled it. I have a work colleague I do not directly manage but I will say I am... View more

Hi Just like everyone work sucks sometimes and we all have good and bad patches. I would like opinions on how I have handled the following scenario and how I should have handled it. I have a work colleague I do not directly manage but I will say I am more senior. They have had some terrible stuff happen in their lives regarding expectations and perceived disappointment and have battled AD for some time. When work gets a bit hard, the AD plays up, I have sort of been their support person. I have directed to external support and I believe they are well supported. Here is the drama, they do not want anyone at work to know, and I respect that, the feel it has counted against them previously. Recently I committed to meet them and sort of delayed it a few times, late one day (late in the work week)I got a call from them all distressed and felt a tad guilty, I went and visited for an hour and had a chat. I think it helped them although I do feel a monkey on my back, but I am happy they are OK and appreciate what I did "you have made sure I will have a great Monday" was our parting words. I was sort of worked up as this latest "flat patch" could have been prevented if work had have been a little more generally thoughtful. I sent an email that was not nice, but not that bad, to some senior crew at work, basically saying have a good hard look at how we manage things. I was pretty worked up myself (I am AD) which reverted to a few questions and justification from the crew emailed (ok perhaps email was a bit loose). They were grilling me to tell them who it was and they wanted to support, but I didn't want to breach their confidentiality, the conversation was really shit but I stuck fast. Have I done the right thing?

Lost78 Lost and confussed
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Well here goes, Three weeks ago my partner left while I was at work, she sent a txt saying everything was my fault and she was going. She cut off all ties and by the time I could fly home, she had taken everything from the house she wanted. I had 2 s... View more

Well here goes, Three weeks ago my partner left while I was at work, she sent a txt saying everything was my fault and she was going. She cut off all ties and by the time I could fly home, she had taken everything from the house she wanted. I had 2 step kids, it was the eldests birthday when she sent the text, I couldnt even say happy birthdday. I have know then for six years. A couple of weeks previously I had found a couples counsillor for us as I had felt like our connection was strained and lost and wanted to do what I could to have a good relationship. So we went to our single appointments then a couples one. It was tough but the counsillor said it was nothing special we were pretty normal. We had an argument on the way home, she didnt know what she felt and I was upset because we had only just brought a house and she wasnt even willing to try. After things cooled down we decided to try and keep going to the sessions to see how it went. I went to work and everything seemed ok, we made some plans for my time off and still got txts with i love you in them. Then came that txt and everything changed. I have had no contact with her and the kids, she blocked me on everything as soon as she sent the text. She just walked away. I went back to the couples counsillor, phycologist and she was gob smacked that it had happened. All I wanted to do was blame my self but she saw in her clinical opinion that I was a rational adult and my partner had some big issues. I dont understand why someone would just leave like that when their partner is willing to work at it and support her? I now have lost all contact with my step kids who I love so dearly and miss everyday, however I know I do not have any rights. I have tried counsilling, being possitive, being active but the pain of not seeing them ever again is so hard. Loosing one relationship is hard but I have lost three and I am sick of being told to get over it, move on and be possitive. I feel in a very low place..............

SparklySushi He doesn’t want to have sex with me and always bites at me?
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Me and my boyfriend have been together for 16 months and always done long distance (we’re 2.5 hours away he’s city and I’m rural) I’ve always struggled with the fact he doesn’t give much affection and doesn’t put much enthusiasm into the relationship... View more

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 16 months and always done long distance (we’re 2.5 hours away he’s city and I’m rural) I’ve always struggled with the fact he doesn’t give much affection and doesn’t put much enthusiasm into the relationship which has left me doubting myself and because he was once engaged makes me feel like I’m not that amazing to get over his ex... he doesn’t simply think or think to support me it’s like being with a child. For example he organised this thing for my birthday which was going to give me huge anxiety and probably result in me having a panic attack and like what I expected he didn’t support me, he left me to cry on my birthday didn’t think to even come to support me. we only see each other on the weekends and I would’ve thought by then he’d be getting pretty keen for sex but I always have to initiate it otherwise I won’t get it at all, sometimes it feels like I have to force it out of him. I don’t have that much of a sex drive but it’s like basically the only affection I get so I’ve got nothing else... we’re both in a late 20’s I have a stable full time job where he’s still fluffing about going from job to job never happy and I feel like he takes it out on me even though I try helping him and suggest things but he doesn’t listen. Due to this he still lives with his parents in a granny flat but soon it’ll all be under the same roof...I’ve tried explaining this is going to greatly affect our relationship, no privacy, can’t be ourselves and when I do get sex it’ll have to be super quiet and boring. He fails to realise all this which hurts me I honestly don’t know what to do. Besides all these bad things we get along perfect we have fun and make fun of each other but we both suffer anxiety and depression him possibly asbergers (not medically diagnosed). I feel so alone and depressed. We planned on moving in together and I put in a transfer to the city but now he’s jumping from another job again. i love him so much but I just don’t know what to do. Everything I say he bites at me. There’s no talking to him without starting an argument

Kelizabeth Struggling with finding out my ex is gay
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I was with my previous partner for 9 years we had a house together, pets everything. Things started going south and we didn’t have much of a physical relationship and eventually agreed to part ways last year staying good friends. Last week I found ou... View more

I was with my previous partner for 9 years we had a house together, pets everything. Things started going south and we didn’t have much of a physical relationship and eventually agreed to part ways last year staying good friends. Last week I found out by accident he has starting dating a man. My emotions are all over the place and I’m so conflicted. I have no problem with homosexuality and hope he finally feels that he’s in the right place but at the same time I can’t help to feel angry and betrayed. I’m questioning every moment and experience we had together. The worst part is I’m ashamed of these feelings...I feel like I should just be happy for him and I’m guilty I’m feeling anything different. I know how hard it must have been for him to not be able to be honest about what he was feeling. I’m shocked and I’m overwhelmed and don’t know what to think or feel. It’s almost like I’m actually now grieving for a while past life the perceptions of which I no longer trust. I don’t know if I’m just being selfish I’m feeling this way