Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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zunflower Separation is the best answer for everything? Just need someone to talk or listen
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Hi Everyone. my husband and I married for almost 9 years now. I am not sure if im suffering from depression or self esteem i feel lost i dont know what im feeling right now. When we started i let him control everything because i taught that is best f... View more

Hi Everyone. my husband and I married for almost 9 years now. I am not sure if im suffering from depression or self esteem i feel lost i dont know what im feeling right now. When we started i let him control everything because i taught that is best for us, because most of the time i dont wanna have fight so i didnt fight back or talked about what i want. Just go his way, but now i feel lose. I feel like he stole something from me, my independence i guess or who i want to be? But i let it happened right and at somehow i deserve this because i didnt speak out sooner. But everytime ill speak out where just going to have a fight and he makes me feel guilty and put in a corner. Because whatever he decides i dont have the rights and blames me with evrything goes wrong. When we go out, he preffered to go to casino and play. So i let him because i believe he will be good in card games and yes while waiting for him i will play the pokies. Just buying sometimes. Most our visit at the casino i need to wait for him til he finished playing like 3-4 am in the morning. we go for travel like boat cruised thats all he wants to do drink and gamble. I tried to control him, and tell him i want him to spend time with me. When he does hell sit with me for an hour makes me feel guilty that is bored then he will left me at the bar and go to the casino. so much more to talk about i guess. Sorry if im mimicking, because i am evaluating myself right now. Thank you for ur feedback.

megan123 ROCD or something wrong with relationship
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Hi, Ive never written something like this before but reading some of them have really helped me in the past. I've been dating my current boyfriend for a over a year now, and so far it was great, we met overseas and he decided to come to Australia to ... View more

Hi, Ive never written something like this before but reading some of them have really helped me in the past. I've been dating my current boyfriend for a over a year now, and so far it was great, we met overseas and he decided to come to Australia to live with me around 7 months ago. It couldn't have been better. His visa is only for a year so we've always had the issue of what happens later over us but we always knew that as long as we loved each other we could make it work. I'm about to begin studying so we also had to factor in that maybe it would be our life here in Australia or maybe it would be moving to Europe and me studying there. Over time this began to cause me more and more stress, I've been dealing with what I believed to be moderate anxiety for most of my life and I started to notice my symptoms were becoming slowly worse and worse. Our relationship was great until one evening we were discussing what to do about his visa and a thought came to my mind like "you don't love him you have to break up right now", it felt like someone had shot me and I then went on to have the worst panic attack I've experienced to date. I knew I loved him so much but I just couldn't shake this thought. I didn't even realise but I started to do little routine checks to see how I felt about him, none of them helped though and over time I began to feel more and more anxious just at the sight of him. I couldn't touch him, ever night I wake up at 4 am in sweats, analysing why I didn't dream about him and if that means my relationship is over. Its gotten to the point I can't even see the point anymore. Some days are worse than others but none are good, on the not bad days I'm still not happy, or even sure I want to be around him. It sucks so much because before all of this I was so sure I would have such a bright and happy future with him and now I don't know what to do. I tell him about how I'm feeling and he stays strong but I can see I'm breaking his heart, I just want to feel happy with him again and for these thoughts to stop. I cant distinguish between thoughts and feelings anymore everything just feels grey. I'm scared I found out about ROCD too late and that maybe I've already let it ruin my relationship and the way I view my partner. Any help would be so appreciated I have no idea what I should do

Brando442 Help me understand?
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My sister and her partner moved away 2 years ago in that time they had a child and they have decided to come back in with my parents. Since being here my parents have forked our 11 grand most of that was a car my dad got my sisters partner so he coul... View more

My sister and her partner moved away 2 years ago in that time they had a child and they have decided to come back in with my parents. Since being here my parents have forked our 11 grand most of that was a car my dad got my sisters partner so he could start work as a courier, he’s had the job for 20 days and has taken 8 days off in that time, He’s come home because it’s ‘too hot’ he has over 1000 dollars in fines and his mentality is “let them come after me, they can’t make me pay it” and my sister views everything he says as he wrote the bible My sister stays in bed all day whilst my mum and dad cook, bath, baby sit and shop for my niece. The parents don’t do a single thing for her. They put her to bed and then go out and smoke weed My mum always enjoyed a drink but since they’ve moved back in she’s drinking all day everyday my dad is unhappy most of the time. My sister and her partner don’t do anything around the house, you can’t say anything to them because I’m their eyes “they do stuff, and do look after their daughter” My dad loses it whereas my mum says she just switches off whilst she downs another drink. This all stresses me out because they keep giving and giving and getting used, treated like garbage but won’t put a stop to any of it because they’re scared to lose their grand daughter, which I understand but how far can they go with no money? I’m 26 with a partner of my own and we stay in between houses, we pay our way etc. it sucks I don’t want to be in my own home anymore. I feel like distancing myself from my family and not getting involved. I don’t know what I can really do. Nothing seems to change.

Natnicmac Rollercoaster of depression Vs life
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Newbie here. Having a bad week & found these forums. I have battled depression for 16 years... probably longer. I am in a rut this past few weeks, ya know when every moment is filled with dread. Getting dressed is only so i can go out to earn a wage ... View more

Newbie here. Having a bad week & found these forums. I have battled depression for 16 years... probably longer. I am in a rut this past few weeks, ya know when every moment is filled with dread. Getting dressed is only so i can go out to earn a wage to pay the never ending bills. My relationship is now suffering. I feel so much resentment toward my husband for doing nothing wrong. I have gained 15kg in 2 months trying to eat myself happy... i cannot stop! The result is shitty self esteem & no interest in intimacy at all. I know this makes my partner feel rejected but i can’t seem to pull myself out of the black hole. If i didnt have my kids I would act on my self sabotaging thoughts. I tried to explain to hubby but i feel like he must be sick of putting up with this shit from me after 15 years. I want to care about myself enough to stop the binge eating that i know is so self destructive. I am now starting to have anxiety attacks after 12 months without them. Who or what can help? Gp’s just up my antidepressants or send me toa counsellor who wonders why i am there because i know the tools to be better, i just can’t do them when i am this low?

Miah My partner had an emotional affair !
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Hey guys, i just wanted to ask a outside perspective of my situation. I recently caught my partner of 12 years having and “ emotional affair” he is assures me nothing physical has happened. I’ll start with the back story, I always trusted him I would... View more

Hey guys, i just wanted to ask a outside perspective of my situation. I recently caught my partner of 12 years having and “ emotional affair” he is assures me nothing physical has happened. I’ll start with the back story, I always trusted him I would drop him off at the pub and pick him up the next day sometimes not till 10am. I never put much thought much into it but up until mid November last year I just felt there was something wrong, he started hiding his phone and would get angry if I touched it, started going out every weekend with a new group of friends he met through his sister ( she was with him as well), was disconnect from me and the kids, stopped calling and texting, didn’t care if we where home or not, was getting angry often all the common signs. This one day I was cooking dinner for all of us at my aunties and he was suppose to stop on his way through he then rang and said he was tired from work and he was going home and going bed he will come down tomorrow. Had a really weird feeling but ignored it later that night I received a phone call and some pictures of him with some chick at a local pub I called he never answered he then ran back about 10 mins later and everything was quite I asked where he was he must have known I knew because he said then he was at pub at this point i went off and we stared fighting he told me where to go and hung up. Throughout the following week was hell and that’s when I discovered he had Instagram and he has been talking to that particular chick( has a family of her own) for weeks. Those messages where of a sexual nature pictures included. He then turned everything around on me stating it was all my fault. In later conversation he said sorry and that it was nothing it started like that but know there are just friends. He refuses to cut all ties with her and still has her on all social media platforms I have gave him an ultimatum but he doesn’t care he actually stated “I choose who I want to and don’t want to be friends with”. Every time I bring it up he gets angry or turns the situation around some how. I have been trying to keep it together was extremely difficult over the Christmas break. Our hole relationship has change there is no trust anymore after work he walks in has a shower walls out goes shopping washes his car or goes for a drive. I feel when I want to discuss how I feel he brushes it off and doesn’t care. He does t seem to be wanting to work for this relationship and I am finding it hard to deal with his lack of trying. Our relationship in the bedroom has changed , I don’t feel he is attracted to me anymore. I have reverted completely back into my shell I was doing the horses with my kids everyday and know I find it hard to leave the house. I I have lost heaps of weight and am finding it hard to eat. I can’t talk to anyone around me about it I know this sounds weird but I do t want them to judge him and I don’t want to feel like a fool. especially because they still have contact in person and over social media. I feel alone and empty I want to sleep all the time and every time I on my own all I do is cry, I can’t stop thinking about it, it makes me feel sick. And I have so much hatred towards his sister for encouraging this behaviour ( seen her messages as well) I feel like an idiot. the worst part was my brother warned me if they way would act when they would go to the pub together and I thought he was just trying to cause trouble. I do all ready suffer with PTSD and severe panic attacks/ anxiety and all of this has just brought it all back to the surface. I already get therapy I would just like to see what other people’s opinions are.

outlander94 confused and don't know what to do.
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Hi, I'm not sure if I'm in the right forum, or if what I'm feeling is warranted after what I've done. I cheated on my boyfriend before Christmas. I told him and he seemed to want to work through it. Just last Friday he came home and ended it. Called ... View more

Hi, I'm not sure if I'm in the right forum, or if what I'm feeling is warranted after what I've done. I cheated on my boyfriend before Christmas. I told him and he seemed to want to work through it. Just last Friday he came home and ended it. Called me every name under the sun, all deserved though, and kicked me out of his house. I now live at home with my parents, which neither of them will talk to me now. He was more upset that I lied, I initially only told him half the story. But, people who I believed were friends told him the whole story. Did he deserved the truth? Maybe. But I believed that what I did I could live with, because it was a one time thing that didn't mean anything, and he is in a world of hurt because of a mistake that I made. The worst part is is that I didn't mean to do it. I know people think 'how can you not mean to do it?' but I didn't. It was a huge moment of weakness. I love my boyfriend more than anything and I've lost everything. I have hardly any money and he helped support me a lot. So this adds a lot of pressure to the situation. I'm feeling so lost. I can't eat, or sleep. I don't want to see anyone either. I'm having panic attacks and I cannot think clearly about anything. I guess I deserve what I got but I just need someone to talk to. Someone whose been through what I'm going through. I'm giving him space and I'm hoping that sometimes in the near future he'll change his mind and we'll be able to work through this. I'm terrified that it'll never happen though. I'm highly anxious and I'm scared to live without him. I've never felt so down or unhappy in my life. I feel so guilty about what I've done, I've embarrassed myself and my friends. I've lost friends, respect, dignity and I think in some ways, my will to live. My heart is literally aching. I just want to know how I'm supposed to be okay after this. Does anyone think that I have a chance of making it right? Am I a terrible person? Is there any chance of redemption?

Byrn92 I Just cant do it anymore
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I have been with my partner for 7 years we have one son her family lives with us and for the last 6 months i just have gotten to the point wer dont care anymore i dont care bout life i dont feel like i am wanted anymore and if i say something its rat... View more

I have been with my partner for 7 years we have one son her family lives with us and for the last 6 months i just have gotten to the point wer dont care anymore i dont care bout life i dont feel like i am wanted anymore and if i say something its rather jezz need a tampon or jesus pitty party much or shit like that i dont feel i can talk to her anymore bout anything as anything i say she goes straight to her mother and get told to get over it the only time her mother talks to me is when its about money or wanting something i have been trying to push past it all but i cant anymore i cant just go on putting up with it all feeling like i am some sort of check cash each week i just dont want to do anymore or be anymore i have noone to talk to and i have no idea what to say the last two times i brought things up i had to live at my brothers house for a good month or three i just dont know what to do i feel like i am on a raft in the ocean surround by sharks as the raft sowly falls apart aound me i just at the end of my rope and i need someone to help me back up

storm16 Possible STI
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I've recently been told I may have genital warts. I broke up with my partner of 20 years, 3 years ago. I havent been with anyone else since. My doctor has only referred me to a gynecologist, but given no treatment options. I cant get in to see the gy... View more

I've recently been told I may have genital warts. I broke up with my partner of 20 years, 3 years ago. I havent been with anyone else since. My doctor has only referred me to a gynecologist, but given no treatment options. I cant get in to see the gynecologist until March. This is stressing me out as I have recently starting dating again. Has anyone else had an STI appear years later?? Any advice will be appreciated.

Nothappyuni What does "I love you, but I'm not 'In Love' with you" mean, seriously?
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My partner of 25 years kept telling me "I love you, but I'm not in love with you". She insisted I was foolish to leave, and should "get over the abuse". I, however, am still wondering just what the phrase literally means. Ideas??

My partner of 25 years kept telling me "I love you, but I'm not in love with you". She insisted I was foolish to leave, and should "get over the abuse". I, however, am still wondering just what the phrase literally means. Ideas??

Waban67 Get down about being single
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Hello all, I am a single mother of two teenage boys. I have predominately been single since their father and I split 10 years ago. I am outgoing, have great friends, work and play music in bands an generally have a good life, although I do find being... View more

Hello all, I am a single mother of two teenage boys. I have predominately been single since their father and I split 10 years ago. I am outgoing, have great friends, work and play music in bands an generally have a good life, although I do find being the primary carer all the time exhausting. I am possibly a little fussy about who I get involved with. I take care of my physical and mental health. I'm not a massive drinker and enjoy having hobbies. Communication is also really important to me. I had hoped I could meet someone who also cared about their health, liked being active, was an open honest communicator, was affectionate and had a love for music. I have a few failed attempts at relationships over the last few years and I get so incredibly down when they don't work. I go to such dark places and I don't want to be like this. My boys need me to be OK. My eldest son who is 17 has recently started having mental health issues, which he is thankfully open about and we are seeking help. I know with all that is going on with him, I shouldn't be thinking about relationships, but I don't want to be on my own forever. I would love to be in a relationship. I am an incredibly independent person in so many ways, but I think most of us need someone special in our lives. I have just ended another failed relationship. We were only together a few months, but I am doubting myself and would love to just have a general chat online about this if possible to help me work through my thinking.