Relationship and family issues

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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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Mark247 Will your marriage survive COVID 19?
  • replies: 12

We have been married nearly 30 years but I suspect this lock-in will be the final nail in the coffin for us. Unfortunately it is not a good time to move out. Is anyone else in this position?

We have been married nearly 30 years but I suspect this lock-in will be the final nail in the coffin for us. Unfortunately it is not a good time to move out. Is anyone else in this position?

Berenbel Partner has untreated ADHD and doesn't help with my anxiety
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Sorry for the long post - this is a daily struggle of mine. My partner was diagnosed with ADHD when he was younger but his mum chose not to do anything with it because she didn't believe in it. Fast forward to two years ago, the honeymoon phase of ou... View more

Sorry for the long post - this is a daily struggle of mine. My partner was diagnosed with ADHD when he was younger but his mum chose not to do anything with it because she didn't believe in it. Fast forward to two years ago, the honeymoon phase of our relationship had worn off and all his habits and lack of ability to listen was really starting to get to me. He's really messy, and I've always been quite tidy. At the start of our relationship, I would clean up after him, but after a couple years I started asking for his help or even just tidying up after himself. He was almost incapable of this which is when I started to push him to explore ADHD/see if he has it and potentially treat it (he'd do things like lose a cup of coffee by leaving it in the pantry, forget to close the front door because he got a call and our dog would escape, or completely miss a deadline because he fell down an internet rabbit hole). That was about a year ago. Since then, I've had countless emotional breakdowns, I've been diagnosed with anxiety and depression (probably had it for years longer) and I see a therapist weekly. Part of my anxiety is largely about having a tidy home, not having clutter everywhere etc. I don’t think I’m OCD but I definitely get angry when things aren’t in the place they belong. I’m the kind of person who leaves a room as if they were never there and he is the kind of person who leaves a room as if he’s been living there for weeks and i have to beg for days for him to tidy. There have been times where I've told him I am not happy at home and I reiterate what I need from him and many times I have threatened to leave because I just can't handle it. Sometimes it's good for a week or so until he goes back to his old habits.I just don't feel like a priority or like he really cares about me and each time I feel let down by him I get so angry! I feel like it's my fault because I'm the one who has the problems and if I didn't have these issues or like things a particular way, everything would be fine. Each time we have a serious discussion, we discuss him going to a GP regarding ADHD and he seems keen to do it but he never follows through and it just becomes this never ending cycle. Can ANYONE relate to anything like this? I'm starting to go insane and question everything about my life and relationship and wonder if I'm only making myself more depressed by living with my partner or being with him at all. I almost feel like I could only be happy by living alone?

Nneesh When you have done and accepted everything to save your marriage
  • replies: 2

Hi i have been reading few posts and found it very helpful but was timid to share my own. thanks for sharing. Met my husband 7 years ago on a dating site. He seemed wonderful and very caring and loving. At that time he was in the process of separatin... View more

Hi i have been reading few posts and found it very helpful but was timid to share my own. thanks for sharing. Met my husband 7 years ago on a dating site. He seemed wonderful and very caring and loving. At that time he was in the process of separating with his ex wife marriage that lasted18 years. We started to date and he finally asked to move in with me after 3 months as he was selling his place. Everything seemed perfect, he was giving me loads of attention. We decided after try for a child because of my biological clock. After 1 and half years my daughter was born and I had a very difficult pregnancy with gestational diabetes and insulin etc. on the day my daughter was born I could see a change in him, as I I never existed all the attention went on her. I was ok with this as I thought he was first time dad. The neglect continued and although he was here I felt less love and attention. Things got worst over the last few years a lot of arguments about parenting styles as we belong to different race and culture. family issues from his side, his mother is controlling and racist towards me although she lives overseas she has a strong hold on him, constant messaging and calls. That surprised initially that a man in his 50s will just talk to his mum, share everything what is happening in our couple with her. Besides being in Australia for 22 years now my husband has not a single friend or a social circle. He just knows his job and exercise workout. The last 3 years things have gone worst, it started with verbal abuse and then physical abuse several times. He has threatened to leave the home may be 10 times now and I have tried convincing to come back, it’s been back and forth loading his stuff and unloading his stuff. I have reported the abuse to police twice and getting support and counselling from more than a year now. 2 months ago I had to report threat for physical aggression again and this police decided for an exclusion intervention order. will appreciate any feedback . Thanks and it’s takes courage to share.

Shelly1901 Partners alcohol misuse and abuse
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Hi, my story is long and spans over 8 years with my current partner. I have a daughter(12) from a previous relationship and we share a son(6) together. Basically over the past 6 years Ive noticed a few things that keep reoccurring. My partner has alw... View more

Hi, my story is long and spans over 8 years with my current partner. I have a daughter(12) from a previous relationship and we share a son(6) together. Basically over the past 6 years Ive noticed a few things that keep reoccurring. My partner has always been a beer drinker but of late (year and half) I've noticed him being more drunk than normal. I've found bottles of vodka and wine casks hidden in the garage and In his back shed. I've confronted him about it and he admitted to it but still continues to hide it or lie about drinking it when I can smell it on his breath. When he is drunk he will pursue in sexual convos including photos with women whether it be ex gfs or ex work colleagues. Recently I had one of his ex colleagues msg me regarding a msg he had sent her, it was a disgusting emoji sext. I'm yet to confront him about it. These have been ongoing for probably our whole relationship but I didn't see it till 6 years ago. He made a dating profile this year, his reason was because he was looking for me on there. My phone is always open whereas his has a fingerprint scanner. If I have conversations with male colleagues via messenger, whether it be work related or just something funny he says they're trying to crack onto me which is not the case at all. In the past 6 years he's changed jobs 8 times, he hides vodka in his water bottles and powerade bottles. It's just non stop and I've got to the point where I'm tired of trying to help him when he's not doing anything to help himself. I dread coming home to see what state he is in and what outburst he's going to have. He constantly blames me and my daughter for his anger. He's never threatened or hurt us physically in any way but the emotional damage is taking its toll. Yet when he's sober we are the happiest family you'd ever meet?? I've broached his mum in the past about it but shes very religion orientated, just gives me quotes from the Bible which doesn't help. There's so much more but this is it in a nutshell of the things constantly happening time and time again. I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted, I've asked him to leave, he doesn't understand that we cannot heal whilst living under the same roof. He thinks I want him to leave so I can start seeing someone new but I have no interest in anybody, I just want to be happy and see my kids happy and not feel constantly under threat of attack from the alcohol induced side of him. My heart is broken and my mind is on overdrive all the time.

sarah5505 My online best friend told me that she needs to disconnect for a bit. What should I do?
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My online best friend told me that she needs to stay off social media for a while to cope with things in her personal life and social media is becoming too much. She told me it's not me and I haven't done anything wrong, but as someone who suffers fr... View more

My online best friend told me that she needs to stay off social media for a while to cope with things in her personal life and social media is becoming too much. She told me it's not me and I haven't done anything wrong, but as someone who suffers from social anxiety I can't help but feel like it's me and I have pushed her away. What should I do? I want to give her space but also don't want to loose her. Should I message her again in 2 weeks or so? I'm incredibly close to her, it's a legit friendship and we have been talking for 2 years. I just feel worried and honestly a little hurt.

Treader Partners Family excludes me.
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Hi, I've been in a relationship with my partner for 9 years we have lived together For 7years.His family never wanting to meet me For over 6 years then one random time I got asked for Xmas Drinks at 7pm xmas night. I have only probably seen his child... View more

Hi, I've been in a relationship with my partner for 9 years we have lived together For 7years.His family never wanting to meet me For over 6 years then one random time I got asked for Xmas Drinks at 7pm xmas night. I have only probably seen his children on maybe 6 occasions. I don't get invite to family gatherings. Which I'm ok with as his ex Wife goes and they do and have family time. But I've found out the last few times his ex wife partner goes.Ive read Texts were my partner has been invited or asked to do stuff. But my Name is never mentioned.But ex wife partners is. On rare occasions when they see me they are polite. But that's it. I have spoke to my partner about it. And he said it's me that I'm Working all the time and I don't try with them. I defended myself and said I'm never invite. He said yes you are. I Said my names never included in messages etc. He said it was me and I needed to make a effort. So I tried when it Was partners bday I was invited. So I said to party I'd be going took Day off work.He phoned them and they said ohh yeah sure she can Come.then next morning phone and said sorry due to covid19 numbers At place are reach. I thought ok fair enough totally understand.then when he came Home he said ohh kids said you could of came heaps of room hardly Any people. I always send his kids n grand kids money and gifts.As painter would Forget lol. I send message to check in or wish happy birthday etc.Ive never gotten Or received anything. One of his children have had a baby I have had hampers delivered Tried to be supportive etc. In front of partner asked if I'd had all my vacs which I said yes.Ohh Good u can meet bub. Bub came and told no its for Immediate family only until bubs needles. then I have to produce a medical certificate to prove I've had my vaccination. But baby's now 6mths im yet to meet.Im feeling so deflated I'm not perfect But I try to fit in and be nice but not over step any marks etc. I need advice on what to do this is eating me up. And now on odd occasion I see them im sick with stress and anxiety. Help!

Dontknowanymore On the brink
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I've suffered depression most of my life undiagnosed until I had my first child and was diagnosed with post natal for various reasons. Since that time 4 years ago I'd managed to get myself in a good head space and we conceived our second child. I'm t... View more

I've suffered depression most of my life undiagnosed until I had my first child and was diagnosed with post natal for various reasons. Since that time 4 years ago I'd managed to get myself in a good head space and we conceived our second child. I'm trying so hard not to end up in that boat again but each day is increasingly hard. I can't help but think my marriage is done. My husband was never a great support through our first pregnancy and I guess he did the best he could through my post natal, that's what I thought until this time around. Having another child has reminded me that he really offered no support during our first and just palmed me off to his mum, my mind was such a mess that I had blacked this out up until now. It seems to be all flooding back except this time he openly says that this one is on me as he was happy with the one. I say to people he is a great dad, and yes he has great qualities and our eldest idolises him but I am the one constantly running around doing things with him even before number 2, he will then just get me to take our eldest to his mums if I need a break! In the meantime I'm getting burnt out, I've asked for a day to myself at least 20 times in the last 3 months which ends in him telling me he can't look after them and not his problem. I resort to driving 3 hrs to my mum's 2 kids in tow just to get a reprieve. Recently I lost my dad unexpectedly we weren't close but I have a lot of regrets and this has probably heightened my emotions. I'm sick of always trying to explain how I'm feeling only to be made feel I'm crazy or grumpy or just having a go. I'm tired, I feel unsupported and un appreciated. If anything losing my dad has made me realise how far I've lost myself. How short life really is and if I'm prepared to settle for how things are now. I was once fun outgoing and loved to socialise. These days I'm short tempered, rather keep to myself and need to be out of the house to keep me sane. I love my husband in terms of he gave me two beautiful children, but I don't actually think I'm in love with him anymore. Sex is a chore I avoid like the plague because why should I give myself to him when he doesn't support me at all. Saying I love you is not enough for me. I'm scared that if I do end this my kids will resent me, I'm scared of the turmoil it will cause with in-laws. But I feel dead, there is no sunshine in my days just me trying to make it through without losing my shit.

deche23 Utter Loneliness
  • replies: 3

Hello everyone, I have a problem. I am 34 years old and have never been in a relationship. I'm not terrible looking, I have a good stable job, but I've just never been sought after by the opposite sex. Just before the second lockdown in Melbourne, I ... View more

Hello everyone, I have a problem. I am 34 years old and have never been in a relationship. I'm not terrible looking, I have a good stable job, but I've just never been sought after by the opposite sex. Just before the second lockdown in Melbourne, I met a girl via online dating. We met up for a walk, and walked and talked for hours. She was a lovely, kind beautiful girl, who was open about her past, her aspirations and her insecurities. With the lockdown continuing, we went on walks around the parks in Melbourne and talked for hours in the day. Eventually she started coming to my place and we would watch movies, have dinner, talk and laugh for hours on end over the weekend. We read the same books, liked similar things and are both quiet people. I couldn't believe my luck. It was like someone had put an angel on earth just for me. Recently we met up and she said she doesn't feel the same energy. It's been two weeks but I am still just incomprehensibly heartbroken. I don't have many friends and in general and I don't relate to many people. I despise saying this because it sounds aloof, but I'm an intellectual person and prefer quiet, in depth conversations to wild nights out. I've learnt some things about myself that terrify me - my crippling loneliness being one of them, as well as my relationship inexperience. I placed value in her which probably isn't healthy. I was fine at 'playing it cool' and am not an overbearing person. She said to me that I did nothing wrong and that she still thinks I am a great person. I can't sleep nor can I concentrate at work. Every hour of the day I am tight in the chest and at work yesterday I genuinely felt as though I was feeling an onset of some form of psychosis. I am so scared because I rarely meet a woman that I feel that I connect with and am attracted to, and it may be another 34 years until it happens again. It was like someone switched on a light for a 5 month period, where I could see a type of love and beauty (not just in the aesthetic sense) that I didn't think was possible for me. Before hand, I had accepted my fate that I would grow old, single and lonely. I have tried online dating apps and meet up groups, but I just can't seem to find anyone that wants to take the time of day to speak to me or ask me questions. This girl was so kind and loving towards me, that for a moment in my life I felt a degree of love and contentment that made everything around me seem beautiful and possible. What do I do? Help.

LostAquarius I am not ok
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I can’t do this another minute longer. I am not ok. I need desparately for this to stop. I can’t handle the way my daughter treats me anymore. It’s making me sick, dizzy, confused, exhausted, in a daze and severely depressed. She’s 9. I’m 32. It’s be... View more

I can’t do this another minute longer. I am not ok. I need desparately for this to stop. I can’t handle the way my daughter treats me anymore. It’s making me sick, dizzy, confused, exhausted, in a daze and severely depressed. She’s 9. I’m 32. It’s been a power struggle since her toddler years. I admit I have been lost and unstable in regards to discipline. She is not a bad kid, she is just frequently very heartless towards me. It hurts. I know that somehow this must be my fault and I do accept that. But it still hurts. A lot. Especially now she has met some neighbourhood kids, they have changed her horribly just in a few weeks. I am terrified of what is going to continue to get worse. I am so alone. I have no support. Her biological father died just before Christmas 2 years ago. Her step dad just went to prison 3 weeks ago. I have very prominent social anxiety which affects daily living. I try to balance work between school hours but have her in after school care a couple of days which she hates me for but I am trying to earn enough money to live. The best way I can describe her behavior, is unfortunately....obnoxious. our personalities are complete opposites so that in itself is challenging, though I accept that she is her own person and I love her for it but I don’t think I deserve to be treated like a peasant. She turns her nose up at meals. Leaves the house when I say not to. Whines and complains about EVERYTHING. Leaves rubbish and her bike or scooters laying around without consideration to neighbours (we live in a unit). I have tried so hard to teach good values and I myself certainly live by them. But she rebels. I am terrified that she is going to be kidnapped or hit by a car whilst outside with the neighbours. They don’t seem to have any common sense or care and they just run about doing whatever. I have explained as much as I can about safety near cars and not to go anywhere with any body etc etc all of that but then last week I found out she had walked to the shops with just one of the neighbours who is also 9. I was so disappointed and have now become increasingly anxious making sure I can always see her or always hear her from the windows. I need to get out of this unit. It’s so awful. I am grateful not to be homeless but I still wish I could get away from here. I am so stressed I can barely breathe.

Missy1964 Fiancé with porn addiction
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Discovered porn addiction 18 months ago and I am so confused . He had pictures of women we know amongst his thousands of porn folders . He told me he’d stop but this is still going on . Not the friends pics but all the porn and secrecy . I don’t know... View more

Discovered porn addiction 18 months ago and I am so confused . He had pictures of women we know amongst his thousands of porn folders . He told me he’d stop but this is still going on . Not the friends pics but all the porn and secrecy . I don’t know what to Do. I feel betrayed and I’ve called off the engagement. Do people get over porn addiction ? Am I overreacting ? Please help me . I’m lost and feel such about this . I thought after years of bad choices I had found the one . He’s 57 and I’m 56.