PTSD and trauma

A space for discussing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), domestic abuse, sexual abuse and other trauma. Please note some content may be distressing.


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A_Tech PTSD for Medical and First Responders
  • replies: 275

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting t... View more

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting to others). Im a 40 year old female that has spent the last 10years in the State Trauma Hospital as an Anaesthetic Technician. My PTSD was brought about after years of exposure to shocking traumas, deaths, and no support from management. I would love to hear from anyone that has a similar story, or just wants to chat. Cheers

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Guest_9340 Tired of trying so hard
  • replies: 1

I'm tired of trying . I'm tired of struggling. I'm tired of worries. I'm tires of being alone. I'm tired of dejavu. I'm tired of fighting on.

I'm tired of trying . I'm tired of struggling. I'm tired of worries. I'm tires of being alone. I'm tired of dejavu. I'm tired of fighting on.

Guest_41336837 Depression for TBI sufferers
  • replies: 1

Difficult times would arise for me suffering depression after a TBI due to being a victim of crime a year ago. I have chosen to do HBOT the last month which is rewarding and I would like to hear from others that have experienced a similarly injury as... View more

Difficult times would arise for me suffering depression after a TBI due to being a victim of crime a year ago. I have chosen to do HBOT the last month which is rewarding and I would like to hear from others that have experienced a similarly injury as to how they have coped getting through their difficult moments

Relic_Girl I have complex PTSD. The last few months I seem to be stuck in 'fight or flight' mode.
  • replies: 14

I have complex PTSD. The last few months I seem to be stuck in 'fight or flight' mode. Many flashbacks, visual, emotional, physical. The littlest things are difficult to cope with. I start the day with what feels like my cup 90% full. Not wanting to ... View more

I have complex PTSD. The last few months I seem to be stuck in 'fight or flight' mode. Many flashbacks, visual, emotional, physical. The littlest things are difficult to cope with. I start the day with what feels like my cup 90% full. Not wanting to go on is a common feeling/thought. Lonely place to be. I do have a mental health worker and have seen a trauma counsellor once - waiting on further appointments to be scheduled. Had a good GP but he's left and no-one else is available in my small town. I am rambling. I am very proactive and compliant doing all sorts of techniques - grounding, mindfulness, breathing, distraction etc etc. I'm still working and fulfilling what needs to be done in my life. But it's getting harder and harder and I'm getting tired and more tired and more hopeless and feel as if I try and try and nothing is changing. I don't know what I'm asking. I'm doing all the "things". I enact my safety plan - call suicide call back service, lifeline. Come away feeling more hopeless. It's hard to get through 5 minutes sometimes. Again I don't know what I'm asking. I seek assistance and there seems no more answers and I'm stuck in this place that is dark and dangerous and lonely. Sorry for such a negative post. It's really normally not me and I normally don't share or put myself out there.

Andrewbb Trauma, PTSD, Depression and Anxiety.
  • replies: 27

What to do when you have 10 brothers and sisters, and Mother has passed away and feeling alone and lonely, feeling abandonded and a deep sense of being betrayed. Have not worked properly for 5 years as gave up work to be Mum's carer fulltime. Isolate... View more

What to do when you have 10 brothers and sisters, and Mother has passed away and feeling alone and lonely, feeling abandonded and a deep sense of being betrayed. Have not worked properly for 5 years as gave up work to be Mum's carer fulltime. Isolated' no friends' (have a distant friend) no family' no job and not much job prospects. The grieving (which was delayed response for 15 months) feels like lead in my body and so weight bearing physically' mentally and spiritually. Feeling lost' no puroose of life anymore.

Guest_82546981 trauma, depression and anxiety
  • replies: 3

i need help with how to deal with my trauma, anxiety and depression. i have been struggling really bad with it and really need help with is. i dont like talking to people in person about everything. i barely talk to people about my problems that im h... View more

i need help with how to deal with my trauma, anxiety and depression. i have been struggling really bad with it and really need help with is. i dont like talking to people in person about everything. i barely talk to people about my problems that im having. but i like talking to people over the internet about my problems so would it be ok for someone to help me please

Femina What the hell is wrong with men in Australia?
  • replies: 12

I live in Sydney & the recent incidents of violence against women has prompted me to write this. I am a woman in my mid-fifties (look 10 years younger) living on my own in a villa for nearly 7 years now. I have an obnoxious neighbor, a single man in ... View more

I live in Sydney & the recent incidents of violence against women has prompted me to write this. I am a woman in my mid-fifties (look 10 years younger) living on my own in a villa for nearly 7 years now. I have an obnoxious neighbor, a single man in his seventies whom you could call an incel (involuntary celibate). His villa is next to mine & although he has a backyard, he seems to spend a lot of time in the common area in front of his villa, even sunbathing there in full view. Initially he used to peer in thru my living room blinds till I put up some thick curtains. He then began fiddling with my rubbish bins and putting his rubbish in till I moved the bins into my backyard. He then shifted his attention to my letter box, putting some gum like substance & then sticking newspapers into it. I tried blocking the letter box by filling it up with junk & he would spend hours trying to still push things in. I then realised that there was some sexual innuendo going on. Disgusted I permanently sealed up my letter box and then the next step was that he began stalking me. I also cannot sit in the living room & literally have to tiptoe across the house because if he hears me moving around inside the house, he starts making weird noises. While all this has been happening, to cause me further stress, I also began experiencing sexual harassment at work. The man whom I shall call Geri is 65 & divorced. Geri began leering at & propositioning me since day one and didn’t seem to get the message to back-off even though I told him that I had partner. He would approach me pretending to ask a work-related question all the while staring at my chest. I managed to mitigate the situation by trying to avoid being in the office on the same days as him. What struck me about Geri was his sense of entitlement & his delusions that at 65 he was some kind of catch. Could write a lot more but restricted by the word limit! So, what exactly is wrong with men in AU that they feel the need to control & harass women? It’s bad enough for men to be abusive in a relationship but this post should provide insight into the kind of behavior some women put up with even when they are not in a relationship!! There is talk about educating men but is it really education that is required here? Maybe allowing for video capture of incidents to name & shame would be more effective.

Guest_9938 IanTed
  • replies: 6

62yo complex childhood trauma He was that violent Fear in mums womb beatings to her and me.I witnessed weekly beatings to mum he was savage Stepfather feed alcohol (9yro started drinking.Half bottle vodka age 11)continued and added drugs it didn’t wo... View more

62yo complex childhood trauma He was that violent Fear in mums womb beatings to her and me.I witnessed weekly beatings to mum he was savage Stepfather feed alcohol (9yro started drinking.Half bottle vodka age 11)continued and added drugs it didn’t work Clean and sober 19 years)as beatings not work Just diagnosed complex childhood trauma?Me unsure been diagnosed many and varied labels Fear Confusion Anger not a lot of help and I’m struggling and I don’t want to be here don’t know what to do yes I’ve never got over itAny feedback welcomed

ShekkarKSSX I Have Become A Victim Of Workcover I’m Scared Um At The End
  • replies: 1

ROAR FRAGILE DEFEATED im scared mentally for my self right now after 21 years of being a number for rejection of care. I have been bullied and lied to rejected medical care psychiatric admission. im dead defeated mentally and physically as my teeth n... View more

ROAR FRAGILE DEFEATED im scared mentally for my self right now after 21 years of being a number for rejection of care. I have been bullied and lied to rejected medical care psychiatric admission. im dead defeated mentally and physically as my teeth need fixing and I have been refused. Medication caused deteriorating dental issues refused treatment by administration staff. Admission for my health and safety psychiatric care rejected. Corrupt Crruel Scammers refusing care. Now I have given up. Broken Forever

Hermione_2961 Robbed at knifepoint - struggling with ptsd
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling with ptsd (diagnosed by psychologist) after being robbed at knifepoint on the way to work one morning. Everyone around me has been really kind and supportive and my boss has been amazing about checking in and accomod... View more

Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling with ptsd (diagnosed by psychologist) after being robbed at knifepoint on the way to work one morning. Everyone around me has been really kind and supportive and my boss has been amazing about checking in and accomodating work as needed. But even with all the support I have (which I am very grateful for) I just feel really alone and then guilty for feeling alone. My husband suggested I reach out on here and see if anyone else has been in a similar situation. Logically I know that everything will be okay and that I really am safe most of the time but I just feel so afraid and anxious so often. Just walking in my own home I feel my heart start to race every time I turn the corner or turn off the light. Every time I try to sleep I’m experiencing flashbacks and panic attacks and frequently waking up multiple times throughout the night from nightmares. I’m seeing a psychologist and trying to get in to a psychiatrist - but everyone I’ve asked is booked out for months. I’m just starting to feel like this fear will never go away.

PrincessSteph Miss
  • replies: 1

Suffering p t s d Show magic dreams and memories of a sexual assault when I was five Need to work on.Dealing with it also I have nineteen or twenty Counselling sessions food new south wales and queensland victims

Suffering p t s d Show magic dreams and memories of a sexual assault when I was five Need to work on.Dealing with it also I have nineteen or twenty Counselling sessions food new south wales and queensland victims