PTSD and trauma

A space for discussing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), domestic abuse, sexual abuse and other trauma. Please note some content may be distressing.


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A_Tech PTSD for Medical and First Responders
  • replies: 274

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting t... View more

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting to others). Im a 40 year old female that has spent the last 10years in the State Trauma Hospital as an Anaesthetic Technician. My PTSD was brought about after years of exposure to shocking traumas, deaths, and no support from management. I would love to hear from anyone that has a similar story, or just wants to chat. Cheers

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Guest_9938 IanTed
  • replies: 6

62yo complex childhood trauma He was that violent Fear in mums womb beatings to her and me.I witnessed weekly beatings to mum he was savage Stepfather feed alcohol (9yro started drinking.Half bottle vodka age 11)continued and added drugs it didn’t wo... View more

62yo complex childhood trauma He was that violent Fear in mums womb beatings to her and me.I witnessed weekly beatings to mum he was savage Stepfather feed alcohol (9yro started drinking.Half bottle vodka age 11)continued and added drugs it didn’t work Clean and sober 19 years)as beatings not work Just diagnosed complex childhood trauma?Me unsure been diagnosed many and varied labels Fear Confusion Anger not a lot of help and I’m struggling and I don’t want to be here don’t know what to do yes I’ve never got over itAny feedback welcomed

ShekkarKSSX I Have Become A Victim Of Workcover I’m Scared Um At The End
  • replies: 1

ROAR FRAGILE DEFEATED im scared mentally for my self right now after 21 years of being a number for rejection of care. I have been bullied and lied to rejected medical care psychiatric admission. im dead defeated mentally and physically as my teeth n... View more

ROAR FRAGILE DEFEATED im scared mentally for my self right now after 21 years of being a number for rejection of care. I have been bullied and lied to rejected medical care psychiatric admission. im dead defeated mentally and physically as my teeth need fixing and I have been refused. Medication caused deteriorating dental issues refused treatment by administration staff. Admission for my health and safety psychiatric care rejected. Corrupt Crruel Scammers refusing care. Now I have given up. Broken Forever

Hermione_2961 Robbed at knifepoint - struggling with ptsd
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling with ptsd (diagnosed by psychologist) after being robbed at knifepoint on the way to work one morning. Everyone around me has been really kind and supportive and my boss has been amazing about checking in and accomod... View more

Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling with ptsd (diagnosed by psychologist) after being robbed at knifepoint on the way to work one morning. Everyone around me has been really kind and supportive and my boss has been amazing about checking in and accomodating work as needed. But even with all the support I have (which I am very grateful for) I just feel really alone and then guilty for feeling alone. My husband suggested I reach out on here and see if anyone else has been in a similar situation. Logically I know that everything will be okay and that I really am safe most of the time but I just feel so afraid and anxious so often. Just walking in my own home I feel my heart start to race every time I turn the corner or turn off the light. Every time I try to sleep I’m experiencing flashbacks and panic attacks and frequently waking up multiple times throughout the night from nightmares. I’m seeing a psychologist and trying to get in to a psychiatrist - but everyone I’ve asked is booked out for months. I’m just starting to feel like this fear will never go away.

PrincessSteph Miss
  • replies: 1

Suffering p t s d Show magic dreams and memories of a sexual assault when I was five Need to work on.Dealing with it also I have nineteen or twenty Counselling sessions food new south wales and queensland victims

Suffering p t s d Show magic dreams and memories of a sexual assault when I was five Need to work on.Dealing with it also I have nineteen or twenty Counselling sessions food new south wales and queensland victims

Fiatlux How Do You Deal with a Nasty Person? *TRIGGER WARNING*
  • replies: 17

Hi lovely people, Some of you here may have followed some of my earlier posts, but I have complex PTSD from years of domestic violence and abuse from my current husband. My anxiety levels are very high right now. Leaving my current living arrangement... View more

Hi lovely people, Some of you here may have followed some of my earlier posts, but I have complex PTSD from years of domestic violence and abuse from my current husband. My anxiety levels are very high right now. Leaving my current living arrangements isn’t an option at the moment or this time in my life. I am 56 and still need to work and somehow run a business with my narcissistic husband. Lately, he is becoming more and more vile and nasty with his words and taunts. He knows how damaged my self esteem and self worth is and he is the cause of this. I try to be civil and reasonable in living under the same roof but he’s getting more and more angry and hostile to the point of yelling at me to move out if I don’t like IT. He has yelled at me several times and lately in front of our sons, aged 27 and 29. HE knows that since giving up my apartment in 2022, I have nowhere to move out to. I don’t have any friends or family contacts or support. Not even a friend to talk to about this. I can’t keep burdening my sons with this. I am scared that he is pushing me to the brink once again. I have come very close to ending my life several times but I can’t do that to my children. I want to live and enjoy watching them grow and hopefully have their own children one day. He’s making me feel like I just want to end it all. Just abandon this life as it’s not ever going to be good. I will always have this trauma to haunt me forever. Thank you for being here and listening. Fiatlux

A_Tech PTSD for Medical and First Responders
  • replies: 274

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting t... View more

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting to others). Im a 40 year old female that has spent the last 10years in the State Trauma Hospital as an Anaesthetic Technician. My PTSD was brought about after years of exposure to shocking traumas, deaths, and no support from management. I would love to hear from anyone that has a similar story, or just wants to chat. Cheers

Over-thinker Disclosing CSA To Friends
  • replies: 2

Back in 2019, after 16 years I disclosed child sexual abuse to my closest friend. I had always recalled it but I suppose I never processed it since I blamed myself and brushed it aside as not meeting the typical ‘criteria’ of sexual abuse. Initially ... View more

Back in 2019, after 16 years I disclosed child sexual abuse to my closest friend. I had always recalled it but I suppose I never processed it since I blamed myself and brushed it aside as not meeting the typical ‘criteria’ of sexual abuse. Initially my friend was supportive but after a few months she began to get frustrated at my seeming lack of progress, I developed an eating disorder, self harm, anxiety, depression, met the criteria of PTSD. I was attending therapy weekly and things were getting sorted, but I guess she couldn’t handle it anymore, she broke off the friendship.So since then I’ve told a few other friends, because sometimes it feels like it’s burning inside and I want to get it out. But every time I tell, I get insecure. What’s more I feel like I shouldn’t bother them with it again, like I’ll ‘use them up’ as I did with my closest friend before. So I end up telling more people than I’d like, just to not burden one. A few weeks ago I was triggered while getting dressed in my wardrobe and recalled a fragmented memory through an emotional flashback. I felt ambivalent about discussing it, still do. But it kept bothering me (and after dismissing my own experiences for so long I tend to seek external validation) so I decided to message a friend who I’d told once before about the CSA. I messaged late at night and she replied in the morning and asked how I was feeling— I responded, and she never replied again. I felt pretty rubbish. After weeks I didn’t want her to try and reply this late, so I messaged about something random and she responded, ignoring my other message. So that’s the story, what I was wondering was…Would you take it as that friend isn’t available for trauma discussion, although they did ask a question?~ Overthinker

Katkove5478 1 of my stories
  • replies: 3

Ok, so, I am continuously feeling lightheaded, I am continuously in pain. And I don't know what to do. I want to know that I am safe but I don't know how I can tell. Whilst feeling lightheaded, this happens even while I'm laying down. I have blackout... View more

Ok, so, I am continuously feeling lightheaded, I am continuously in pain. And I don't know what to do. I want to know that I am safe but I don't know how I can tell. Whilst feeling lightheaded, this happens even while I'm laying down. I have blackouts here and there, and I passed out in the middle of textiles class once My lightheadedness has been happening for a few days now and I don't know what to do about this. Could someone please give me advice?

xSabrinaX What is happening?
  • replies: 2

I just need some reassurance,Last August I was feeling very dizzy, lightheaded, my eyes were blurry, i was feeling like i was in a dream, i felt as if i was sick or was dying, honestly every symptom imaginable.. I had all these tests done; MRI, blood... View more

I just need some reassurance,Last August I was feeling very dizzy, lightheaded, my eyes were blurry, i was feeling like i was in a dream, i felt as if i was sick or was dying, honestly every symptom imaginable.. I had all these tests done; MRI, blood tests, heart tracking, etc. I've been to therapy too. I'm only 17 - everyone is telling me i am young and that this is a phase, as it's not like i have had it all my life. Forgot to mention, in August when this started i had the flu for around 2 weeks, i was feeling really sick, one morning i woke up at like 4:00am and went to my parents room, because i had a temperature and i felt sick, whilst i was standing in the dark bedroom i felt nauseous and all sweaty, i felt like i was going to collapse, then i realised everything felt more darker then normal i turned on their light and i couldn't see anything, everything was black! I My mum just said that i wasnt eating and drinking and that is what must've caused it, along with all the medication i was taking. But i happened another time too.. It was around 2:00pm as i was riding my dirt bike, i felt off and wasn't concentrating properly, i fell off at high speed after almost crashing into my sister (i hit the front brakes going downhill, in which i know i wasn't supposed to - i just panicked). Long story short, I broke my wrist, anyways when i fell off i had another blackout, which i was told it was also because it was 2:00pm and i hadn't eaten.. Then not long ago my heart started racing and it happened again. I am literally so scared now, but i've just been told every time this has happened i was because i hadn't eaten properly which is why now i try my best. Anyways, that isn't the point. The point is 2 days ago i got a cold, and i feel so bad, i think it is from my anxiety and my cold together.. But, the thing is. I feel like i can't think properly, i feel really out of it - like i don' feel real, nothing around me feel real. I feel like my head is tight and i am stuck in a dream, i don't feel right, i feel like I'm weak and everything i touch and do it isn't necessarily me that is doing it. So, i don't know if it is because of my cold that is making me feel off and my anxiety that is overexaggerating the feeling i am experiencing, but i feel like something is seriously wrong, what is happening to my brain, i am scared. It doesn't feel like my anxiety where it goes away when i occupy myself. No matter what i do i feel so out of it. Please tell me i am safe!

Sophie_M If you need to talk about Bondi Junction - this community is here
  • replies: 6

Hi everyone With the horrible event at Bondi Junction on the weekend we know there will be a lot of people feeling distressed, overwhelmed and unsure. There have been some conversations across this wonderful community starting to put into words these... View more

Hi everyone With the horrible event at Bondi Junction on the weekend we know there will be a lot of people feeling distressed, overwhelmed and unsure. There have been some conversations across this wonderful community starting to put into words these feelings and we have seen the wonderful way in which you all support each other. We wanted to make a space for these thoughts and feelings so that if you need support from others, you can post here. If you want to talk to Beyond Blue, we are always here, either on the phone or via webchat You can also hear the thoughts and reflections of our Patron, The Hon Julia Gillard AC Thank you all for being an important part of this community and for sharing your experiences, thoughts and wisdom.