PTSD and trauma

A space for discussing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), domestic abuse, sexual abuse and other trauma. Please note some content may be distressing.


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A_Tech PTSD for Medical and First Responders
  • replies: 276

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting t... View more

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting to others). Im a 40 year old female that has spent the last 10years in the State Trauma Hospital as an Anaesthetic Technician. My PTSD was brought about after years of exposure to shocking traumas, deaths, and no support from management. I would love to hear from anyone that has a similar story, or just wants to chat. Cheers

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sarah74 Feeling alone
  • replies: 1

Hi, I'm new to this. Just a bit of background. I am a parent of a chronically ill child ( has 2 rare diseases). It requires numerous hospital stays and blood tests at hospital every 2 weeks. We have nearly lost him 3 times, and he takes numerous medi... View more

Hi, I'm new to this. Just a bit of background. I am a parent of a chronically ill child ( has 2 rare diseases). It requires numerous hospital stays and blood tests at hospital every 2 weeks. We have nearly lost him 3 times, and he takes numerous medications daily. My partner has just started a demanding job, my eldest is going to live overseas in 3 weeks. I am at the lowest i have ever been. It came to a head 1 month ago when my partner suggested that I need help as i have been flying off the handle a bit and not coping with the simpliest of things. I have seen my GP who said I' suffering from PTSD and extreme depression. I have been on anti depressants for a month. 2 days ago, my partner left the family home as he said i have been coming unbearable to live with. He still loves me and wants to work it out. I have been referred to a psychologist but that is not for another 2 weeks. I really need some tips, input about how to manage my outbursts etc as it is impacting my relationship, which i do not want to lose. I do not know what else to do.

LZinsight I guess this is my story.
  • replies: 9

So, since my first post here actually helped me sort out a lot of feelings I decided to take it one step further and make a second post, describe my trauma, and what broke me down to what I am today.So here we go. I'm 22 years old, Male and suffering... View more

So, since my first post here actually helped me sort out a lot of feelings I decided to take it one step further and make a second post, describe my trauma, and what broke me down to what I am today.So here we go. I'm 22 years old, Male and suffering from heavy depression, anxiety, social anxiety, repressed memories causing cognitive slowing (the term used by my psychologist), Insomnia, psychosomatic pain when I try to recall memories of that time, all severe enough to cripple my function in daily life. So here we go, I was a very small child, and rather smart, as many know these are prime examples of being a target for bullies, and oh boy was that the case here. starting first grade, the standard bullying stuff, Name calling, social isolation/exclusion, nothing worth even reporting, but getting away with that much over a few years gives them confidence to escalate and as such the bullying became physical, Threats, shoving, hitting, I reported it but teachers only gave out light punishments, 1 time lunch detentions and such, which well... only annoyed them and made them go harder, so over the course of 3rd - 5th grade it escalated to full blown beatings, pelted with rocks, surrounded and tormented until I had a mental breakdown and just wound up screaming and flailing in pure terror, none of these one time events. 6th and 7th grades were the worst by far, developing into sexual harassment and eventually molestation and assault, Stripping me in front of girls on the playground, constantly touching me and grabbing me in sexual ways.. Not because they were gay, but purely because they knew I hated every second, and sadistically enjoyed my suffering. Something broke in me during all this, I've never been the same since, I doubt I will be ever again. The worst part about all this, is that these things are all I can remember, everything else has been lost into this cloudy void of pain and hatred. 8 years of school life, vanished, not a single memory left but abuse, pain and torment. I don't even know the correct medical term for whatever this is, something messed up I'm sure.So there you have it, the story of what happened to destroy this 22 year old to destroy him a point where functioning a normal everyday life is more difficult than directing a blindfolded toddler to completing a rubix cube. To answer any predicted questions, Yes I see a psychologist and psychiatrist regularly, no I don't really have anyone in my family or friends I can talk to.

Elizabeth CP Feeling stupid & embarrassed re reaction to trigger
  • replies: 9

Attended meeting at church discussing scriptures. Unfortunately person leading group started using bushfires as an example to illustrate the point he was making. There was nothing wrong with what he said for anyone else and I could see the point he w... View more

Attended meeting at church discussing scriptures. Unfortunately person leading group started using bushfires as an example to illustrate the point he was making. There was nothing wrong with what he said for anyone else and I could see the point he was making. I managed to stay where I was although uncomfortable for a short while but then further comments were too much and I walked out feeling embarrassed for making a fool of myself and extremely anxious and upset both due to what was said and then my over reaction to it. I was trapped in a bushfire as a child so reminders of bushfires is a trigger for me. One minute I think I'm doing better and then something like this happens and I feel like I'll never overcome the problem. My reactions are so inconsistent which makes it harder to deal with it logically. any ideas to help me react better would be helpful

feel_unwanted what to do
  • replies: 6

Hi to all need some advice on what to do. I'm losing my mind, in the last 4 years after the birth of my 5 child if been unwell, had 3 surgeries, found out that my dad's not my dad. I can't seem to stop thinking I'm just a burden on my family. I'm alo... View more

Hi to all need some advice on what to do. I'm losing my mind, in the last 4 years after the birth of my 5 child if been unwell, had 3 surgeries, found out that my dad's not my dad. I can't seem to stop thinking I'm just a burden on my family. I'm alone I have no friends in this town and my husband doesn't seem to understand because I still look after him and the family "so anyone can do that" is what I think. Don't won't to feel useless and a burden anymore.

Kbet Not coping at all
  • replies: 9

Not coping at all today .. seriously thought of driving myself to hospital and checking myself into the psyche ward. No one wants to know that I'm not ok. Not even I want to know. I just want it to be over ..I want the pain and emptiness to stop .. I... View more

Not coping at all today .. seriously thought of driving myself to hospital and checking myself into the psyche ward. No one wants to know that I'm not ok. Not even I want to know. I just want it to be over ..I want the pain and emptiness to stop .. I'm the only one awake in my house ..I want to disappear into the night and never come back. I want my mind to stop sleep no peace ..Im broken

Squeeze72 Abused as child, grief and alcohol - I'm OK
  • replies: 2

Brief outline of my journey: Was abused , sexually by my older sister's husband as a teenager as was my best friend, told my parents and they didn't want to make a fuss and still allowed him to come into the family home. When they divorced I was alwa... View more

Brief outline of my journey: Was abused , sexually by my older sister's husband as a teenager as was my best friend, told my parents and they didn't want to make a fuss and still allowed him to come into the family home. When they divorced I was always looking out for any evidence that he was doing the same to their daughter. Told myself it was my fault for looking older than my years and he wouldn't do anything to his own child. Told myself that I was reading too far into things and they had a normal relationship. When she was 9 she told her mum that her dad had 'done things'to her since she was a toddler. Had to have examinations etc. I told my story to the police and made a statement - was handled really well and professionally. Years later as an adult she pressed charges and he's now in jail. Part of me thinks my sister knew what he was doing to me back then and we haven't been that close since then. I have also emigrated to Australia from UK 12 years ago so didn't have much contact anyway. My best friend who was also abused by him was found dead last year aged just 41 after fighting eating disorders, alcohol resulting in job loss and children being removed after her 2nd husband became abusive. We were always really close, like sisters despite living on opposite sides of the world. Saw the decline and tried to help her. Loved her so so much and think of her daily. I keep in touch with both her children. 1st husband and step-Mum to her daughter have been amazing. Side note my brother was in and out of prison all his life. Is a drug user, was used to him being arrested, bringing dealers round for money he owed and bring frightened in our own home. Face splashed all over the newspapers recently as one of the biggest drug busts in UK gang member. I chose around 13 years ago not to have any ties with him. I was aware of his domestic violence against women and right if this was someone doing this to my family, friend or colleague I would be advising them to get out of the relationship. Staying in touch would be condoning it. I actually believe I have turned out really well and have a gorgeous husband of 21 years and 2 over 18's children. We have our ups and downs and I strongly suspect (read know) that my husband drinks too much for his health. Hoping I can provide some support for others going through challenging times.

Anroca78 Need urgent info on flash memories, please help
  • replies: 2

Hi, a few weeks ago I posted asking anyone about information on I think it is called flash memories. I have an appointment with a therapist and I have no idea about years of quick images that have become more rapid and frequent, probably because the ... View more

Hi, a few weeks ago I posted asking anyone about information on I think it is called flash memories. I have an appointment with a therapist and I have no idea about years of quick images that have become more rapid and frequent, probably because the last few months have been really hard, attempted od ( thank god my partner stopped that) but it's because of these images and not knowing if they are real or not ,is driving me nuts( more than usual!). Even looking up info I am still confused. I am bipolar 2 so does this change my condition to bipolar 1,? Delusions? Oh crap, have no idea what to say to this psych and will she know what I am raving on about. 28 yrs of seeing these flashes, must be something right?. Please reply if you have an idea what I'm trying to explain cos I ain't got a friggin clue lol Cheers

Moscow45 Physical abuse as a child still affecting me
  • replies: 2

Helloi just want to know if I should go and see a doctor about "depression" or "anxiety" or whatever I have. I've taken so many online surveys and been through thousands of forums and I'm still undecidedas a kid my parents split when I was 10, and th... View more

Helloi just want to know if I should go and see a doctor about "depression" or "anxiety" or whatever I have. I've taken so many online surveys and been through thousands of forums and I'm still undecidedas a kid my parents split when I was 10, and that never had never been a problem for me, but should it have been? Then my mother found a new boyfriend and all was well until we moved in with him and when she wasn't at home he would yell and scream at me and my 3 sisters. I (being the only boy) was also physically abused.All of this went on behind my mothers back when she went to work and we never dared say anything in case he went off his trolley again. I believe my sister was sexually assaulted but I have never known the true story on that and I am afraid to ask her about it. My sisters and I all made a pact to never tell my mum about what had happened because she already suffers from depression and bipolar and to be honest it wouldn't resolve anything by telling her my mum and this man broke up after 5 years, but I had only been 16 by that time and very dark on the world. I tried to end my life many times as a teenager but I could never follow through with it. I then went to live with my dad and he's such a great guy and we discuss what happened every now and then and it helps but it doesn't fix what's wrong with me.this morning for example, I woke up happy as larry, got out of bed happy, made breakfast happily, and then out of the blue I collapse and have no energy to do anything. Why do I feel this way? I don't want to see a GP or anything, I just want to know why my moods are so up and down constantly. I also get angry but not in a normal way I don't think. I loose my mind and all I see is black and white. I feel like this has a connection to my childhood. Does anyone else feel this way? And what have you done to manage it? Once again I really don't want to see a doctor as it will upset my girlfriend who sees me as a strong person, I don't want that to change and I don't want her to worryThank you for taking the time to read this

Sister_Havana I'm new and sick of suffering.
  • replies: 7

I suffered horrendous trauma as a child due to having parents with untreated mental either genetics or brain development has left me with major depression .i must admit that taking medication has taken the edge from my deep and painful ag... View more

I suffered horrendous trauma as a child due to having parents with untreated mental either genetics or brain development has left me with major depression .i must admit that taking medication has taken the edge from my deep and painful agitation but I still feel worthless and irrelevant and at 51 years I am tired of this battle.i have worked many years as a mental health nurse in an attempt to understand the mind, and how to manage mental illness. After my partner was gaoled for causing death when falling asleep at the wheel, and my next housemate died from a mixture of prescription drugs(& I inevitably found his body & attempted to resuscitate him to no avail)- I feel unable to heal. I have been praised for my resilience but how resilient can one be.?i keep going for my daughters but have no self worth. The world is full of money hungry people with no concern for those with mental disability. These money hungry people have the power and I am sick of being harrassed by a major bank when I am unable to work. They charge me fees for having no money and effectively discriminate against me for having an illness. And what can I do about it? Nothing! They force me back to work before I am well and the cycle continues. They are the winners with their billions of dollars of profit they make.. I ask what is the point? beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}

Elizabeth CP Struggling with summer- Fire alerts and risk of sunburn.
  • replies: 7

I am finding summer difficult. I started exposure therapy for PTSD related to bushfires I was trapped in a bushfire which destroyed our house as a 10 year old, In those day I am supposed to read articles about bushfires each day as part of the exposu... View more

I am finding summer difficult. I started exposure therapy for PTSD related to bushfires I was trapped in a bushfire which destroyed our house as a 10 year old, In those day I am supposed to read articles about bushfires each day as part of the exposure therapy which has brought everything to the surface combine as that with Christmas so I don't see my therapist for several weeks to debrief and we have hot weather with Total fire ban days and frequent reports on the radio re fires. As a child I was badly sunburnt several times. I was home from school with severe sunburn on the day of the fires so I am hypervigilent re sunburn risk ie won't go out in the sun without long sleeves & trousers or skirt Sunscreen isn't enough. Hence I cant relax at the beach or pool when it is hot. I used to enjoy swimming (in the shade or late in the day when the sun is going down but my husband is now blind so I have to watch him in the water constantly and give him directions which way to go. I used to work through summer but stopped work several months ago as it was too stressful as I was really stressed, a colleague didn't like me and often complained about me to my face and my husband kept getting sick so I was exhausted looking after him. He had surgery in July which was supossed to reduce the risk of him choking/aspirating but it failed and the tube was reiserted 5 times before we gave up and never wnt back to the hospital after the last time. Sorry I am rambling but I am finding it hard to cope