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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
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This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

BrokenHearted88 I want to run away from my life
  • replies: 4

My life feels so hard right now. Insurmountable. I want to run away.I have a 3YO and 5MO. 3YO is high energy, doesn’t nap, is challenging to get to sleep and wakes up alot. 5MO is pretty easy going but is teething and needy. I can only afford one day... View more

My life feels so hard right now. Insurmountable. I want to run away.I have a 3YO and 5MO. 3YO is high energy, doesn’t nap, is challenging to get to sleep and wakes up alot. 5MO is pretty easy going but is teething and needy. I can only afford one day of childcare a week so have both kids by myself 6 days a week.partner works alot, is renovating our house and generally does not understand how much im struggling. I literally said to him today ‘i want to die and burn this house down’ and he continued working in his office at home ignoring me as the baby cried in my arms and the toddler tore the house apart.I dont have much family support because they live too far away.We earn too much for any government support but our outgoings are too high to afford anything or any help.i feel like im drowning. Im so depressed and desperate. I don’t know how to cope. I want to just run away and leave the mess to my partner to figure out.

Blaze290 T/W Lonely and abandoned
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T/W ab*ndment, su*icide My friend of over 14 years just sent me a discord message of all things to 'end our friendship.'I've known him since I was 18 and I'm now 33. I have agoraphobia and have for a long time, it doesn't help my dog was killed in my... View more

T/W ab*ndment, su*icide My friend of over 14 years just sent me a discord message of all things to 'end our friendship.'I've known him since I was 18 and I'm now 33. I have agoraphobia and have for a long time, it doesn't help my dog was killed in my arms a year ago so PTSD on top of the already existing agoraphobia. He's recently got his first serious girlfriend 5 months ago that he almost lost twice now because he lied. I told him when he lied the first time to be honest with her. He'd been hanging out with this girl he lost his virginity too and was still very close too with his new girlfriend and never told her about it even when they had 'the talk.' He was adamant that he wasn't lying to her. He eventually told her the truth but then lied to her later and they nearly broke up. I spent over an hour trying to tell him how to fix it and hoped he would fix it because she seemed good for him even followed up this morning and he said it was fine and they got back together and he thanked me and asked me how my dog was (he currently has kennel cough) He sends me a discord message at 7pm this evening saying he's 'sick of my drama' and told me he doesn't want to be friends with someone who doesn't go anywhere and just does things in their house. When I questioned him about it and said is he going to end a friendship with someone because they have agoraphobia and don't want to leave the house he said pretty much yeah and to do something about it. I have major abandonment issues so him saying that to me after being friends for so long just really hurts. I don't really have anyone else except my husband so im feeling particularly depressed and alone and hating my parents for even giving birth to me. I'm a very awkward, depressed, angry person so it's very hard for me to make friends even though I've tried to improve myself. Everyone always ends up leaving me. I don't even want to try to anymore. I should just be alone.

ChildHeart Back again, though it’s been a little while and not feeling well.
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Hi all,it’s been a while since I have posted so forgive me for doing this, but I’ll post a bit about my history and then why I’m posting today. 
To try sum it up quickly, I struggled through school with bullying to the point I was su*cidal and I had ... View more

Hi all,it’s been a while since I have posted so forgive me for doing this, but I’ll post a bit about my history and then why I’m posting today. 
To try sum it up quickly, I struggled through school with bullying to the point I was su*cidal and I had a difficult relationship with my mother. Fast forward to post school where I was in culinary school aiming for my passion of being a chef. I was bullied in class and then quit the class and found I rather enjoyed working front of house and held a job in a hotel running conferences and events for a number of years accept i was bullied by my bosses there, too. I ended up resigning and just as soon as I did my parents who I was still living with got sick my mother with Parkinson’s and blood disease and my father with cancer. I stayed at home with them for the whole six years (became house bound and lost my friends) of their sickness and decline until they passed away which I had trouble dealing with and getting my life back on track. Things got bad..I was living in and out of hotels and my GP said I had clinical depression and generalised anxiety disorder. I would sleep a lot or my anxiety would keep me up for days and sometimes not knowing what day it was. I have a sibling who lives in another country who does not understand what I have gone through and am going through.An “old friend” at the time said she would put me up in another state with her only to be kicked out with my stuff tossed in garbage bags on the front lawn. Not knowing what to do I involved my sibling who said he was tired of having to help me out all the time and that I had to get my life together. I got an apartment though it was a flat share and then fell in love with a wonderful man who showed me such love and support, but we have separated and I feel abandoned yet again. I keep messing up, family is dissapointed in me and I feel….I don’t even know. I had to ask my sibling for some financial support again and it’s caused yet another rift between us. I have creative projects that I’ve been trying to get out there in the hopes to be a success for me but it doesn’t happen and my sibling keeps telling me to get a real job and stop messing around.I’m tired of being told I will amount to nothing with the things I actually want to do and I’m tired of having to try be something im not (acting happy for others to not be a burden anymore) I just would like some I guess advice? Thank you.

Mysteryc Confusion
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Hello, I haven't posted for a while, last time I posted I think I was just finishing up school. Right now, I am doing Tafe and enjoying the course I am doing. But I still struggle with coping. I don't really know what I could do. I have tried talking... View more

Hello, I haven't posted for a while, last time I posted I think I was just finishing up school. Right now, I am doing Tafe and enjoying the course I am doing. But I still struggle with coping. I don't really know what I could do. I have tried talking to people like friends, family, therapists and others but I just feel that they don't understand or don't know how to help. So I am just slowing flowing through life deciding what to do next. I feel overwhelmed at TAFE and having second thoughts about continuing it but again I am not sure.

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TRS91 Depressed. Eating and drinking to make it worse or better?
  • replies: 2

Hello Beyond Blue fam,I always find so much comfort being able to open up in these forums.i would describe myself as recovering from severe post natal depression and anxiety. I’m medicated but every day still is a battle. I find myself googling bi-po... View more

Hello Beyond Blue fam,I always find so much comfort being able to open up in these forums.i would describe myself as recovering from severe post natal depression and anxiety. I’m medicated but every day still is a battle. I find myself googling bi-polar and other mental health issues to try and find an answer to my extreme highs and lows.i just want to describe my night. Had a lovely day with my one year old son. I fed him his dinner then ate the rest. Bathed and put him to bed. Ate my dinner. Opened a bottle of white wine (I don’t even drink or like white wine). Poured a glass. Opened a family pack of chips. Poured another glass. Ate a chocolate bar. Poured another glass ate more and then went on to order McDonald’s. for absolutely no reason. I’m not hungry I don’t feel like a drink and I just end up feeling worse and shit.i don’t know why I do it

Buzmel Left family and friends to move interstate
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Hi, my husband and I have moved interstate and have left our 2 children ( both adults) and our beautiful 3 year old granddaughter. My mum does live in the same suburb but that is not why we moved. We moved for something different as we had no ties an... View more

Hi, my husband and I have moved interstate and have left our 2 children ( both adults) and our beautiful 3 year old granddaughter. My mum does live in the same suburb but that is not why we moved. We moved for something different as we had no ties and thought why not. We had to live in a caravan park for 6 weeks until we found a house to buy. Since moving here I am severely depressed, I miss my friends, kids and especially my granddaughter. I cry almost everyday (my husband doesnt know) I have no friends, I hate my job and there are no others as its a small town. When I speak with my friends from interstate they dont understand what and how I am feeling. I cant speak to mum as she says it will get better, she has done the same thing etc etc. Im not coping at all. I feel some days im doing stupid things like putting things in the wrong place ie. I make a coffee and go to put sugar in the fridge or a completely different cupboard. The list goes on and on. I just want to know if anyone else has gone or going through the same thing, I really need help, Im so sad.

Crazy_girl My day
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I woke up but I wish I was still alseep. I don't wanna get out of bed but I have to. I can't even look at myself in the mirror without hate. Why do I have to be this way? I know there is something wrong and I know I am not alone but why does it alway... View more

I woke up but I wish I was still alseep. I don't wanna get out of bed but I have to. I can't even look at myself in the mirror without hate. Why do I have to be this way? I know there is something wrong and I know I am not alone but why does it always feel like I am. I turn to my friends more then my family, knowing dam well my friends will do a better job then anyone else....but why do I have to suffer? After everything I have been through is this what God gave me to put me through more hell or is he just teaching me to be stronger. Why does it feel like whenever I try to talk to my mother she steals the words from my mouth and puts them all in the trash. Why does it feel like I'm on mute by my family but yet I let them speak how they feel. Am I not important? Or am I just not good enough? Maybe your just going through a lot and you don't have room for anyone else's pain, or you just don't even care how I'm doing. You say you love me but to me it feels like you hate me, why? Why mother? Why does it have to be me? You say you don't want me to end up like you, so letting me feel like I am running out of air is better then taking me to get help? And who know you can be so heartless to your own daughter, other's don't see it but I do, I was born from a monster. I can never wash the blood off my hands that you put there, I can never be like you but turns out I'm your reflection. Mother like daughter that say, but they don't know what is behind the curtains. If only they could see, if only you didn't make them blind. Mother, I can't be you, I won't be you.

i-l I think I have depression and I don’t know how to reach out for help
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For about 5 months now I’ve been feeling extremely empty some days and other days so overwhelmingly sad. But I’m not sure if it’s depression. Every once in a while I’ll have a good day, a really good day, or maybe just a good moment and in those mome... View more

For about 5 months now I’ve been feeling extremely empty some days and other days so overwhelmingly sad. But I’m not sure if it’s depression. Every once in a while I’ll have a good day, a really good day, or maybe just a good moment and in those moments I feel like it’s going to last forever and that I’m fine again but it always comes crashing down. I used to be an extremely social person but now I don’t even have the energy to text my friends. I also try thinking about happy memories but those memories no longer feel happy. The world almost feels like it has a black haze over it like it’ll be a nice sunny day but it feels like a rainy sad day. I don’t know how to describe it but EVERYTHING just feels gloomy. I feel so tired all the time and I just don’t even want to get out of bed anymore. If I could lay in my room all day and just exist like that I would. I feel really lonely because I don’t have anyone to talk to about what’s going on. I have heaps of friends but they’re all going through their own stuff and I don’t want to burden them with my problems. But I also just feel so exhausted and guilty because because they’ll tell me what they’re going through and I can’t handle it even though it’s not even my problem and I’m not the one dealing with it. I tired of always acting like the happy, outgoing person around everyone when I’m dying inside. I feel like a burden on everyone in my life and I feel like they would all be better without me. I think about killing my self a lot. I feel like none of this is ever going to get better. As I said before I’m not sure if this is depression but I’ve had episodes like this in the past but they’ve never been as bad as this. I feel so utterly alone I don’t even know why I’m on here telling strangers this, i guess it’s because I’ve never been able to tell anyone any of this. Sorry for writing so much

Anonymous1712 Can't Get Help
  • replies: 2

I was first diagnosed with depression at 18 (I am now 71) and over the years have been on different anti depressants and been referred for counselling. Nothing has really helped, but being a person who tries to make the most of things I have just had... View more

I was first diagnosed with depression at 18 (I am now 71) and over the years have been on different anti depressants and been referred for counselling. Nothing has really helped, but being a person who tries to make the most of things I have just had to get on with it. However, I have never understood how I could feel miserable when on paper I had everything a person could need or want. A loving husband, beautiful children, a home etc. There was always a feeling that something was missing and I had no idea what it was. I have experienced periods of happiness, but never contentment. Life seemed to be something I just had to get through. Whilst I was in hospital (over a year ago) a psychiatrist came to see me. I told her my life history and she concluded she thought I may have ADHD and on discharge I should see my GP to and ask to be put on a mental health care plan. Of course, I googled ADHD there in black and white was the story of my life, everything made sense and there was a solution. I felt excited, that even at an advanced age I I might get some relief from my miserable existence. On discharge I went to my GP, who didn't bother with a MHCP but referred me to a psychiatrist . After about 3 months I hadn't heard from them so phoned just to check I was in the system. I was told he couldn't see me. I made an appointment with another GP once again to ask to go on a MHCP. No interest there either. I go to another GP explain what psychiatrist had suggested. This GP said he would like to get the report from hospital psychiatrist before he did anything. Great, I thought, now I am getting somewhere. No such luck, it took the hospital about 3 months to send the report through and no mention of ADHD. Okay that's disappointing but I still need a MHCP don't I. His reply "why would you bother at your age" has destroyed me. My son wants nothing to do with me as he says I am not trying hard enough to get help.