
Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.


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BeyondBlue Hello! Read this if you're not sure how to get started
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Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for ... View more

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for coming this far, we know it can be really hard to take these steps if depression is in your life - we see you and think this is a great step. To get the most out of this space we have a few tips: Get involved. The Forums work best for you when you get active and post where you can. Now, we know that can be really hard, especially when you are experiencing depression. So, if you can post something supportive to someone else here, that would be an incredible start. Speak from the heart. This community wants to know how YOU feel and what has worked for YOU. We trust that you have something unique to say and we can’t wait to hear it. Check in. Lots of the chats on this Forum having been going for years and they are some of the richest conversations we have. Keep checking in to get new ideas and offer your support. We know it can be tough to start, but when you are ready we want to hear your thoughts. If you need some time to get to know the community, that's okay! Have a look around and see where you want to get involved. Thank you for being here Beyond Blue

Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

sammieee Struggling to make progress on assignments
  • replies: 3

I don't even have any energy to vent. I don't remember the last time I felt this awful. Depression has triggered my insomnia again, but this time I keep waking up too early and just become groggy for the entire day. I have a 1500w paper and a 2500w r... View more

I don't even have any energy to vent. I don't remember the last time I felt this awful. Depression has triggered my insomnia again, but this time I keep waking up too early and just become groggy for the entire day. I have a 1500w paper and a 2500w report due on Monday next week (already granted extensions). I did some rough research and have some rough ideas of what I'll write but it's so hard to continue. Especially the 2500w report is based on an interview that I kinda bombed so I'm just scared. It's like I'm back to survival mode. I don't think I can visit a psych - I'm an intl student and therapy still seems expensive even with insurance. I've been let down by all my therapists back home anyway. I'm sorry if this post is all over the place.

nadstar Depression washes over me from nowhere
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I'm struggling with my functioning depression one day or for a few days I'm amazing full of life going to events,visiting friends, going to work and being able to complete my daily chores and the next I cancel everything call in sick and end up with ... View more

I'm struggling with my functioning depression one day or for a few days I'm amazing full of life going to events,visiting friends, going to work and being able to complete my daily chores and the next I cancel everything call in sick and end up with migraines. I'm starting to think I talk myself into the migraine so I don't feel guilty for doing nothing. I can sleep for 18 hrs at a time n not leave my bedroom. My girls r older now and don't need my help. How can I get a grip of this depression that is letting down people I care about and piling the weight on me. My mindstrength is so weak. I feel so guilty everyday I'm like this but don't have a partner to open up to or push me to get up when I'm like this.

Ashley_Thompson Hey all
  • replies: 3

Hey guys I have a question and it’s playing in my head and playing silly nuggets with me what do I do if my so called best friend has accused me of messing with thier life I’m lost and confused please help

Hey guys I have a question and it’s playing in my head and playing silly nuggets with me what do I do if my so called best friend has accused me of messing with thier life I’m lost and confused please help

Pipppa Living life alone
  • replies: 4

Not sure how to keep on keeping on. I’m 27, have no parents (both deceased) no siblings, not close with any family. No actual friends, split up with a partner of 2+ years which is my down fall. Still grieving the loss of my father who was my best mat... View more

Not sure how to keep on keeping on. I’m 27, have no parents (both deceased) no siblings, not close with any family. No actual friends, split up with a partner of 2+ years which is my down fall. Still grieving the loss of my father who was my best mate.

Mich1 Anxiety depression I don't know?
  • replies: 2

Well this is hard and has my nerves on edge putting this in to words is a lot harder.I have always though i had anxiety maybe depression.I hate going out, I never go anywhere I I've not been before I have arguments with my partner because they won't ... View more

Well this is hard and has my nerves on edge putting this in to words is a lot harder.I have always though i had anxiety maybe depression.I hate going out, I never go anywhere I I've not been before I have arguments with my partner because they won't walk in to a new place first especially restdraunts incase I do it wrong which often leads to just leaving. Or if I say the wrong thing I obsess over it for ages thing that happened years ago I still obsess over.I am pretty good when I am not along in a group I can feel normal and happy but then after I feel empty. So empty but I know I shouldn't I have a job, a partner, I know what I want to achieve. But I get so overwhelmingly heavy is the only way to describe it. Like something is sitting in my chest and stomach and I just don't want to move. Then I think maybe I am faking it. I don't know why how can I be faking this feeling of emptiness but I think that and I don't know what to do what If I decided to talk to someone and they think I am a joke and am faking it.

Tiani Loneliness
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Hi everyoneI have never done anything like this. Where I put myself out there and write down how I truly feel. My life has changed drastically and I feel very alone. I am 31 and have never been in a relationship or felt like I truly belonged. My life... View more

Hi everyoneI have never done anything like this. Where I put myself out there and write down how I truly feel. My life has changed drastically and I feel very alone. I am 31 and have never been in a relationship or felt like I truly belonged. My life feels like a window where I’m looking out and wishing I could be anywhere else but here. I’m in the dark, struggling for a hand to hold onto. I’m a burden to my family and I don’t how to help myself. Especially when it comes to seeking help and getting counseling.

harrison.c Found out some horrible news and it's really getting hard to cope
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Hey guys, only my second post here and I still don't really know how to start these but i'm doing what the person that replied to my first thread said and continuing to write on here. I've had a pretty rough couple of last weeks as i've just found ou... View more

Hey guys, only my second post here and I still don't really know how to start these but i'm doing what the person that replied to my first thread said and continuing to write on here. I've had a pretty rough couple of last weeks as i've just found out my father has lymphoma and his chances are pretty slim because he has a lot of other problems due to his liver and It's REALLY knocked me down. I have never really had a good relationship with him, it has always been sort of awkward I really don't know why, we're both pretty socially awkward people though, i feel particularly worse because we've just never really got on well, a lot of arguing and just not a normal father son relationship. He's had a rough childhood too was adopted at a pretty young age. I can truly say now that I know I've taken him for granted.. he does so much for me and my family, he's a full time carer for my mother who has Multiple sclerosis and he helps me with pretty much everything because i'm still 24 living at home unemployed with some pretty bad mental health. He's in hospital at the moment, I've been visiting him and all I want to do is tell him how sorry I am for the way I've treated him and tell him all the good things about him and that I love him and everything he does for everyone but I cant really.. he's so out of it and tired and sick, It's absolutely breaking me and I feel like this will take me over the edge if he doesn't recover. I've tried talking to friends and family and it does help a little but the realization of losing my father when I come home and sit alone with my thoughts just makes me break down.

Makeslotsofcakes91 I feel so lost and angry
  • replies: 4

Is anger a part of depression? I feel angry everyday. I feel sad and hopeless and I loose it so often now. I know things are getting worse for me. I spend most of my day just wanting to lay down alone. I don't want to talk to anyone I can't bring mys... View more

Is anger a part of depression? I feel angry everyday. I feel sad and hopeless and I loose it so often now. I know things are getting worse for me. I spend most of my day just wanting to lay down alone. I don't want to talk to anyone I can't bring myself to leave the house and Im hurting the feelings of my family and those around me with my moods and I'm so sorry

Alel Constantly feel like a character
  • replies: 1

Whenever smth would happen in my life, I would catch myself acting like I'm in a story. I feel like I'm constantly acting. I don't know who I am and how I really feel about things. I recently got diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. And I'm ... View more

Whenever smth would happen in my life, I would catch myself acting like I'm in a story. I feel like I'm constantly acting. I don't know who I am and how I really feel about things. I recently got diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. And I'm afraid I'm going to make this my whole "life story" instead of just living life like everyone else. I'm afraid itll become my whole personality and I'll just self sabtoage for this story my brain is making up. I tend to self sabotage when things go well because I think I'm supposed to live a sad life because that's the story I made in my head. Why can I not just be happy and get better without feeling like smth is off? I cant imagine myself getting better. I just see myself suffering and trying to get better, but will always be sad. Like I live in those sad stories where I'm destined to be unhappy and everyone feels bad. It sounds so childish and attention seeking but i can't stop. My anxiety and depression I know are real. They are smth I can't control and they are the only time I actually know what's happening with me. But when I'm feeling okay, I don't know who I am, or what I like, what I want to do or how to just exist. I still have trauma to heal from, learn to cope with anxiety and depression, finding a purpose in my life and overcoming many many fears. Can someone explain what this is or tell me if this is normal?

lisa1987 Pregancy and anxiety trying to concieve
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I have been wanting a baby for the last 8 years and that feeling never goes away, I just have alot of anxiety and barriers I'm wondering if there's any mums to be or people who are on their trying to concieve journey with a mental illness and anxiety... View more

I have been wanting a baby for the last 8 years and that feeling never goes away, I just have alot of anxiety and barriers I'm wondering if there's any mums to be or people who are on their trying to concieve journey with a mental illness and anxiety daily that can give me some advice or hope that it can work out even with anxiety I am 36 now so I don't have unlimited time it just sucks because i don't know if I will ever be ready or in that right place