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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 0

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Cookie2929 Cant Handle Facebook
  • replies: 12

Hi I'm new here. After being what I feel was bullied on Facebook I have decided to delete my account. It has taken its tool on my family as I cannot stop thinking about what this person has been doing. Becouse this is a family member of my partner, I... View more

Hi I'm new here. After being what I feel was bullied on Facebook I have decided to delete my account. It has taken its tool on my family as I cannot stop thinking about what this person has been doing. Becouse this is a family member of my partner, I'm very torn. I tried to address the situation online by making a status not saying the persons name to bring it out in the open however that may have backfired on me. People say its just Facebook but why do they use it this way? My depression seems to cause me to obsess over things. Does anybody know strategies to not be so obsessive over people who don't like me? And how I can not react straight away, which gets me into trouble the most. I keep telling myself I'll get thru it but I feel like I'm just sinking into a bigger hole.

Greenz so tired of it all
  • replies: 1

I am very lonely and suffer social phobia - no friends that I can talk to.I have suffered depression most of my life due to my upbringing and anxiety has got worse and worse over the past few years. I feel like a huge failure. I have just turned 50 a... View more

I am very lonely and suffer social phobia - no friends that I can talk to.I have suffered depression most of my life due to my upbringing and anxiety has got worse and worse over the past few years. I feel like a huge failure. I have just turned 50 and am living on newstart and trying to raise my 2 children on my own. I have nothing - i live day to day and have no savings, my mother owns the house and I pay her rent. She is 77 and struggles to pay the mortgage on the house she bought 9 years ago so that the children and i would have somewhere stable to live. I am in my last year of uni studying law. This last year has been a particular struggle - I just don't feel i can go on with uni anymore at this point. I just need a rest or a holiday something I have not had for a long time as a single parent. What i really want is for someone to take care of me - silly - I am not cut out for this world. If i could i would live on my own in a hut in the bush with lots of animals around - animals are safe. I look at other people who have friends and partners and jobs and I feel such a failure as it all seems so hard for me and so normal for everyone else. My poor babies had to witness their mother crying and hopeless the other day. What a sense of security that gave them! Is there a world were people like me can live quietly without societies expectations and the pressures of a place that I do not want to be part of? I would like to sit in the sun and not feel guilty or that I am a failure - at 50 with nothing.

SD44 Not working off meds
  • replies: 4

Hi i am new to this forum. My story is too long to go into right now but i have been on antidepressants for 12 years and recently came off them over a6 month period in a possibly misguided attempt to support my teenage daughter who was also coming of... View more

Hi i am new to this forum. My story is too long to go into right now but i have been on antidepressants for 12 years and recently came off them over a6 month period in a possibly misguided attempt to support my teenage daughter who was also coming off hers. Suffice to say neither of us are doing well atm. I tried a natural antidepressant this past week but i seem to feel more anxious and have been having heart palpitations, so decided to stop this and thinking of going back on my regular medication. My daughter has been away at a youth rehab for 6 mnths and returned home about 6 weeks ago. They took her off meds while she was away as it is a very tough love program, but unfortunately seeing her so down and developing an eating disorder is bringing me down. Her father and i are divorced and although she sees him for 1 night a week, it is pretty much me dealing with it all alone and at the moment im not coping. Feel disappointed about going back on meds but i guess i need to do whatever it takes to be strong so i can help her also. Just needed to reach out to others who might understand as i dont like to talk about it much with others in my life who dont really know how im feeling. I have a pretty full on job and not feeling like im coping well with that either atm.I am going on a week long holiday with my daughter and son in a weeks time and hoping we are feeling ok to enjoy it. Any tips appreciated.

Pete81 Very broken today!
  • replies: 12

Not a good day Have cried for most of it. I've hidden from others so no one see's me cry and just moped about the farm. I feel very broken watching my ex wife take her and the kids stuff out of the house its gutting me to watch taking away fond memor... View more

Not a good day Have cried for most of it. I've hidden from others so no one see's me cry and just moped about the farm. I feel very broken watching my ex wife take her and the kids stuff out of the house its gutting me to watch taking away fond memories and good times on the farm. Have been catching up with a few people of late for Christmas and just to say goodbye before i move away for work and just in case things turn bad and i don't get the chance to talk to them again sounds pathetic i know but just don't have the strength or fight to battle too much at the moment. i know it sounds like I've given up just having a bad week i suppose, But i am really starting to scare myself and make myself believe it will be the last time i see many of these people. I have seen my doc again and went to the salvos to talk to someone but im just in a spot of feeling no matter what i do its not going change my situation and im still going to be alone and have nothing. All I can say is I'm very down and feel very broken and unfix-able today.

mini75 Want to help but can't
  • replies: 4

I currently help out by taking our neighbours child to school in the mornings along with my child. In recent times I have also been asked to take this child extra early. Some days have been ok and other days have not helped me out mentally. If I am s... View more

I currently help out by taking our neighbours child to school in the mornings along with my child. In recent times I have also been asked to take this child extra early. Some days have been ok and other days have not helped me out mentally. If I am struggling a few days in a row, the responsibility with an extra child puts me out. I feel the requests for looking after this child in the early morning before school is becoming more frequent too. How do I decline helping out without having to explain myself. I already take my child to school, so I feel the only way I can explain is to tell them about my struggles with my mind. I do not want to do this because this will leave me feeling vulnerable and looked upon as weak. I do not want to be treated differently and fell I will if people know. I am not ready for everyone to know. Only my husband knows and is always there for me and that's enough for now. mini75

Hepburn I don't even know what I how can I get help?
  • replies: 2

Hi, I'm new to BB but not really new to depression. I've suffered for around 6 years but it has gotten worse with time and now anxiety is a problem too. i do a lot of pretending. Pretending I'm doing better than I am, pretending I care about things I... View more

Hi, I'm new to BB but not really new to depression. I've suffered for around 6 years but it has gotten worse with time and now anxiety is a problem too. i do a lot of pretending. Pretending I'm doing better than I am, pretending I care about things I don't, and pretending I want to fix it......when the reality is I want it to be fixed, but couldn't be stuffed doing the work to fix know?im a mum, a wife, a teacher, a daughter, a strong woman etc etc........that's the roles others have put on me.....I just want to be left alone and not have to deal with anything. I'm tired but I can only sleep cause I take large amounts of medications. I'm on strong anti depressants but they really aren't working well,I have issues that I apparently should be talking to a psychologist about but it just doesn't feel right to sit down with someone and chat about my past that can't be changed, and I have everything I'm supposed to want in life yet I'm still depressed and have anxiety.........what's the deal with that? i can't be the only person who hates the idea of seeing a psych. Can I?

Gleno reaching out
  • replies: 10

Hello eveyone... I hope everyone is ok...i have been struggling for most of the day and then made a phone call to a was hard but i am so glad i did...talking does help ...take care everyone .

Hello eveyone... I hope everyone is ok...i have been struggling for most of the day and then made a phone call to a was hard but i am so glad i did...talking does help ...take care everyone .

Chloekat84 Cant help but feel depressed while feeling sick
  • replies: 11

Im not good with dealing with my emotions especially when im ill. I dont dont know know what i have atm my dad and sister both just recovered from the flu so dont want that but in the mornings are the worst when i need to force myself to get up to my... View more

Im not good with dealing with my emotions especially when im ill. I dont dont know know what i have atm my dad and sister both just recovered from the flu so dont want that but in the mornings are the worst when i need to force myself to get up to my 2 year old daughter. Ive been having hot flashes and body aches and pains and coughing my lungs up but cant seem to get much up. every morning i wake up with a lost voice then i get it back by the end of the day. I think its just an upper respiratory virus but i duno. my family think i should see a doc but i know what he will say, ot just virus get some rest etc. bit hard to get rest when u have an active 2 year old who u are looking after all by urself. anyways thats it. been taking nurofen plus for the pain etc but still dont feel great. night all.

Chloekat84 Feeling soo sick its bringing on bad anxiety and depression
  • replies: 3

Everything was fine this morning then around midday i started getting bad aches and pains all over my body and since last night had a really bad sore throat my glands r killing me and ive also ot no energy and a bad headache. Ive also lost my appetit... View more

Everything was fine this morning then around midday i started getting bad aches and pains all over my body and since last night had a really bad sore throat my glands r killing me and ive also ot no energy and a bad headache. Ive also lost my appetite. Firstly i thought it might be the flu but my nose is clear and im getting to the end of a respiratory virus i had so not really coughing up anything. I dont know whats wrong and its gettin me down. Im single parent aand i dont know how im going to deal with looking after my daughter its that bad. as soon as my appointment was over today i came home and didnt get out of bed until i had to pick up my daughter. I need help but my sister cant as she has a friend staying over she hasnt seen in a long time and my dad is recovering from an illness as well and hes 70. No1 else is close by and they are too sick mentally to help anyways like my mum has bipolar and so does my step dad and they are on the yorke penin anyways. DOnt know what to do and feel soo crap im trying hard not to cry :'(

Katatonic How or what do others do on bad days?
  • replies: 15

Hi,everyone, Ok I'm new to all this but I also have an enquiring mind so that being said, what do others do to divert their brain from going sooo far down that its hard to climb back up?. I'm on quite a downer & nothing is helping. I cane to see if a... View more

Hi,everyone, Ok I'm new to all this but I also have an enquiring mind so that being said, what do others do to divert their brain from going sooo far down that its hard to climb back up?. I'm on quite a downer & nothing is helping. I cane to see if any others spend time talking to ppl like myself to help maybe with techniques on brain diversion from bad thoughts. I'm finding myself feeling alone & with no or little support, so if anyone wants to suggest what they have tried well that would be appreciated. Thanks for listening