Hi, new to this sort of thing, feeling like I have pretty much run out
of options, I'm a new dad to a beautiful 6 month old IVF bub, my wife
has suffered depression for around 7 years and is suffering PND very
badly ATM, wife went through cancer, los...
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Hi, new to this sort of thing, feeling like I have pretty much run out
of options, I'm a new dad to a beautiful 6 month old IVF bub, my wife
has suffered depression for around 7 years and is suffering PND very
badly ATM, wife went through cancer, loss of her dad, brother in jail,
we relocated to central Qld 12 months ago at the request of my company,
they unfairly dismissed me and I was out of work 6 months ago, i took
them to court and won the case. Working again now but it's tough going.
My wife hates it up here. Today I broke, my wife is aware of her
depression but struggles to see anyone, after many years of encouraging
her to go to a doc, holding her hand and trying to be supportive I broke
down and cried for about an hour, not a real manly thing to do, still
crying as I write this as I have never really thought back and spoken
about this before. Feeling very helpless that I can't fix the problems
for my wife, that I don't make as much money as I used to and I have to
sell everything off to survive, that I feel to blame for moving my wife
up here and all she wants to do is go back to vic, we can't afford to
move back, I have trouble sometimes settling the baby, wife says I'm
never around but all I do is work and come home, I don't know anyone up
here so there isn't much for me to do. Feeling very helpless and that I
have lost me... So sad that I can't fix our problems anymore and life
has become so hard and complicated. I just want my wife and baby happy
more than anything. I feel a bit silly writing this stuff down, normally
I'm in control of my life and have direction now it feels like it's put
of control and I'm heading into a dark place. The pressure is way too
high, we have another baby on the way, due in May next year, not sure if
my wife can cope with the additional pressures, me working to put food
on the table and a roof over our head, stressed out to the max and I
can't keep up, how do I get help for my wife?? How do I fix it?? How can
I provide a better life for mum and bubs?? I try to always do my best,
what happens when I'm not good enough and I fail?? I just want things
back to normal well as normal, want my wife happy and running out of