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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 1

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

soyedmilk Does anyone else experience this feeling?
  • replies: 2

I was just wondering if anyone could relate to this? Sometimes I feel shrunken down inside my own head. Like I’m a small person using my own eyes as a window. Everything is disconnected, noise passes over my head. Occurences of this are more frequent... View more

I was just wondering if anyone could relate to this? Sometimes I feel shrunken down inside my own head. Like I’m a small person using my own eyes as a window. Everything is disconnected, noise passes over my head. Occurences of this are more frequent during bouts of depression. I have anxiety, depression and ocd just for reference! Thanks xox

Guest_322 lonely in a crowded room
  • replies: 6

Not sure where I'm going with this post. I have both nothing to say yet so much to say at the same time. Just trying to figure out how to do this thing called life (which apparently I'm not very good at sometimes). I haven't been feeling like myself ... View more

Not sure where I'm going with this post. I have both nothing to say yet so much to say at the same time. Just trying to figure out how to do this thing called life (which apparently I'm not very good at sometimes). I haven't been feeling like myself for a little while now. I sort of felt "dead" (indifferent like just going through the motions) earlier this year. Then something snapped inside me, the floodgates opened and now I am feeling again but it's not exactly pleasant. Mostly just overwhelming sadness. Anyway, I'm just putting one foot in front of the other right now. Not sure what else to do. It has been hard for me to accept that I'm struggling to cope. Early last year, I had so much energy and motivation. I was studying, working, volunteering, part of various student societies and joined a uni leadership program. Earlier this year, I was invited to join an academic program (separate to the units that I'm taking). But this year, I've been slack with the volunteering, which I feel lazy and guilty about not being as involved as last year. Also, I'm behind on the community activities for the leadership program. The frustrating part is the black dog and I are very well acquainted. We have quite a history together. Last time, he had me suicidal but not to worry, I won that battle And I don't know, maybe it's silly but I thought that I had tamed (even "conquered" the black dog). But the sneaky little thing is yapping at my heels again. I think that's the part that bothers me most. It's like "really?! Not this again?! Why?!!!!!" So I'm just basically having a long whinge about "why this again?"

Giggy89 Been battling depression for 9 months now!!
  • replies: 5

Hi so my name is Stephen and i started battling depression last year coupled with GAD!! I have tried numerous antidepressants to no avail. I am currently going through ECT but this doesnt seem to be making any difference. I have spoken with a few dif... View more

Hi so my name is Stephen and i started battling depression last year coupled with GAD!! I have tried numerous antidepressants to no avail. I am currently going through ECT but this doesnt seem to be making any difference. I have spoken with a few different psychologists. but nothing is helping!!!I want to know whether people have tried many ADS and then tried the older class of MAOIS and found it helped.. Please i am desperate to get better!!! any response will be greatly appreciated!!

Rock I can't bring myself to do anything
  • replies: 35

I don't usually reach out like this because I'm a very secretive person, but I'm just so desperate right now. I've had severe depression for years now. I'm stuck in a real bad down time at the moment. I've been on medication for a while which has blu... View more

I don't usually reach out like this because I'm a very secretive person, but I'm just so desperate right now. I've had severe depression for years now. I'm stuck in a real bad down time at the moment. I've been on medication for a while which has blunted my emotions and stopped my panic attacks. I can usually pick myself up, at least enough, after a week or so but this time it's just not faltering. I just can't bring myself to DO anything. I've tried making a schedule and just forcing myself but I just end up feeling even more empty and lost. I used to be so passionate about art and studying just for the fun of it. Nothing feels fun now, not even games, and I just sit here all day doing nothing. I don't know how to kick myself into action. Please, if anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it.

Mandy2787 Feeling hopeless
  • replies: 2

I'm off to the Dr on Monday. I need to start feeling better about myself! i can't stop feeling like I'm worthless and useless. I can't stop crying that nothing seems to go right in life and fail at everything. since moving from Sydney to Brisbane a f... View more

I'm off to the Dr on Monday. I need to start feeling better about myself! i can't stop feeling like I'm worthless and useless. I can't stop crying that nothing seems to go right in life and fail at everything. since moving from Sydney to Brisbane a few years ago, everything's gone wrong. From having two great jobs to not being able to get more than 7 interviews in 10mths with no success. I lost a baby at 14wks. I moved to a state where I didn't know a single soul other than my partner. Making friends as an adult is so so hard!! And it's so lonely. we've now moved to Victoria, still no friends. Every time family are down I never get a call, text.. Nothing. I feel as though I mustn't be good enough to be around. Like I mustn't be an enjoyable person to be around. I just want to be included and thought of. Whenever I call family , I rarely get a hold of anyone and I don't get a return call. Fair enough if I had caused a problem or done something wrong to people, but I haven't. It feels like people were happy I moved away and now want nothing to do with me or can't be bothered. I do have a beautiful 1yo daughter and I want to be a happy, positive influence on her. i do work, other than that I lack time to have hobbies as my daughter is still so young. I feel so down all the time. if it wasn't for my daughter I really don't think I'd be here. I never get asked to come to functions, celebrations nothing. And I'm not a downer around people, I just want to be included. i just don't know how to get out of this funk and stop feeling down and negative all the time. I'm over crying. I'm over hurting and stressing about things that I should just let go of. I want a positive outlook on life but nothing goes right or how it should be. im worried about anti depressants and what the next step should be, but I can't keep crying day in day out. I'm over it. This can't be how life is meant to be, if it is.. It sucks!

Loula Feeling limited by bipolar disorder
  • replies: 38

Does anyone feel limited by their mental disorder? I have bipolar and feel very limited due to it. I find that I always need to be in my head when I'm with people so I act in a normal behaviour so they don't suspect I'm not well. I find when I'm goin... View more

Does anyone feel limited by their mental disorder? I have bipolar and feel very limited due to it. I find that I always need to be in my head when I'm with people so I act in a normal behaviour so they don't suspect I'm not well. I find when I'm going on a high or a low I tend to hide myself from people. Well actually on a high I just be friend strangers because I don't care what they think lol! I find that I'm struggling with work and the hours and that I'm not going to advance in it. I find myself taking lots of toilet breaks so I can breath. I'm worried if I do get a promotion I will snap and the be known as the girl with the mental illness. I find I can't have a hobby or study because I get so board and distracted easily. One day I want to plan events the next day I want to be a doctor. I'm just really over zero stability and having to really be in my head and watch all my steps making sure I'm healthy. I just wish I could live life with out this annoying thing.

spunkyturtle Feeling so lost
  • replies: 4

So I dumped my fiancé 5 years ago now, we were together 4 years. Whenever we had problems he'd email his ex and tell her he wanted to sleep with her. He talked to her behind my back, he even opened fake email and MySpace accounts and told her he coul... View more

So I dumped my fiancé 5 years ago now, we were together 4 years. Whenever we had problems he'd email his ex and tell her he wanted to sleep with her. He talked to her behind my back, he even opened fake email and MySpace accounts and told her he could talk to her from work so I wouldn't worry, that was after he promised me he'd never do anything intentionally to hurt me. Anyway, she had gotten married and obviously is divorced because they are now together. I'm happy for him and I'm so glad I walked away and left him when I did, he clearly wanted her all along. I was never good enough, didn't earn enough, didn't have a degree etc etc now im feeling so so down, part of me feels I have a lot to offer, I mean he didn't want to break up with me, he said we were forever. Another huge part feels like a failure, I'm still single, overweight because of my meds, in debt, trapped and so frustrated. I feel I have nothing to offer, with my lack of career, money and mental health problems. I just wish I could get out of this city, I was happy and free living in Queensland. I just want my happy ending

Sea-n-sky Depression: dog vs black dog
  • replies: 111

Some guy elsewhere in this forum, asked the question "How would we describe depression if it were a physical creature. What a sensible question to ask. The guy who asked, must be an intelligent guy, a guy with a future of success. I can answer that q... View more

Some guy elsewhere in this forum, asked the question "How would we describe depression if it were a physical creature. What a sensible question to ask. The guy who asked, must be an intelligent guy, a guy with a future of success. I can answer that question, but would first like to remind everyone that many famous and successfull persons have experienced depression. (Burton and Taylor come to mind) Indeed it seems likely that depression is a precursor to success, even to victory, in most dramatical terms. The late Winston Churchill himself said he had been afflicted by deep depression for much of his life. He called it Blackdog. Therefore I will call it that too, when considering it as the "physical creature". Most human beings can relate to the dog, and will recognise the animal as being of varying temperament according to breed. The wolf is a dog, as is the dingo. Likewise the poodle, the pekinese and the labrador. On the one hand, we have the wild feral destructive canine, whilst on the other we have the loveable domesticated pet. Clearly therefore, depression can be represented by the dog.(Blackdog). It is, all dogs, merged into one. The loveable domesticated pet today, and a destructive feral tomorrow. If you own a dog, you train it. If you do not do that it will not become the loveable domestic pet you may desire. It may become something different entirely. It will likely become a menace, in fact. The first step in training the animal is to treat it in precisely the same way as you would like it to treat you. That way, the dog will become your friend - and yes, blackdog can be that too. In training your dog, you feed it morsels of reward, treats or titbits if you like, when it behaves/responds as you would like it to. Blackdog is no different. Returning to Winston Churchill, Did he win World War II ? No of course not, but he was a leader and inspirer amongst allies, perhaps guided by Blackdog, the friend. Blackdog, is no longer my demon. I might be again one day, and if it is, I'll just remove the cause, if I can. My pain is now greatly reduced, because of that. I even jog a bit now, (when walking). I have to, in order, to keep up with a friendly blackdog, which is running ahead of me. (metaphorically speaking) If it can be true in my case, Why not yours ? Cheers, Sea-n-sky.

Trickyone Not sure how long ive had depression and/or anxiety and not sure who to talk too
  • replies: 1

I am a 38 Year old male who, over the years had had a great career and a very loving family. I have a young son and wife of whom i love dearly.Over the last week i have become very disinterested in anything including time with my son and as my wife p... View more

I am a 38 Year old male who, over the years had had a great career and a very loving family. I have a young son and wife of whom i love dearly.Over the last week i have become very disinterested in anything including time with my son and as my wife puts it "you are there but not present". As this has happened i realised that this has happened quite a lot over the years and not knowing what was going on i put it down to being run down and after a couple of days i would start to bounce back.It has now been a week and my wife is now giving me what she calls "tough love" where she is avoiding me, not touching me and i am feeling really worthless to be honest. I have a business that involves a lot of clients and now i fear talking to anyone all the time so i avoid talking to anyone who may give me any news i cant handle.This is losing me business at the moment and my heart is constantly racing at a million miles an hour and my sleep is not getting me rested even though its about 8-9 hours a night. Since being married two years ago, i have missed spending time with my friends and socialising as my wife isn't as social as i and now i'm not sure if i do anymore either although i know how good it feels to talk with my friends if that makes sense?Im really worried as i don't drink often but when i have in the last 12 months i have binged and been ill for days afterward. My wife is also the type of person who may run in the other direction if things don't work for her (as it almost has in the past) and so i am constantly running on fear of failure, fatigue and worry about anything and everything and it's strange that i now see that after all these years that this is what it is....and it scares me.I'm not sure who i can talk to about this as that too scares the hell out of me and isolation and disconnection seems the only way my brain wants me to react to the world.If anyone can help me with getting an idea of what happens next please i would really appreciate it so i know it won't be too much. I have had issues in my younger years with addiction and i am concerned that with therapy that i have received never picked up that i may have been suffering from depression as this is how it felt then too (so could i be wrong?).

Star123 Feeling Out of Control
  • replies: 1

Hi Everybody, I've had depression for 10 years. Lately things have been pretty intense for me. I've been having huge problems with my husband where I find I'm always angry or sad. I get so mad and worked up that I can't think straight. I then got a m... View more

Hi Everybody, I've had depression for 10 years. Lately things have been pretty intense for me. I've been having huge problems with my husband where I find I'm always angry or sad. I get so mad and worked up that I can't think straight. I then got a message from my ex and without thinking went and saw him. For the first time in a long time I felt good and happy. I don't know what to do because whenever I'm with my husband or if I'm alone I always feel so worthless