Hi all, I wanted to post a little bit about my story. After battling
debilitating daily panic attacks,derealisation, depersonalisation,
generalised anxiety and major depression for a year now, i can say that
i am on the road to recovery! I was in suc...
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Hi all, I wanted to post a little bit about my story. After battling
debilitating daily panic attacks,derealisation, depersonalisation,
generalised anxiety and major depression for a year now, i can say that
i am on the road to recovery! I was in such a horrible dark place with
what seemed like an eternity. I had completely lost myself. I cant even
describe in words how i felt and it scares me to even think about it. I
would have periods where I couldn't leave the house for weeks, I had to
quit my permanent job that I had for years, i would have to excuse
myself mid conversation to go to the bathroom and have an unprovoked
panic attack (on days that I could even get words out of my mouth), some
days i couldnt even get out of bed for days, paralysed with darkness,
dread and agonising fear, even to get some water. I would wait till my
partner got home late afternoon so they could get me a glass of water.
For almost a year, I couldn't even find momentary relief. I truly felt
like I had lost myself and thought I would honestly exist like this
forever. Every bit of me truly believed this. Well I am happy to say
that i was wrong. For anybody that is in a dark place, please hang in
there. It does get better. I will say this again, recovery is very
possible. It does get better. I know it may feel like these words almost
feel like lies, or impossible or unrelateable (i felt like this when I
was bad) but hang in there, you can recover Do not underestimate the
little things. Eating well, sleeping well, getting out of the house,
exercise, relaxation techniques, having a recovery plan or
anxiety/depression plan, seeking inspiration, reaching out for help,
seeing a psychologist and one of the most important, giving yourself
time and grace on those days where you feel like you're going to be
stuck like this forever. Try not to be hard on yourself. Recovery is not
linear and it can be different for everybody. I do however believe that
there are some universal things that are beneficial to everyone's
recovery. For e.g. eating well. Taking a good quality multi vit, eating
foods high in omega 3, aminos such as tyrosine (speak togp for
interactions) which help absorb more dopamine, serotonin etc.
Unfortunately I have to keep this short but I just wanted to share that
I am feeling better, and if I can you definitely can! Hang in there, you
are valued you are important you are loved