
Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.


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BeyondBlue Hello! Read this if you're not sure how to get started
  • replies: 0

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for ... View more

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for coming this far, we know it can be really hard to take these steps if depression is in your life - we see you and think this is a great step. To get the most out of this space we have a few tips: Get involved. The Forums work best for you when you get active and post where you can. Now, we know that can be really hard, especially when you are experiencing depression. So, if you can post something supportive to someone else here, that would be an incredible start. Speak from the heart. This community wants to know how YOU feel and what has worked for YOU. We trust that you have something unique to say and we can’t wait to hear it. Check in. Lots of the chats on this Forum having been going for years and they are some of the richest conversations we have. Keep checking in to get new ideas and offer your support. We know it can be tough to start, but when you are ready we want to hear your thoughts. If you need some time to get to know the community, that's okay! Have a look around and see where you want to get involved. Thank you for being here Beyond Blue

Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Congina2010 Help, no judgement please
  • replies: 4

Hi guys, I'm a young girl who tells too many lies and need help. I have been caught out on many lies in the past which is ruining my relationship with my parents, siblings and close friends and I want to stop. This has been going on for a few years n... View more

Hi guys, I'm a young girl who tells too many lies and need help. I have been caught out on many lies in the past which is ruining my relationship with my parents, siblings and close friends and I want to stop. This has been going on for a few years now and I know I need help hence why I'm reaching out to you on here. Is there a number I can call to speak to someone that can potentially guide me in getting better and to stop this issue before it gets out of control. Im only 11 years old and want to get the help I need. All suggestions needed right now. Thank you for listening and no judgement please

That Other Guy The effects of social media
  • replies: 4

I am 53, my marriage is holding on by a thread and we live apart. I try hard to create a positive space on facebook, because it makes me feel connected somewhere. I just got my account back, I got 30 days for calling someone garbage who was wishing p... View more

I am 53, my marriage is holding on by a thread and we live apart. I try hard to create a positive space on facebook, because it makes me feel connected somewhere. I just got my account back, I got 30 days for calling someone garbage who was wishing physical harm on LGBTIQ kids. I got a ban, because I expressed support for women's rights. The algorithm just does not work, and I guess my question is, am I the only person who struggles to keep a social media account and is left feeling isolated? I will note I don't look for arguments, I engage people who troll groups I like.

Bidol Deep depression
  • replies: 2

hi all,this is my first time posting on’s been a year today that I lost my mother in law to cancer,I’m completely lost.I’m terrified for my mums health.I can’t go on like this.i don’t really have anyone else to talk to apart from my husband b... View more

hi all,this is my first time posting on’s been a year today that I lost my mother in law to cancer,I’m completely lost.I’m terrified for my mums health.I can’t go on like this.i don’t really have anyone else to talk to apart from my husband but he is grieving as well.i don’t know how to deal with this!

Zed0 Friend is Severely Depressed.
  • replies: 7

I have a friend who lives in Adelaide. I live in Melbourne. My friend and I are in the same year level, year 10 and 15. I have known she has been feeling down lately for a little while, since March, and she has explained to me that she has lost motiv... View more

I have a friend who lives in Adelaide. I live in Melbourne. My friend and I are in the same year level, year 10 and 15. I have known she has been feeling down lately for a little while, since March, and she has explained to me that she has lost motivation for most things and struggles to be happy. She also tells me she's been late to school almost everyday, most of the time because of her crying. Allison tries to get help like asking her parents for a therapist/ psychologist, but they refuse to. I'm just wondering what type of help that I can provide for Allison, or what help she can get from others. Any help or guidance of what I should tell her, or help her with. I'm very stuck and confused myself. Regards, Zed

Maters Husband doesn’t understand
  • replies: 8

I’m going through a very low patch and I feel like I’m not only looking after myself but also my husband. I tend to go quiet and withdraw, and he takes it personally and I end up trying to make him feel better. I can barely keep myself going and it’s... View more

I’m going through a very low patch and I feel like I’m not only looking after myself but also my husband. I tend to go quiet and withdraw, and he takes it personally and I end up trying to make him feel better. I can barely keep myself going and it’s exhausting trying to help him too.

nib Sad.
  • replies: 7

I used to be very close to my cousin (as a child), and now they have since become one of the "popular girls." We are both young adults now. I want to catch up with her but she acts like she's too good for me now, whereas previously we would spend tim... View more

I used to be very close to my cousin (as a child), and now they have since become one of the "popular girls." We are both young adults now. I want to catch up with her but she acts like she's too good for me now, whereas previously we would spend time together all the time. I have tried to discuss my feelings about this to her but she became argumentative. Her mother has never liked me for reasons unknown. She has a cousin who doesn't like me, again for reasons unknown, who has caused so much drama towards our family to the point my mother has had to report her to the police. I just miss the old girl she used to be.

Bart_J_Simpson Struggled to leave my bed for 3 days and counting
  • replies: 9

Hey everyone, I am suffering from a pituitary gland disorder which cause nausea, vomiting, fatigue and disrupts general wellbeing. The past two weeks have been extremely challenging. My mental health has deteriorated and I haven't been able to leave ... View more

Hey everyone, I am suffering from a pituitary gland disorder which cause nausea, vomiting, fatigue and disrupts general wellbeing. The past two weeks have been extremely challenging. My mental health has deteriorated and I haven't been able to leave my bed for the past 3 days except when my partner physically escorts me to the bathroom. I tried to go for a walk with our dog 2 days ago but made it a few houses up and started hyperventilating. Basic tasks seem impossible and I am worried where this will lead. I have no desire to do anything. I'm forgetting what I used to be like. I am very worried about the impact this is having on my partner. She says it is okay and that thinking about her wellbeing should be the last thing on my mind, but I am scared this will go on forever and cause huge issues in our relationship. I don't know when this will end as it seems related to my condition. It feels like my body is betraying itself. If anyone is familiar with chronic health conditions and ways to deal with mental health in conjunction with that - I'm open to reading your thoughts. Thank you

redtornado I Need To Get This Off My Chest
  • replies: 4

I’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety due to substance use. When I was younger, I had no friends. I was always the outsider. It wasn’t until year 11 and 12 that I actually gained friends and oh boy was it the best. Fast forward a few years... View more

I’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety due to substance use. When I was younger, I had no friends. I was always the outsider. It wasn’t until year 11 and 12 that I actually gained friends and oh boy was it the best. Fast forward a few years and I’m working in a call centre surrounded by people my age. I got along well with and adapted their lifestyle. I spent thousands of dollars on PC parts, and substances to just be like them. But I was never that valued in the group instead I was the loser of the group with them trolling and making fun of me online. Couple of years ago the company I worked for went under and my close friends and I went our seperate ways. I tried to keep in contact with them but I get pushed around alot with declines to events, not getting invited to events and lately a wedding where all my friends were invited except me. My family on the other hand broke apart when I was 16. I feel like I lost everyone then. Dad was cheating and an alcohol, mum was an alcoholic and my brother has ADD so you get the picture. I’ve always been a people pleaser and lied my way through life so people hear what they want to hear but deep down im sad, depressed, have no confidence and am unhealthy. A few weeks back a colleague took her life. She and I had similar symptoms of depression and anxiety especially being a people pleaser. I was always against suicide but after she died life went on. Since this happened I can’t shake the idea of suicide out of my head. Instead I take substances to keep my mind off it. But what happens when I get intoxicated is my mind races, I can’t sleep and I feel worse than before. I feel burnt out and I feel like I need a break or some proper help. So I stopped drinking 2 months ago and (but relapsed last weekend). Problem is that just feels worse than before. Got a new GP and they said walk it off. Got a new therapist and she was overwhelmed. Spoke to beyondblue and they were amazing passing me onto a mental health line. Mental health line haven’t done anything in a week. I don’t know what to do. I know deep down I don’t want to end my life but sometimes I think who cares. I’m just tired and think I need a break Appreciate any advice. Thanks.

FeelingGrey Financial stress
  • replies: 13

How do we cope with the constant negative press and the fact that the cost of living and interest rates are about to go through the roof. I eventually won’t be able to afford my house. It’s my fault that I let this happen to my family. I feel like th... View more

How do we cope with the constant negative press and the fact that the cost of living and interest rates are about to go through the roof. I eventually won’t be able to afford my house. It’s my fault that I let this happen to my family. I feel like there’s no way out of this and I can’t seem to function. I have these thoughts regularly but had been doing well for the last 5-6 weeks. I’d been avoiding the news during that time, keeping myself busy as well and then today, I caught a glimpse of some news articles on my phone. I feel it’s set me right back and I’m back to feeling that there’s no wait out.

charred Cost of living
  • replies: 3

I suffer from depression, but over the years have managed it somewhat okay. I have an ex wife, you took my young son and moved 1000km away, that really affected me. I've always worked, earning a modest income. I have no debts, and some savings in the... View more

I suffer from depression, but over the years have managed it somewhat okay. I have an ex wife, you took my young son and moved 1000km away, that really affected me. I've always worked, earning a modest income. I have no debts, and some savings in the bank. I've been renting a very cheap rental alone for the last 5 years which has been great. But I've been told I need to vacate in 2 months, and thats where my problems start. Currently working in the building industry as a subcontractor, working alongside a school friend, after our boss suddenly passed away at xmas ( as well as my grandma, and my dog). I live in a country town, and the rental crisis is in full swing. Not only is there a serious lack of rentals, but prices are sky high. Add to that, the rising cost of fuel, food, electricity. Luckily, my sister owns a house in the town, which she is going to rent to me, so I dont end up homeless. Its one of the cheaper in the area too. Basically, lets say I earn roughly $1000 per week, before tax. Due to weather and material outages, some weeks may be less. The rental is $370 per week, which is almost double what I pay now. I just ran the numbers through the money smart budget, and things look very bad. After entering in rent, electricity, gas, fuel, food ($80 a week), phone, rego, childcare payments.....basically going to be lucky to break even, if not going backwards each week. Thats with zero spending money, zero emergency money, zero saving money, zero alcohol money, zero car maintenance or repair money, zero extra fuel money. I literally savaged my budget until there was nothing more to scrimp on. The obvious idea would be to get a room mate. But being an introvert, and living alone for the last 5 years, its something I just cant fathom, having a stranger living alongside me, and all the possible associated dramas. Id rather starve myself quite frankly. Basically, I'm about to go from living quite comfortably, 4wding,camping on the weekends,buying the odd thing for myself..... to living in basic poverty, trying to save every dollar,and doing absolutely nothing as I wont be able to afford it. Not to mention the 4 weeks a year I have my son in holidays, where I dont work,so am down another $4000 per year in the red. At that rate, my savings will be evaporated in just a few years covering the shortfall. I just feel totally defeated at what is looming. When you can earn $1000 a week and not survive. Im starting to wonder whats the point.