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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 1

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Jampob_321 Can’t keep going
  • replies: 6

Hello. I don’t even know where to begin. I’ve struggled with major depression all my life, which has now morphed into postnatal depression and anxiety. I have a 16 month old (a result of a surprise pregnancy) and I just really don’t think I can keep ... View more

Hello. I don’t even know where to begin. I’ve struggled with major depression all my life, which has now morphed into postnatal depression and anxiety. I have a 16 month old (a result of a surprise pregnancy) and I just really don’t think I can keep going. My relationship with my partner is in tatters, I have no job and no income, my parents are unwell themselves, and I have no support network to help with my baby. I was extremely stressed during my pregnancy and my daughter has turned out to have a very highly sensitive and reactive temperament, which I blame on the heightened levels of cortisol running through my body when she was developing in utero. She is extremely clingy and needy, so I get no time to myself. She is terrified of other people. She also wakes very frequently during the night, which is taking a serious toll on me. (Please do not tell me to sleep train, as I am not interested). I just feel like I have nothing to live for. My mental health problems place such a burden on my partner, sister and parents. I see a great psychologist and am on medication, but I’m sick of feeling so hopeless. I don’t know how to fix myself. I can’t keep dumping all my problems on my partner as he is sick to death of it. We have fallen out of love but now feel trapped together for the sake of our baby. I am in huge debt because of study, and the prospect of working feels so hard right now with my daughter being too clingy to be looked after by anyone else, and the sleep deprivation making it so difficult to concentrate throughout the day. My life just feels like a huge mess and I honestly wish it would just end.

Aly98 Ran out of antidepressants don't know how to access more in time to avoid withdrawal...
  • replies: 4

I'm wondering if anyone has advice... I'm based in Vic, Aus in case that's necessary context (don't know where most people on the forums are based?) So my dilemma is... I've lost my script for my antidepressants. I've run out of my last refill. I've ... View more

I'm wondering if anyone has advice... I'm based in Vic, Aus in case that's necessary context (don't know where most people on the forums are based?) So my dilemma is... I've lost my script for my antidepressants. I've run out of my last refill. I've been off them 2 days now and already feeling pretty anxious and emotionally messy. My next psych appointment is in a month and a half, and calling her sooner doesn't seem like an option since I can't afford to do the appointment any sooner than is booked - it's like $250 and I'm pretty poor. This happened once before, and I explained the situation to the chemist but despite knowing it's super dangerous to go cold turkey off antidepressants, they couldn't provide me an emergency refill - and this pharmacy knows me and are super helpful in general so I get the impression if there was anything they could do, they would've. I hear of emergency scripts being a thing in the US, is it a thing here in Aus? Can I go to the hospital and get some or something? The way my emotions are sort of spiralling right now (not to mention other physical effects of withdrawal) makes me scared for what I might be like in a week... I could easily end up with thoughts dark enough to land me in hospital anyway. So is there really nothing that can be done to prevent that...?

nec_ceph Need some advice for getting through a low period
  • replies: 6

I'm going through a period of feeling seriously low. I've had depression for 17 years and generally manage it well - have low moods but nothing my strategies of distract/exercise/breathe/meditate etc can't help with. None of those work at the moment ... View more

I'm going through a period of feeling seriously low. I've had depression for 17 years and generally manage it well - have low moods but nothing my strategies of distract/exercise/breathe/meditate etc can't help with. None of those work at the moment and my psychiatrist is away. I reached out to live chat but it was unhelpful (obvs a young clinician just walking through the checklist, which after 17 years I've pretty much got memorised!). My problem is just coping with this low period until my psych gets back. It's the first time I've had such a deep low in a very long time - the last time I was so bad was just after having my (sole) daughter, when I was surrounded by supports. This time, my family supports are unavailable (my mum's just had breast cancer surgery, my dad is in failing health in aged care and my siblings are... not good supports), I have no friends who could support and I'm now parenting a 9 year old. My partner's stretched to his limit with looking after her and worrying about his own parents, who recently had COVID and are still ill (and in another state). There's no one who can give us a break. Is there anything you can think of I can do? At present, I'm down to taking medication when I need it, or sleeping. Not great esp with a kid and work. I considered hospital, but given how overwhelmed the wards are atm I don't even think I'd be admitted, and it would be likely more stressful to be there anyway. P.S. Yes I am experiencing suicidal ideation, but I'm not in danger of following through with it. Just trying to find a way to sit with that level of hurting other than sleeping all the time.

Brendan17981998 24 and feeling unmotivated to work.
  • replies: 3

Hello, I decided to come here to post my current situation to see if anyone else is dealing with or has dealt with similar issues. For the past 2 years or so (although been studying a course online) I have felt unmotivated and slightly lost with life... View more

Hello, I decided to come here to post my current situation to see if anyone else is dealing with or has dealt with similar issues. For the past 2 years or so (although been studying a course online) I have felt unmotivated and slightly lost with life. A big issue is work, I have had many opportunities at jobs to consistently make $ while studying but wake up and talk myself out of attending shifts. When I think about it, I dont know why I do this... especially when majority of the jobs seem tolerable and its temporary work until I hopefully find myself a career in my graduated industry. I feel like a lazy disapointment as my family will be working and I am at home, I have even found myself pretending to go to work just so they think I am. Which reminds me of another issue, I care way to much about what people may or do think about me :/. I have a lot of overthinking thoughts which probably is a contribution with not wanting to go attend shifts and be around new people. It is getting to a point now where I worry if I am going to be in this rutt forever, I am turning 25 early next year and after school i assumed I would have everything in line and sorted by now. Anyways, does anyone have any feedback, thoughts or similar stories? Happy to hear anyone...

Mike33 My name is Mike.
  • replies: 5

I have GAD and I get tension headaches. I find watching an old movie, lying down meditating or sitting quietly on my own they can sometimes ease.

I have GAD and I get tension headaches. I find watching an old movie, lying down meditating or sitting quietly on my own they can sometimes ease.

Congina2010 Help, no judgement please
  • replies: 4

Hi guys, I'm a young girl who tells too many lies and need help. I have been caught out on many lies in the past which is ruining my relationship with my parents, siblings and close friends and I want to stop. This has been going on for a few years n... View more

Hi guys, I'm a young girl who tells too many lies and need help. I have been caught out on many lies in the past which is ruining my relationship with my parents, siblings and close friends and I want to stop. This has been going on for a few years now and I know I need help hence why I'm reaching out to you on here. Is there a number I can call to speak to someone that can potentially guide me in getting better and to stop this issue before it gets out of control. Im only 11 years old and want to get the help I need. All suggestions needed right now. Thank you for listening and no judgement please

That Other Guy The effects of social media
  • replies: 4

I am 53, my marriage is holding on by a thread and we live apart. I try hard to create a positive space on facebook, because it makes me feel connected somewhere. I just got my account back, I got 30 days for calling someone garbage who was wishing p... View more

I am 53, my marriage is holding on by a thread and we live apart. I try hard to create a positive space on facebook, because it makes me feel connected somewhere. I just got my account back, I got 30 days for calling someone garbage who was wishing physical harm on LGBTIQ kids. I got a ban, because I expressed support for women's rights. The algorithm just does not work, and I guess my question is, am I the only person who struggles to keep a social media account and is left feeling isolated? I will note I don't look for arguments, I engage people who troll groups I like.

Bidol Deep depression
  • replies: 2

hi all,this is my first time posting on’s been a year today that I lost my mother in law to cancer,I’m completely lost.I’m terrified for my mums health.I can’t go on like this.i don’t really have anyone else to talk to apart from my husband b... View more

hi all,this is my first time posting on’s been a year today that I lost my mother in law to cancer,I’m completely lost.I’m terrified for my mums health.I can’t go on like this.i don’t really have anyone else to talk to apart from my husband but he is grieving as well.i don’t know how to deal with this!

Zed0 Friend is Severely Depressed.
  • replies: 7

I have a friend who lives in Adelaide. I live in Melbourne. My friend and I are in the same year level, year 10 and 15. I have known she has been feeling down lately for a little while, since March, and she has explained to me that she has lost motiv... View more

I have a friend who lives in Adelaide. I live in Melbourne. My friend and I are in the same year level, year 10 and 15. I have known she has been feeling down lately for a little while, since March, and she has explained to me that she has lost motivation for most things and struggles to be happy. She also tells me she's been late to school almost everyday, most of the time because of her crying. Allison tries to get help like asking her parents for a therapist/ psychologist, but they refuse to. I'm just wondering what type of help that I can provide for Allison, or what help she can get from others. Any help or guidance of what I should tell her, or help her with. I'm very stuck and confused myself. Regards, Zed

Maters Husband doesn’t understand
  • replies: 8

I’m going through a very low patch and I feel like I’m not only looking after myself but also my husband. I tend to go quiet and withdraw, and he takes it personally and I end up trying to make him feel better. I can barely keep myself going and it’s... View more

I’m going through a very low patch and I feel like I’m not only looking after myself but also my husband. I tend to go quiet and withdraw, and he takes it personally and I end up trying to make him feel better. I can barely keep myself going and it’s exhausting trying to help him too.