Hi there. Pipsy here. Just been hit with a scam from somewhere overseas.
Just after new year I received on fb, a lovely post from a guy (he said
he was from Brooklyn U.S.A), claiming he'd seen my 'beautiful' face and
wanted to 'get to know me'. The a...
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Hi there. Pipsy here. Just been hit with a scam from somewhere overseas.
Just after new year I received on fb, a lovely post from a guy (he said
he was from Brooklyn U.S.A), claiming he'd seen my 'beautiful' face and
wanted to 'get to know me'. The amount of rubbish that followed was
unbelievable. We chatted for a while via fb, he asked for my email,
which I (foolishly) let him have. He's never contacted me via email.
anyway, after chatting for a couple of hours, next time he contacted me,
there was a proposal. he claimed to be a minister with a Pentecostal
church. I'm separated and I know from a friend of mine that widows are
allowed to remarry, but divorcees are not, under Pentecostal. He
informed me he was going to Amsterdam for a 'huge' work project, then
retiring. Then came the 'bite', on reaching Amsterdam (supposedly), I
get an 'urgent' message via fb, 'in trouble, financially, can you send
money?'. I had already told this person, I had no money, he initially
said, 'money isn't everything, I love you regardless'. He pushed and
pushed for money, even told me how I could send money via money gram.
Then I get another 'urgent' message, 'been kicked out of hotel because I
couldn't pay'. He claimed he'd told the hotel management his 'wife', me
was going to send money. He claims he's now back in the states and
blames me for not being willing to help him. I had a 'go' at him, told
him if he knew he was going to Amsterdam as claimed, the money should've
been sorted before he left the states. He's abused me, told me I was
selfish, told me I'd never find true' love etc. I actually find the
whole thing quite amusing, but my point is, there are people out there
who are lonely, vulnerable, depressed. If you are contacted like I was -
ignore, please. These people are heartless, they tell you what you think
you want to hear, particularly if you're coming out of a
separation/divorce, feeling low because spouse has left you. Or you
could be widowed, feeling lonely. They are schooled to make you feel
guilty if you don't send money. The more you send, the more they want.
When you're 'bled dry', you'll never hear from or 'see' them again.
Because of the pressure from this 'so-called' lover, I actually finished
up in hospital suffering high blood pressure. I live alone, on
Centrelink Newstart. I had told him right from the start I had no money.