
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
  • replies: 0

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

maisy80 New here- questions about physical symptoms of GAD
  • replies: 9

Hi I'm new here... Even just writing this I'm trying to hold back the tears, I feel so overwhelmed & helpless at the moment.I have always been a "worrier" & I'm sure that really its always been anxiety,in the last few years its got really bad.I have ... View more

Hi I'm new here... Even just writing this I'm trying to hold back the tears, I feel so overwhelmed & helpless at the moment.I have always been a "worrier" & I'm sure that really its always been anxiety,in the last few years its got really bad.I have constant thoughts of bad things are going to happen to me,my family,the world in general.I have this strange way of thinking like if I go overseas then because it's me that's there something bad will happen...stupid hey..About 18 months ago I broke & went to my GP (who also happens to be a customer at work so I see him from time to time there) I told him I'd picked up a brochure on anxiety & everything listed was me, by this point I was exhausted with constant fear & worry, I really truly felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. He said he'd been waiting for me to come see him as he'd seen the signs in me at work. I went to see a psychologist for about 6 sessions then got busy planning my wedding & thought I'll be ok I can manage on my own...& I have..kind of...for a bit.Now my job has become more stressful than ever, we are constantly understaffed, customer complaints & on top of that no matter how much we do every morn starts with a meeting telling us we haven't done enough..I'm drowning.. I only work 3 days a wk because I can't handle the thought of being there more,I also have 2 teenagers & a 6 year old. My husband is very supportive of my anxiety, plus household stuff & kids etc so I'm very lucky. In the last 3 weeks I've been having heart palpitations (I've had these before)&severe dizzy spells-one I was driving & had to pull over, the only thing that stops it is pinchin the skin between my thumb & forefinger,plus terrible earaches.I've become very forgetful, have been making mistakes at work (resulting in more stress),my time management has become terrible, I'm late to work constantly no matter how early I'm up. Yesterday I was driving to work & I burst into tears & just couldn't stop, I became hysterical so got off the road & called my husband, by this time I was struggling to breathe but luckily I knew this was a panic attack so just kept trying to slow my breathing, it was terrifying:( Im seeing my GP again today & feel like I need some time off work,that will prob make me feel worse/guilty.. I'm sorry I know my post is quite rambling but I just wanted to get some of it out...I am hoping joining here I'll be able to get some advice from time to time when I'm struggling. Thanks

Crygirl87 Why can't I be happy?
  • replies: 8

Hi. I am 28. I am safe. Loved. Financially stable. My marriage is very loving and I have a wonderful partner in life. My children are wonderful. And I am miserable. I have been sad for as long as I can remember.I have always got anxiety over one thin... View more

Hi. I am 28. I am safe. Loved. Financially stable. My marriage is very loving and I have a wonderful partner in life. My children are wonderful. And I am miserable. I have been sad for as long as I can remember.I have always got anxiety over one thing or another and I have thoughts about someone coming to hurt me or having a car accident that kills me.I don't know if that means I am suicidal as I wouldn't deliberately kill myself. I don't want to hurt anyone.

Whispa I can't handle my mind anymore!
  • replies: 2

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has any advice or coping methods on this? Il try keep my story brief (although might be hard given the way my mind is going!) im a 27 year old mother of 1 boy. I've had a normal upbringing, no major dramas. I made some dum... View more

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has any advice or coping methods on this? Il try keep my story brief (although might be hard given the way my mind is going!) im a 27 year old mother of 1 boy. I've had a normal upbringing, no major dramas. I made some dumb decisions in the past, and like many others got caught up with a violent boyfriend. However I came out of that with my son, and my life is now what you would call as close to perfect as could be. Amazing son, amazing boyfriend, building our dream home, head above water financially at last, my horses, family etc... However!!! my mind will not let me be happy! I am constantly nervous, heart racing, mood swings! I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, especially social anxiety, years ago but have always prided myself on a strong mind that could snap myself out of it, but now, it's making my life hell! I am obsessed with the news, and all the murders and home invasions etc, that I am 90% of the time terrified of it happening! I stay up til all hours at night just to 'keep alert' I jump at every noise, I check my son multiple times! It's starting to upset my very caring boyfriend as he thinks I'm avoiding him. I also hide away from socialising with anyone other than my mother as I can't handle the slightest criticism. i can't achieve anything anymore! I use to be good at things, now I can't even organise myself to clean the house, I stuff up everything I try, I get nervous, clumsy, panicky, angry over the tiniest things! I absolutely hate myself, and every inch of my looks and body, and try on about 15 outfits to go anywhere. And so much more, all due to my mind will not shut up! but most painful, I've lost my ability with my horses. I've ridden my whole life, now it seems every time I try to ride it all goes to hell, I know they feed off my emotion but it scares me as I feel I'm getting to a point I can't get myself back, and now I have this great horse and I can't seem to make things work. My horses have been my only consistent through every bad patch of life and I don't want to give them up, but my nasty mind is almost sending me down that path as I'm such a failure with them. I do not want medication, I don't feel that's the path for me at all, I just think I need some mind management teqniques until I can snap out of this 'patch" too. Any suggestions or help would be amazing

Moonstruck Panic starting - need to get this out!
  • replies: 5

Dear people...just desperately need to get this out (if you can stand it)..feel panic attack looming....scared, scared...of what? Had my door closed all morning..scared neighbours would walk by, or someone would want to speak to View more

Dear people...just desperately need to get this out (if you can stand it)..feel panic attack looming....scared, scared...of what? Had my door closed all morning..scared neighbours would walk by, or someone would want to speak to me...or..or...or...can't breathe properly...write properly..sorry.Two things really started me worrying yesterday...two things on top of each other....visited a pet I had to rehouse few years ago....wanted to take him home again with me...know he's not happy..has the basics care..but not loved....he's sad, needs so much more activity and interaction..nothing I can do..he belongs to someone else killed me to leave him.....they regard him as "theirs"'s too late....I'm so sad. He is not mistreated...but is not loved. No one can ever love him like I did. I let him down- I can never forgive myself.Then something re my little grand daughter...she reminds me of me when I was little..something triggered the memory of a similar thing in my own childhood..with MY mother...I hated her....glad, so glad when she overwhelming emotion was "relief"....huge burden was lifted.....why did these memories come back??? my son and daughter in law are fantastic parents! was just one thing, one thing reminded me of my childhood......lay in bed with silent screams..tears of sorrow and frustration and worry about the little girl and my pet...kept trying to console myself.....I'm so scared today....I'm crying all the time.I decided to take the short walk to the store, instead of driving...sat looking at the ocean... - peaceful, can hurt you in there! But I have to pretend now....someone might ring...or text...I will have to act a role of the "calm, composed, "together" me"...otherwise they would be very uncomfortable...I can't say "help me I am on the verge of a panic attack...I am terrified" grand daughter and my pet are not in any danger - but I need to make things "perfect" for them...I love them.. I have to fix them...and I can't..and I can't bear what's happening in my mind........sorry, but had to get that out...please make allowances for me if you can.........luv

Neenie87 Who is managing and on a good run anxiety wise?
  • replies: 3

I wanted to see who was managing there anxiety well right now and what are you doing to keep it at a good level?

I wanted to see who was managing there anxiety well right now and what are you doing to keep it at a good level?

ci Frustrated!
  • replies: 5

OK sorry but I'm on here venting again. Not sure why I do this but I find myself so desperately needing to vent my frustration and I have no one but my husband to vent to and sometimes the poor guy needs a break! I've been doing so well thought I was... View more

OK sorry but I'm on here venting again. Not sure why I do this but I find myself so desperately needing to vent my frustration and I have no one but my husband to vent to and sometimes the poor guy needs a break! I've been doing so well thought I was starting to get on top of this ocd thing but it just won't give up it won't leave me alone it won't let me go it just keeps fighting me wanting to control my thoughts and make me fear everything. It makes the simplest things in life feel like mountains to climb over. I am trying so hard!!! ! ! But I keep falling I'm so ashamed of myself so disappointed that this is who I've become and the small glimpses of the old me that I've been lucky enough to see the past month have made me miss the old me even more. I'm doubting I can do this I've got so much on my plate this year kids, work, uni and a house to keep organized what have I done how can I make it all work? Today I just want to hide under the blanket and take time for me to get my head straight but unfortunately that's not possible. I'm sorry for the whinge I'm just so full of frustration and anger today my stomach is a mess and my face keeps going numb I had to vent before I completely exploded.

Guest7765 anxiety help
  • replies: 2

Hello guys well for the last like 2 year I have had anxiety and panic attacks. Now centrelink apparently won't accept any more medical exemption certificates because apparently they only accept so many before you are required to look for work or stud... View more

Hello guys well for the last like 2 year I have had anxiety and panic attacks. Now centrelink apparently won't accept any more medical exemption certificates because apparently they only accept so many before you are required to look for work or study. There is no way I am fit to work or study, i even tried doing this Civil construction course that they forced me to do but my anxiety started getting bad and i stopped. What can I do? M

Elaja25 My anxiety attacks me again/ why my anxiety always come back
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone this is my 2nd post yeah my anxiety attacks me again last night that causes me lack of sleep i think i only had a couple of hours of sleep thats why i feel im not in good mood the negative thoughts overwhelm me again been good for the pas... View more

Hi everyone this is my 2nd post yeah my anxiety attacks me again last night that causes me lack of sleep i think i only had a couple of hours of sleep thats why i feel im not in good mood the negative thoughts overwhelm me again been good for the past day i already didnt take my sleeping tablet at night until yesterday i feel something again on my body (health issue) first i have hyphertension for almost 7 years now and i only 35 years old when we move to a new house i have medication taking for over 3 years now ,thats the only medication that my suite me but i run out of prescription so to make short i look for a new gp to look after me just to continue my old medication but this new gp change my prescription to a new one he gave me 3 different tablets that didnt suite my blood pressure and now my anxiety start to come back again and yesterday i felt something wrong again to me every time i pee theres a painful feeling and the to make short again everytime theres a health issue to my self my anxiety come backs .althought i tried to fight it by doing something useful and avoid thinking too much and make myself productive. But why my anxiety always come back? Do you guys ask this too?

MaryD Social anxiety sux
  • replies: 7

I have social anxiety. My biggest fears are talking to people, visiting family and friends, eye contact, embarrassing myself, seeing myself in a mirror, hearing my voice on a recording and the list goes on... I am a married mum of two beautiful kids.... View more

I have social anxiety. My biggest fears are talking to people, visiting family and friends, eye contact, embarrassing myself, seeing myself in a mirror, hearing my voice on a recording and the list goes on... I am a married mum of two beautiful kids. My husband is wonderful but has little understanding of my illness. None of my family or friends know what I go through. My anxiety is so bad i can't even make myself call the counsellor to book the appointment. I worry about EVERYTHING.... my health, my kids safety, my husband's health and safety, the future, the past, mistakes I made yesterday, mistakes i made five years ago, something I said to a check out chick at the shops last year, how I look, how I sound, how others see me ......... Basically it's a struggle to get up, run the household, put the smile on and pretend I am a good person. My kids keep me going.... but then I worry that once they grow up and move on then I will fall apart

Chicken_Wings Head zaps, memory & reading
  • replies: 13

Hi Everyone, Was wondering if anyone else has issues with their memory, brain zaps and reading when they are feeling anxious? I feel like I forget how to spell, or forget things I should know. Sometimes I'll be reading and read the sentence wrong, or... View more

Hi Everyone, Was wondering if anyone else has issues with their memory, brain zaps and reading when they are feeling anxious? I feel like I forget how to spell, or forget things I should know. Sometimes I'll be reading and read the sentence wrong, or be reading and have to read it again cause I didn't understand what it said. I also have sort of light headed, dizzy spells. Today for example I am tired, and I feel like I'm not reading well and I have a tense feeling in my head. These symptoms appear when I'm tired and then they make me anxious and so the symptoms get worse. I was wondering if this happens to other people too (it would be really reassuring if it did!).