
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
  • replies: 0

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

gloria10 Anxiety about mum going away
  • replies: 2

Hi, I'll be looking after mums place while she's away in a few weeks and I'm already nervous. I guess I feel more isolated with lack of support if something goes wrong. In order to manage it Im trying to plan some nice things to do including walking ... View more

Hi, I'll be looking after mums place while she's away in a few weeks and I'm already nervous. I guess I feel more isolated with lack of support if something goes wrong. In order to manage it Im trying to plan some nice things to do including walking the dog, but appreciate any help. I've also had a messy time with job trials and now I may be able to get a permanent part-time one, so its all happening at once. The role is different to what I've done before too. The heat has not helped either this week. Gloria10

mypositiveside Travel Helped Me Break Free of Anxiety
  • replies: 16

Hi everyone, I wanted to start a discussion about how traveling has helped me break free of my anxiety-ridden mindset. While anxiety is still an everyday challenge, discovering new places gave me an outlet and a fresh perspective to better cope. When... View more

Hi everyone, I wanted to start a discussion about how traveling has helped me break free of my anxiety-ridden mindset. While anxiety is still an everyday challenge, discovering new places gave me an outlet and a fresh perspective to better cope. When planning a trip, just having something exciting to look forward to lifted my mood during stressful times. Being immersed in new environments provided a healthy distraction from worries. It engaged my mind in the present instead of getting stuck in thoughts about the past or future. Not only did the physical change of scenery calm my racing thoughts, it also helped me gain a new appreciation for life's simple pleasures. Meeting people so different from me yet similar in so many ways eased my social anxiety. Overall, travel left me feeling grateful instead of anxious. Of course, it depends on the individual experience. Too ambitious a plan could potentially cause more stress. But in general, getting out of routines and comfort zones has done wonders for my mental wellbeing. It gives me renewed confidence that I can handle life's challenges. Has anyone else used traveling to better manage anxiety? I'd love to hear your experiences and how exploring new places has helped your mental health and outlook.

Amd_123-432 Feeling lost
  • replies: 7

Hi there I feel completely and utterly lost The last couple of years have been jobs upon jobs and I can't seem to make anything stick and all my life I have been told that I'm stupid or not good enough so that keeps going through my head and I wonder... View more

Hi there I feel completely and utterly lost The last couple of years have been jobs upon jobs and I can't seem to make anything stick and all my life I have been told that I'm stupid or not good enough so that keeps going through my head and I wonder if the issue is actually me any advice would help Thanks

AndreLB Anxiety Holds Me Back
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone, I'm hoping some of you can provide me with some advice or share your experiences with me on this. For the past year I've been feeling really anxious all of the time. I've had a hard time committing to events and I'm always anxious to org... View more

Hi everyone, I'm hoping some of you can provide me with some advice or share your experiences with me on this. For the past year I've been feeling really anxious all of the time. I've had a hard time committing to events and I'm always anxious to organise events myself and ask people to hang out. I've had a hard time lending help to people as I don't want them to take advantage of me and I feel like I need to control everything in my environment. I know it all sounds silly and it probably is but I don't know what to do to escape this nightmare. Prior to 2023 I used to be super comfortable with myself, my studies were good, I had good friends, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, I had a good job and I was volunteering a lot at a mental health group. I loved it! Sadly by the end of 2022 I was burnt-out from studying, I received little support during my time volunteering, and I had friends who projected their mental health issues onto me. I had a lot of weight on my shoulders and it took a toll on me. By early 2023 I was a mental mess, irritable, angry, resentful and I began questioning whether people deserved my help or not. I began saying no to people and anytime someone asked for help I immediately thought to myself "they're just using me". This all led me down a really dark pathway where I struggled to commit to events (I would often cancel at the last minuet), I didn't want to help people anymore, I struggled to put myself out there to the point that I would often delete messages before anyone saw them, I was a mess. My life is still good though, I have an amazing girlfriend in my life, good family, good friends, my studies are going well and I just got a new job recently. But I can't shake this anxiety, I force myself out of my comfort zone and I'm still able to live my life but this anxiety just won't go away. Does anyone have any ideas that would help? Thank you

o0 3ree6ixty 0o I got into a fight and don’t know what to do and what will happen
  • replies: 1

I was hanging around a group of guys and girls having my lunch they were all just talking shit about everyone and just joking around and they started to make up roumers about me wich iI thought were just jokes and everyone being silly, a few minutes ... View more

I was hanging around a group of guys and girls having my lunch they were all just talking shit about everyone and just joking around and they started to make up roumers about me wich iI thought were just jokes and everyone being silly, a few minutes past and Jacob comes up behind me with a DARE bottle and tips it down my shirt there isn't much in the bottle, I was just thinking that it was all a joke and a prank like something that you do as a teen so I grabbed the bottle off of him and throw the rest of the contents in the bottle back at him, he didn’t seem to like that and some got on his shoes and me with a playful smile on my face say that we are evan, Jacob takes off his shoes and starts chasing me so I ran away not like scared for my life ran more like a speedy walk as I thought we were still playing around he chases me and grabe me by the back of my neck and pushes me to the ground it hurt alitle but me still thinking he was playing was smiling and laughing and than he started to kick me, and gestured towards stomping on my head, me finally realising that he was mad about what happened and I was in in abit of shock so I was inbatween bursting out laughing and bursting out crying because I was really confused about the situation, we both start walking away and I head towards the bathroom to go to the toilet and I am in there and hear Jacob talking about me and so i peak my head out to see what was up and apoligise and he won’t listen Paul De’crest was in the area and told us all to go to class so I went to my class room and he went to his after him saying to meet him mount druit a go to class and things go as normal and I slightly rush to the station as I have work and I get to work and just start freaking out and have to come home because of the fear of what could happen next time I see him. I go home and unloaded all of what happened to my mum and she advises me to talk to the police and out in a report about the incident not to press charges but just incase somthing further happens,

anonymousmouse Cannot think positively
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone. I recently just found out that my mum plans on downsizing in about a years time. I live with her and my two younger brothers. There are only 2 rooms in the new house I have already been having a hard time, but this is tipping me over the... View more

Hi everyone. I recently just found out that my mum plans on downsizing in about a years time. I live with her and my two younger brothers. There are only 2 rooms in the new house I have already been having a hard time, but this is tipping me over the edge. Mum says that we can buy a caravan to put at the back of the house and that she can sleep in it so myself and my brothers have room inside. But it still feels pretty awful. I keep seeking advice/sympathy, but it only feels like a temporary band-aid. Every time something good happens, the reality will then hit me that in a years time, someone (either me or my mum) will be sleeping in a caravan. She keeps telling me not to worry and that everything will be okay, but I really can't control my anxiety over the situation.

Centaured Scared of success
  • replies: 3

In my life I feel like I've never accomplished anything. I've never had a job, im nearly 31. I havent been to uni. I have been in hospital for probably half my adult life due to mental and physical health problems. I think I'm scared of success and s... View more

In my life I feel like I've never accomplished anything. I've never had a job, im nearly 31. I havent been to uni. I have been in hospital for probably half my adult life due to mental and physical health problems. I think I'm scared of success and sabotage every opportunity I get. Well, today I'm freaking out. I'm launching my own business. I am an artist and hosting my first ever market stall to see if I can start selling it and to put myself out there. I am so nervous and anxious, im scared I will mess this up like I have messed up my life. The worst thing is that they are forecasting thunderstorms this evening when the market is on. Even the universe doesn't want me to succeed.

Tigermoth Work stress
  • replies: 1

I am working at a telecommunications company and am being pressured to sell things as well as being monitored to ensure I spend most of the calls with customers forcing them to buy things. I now how insomnia, chest pains, headaches, depression and an... View more

I am working at a telecommunications company and am being pressured to sell things as well as being monitored to ensure I spend most of the calls with customers forcing them to buy things. I now how insomnia, chest pains, headaches, depression and anxiety. I also gave increasing pain in my legs and feet from peripheral neuropathy. I have pleaded with them to allow me to go to an administrative role but they said they couldn’t do that. Another worker had to go on sick leave last week as he said he felt so pressured he felt like he had no control over his life and was on a skateboard which was going over a cliff. That is three people in our team in 12 months who have had to leave due to mental health issues. Any ideas how I can get some peace? I have already reduced my hours but the pressure is getting worse

bob_the_builder anxious about going out into the world.
  • replies: 4

Hello, I am a new young Adult who is only just getting started on the road creating a future for myself. I was wondering if anyone has experienced these emotion and anxiety that I feel toward getting a job to support myself through life and UNI. And ... View more

Hello, I am a new young Adult who is only just getting started on the road creating a future for myself. I was wondering if anyone has experienced these emotion and anxiety that I feel toward getting a job to support myself through life and UNI. And those emotion also towards getting a university education. I don't like doing task and other everyday things alone, I dislike driving alone and not fond of the idea of going to uni classes not knowing anybody, which cause me to have breakdowns about it. I just want to live peacefully and become finally stable. But i know that it won't happen without having hardships and challenging moment in my life to get there. When i had job during high school I would cry and get angry before most of my shift, and I still do it to this day with preparing for a job interview -that I am unsure of taking- or anything that involves talking to strangers and new people. I tend to overthink about my life choices and what they could result in, and I also tend to be optimistic about my future. But eventually reality knocks it down, which causes me to become more anxious about my future. So, my question is that I would love for anybody to let me know if they have experience similar to this and are able to provide advice on what road I should take to help me become willing to want to go out into the world by myself and do things I dream of doing. Thank you!

Elizabeth Louise Anxious Ex Husband about my adventures with the Kids
  • replies: 13

My Husband doesnt want me to take the kids kayaking because he is "concerned". I have taken the kids twice already without him. If i take them it means i dont care about him and they get to experience a fun day. If i dont take them, i appease his anx... View more

My Husband doesnt want me to take the kids kayaking because he is "concerned". I have taken the kids twice already without him. If i take them it means i dont care about him and they get to experience a fun day. If i dont take them, i appease his anxiety but we miss out. He says his concerned of the risks. What risks? That they will drown? They can swim and they have done it twice before. All I can think of is some fun & adventure and making memories with them. The past 6 weeks all I have been doing is packing, unpacking, moving and renovating. I'm exhausted and stressed and want a break and a little adventure. Plus it's my birthday soon. I wanted to do a fun activity with the kids. When i explained this he says I am free now I can do whatever I want and that I never listened when we were together. But I know he will hold it against me. And when I ask to get back together he will throw it in my face and say I don't care and they are just words and I havnt shown him that I care about him. (Just some background. I really want to get back together but with hes afraid. He blames me for it all says its all my fault, he fled because he's been hurt) I have mentioned to him not to worry I won't do anything dangerous. The kids will be fine. I even asked him if he would feel more comfortable to come along with us and would that help. He says No. I have pointed out that this is anxiety and fear is holding him back and to please challenge those negative thoughts. He always thinks worse case scenario. He reminded me that I did this last year when I was on holiday with the kids. We were on a tour boat ride in the Whitsundays and it was chopping seas and he was included in the online group and saw the weather forecast. Someone posted something about do not go out on the sea its 22 Knots. But our boat was full! The Captain changed from the sail boat to a stronger faster boat and I was confident in the captain. My husband wasn't there and he asked me not to go. I didn't want the kids to miss out on snorkling! And they were really looking forward to it. The boat trip was chopping at times but it was fine. We were safe. He still knocks it to me. That I had an opportunity to show him that i care about his concerns and listen. I think it was so unfair. What do I do? I want to save our relationship, but I also want to Live a little. It was a horrible year last year. I went into depression. I really need some adventure in my life to make me feel alive.