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Scared of success

Community Member

In my life I feel like I've never accomplished anything. I've never had a job, im nearly 31. I havent been to uni. I have been in hospital for probably half my adult life due to mental and physical health problems. 

I think I'm scared of success and sabotage every opportunity I get. 



Well, today I'm freaking out. I'm launching my own business. I am an artist and hosting my first ever market stall to see if I can start selling it and to put myself out there. 

I am so nervous and anxious, im scared I will mess this up like I have messed up my life. 

The worst thing is that they are forecasting thunderstorms this evening when the market is on. Even the universe doesn't want me to succeed. 

3 Replies 3

Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear Centaured,


That’s absolutely fantastic that you are launching your business as an artist. How did the market stall go? I hope the weather was not too bad. It takes courage to start a business. I think what can happen when we step out and do something like that is that our inner critic can have a way of showing up and leading us to doubt ourselves. But if we can begin to ground ourselves and be self-caring we can support ourselves through that. I really wish you the best going forward with your creative venture.  I imagine it’s one small step at a time, testing the waters to see what opportunities are fruitful with your art. Keep creating! It can be the most healing thing to do.


Take care and all the best,

Eagle Ray 

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Centaured,


I agree with Eagle Ray, that’s it fantastic that you’re launching your own business…


I do hope yesterday went well for you…Please if you feel up to it and want to, let us know how you went…

Kind thoughts and hugs ❤️🤗.


Community Member

Eagle Ray and Ggrand


The markets got cancelled due to the weather.