
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Samfromwa Strange symptoms, maybe from anxiety.
  • replies: 9

I was diagnosed with edhlers danlos syndrome a few years back which gave me really weird symptoms and one of them is extreme anxiety. I've tried many different mediations, seen a physcologist, therapy. Nothing works as it's a physical anxiety because... View more

I was diagnosed with edhlers danlos syndrome a few years back which gave me really weird symptoms and one of them is extreme anxiety. I've tried many different mediations, seen a physcologist, therapy. Nothing works as it's a physical anxiety because my body is always repairing itself because of my weak connective tissue. I now get so worried as it took years to diagnose and made me so worried 24/7. I now have been worried I may have multiple sclerosis for the past 2 months as I've had odd symptoms. It started with an itch below my wrist on the flexor which would last 10 mins max. It's a deep non rash itch that would occur after I wake up. It lasted 2 months went away for a week but came back after the first month and now it's gone again. I thought it was from hurting my wrist. Last week I started getting weird sensation in my toes and between my heel, like a tingly feeling, sometimes slightly pins and needles. Also a crawling sensation below both my wrists on the flexor. It comes and goes, sometimes last 10 seconds sometimes hours but doesn't stay in one spot it moves around like could be the left or the foot. I can go hours with no symptoms though. I'm having an mri done in 2 weeks. My neuro did the vision, walking tests and also few others on while I was there eg the hammer. He said it's all normal. I get no numbness either or anything else. He said it's stress/anxiety but issued an mri of spine and brain to help me so I stop worrying about it. Anyone had similar type of issues? I'm losing my mind. My wife is sick of me, no one listens to me lol. I've had the worst 6 years health wise but I've been suffering from anxiety since I was a kid.

jess_b Newly diagnosed with OCD
  • replies: 7

Hey everyone! so I have recently been (2 weeks ago) diagnosed with OCD in terms of intrusive/obsessive thoughts and don’t have another appointment with a psychologist for another 2 weeks which has caused me some anxiety! Anyway, 2 nights ago I had a ... View more

Hey everyone! so I have recently been (2 weeks ago) diagnosed with OCD in terms of intrusive/obsessive thoughts and don’t have another appointment with a psychologist for another 2 weeks which has caused me some anxiety! Anyway, 2 nights ago I had a really bad dream which is a side effect of the antidepressants I have been taking but since then I have had major anxiety and can’t get the loop of thoughts about my dream out of my head and it has worked me up so much that last night I tossed and turned until 3 am and feel so tired today! I was just wanting to get some advice or tips from other people who have OCD on ways that they can calm there mind down so I can get some rest tonight! Or just help me in general of how to cope when it gets bad because I have to wait another 2 weeks before I can go and speak to someone about some strategies in handling it! Any advice would be really greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Seekingaddvice8 Neighbour causing issues
  • replies: 1

Hey, My neighbour has been using a low frequency subwoofer or speaker of sorts, I'm guessing anyway - with the sole purpose to bother me. So basically during the night, they use low whispering tones and when I even managed to finally get some sleep, ... View more

Hey, My neighbour has been using a low frequency subwoofer or speaker of sorts, I'm guessing anyway - with the sole purpose to bother me. So basically during the night, they use low whispering tones and when I even managed to finally get some sleep, they boost it up to abruptly jolt me awake. Even when listening to white noise background music with earphones on, at high levels. The offending sound seems to get amplified as an result. Recording is not realistically as it doesn't quite catch the tone. Any recommendations? I was thinking about using some sound blocking material and somehow stick it into my earphones? Or captive the sound somehow? What do you guys believe I should do? Or what type of speaker could do this?

Meowface So long until psyc appt....
  • replies: 7

So a lot has happened since I’ve last shared. I’ve had a baby and moved interstate. All was tracking well but I’m now about 5 months post partum and anxiety has hit hard. I mustered the courage to see a brand new gp (daunting) for a new mental health... View more

So a lot has happened since I’ve last shared. I’ve had a baby and moved interstate. All was tracking well but I’m now about 5 months post partum and anxiety has hit hard. I mustered the courage to see a brand new gp (daunting) for a new mental health plan. I felt like the hardest part was over. Then I’ve found out today that the earliest I can see a psychologist is January. This has sent me into a spin. I had worked with my psychologist in my home state for 10 years and was devastated to leave her. Now to think I have to wait 3 months and build a new relationship makes me feel so alone and like the help isn’t there. I should have sought help sooner. I’m trying to put in place some other supports in this new state like finding a new yoga studio but I’m just feeling lost. I’m seeing another GP on Monday for a post-pregnancy issue. I might talk to her as well and see if she can get me into anywhere sooner.

Guest_1246 Anxiety symptoms/dizziness/off balance
  • replies: 5

Ok so im not sure if im in the right place but here it goes. Im, a 25 year old female, ive been going through this for nearly 5 years, Any anxiety symptom you can imagine. But my main concern and fear is my off balance and dizzy feeling which i get m... View more

Ok so im not sure if im in the right place but here it goes. Im, a 25 year old female, ive been going through this for nearly 5 years, Any anxiety symptom you can imagine. But my main concern and fear is my off balance and dizzy feeling which i get most of the time and out of the blue. Sometimes it starts off by a fuzzy feeling kind kf thing in my head, then a random dizzy off balance feeling and i feel like im going to pass out. Ive done blood tests which have all come out good ive also done a ct scan for my brian to rule anytbing serious out which also came out clear. Does anyone else go through this? I always seem to relate it to my heart that im having a heaet attack whihc makes things worse I hate ittt

GregtheEgg Work Anxiety
  • replies: 11

Hi, I have anxiety (specifically panic disorder) and it's particularly apparent in relation to my work, and it's having a very negative impact. I'm so anxious about checking for details that I miss details. I'm so anxious about researching the right ... View more

Hi, I have anxiety (specifically panic disorder) and it's particularly apparent in relation to my work, and it's having a very negative impact. I'm so anxious about checking for details that I miss details. I'm so anxious about researching the right area that I end up researching the wrong area. I'm so anxious about doing a good job that I make stupid, easily avoidable mistakes. I feel like I'm drowning and that I will never get to the place I want to be, careerwise. It's getting harder to motivate myself to go into the office each day. If anyone has gone through this or has any experience I would love some tips/strategies/advice/anything.

SwansandSharksMan Asking for a payrise
  • replies: 1

Hi I have been in my organisation for nearly 5 years. As part of my role, I can see payroll. I can see that there are others getting paid better than me. People who have started after me, are younger than me, and in some cases are part time and even ... View more

Hi I have been in my organisation for nearly 5 years. As part of my role, I can see payroll. I can see that there are others getting paid better than me. People who have started after me, are younger than me, and in some cases are part time and even have lesser roles. It is kind of frustrating as I feel I am putting in as much effort as them. I may have made the odd error, but so have they. It makes me very anxious, as I used to earn almost double. I was fortunate in this other role. I came in and progressed well. Then I quit so I could move the family to a new area (long story). I just haven't been able to get back to the same sort of level. Just wondering how I should go about asking for a payrise? It is not something I feel comfortable about doing. I am a little bit shy. TIA

Underwood Do I need extra help?
  • replies: 5

So very long story short, I have anxiety and have been dealing with it for the past 8 or so years. I am on medication and have been to various psychologists. I have only just started thinking about my obsessive thoughts/behaviours and the fact I have... View more

So very long story short, I have anxiety and have been dealing with it for the past 8 or so years. I am on medication and have been to various psychologists. I have only just started thinking about my obsessive thoughts/behaviours and the fact I have never told a doctor about them and if I should. I have discussed other anxiety issues but not this and was wondering your opinions of these specific behaviours. I have been a bit anxious lately and notice I need to count things three times - sometimes cans, sometimes signs. Or I’ll tell myself I need to read something in its entirety or something bad will happen - like a bad omen. I will reread sentences in books if I feel I have missed a word - otherwise something bad will happen. I will scroll my phone and can’t look to the next heading on the article I’m reading or I need to scroll through the next three to make it an odd number. I drive certain routes in order to prevent things. Even the yesterday I told myself if I stood on the cracks in the pavement something bad will happen. Even when I’m walking I think about which direction to walk past a pole - right could be bad, left is better as it’s unexpected and nothing bad will happen. There are plenty more but these are just a few. I’ve been doing this my whole life and I guess it’s such a habit I never thought it to be a problem. Even writing this I can see it’s not ‘normal’ but should I be getting help with this or is this just another branch of anxiety - Specifically health anxiety. No wonder I feel so tired all the time! Thanks so much!

Sirhc2 Performance anxiety and beta blockers
  • replies: 2

Hi all, hoping someone can help. I have social anxiety that presents badly at times around performances I.e panic attack mode, get me out of there and run away. I have been taught various techniques with 2 different psych’s who focused on CBT however... View more

Hi all, hoping someone can help. I have social anxiety that presents badly at times around performances I.e panic attack mode, get me out of there and run away. I have been taught various techniques with 2 different psych’s who focused on CBT however I don’t seem to get the results when it comes to the crunch. I’ve ready through anxiety aus and this website that Beta Blockers can provide some great assistance in reducing the symptoms of anxiety come performance time, I put this to my GP who advised me that he had never heard of it and didn’t think there was an option for me with pharmaceuticals. Wondering if anyone has tried this and what my options might be for going down this path if my GP has r heard of it? Any help would be great. Thank you

Samyol Anxiety and Depression Hittin' Hard
  • replies: 11

I posted here a while back discussing the health issues I was plagued with and this post is not much different. I'm suffering from anxiety and depression in many different ways as a direct result of gastrointestinal issues. Ever since a young age I'v... View more

I posted here a while back discussing the health issues I was plagued with and this post is not much different. I'm suffering from anxiety and depression in many different ways as a direct result of gastrointestinal issues. Ever since a young age I've been anxious, especially anxious of eating food in public or being sick in public. I think this comes down to a fear of vomiting otherwise known as I've been told "emetophobia". The last few months the GI (gastrointestinal) issues I've had my whole life have taken a serious affect on my whole, the point in which I never feel good. Always queasy, always nauseous and always terrified of vomiting even in the comfort of my own home. As this has been on-going and my hospital referral to see a specialists for my GI issues is not for another 10 days (Just so happened to be an urgent case), I've been confined to the spaces of my home and at this point have pretty much lost all motivation and my ability to get outside of the house, let alone ever work again (I'm an 18 year old male that quit my job because of these very health conditions). I'm curious as to what in my stage of health mentally and physically what can I do? I'm limited to non-physical activities and any activities involving leaving the house is beyond what I can handle because of how I feel physically daily. My relationships including that between myself and my girlfriend are slowly falling apart. I can't ever see anyone nor hang out with anyone just because of the nature of how I feel. Quite frankly I just feel left alone, my mother tells me constantly that my GI issues are in my head and that there's nothing wrong with me and although I believe this to be false, it really makes me question my sanity. Am I living a big lie? Is this a trick my mind is playing on me in order to run from the real world where a hard working job is necessary and just a part of life? I really don't know what to do anymore, I look like crap, I feel like crap everyday and even now it's 5AM and I'm yet to sleep solely because of nausea. I'd appreciate any responses of support. Thank you very much.