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Performance anxiety and beta blockers

Community Member

Hi all, hoping someone can help. I have social anxiety that presents badly at times around performances I.e panic attack mode, get me out of there and run away.
I have been taught various techniques with 2 different psych’s who focused on CBT however I don’t seem to get the results when it comes to the crunch. I’ve ready through anxiety aus and this website that Beta Blockers can provide some great assistance in reducing the symptoms of anxiety come performance time, I put this to my GP who advised me that he had never heard of it and didn’t think there was an option for me with pharmaceuticals.
Wondering if anyone has tried this and what my options might be for going down this path if my GP has r heard of it?

Any help would be great. Thank you

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Sirhc2

Welcome to the forums and good on you for having the courage to post too!

I understand your anguish with anxiety as I used to experience severe anxiety too....and yes its a horrible place to be in. You have done well by having engaged in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy....Excellent! It is frustrating when it comes to the crunch and all of our efforts seem to go astray...

My doc prescribed me beta blockers a few years ago and they do work....depending on our level of anxiety. They have been around for a long time and can sometimes help us with the physical effects of adrenaline....heart palpitations....shakiness etc. Long term and frequent counseling has better results (just in my situation)

They do help....yet with performance or anticipatory panic attack type anxiety they may not do what you have researched..unfortunately.

Can I ask if your anxiety is having an detrimental effect on your day to day well being?.....or strictly performance related?

The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post. There are many gentle people on the forums that can be here for you too 🙂

I wish I could have been of greater assistance to you

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Hi Paul thanks for responding

only really effecting me day to day if I know I have something on the horizon that could bring on an anxious reaction. I’m keen to work on it and thought that something that would reduce the racing heart etc. could help me get through situations I would normally run away from hence building confidence etc etc etc

do you think they might have a positive affect and they might worth pursuing?