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Strange symptoms, maybe from anxiety.

Community Member
I was diagnosed with edhlers danlos syndrome a few years back which gave me really weird symptoms and one of them is extreme anxiety. I've tried many different mediations, seen a physcologist, therapy. Nothing works as it's a physical anxiety because my body is always repairing itself because of my weak connective tissue. I now get so worried as it took years to diagnose and made me so worried 24/7. I now have been worried I may have multiple sclerosis for the past 2 months as I've had odd symptoms. It started with an itch below my wrist on the flexor which would last 10 mins max. It's a deep non rash itch that would occur after I wake up. It lasted 2 months went away for a week but came back after the first month and now it's gone again. I thought it was from hurting my wrist. Last week I started getting weird sensation in my toes and between my heel, like a tingly feeling, sometimes slightly pins and needles. Also a crawling sensation below both my wrists on the flexor. It comes and goes, sometimes last 10 seconds sometimes hours but doesn't stay in one spot it moves around like could be the left or the foot. I can go hours with no symptoms though. I'm having an mri done in 2 weeks. My neuro did the vision, walking tests and also few others on while I was there eg the hammer. He said it's all normal. I get no numbness either or anything else. He said it's stress/anxiety but issued an mri of spine and brain to help me so I stop worrying about it. Anyone had similar type of issues? I'm losing my mind. My wife is sick of me, no one listens to me lol. I've had the worst 6 years health wise but I've been suffering from anxiety since I was a kid.
9 Replies 9

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Samfromwa~

Welcome here to the Forum where it is often possible to get other's views that can lead to sense of perspective, or often coping mechanisms.

I have to admit I looked up the various types of Edhlers Danlos Syndrome in a reputable medical journal, so have a very vague idea of waht you are talking about, but sadly no advice to offer

Reading your post it looks as if you have several problems, the EDS, pains and other unexplained sensations in your body, and an anxiety condition that has gone on for a very long time, since you were a kid in fact. Add to that those close to you are not as receptive as they might be

All in all a pretty hard load to bear.

I can talk a bit about anxiety conditions as I've had one for very many years, and apart from anything else it can result in various physical symptoms that on investigation have no obvious cause. I get everything from chest pain to headaches, to stomach problems, breathing difficulties and more.

These are both worrying in themselves and their inconvenience/pain causes an increase in stress. A sort of anxiety loop.

Now I'm not saying your symptoms are caused by anything in particular, I'm no doctor. On the up side your doctor takes matters seriously and has ordered further investigations. This is logical and in his eye is probably going to be a comfort for you.

Frankly I found even repeat tests that came back negative as hard to accept, and kept thinking of 'loopholes' thtat might explain them away. I did however come to accept them after some time.

So IF your symptoms are anxiety related as suggested by your doctor the obvious and best approach is the treatment of the anxiety itself, the possible root cause of so much

In fact even if not, it is still something that needs attention as, at least in my case, it distorts my thinking - I'm so often seeing only the worst and lthat eads to a stressed and miserable life.

May I ask about your treatment for the anxiety? Even if you are receiving meds and therapy I'd suggest having the regime reviewed and even added to as you say yourself it is currently extreme. Even if the cause of hte anxiety is related to physical problems the condition itself may well respond to a fair number of different techniques.

I've found the thread


although very long is packed with ideas and actions that have helped others.

Please let us know what you think


Community Member

I can relate to these symptoms. I was convinced my tingling, loss of feeling in my body and other neurological symptoms were not related to anxiety.

However, after a scan at the neurologist came back clear he told me these were symptoms of anxiety. I now know when I feel these sensations that it’s my anxiety. Generally they don’t last for as long now because I can control them better, but for a while I had the symptoms non stop.

It’s good to rule out anything else but it an be a vicious cycle of symptoms and worrying about something being wrong. Take care of yourself and remember your symptoms are most likely a response to stress. Anxiety is very physical for some people and you’re not alone. I hope you feel some relief soon. Take care 😊.

Community Member
Hi Croix, thank you for informative reply. I agree with everything you have written. I had globus hysteria from anxiety in 2014 during the time of my wedding. It's the feeling of hair in your throat and tounge. I overcame those symptoms 6 months later but was lucky to have an oral hygienist in the family who knew everything about it. Anxiety surely does cause very strange symptoms. I have tried many anxiety medications and physcology but it doesn't really help me as my anxiety is a physical type caused from having weak connective tissue throughout my body. I have techniques to ease the anxiety but sometimes it's overwhelming and nothing helps. I will be trying some new meds in the future though. Thank you.

Hi Underwood. Thank you for your positive reply. My neurologist has told me that same thing but I'm still booked for a brain and spine mri's also. Did the tingling feel worse outside? When the wind is on certain areas of my wrists I get the tingling sensation more. I get instant anxiety from it. I have no other ms symptoms but the tingling, no numbness nor vision problems. What did your tingling feel like? Mines a combination of tickling, crawling and slight pins and needles sometimes but mostly tickling. Thank you.

Thank you for your positive reply Underwood. I have been told the same by my neuro and doctor. Did your tingling feel worse outside like from the wind? Did you get tickling, crawling type of sensations with some very mild pins and needles? Thank you.

Yes, mine was a crawling sensation and pins and needles. I also get hot and cold feelings on my skin. I know it’s from anxiety as it comes more during heightened periods of stress.

Oh ok thanks. Mine as well. It's a ms symptom that's why I'm so worried. Did you get mris done?

No I didn’t get any MRI’s done, I did get a scan and the one where they put all the electrodes on your head. It came back clear and the neuro was certain I had bad anxiety from my initial appointment. After I changed my medications and levelled out a bit, all my symptoms went away for a good few years. It was the neurologist who put me on anti anxiety mediation. I don’t get them much now just when I am feeling extremely anxious.

Oh ok. Thanks a lot Underwood you've eased my mind a lot as my neuro says the same, that it's anxiety/stress which I do have at extreme levels. I appreciate it. I have mris booked, ill know by the 3rd of December. Thank you.