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Anxiety symptoms/dizziness/off balance

Community Member
Ok so im not sure if im in the right place but here it goes.
Im, a 25 year old female, ive been going through this for nearly 5 years,
Any anxiety symptom you can imagine.
But my main concern and fear is my off balance and dizzy feeling which i get most of the time and out of the blue.
Sometimes it starts off by a fuzzy feeling kind kf thing in my head, then a random dizzy off balance feeling and i feel like im going to pass out.
Ive done blood tests which have all come out good ive also done a ct scan for my brian to rule anytbing serious out which also came out clear.
Does anyone else go through this?
I always seem to relate it to my heart that im having a heaet attack whihc makes things worse
I hate ittt
5 Replies 5

Community Member

Hi Toulz

Sorry you feel these awful symptoms. Yes l do getthese funny feelings that rush across my head from time to time but in saying that l did get vertigo over a year ago so sometimes lm not sure if its the anxiety causing it. If lm stressed l feel the dizzys more. I also get stomach upset alot. Your not alone.

I also was diagnosed with vertigo, but i still thibk of worse things

I got vertigo and l believe my anxiety stemmed from that. Ive battled thru the physical symptoms ever since. ..l see a phycologist and it has been a great help.

Community Member

This is the story of my life ATM. I was in hospital Last week because my dizziness was on another level that I thought I was having a stroke!!! I passed all the physical tests and they didn’t want to do CT scan because of radiation.
They said I had vertigo but I’m like this isn’t vertigo! The medication they gave me doesn’t work!
I’m dizzy on a daily basis. I cry a lot because I’m so frustrated. I probably shouldn’t fight it but I can’t even work because it’s driving me crazy. It makes my legs weak also.

you are not alone. It’s our anxiety doing this. I just need a way to fight it off

Community Member
Hey. I went through all of this dizzy off balance eye catch up, lag even elevator drop feeling for 6 months then finally went and saw a psychiatrist who put me on the right anxiety meds and all my physical symptoms resolved within a few months. I know this forum doesnt allow discussion of med types or doses but what I will say is what he advised me. SNRI and a good moderate dose (so not a starter dose) and it solved all my issues. Initially it may make some of your symptoms a little worse or exagerrated but after 6 weeks everything went back to normal and im myself again.