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Work Anxiety

Community Member


I have anxiety (specifically panic disorder) and it's particularly apparent in relation to my work, and it's having a very negative impact. I'm so anxious about checking for details that I miss details. I'm so anxious about researching the right area that I end up researching the wrong area. I'm so anxious about doing a good job that I make stupid, easily avoidable mistakes.

I feel like I'm drowning and that I will never get to the place I want to be, careerwise.

It's getting harder to motivate myself to go into the office each day. If anyone has gone through this or has any experience I would love some tips/strategies/advice/anything.

11 Replies 11

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello GregtheEgg, I'm sorry your thread has not been answered, so can happen when the site is busy, my apologies.

Are you able to get a diagnosis from your doctor as there are certain comments you have made which indicate something more than 'panic disorder', I can't say as I'm not qualified it needs a professional doctor to make this decision.

I'm concerned about having to check the details because of your anxiety.

Hope tohear backfrom you.


Community Member
Hi GregtheEgg, i just joined the forum today. I have had terrible anxiety about my new job, that I have been in for 7 months. It is not something to take lightly. I have seen 2 doctors, I am back with a psychologist and on medication. I had to leave work on Thursday as I was physically sick, sweating, terrified, dry mouth, ringing in my ears. I have been waking in the early hours with dread, terror, heart racing, sweating. I am now at home on medical leave and trying to keep my sh1t together. My contact at work has been very understanding. I suggest reaching out, speaking to professionals away from work who can give you perspective. If you have a good work contact, it might be worth sharing but only if that feels safe. It is common, you're not alone, you have made positive steps in posting and sharing. That's often the hardest step.

Community Member

Thanks geoff and TinBum75 for replying.

In terms of a diagnosis, I've been diagnosed with panic disorder. But considering what's been happening for the last 2 months, I am starting to worry that there might be something else. I've booked an appointment to see a doctor and get a mental health care plan. I'm exhausted all the time, and I hate feeling like a failure every second of every day.

Thanks for your support and your kind words x

Community Member

I've definitely gone through This many, many times. Work is my number one source of anxiety. I do all of the things you describe. You are not alone, that's for sure. it's a really hard place to be in. If I could have a super power, it would be to never, ever make mistakes.

whats helped me is having a daily plan at work, identifying helpful colleagues, having a supportive manager (I find it hard to stay working with someone who's unsupportive), working out what my resources are and where I can go for help when I need it. I am a perfectionist and really beat myself up about mistakes. I try and remind myself though that as humans we do make mistakes. I still feel crushed when it happens but realistically, everyone else makes them too. I think people like us perhaps feel it a bit more.

I have a good GP who has helped me find a medication that helps to alleviate some of these feelings and thoughts, or at least allows me to deal with it a bit better.

all the best, GregtheEgg

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Greg and CoraC, just a quick note, everybody does make mistakes and do become annoyed with themselves, that fortunately fades away and then try to rectify the situation, but if someone is suffering from OCD, caused by their anxiety, then they are always trying to check which can cause disruptions to their daily life and routine.

Best wishes.


Community Member

thank you GregtheEgg & all of your for your courage & care in sharing your challenges to give these experiences such a mild term

i experience it

works my greatest trigger for exposing my feelings & thoughts of been inferior

its so ...... painful, cant switch it off

been in counselling for years,

theyve been loving & helpful,

however i battle to control my inner critic

sometimes crying helps,

telling the innner critic to take a break in very frank language

sometimes reaching out to others,

when im in that self obsession its hard to reach out.

lets keep sharing,

thanks for giving me hope

love organic

Community Member
Geoff, I know that. I deal with it on a daily basis.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello CoracC, if this is what is complicating your daily routine, then please get back to us.

I had thought about starting a new thread on OCD, see what happens.

Best wishes.


Community Member
Hi Greg, I feel you, I just joined today. I have always been fairly confident work-wise but around 2.5 months ago there were a couple of incidents that shook me to the core and made me start doubting *everything* about myself. I work in IT and my personality is naturally risk averse. I started digging into details I'd never given much thought to and the catastrophising started. It is overwhelming. Many days I wake up and feel like I'm living in a nightmare, just waiting for a disaster that will blow up my life and worse, everyone I care about. I have lost a lot of weight due to complete loss of appetite for days at a stretch. It is also paralysing me from doing my job, for fear of causing a disaster, which ironically could help avert the very disasters I'm obsessing over. My boss is very supportive and is trying to get more resources but it's a slow process and even he admits it may not happen. I feel very alone and trapped in my struggles despite quite a few people in my life knowing (if not understanding) what I'm going through. I also know I should probably seek professional help, but I am not sure how to start (I've never been good at seeing a doctor at the best of times) and also worried it may be a disappointing experience which will make me avoid reaching out ever again. I'm sorry I don't really have any tips for you, I just wanted to post my story to let you know that you're not alone in these feelings. Some people seem to think work stress is not that serious (e.g. it's only a job and just leave if you're unhappy) but it's not that simple. I had suffered depression plenty of times in my 20's and had suicidal thoughts but I learned how to manage it and it got a lot better over the years. But this anxiety thing is very new to me and I can't figure out how to switch off the incessant worrying or stop checking my phone every 30 seconds for work emails (every email I get gives me heart palpitations as I'm expecting the worst). Anyway Greg, I hope you find something that helps you - please do keep us updated if you do. Sending peace and contentment your way and to everyone else in this awful anxiety boat.