
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

RJ_D Anxiety
  • replies: 1

Hi guys, it’s already a month, the company dismissed me. It is unfair because they can't reprimand one of our co-workers. My co-worker is my senior, I thought he would help me to learn but he is bothering me even more in my work. I was being yelled a... View more

Hi guys, it’s already a month, the company dismissed me. It is unfair because they can't reprimand one of our co-workers. My co-worker is my senior, I thought he would help me to learn but he is bothering me even more in my work. I was being yelled at, all my output was wrong as if I was stupid, and I also questioned myself. I can't sleep well, I can't eat, I don't feel hungry, I just lie down all day, I try to get up but my body doesn't want to. I have lost weight, I don't even know how to start.I have also been told by people about what is happening to me, that I thought they would understand me, in fact they judged me more.My heart hurts so much, I can't stop crying, I feel useless. how do I start getting up again?

Mahraja1979 Parenting
  • replies: 3

Hey GuysI am a single parent who is struggling to get my son interested in his school work. In a recent parent teacher interview, his teachers told me he is a polite child but is not interested in his studies. The teachers told me that he shows no in... View more

Hey GuysI am a single parent who is struggling to get my son interested in his school work. In a recent parent teacher interview, his teachers told me he is a polite child but is not interested in his studies. The teachers told me that he shows no interest in his subjects. Not sure what to do. I spoke to him and he promises that he will do better. I find it hard as he has been promising me this for last few years. I don’t know how to get him interested in his subject.

Lil_fitz Natural supplements for anxiety
  • replies: 8

Hi all! I’m a newbie here and I am just wondering whether anyone has tried supplements or natural medicines to treat anxiety? And if so, any recommendations? im a little apprehensive to take prescription medication for anxiety but I think I am gettin... View more

Hi all! I’m a newbie here and I am just wondering whether anyone has tried supplements or natural medicines to treat anxiety? And if so, any recommendations? im a little apprehensive to take prescription medication for anxiety but I think I am getting to the point where I think I need too. thank you.

Beyond348 Hit a brick wall
  • replies: 1

Hello all, I previously posted here a couple of months ago about my current situation. Since then, I have had a few days where I have been good and have been able to manage my anxiety, but as of late, I have been struggling to get out of the dreaded ... View more

Hello all, I previously posted here a couple of months ago about my current situation. Since then, I have had a few days where I have been good and have been able to manage my anxiety, but as of late, I have been struggling to get out of the dreaded dark hole of "doctor google or doctor youtube" and I have self-diagnosed myself with something drastic because my doctor "missed something". There have been times when I would journal but have found it difficult to make journalling a routine to write something good about that day - if that makes sense. I kinda am the person that I would be a listening ear for someone during their hard times, but when it comes to myself, i tend to flick it under the rug and go about my life. I have hit a brick wall.

Guest_21690352 Anxiety Techniques
  • replies: 1

Hi all, I am a young person who has had anxiety for over 10 years. I know the techniques to use - breathing, meditation, distraction etc, but have never put in the time to practice these things so when things do hit the fan (like right now!) I am a j... View more

Hi all, I am a young person who has had anxiety for over 10 years. I know the techniques to use - breathing, meditation, distraction etc, but have never put in the time to practice these things so when things do hit the fan (like right now!) I am a jittery mess. I need advice on getting myself motivated to get back on track to do normal things like work and see friends. I don't want to live my live being controlled by my own silly thoughts anymore.

Ail_ Peripheral Neuropathy
  • replies: 6

I have had numerous sleepless nights because of restless legs Sometimes I only have 2 hrs sleep i take medications on prescription and over the counter pain killers Have numerous showers Am desperate to find some help Doctors have given me no treatme... View more

I have had numerous sleepless nights because of restless legs Sometimes I only have 2 hrs sleep i take medications on prescription and over the counter pain killers Have numerous showers Am desperate to find some help Doctors have given me no treatments to follow or drugs for RLS I have been diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy Anyone with same problem

Guest_72635358 Anxiety
  • replies: 2

I am struggling really bad with anxiety especially when driving on the freeway

I am struggling really bad with anxiety especially when driving on the freeway

Guest_9965 How do I get through school as a teen with ADHD, OCD, anxiety, sensory issues, and depression?
  • replies: 3

Hi, I am 14 in year 9 and live in Australia. I am a high achiever, I get good grades, am house captain, and get some academic awards. so most people think I am fine but I am not. I have panic attacks every day and always feel like my mind is a black ... View more

Hi, I am 14 in year 9 and live in Australia. I am a high achiever, I get good grades, am house captain, and get some academic awards. so most people think I am fine but I am not. I have panic attacks every day and always feel like my mind is a black hole of empty nothingness that will never be good enough. I am pretty good at faking a smile and only crying when I am alone but sometimes I just can't and people always judge me. School takes up so much of my energy that I am usually stuck in bed for the rest of the day as soon as I get home because it is too hard to get up. whenever I tell someone they are always surprised and I am scared they don't believe me. I am on medication and go to therapy but if anyone has any suggestions on what I can do to not feel like this I would appreciate it. thank you.

Wiltingdaisy Looking For Tips To Help Overcome Social Anxiety & Shame
  • replies: 10

Hi everyone, I'm reaching out as something that has been coming up for me a lot lately has been social anxiety, mostly stemming from my deep issues with shame. I am aware my unhelpful thinking style makes me jump to conclusions and assume people thin... View more

Hi everyone, I'm reaching out as something that has been coming up for me a lot lately has been social anxiety, mostly stemming from my deep issues with shame. I am aware my unhelpful thinking style makes me jump to conclusions and assume people think I'm stupid, pathetic, weak & useless. And I know it isn't true, but in the moments that I talk to people, I find I lack the confidence to think differently. I don't have a diagnosis of ASD or ADHD, and I actually have a good amount of friends which one might not think of someone with social anxiety. But I can only be myself around 'my people' or only certain kinds of people. I'm an introvert that can sometimes pass as an extrovert but I'm always extremely drained after social events/work. Here are some examples for context:-At work, I struggle to have conversation & make eye contact with my boss. I am afraid they will discover I am not cut out for the job. I'm also hyper aware that they are an 'extremely business-minded' person, and I sometimes feel my interactions with them are not genuine...People that are in authoritative positions, especially older men, I find extremely difficult to talk to. I sense that they write me off as 'a silly' girl.-I attend a writing group once a month. During the group, I am so uncomfortable in sharing my opinion about someone's work (because it involves speaking in front of people I don't really know) that I can't concentrate on the writing they are reading aloud. Everyone is able to give solid feedback, but I struggle to remember what they even said as I was panicking about speaking!-Lastly, when people ask how I'm doing, how my writing is going yatta yatta, I start rambling. Because I don't feel like I've accomplished much with my life I always feel embarrassed talking about the fact I work part time and I struggle to write because I'm feeling depressed...but I can't say these things! I'm probably rambling right now! Sorry for the long post...I'm after advice, materials and strategies to combat these issues. Does anyone else ever get moments when you disassociate in a conversation, or think about trying to make eye contact when someone is speaking that you really struggle to stay in the moment?

Guest_64938635 Anxiety and maybe depression
  • replies: 2

Lately or even for a while now I have had anxeity. Previously I had depression for a while but feel I have some what over come it and sometimes have it over time.

Lately or even for a while now I have had anxeity. Previously I had depression for a while but feel I have some what over come it and sometimes have it over time.