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Sophie_M Meet your community champions!
  • replies: 10

Hi everyone, We wanted to share with you the way that our wonderful Community Champions are here to support you. You may have noticed that a few of our Forums members are labelled ‘Community Champion’. Community Champions are volunteers within the Be... View more

Hi everyone, We wanted to share with you the way that our wonderful Community Champions are here to support you. You may have noticed that a few of our Forums members are labelled ‘Community Champion’. Community Champions are volunteers within the Beyond Blue Forums who: have the time, skills and empathy to support other members regularly; help to welcome new members; are actively engaged members that help set the tone of our community. Our Community Champions are regular contributors to many conversations across the forums. They are a consistent and friendly voice that have committed to sharing their experience and expertise with this community. They are not health care professionals or clinicians. Like you, they have an experience with a mental health challenge or diagnosis – either for themselves or someone they care for. This forum is for people who understand what it feels like and have a lived and living experience of mental health challenges. Our Community Champions help everyone feel comfortable and confident by demonstrating what excellent peer support is all about. Click here to find out more about how you can become a Community Champion! This incredible team are excited to introduce themselves below, and we are sure you’ll see them around the forums in conversations important to you.

Aaronsis HELP..Am I posting in the right section?
  • replies: 10

Welcome to those who are considering posting for the very first time, welcome. Thought I would repost part of the words that Chris B posted awhile ago, (2014) as I can hear that people are unsure if they are posting in the right section or worried th... View more

Welcome to those who are considering posting for the very first time, welcome. Thought I would repost part of the words that Chris B posted awhile ago, (2014) as I can hear that people are unsure if they are posting in the right section or worried that they are posting "the wrong thing". 1.A good title makes the difference Just like a headline in a newspaper, when scanning the dozens of threads to click into, it’s only natural that people will choose the ones that resonate with them most. A title that entices the reader, or asks a question, is likely to get a better result than something non-descriptive like “Depression” or “I don't know what to do”. If you think you’re not good at choosing titles, leave it till last. Spend time writing your post, then perhaps choose a sentence from what you’ve written as the title. 2.Join in threads that have already been posted We all have our own unique stories, but part of the reason for joining a forum like this one is because you know that you will have a lot in common with others who are posting. Before starting a new thread, have a look through the current topics being discussed and see if there’s a conversation you can join in with. It can be quite common to have a handful of very similar threads happening at any one time, with members seemingly unaware that there are others right there who are going through the same thing. Talking to other members on their threads is a great way of getting yourself known so that when you post a thread of your own, people may respond quicker because they recognize your name. 3.Choose the most appropriate section for your post Many people browse the forums looking for stories specifically to do with pregnancy and parenting, employment, grief, loss, separation etc. Going straight for the “Depression” section may seem like the easiest option, but this section is often the busiest, so your post is more likely to get lost among the threads. Making good use of the different forum sections not only helps keep the forum relevant, but you’re more likely to find others who are going through the same experiences as you. Also, if you're wanting to discuss issues of trauma, abuse, suicidal thoughts or self-harm, it's really important you post in the designated section to avoid triggering others who may not wish to read about these topics. Mostly..just come and chat, we are here for you. Our amazing wizards in the background will see your message ends up in the right spot. Sarah

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akwueyrhqow3iueyr98q23whe I've never talked to anyone about this lmao here I go
  • replies: 1

Hello, So....umm, I don't really know where to start....I've lowkey never posted on the internet before so smth new everyday...recently..actually not recently its been a while now but well I've found it really hard to stay positive, but the thing is ... View more

Hello, So....umm, I don't really know where to start....I've lowkey never posted on the internet before so smth new everyday...recently..actually not recently its been a while now but well I've found it really hard to stay positive, but the thing is that's what I'm like known for. People are always like omgosh your so positive! wow you really are so optimistic but honestly i just want to fall into a deep sleep forever... I get home and it'll be around 4:00pm and I'll just sleep because I'm so unmotivated to do any work. Im locked in my room isolated from the rest of my family day in and day out. I'm not allowed to get angry or display any sort of negative emotions in my household because i have a brother with severe autism and he gets triggered by that sort of stuff and he throws massive tantrums and gets violent and loud. So I'm told to pretend I'm mute before I walk into my house which i dont really like. I dont know....I hate going home, I hate being at school because I DONT WANT to be positive all the time, i honestly hate smiling and i hate being around people and pretending to be someone im not. But i hate being alone because then im stuck with my own thoughts and that never turns out well BUT the same thing happens at school you know??? like i'll be with a whole bunch of people and then i'll just zone out and start thinking about like bad things and i'll have to ask to go to the bathroom just so i can escape all the noise and avoid people seeing me breakdown. And i really want to talk to someone, I used to talk to a friend but i just don't want to bog her down with all this stuff because i know she's going through stuff as well but i can't talk to anyone because after i told my mum about a panic attack i had she said that I better not have any mental problems because she can't stand another looney in her household so idk i guess i came here...I know i am blessed and i have a good life but i don't deserve it and I just want to sleep. I don't want to have to deal with the stress of the future or stress of the present or anything because its physically painful and i just want to go sleep but thats so selfish because i know my family needs me to look after my brother when everyone else is gone so yup thats me anyways thanks for listening God bless

Mangos Newbie
  • replies: 1

Hi, New to the forums. Feeling a bit freaked. I've had GAD for a while now but today was my first day taking meds for it and I feel weird. Googled around and thought I'd have a go at talking to people on forums to see what their experiences have been... View more

Hi, New to the forums. Feeling a bit freaked. I've had GAD for a while now but today was my first day taking meds for it and I feel weird. Googled around and thought I'd have a go at talking to people on forums to see what their experiences have been. Ironic that I'm anxious about taking anxiety medication.. but here we are

Burgerbunz Hi from someone very new to this
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Hi, My I'm new to this website but not so new to mental health. My partner of 15 years has PTSD, social anxiety, Bipolar (don't ask me which one) and has been through bouts of depression- there's lots of medication and psychaitrists involved. While I... View more

Hi, My I'm new to this website but not so new to mental health. My partner of 15 years has PTSD, social anxiety, Bipolar (don't ask me which one) and has been through bouts of depression- there's lots of medication and psychaitrists involved. While I've always believed I've been strong enough to deal with myself and everything he is going through (while working full time and raising our children), this year I've found I've been struggling. I'm making every attempt to keep ontop of the little things (small things are worrying me more than they should, I become quite annoyed at people when they don't understand me, I've been sent home for raising my voice at my manager and I've had other management 'speak to me' about not letting people into how I'm travelling at work)- I know something isn't right, but at the moment, I'm not sure what it is and therefore what to do about it. I'm hoping to connect with other carers and see how they cope, and also get myself into a better head space to deal with being a carer for someone who won't ever tell me they are grateful for what I do for them.

Smiffy266 I'm not too sure what to do
  • replies: 7

Hello, my name's Shannon and I'm 15 years old. I've never really done anything like this before but I feel like I don't have many other choices. I haven't been feeling very good recently and I just don't have anyone else to talk to about this, neithe... View more

Hello, my name's Shannon and I'm 15 years old. I've never really done anything like this before but I feel like I don't have many other choices. I haven't been feeling very good recently and I just don't have anyone else to talk to about this, neither of my parents have ever really been the sorts of people I could talk to about these issues, and I don't have any real close friend to talk about this either. Most of these feelings are mainly because of my brother, most of the time he's quite nice to me, but on some random days he just chooses to be incredibly mean to me for very minor reasons and I don't know why. I'm so unsure what I did wrong and I just feel really uneasy when I'm around him. He's been doing this for many years and everytime they're barely resolved, only either with the situation being ignored or with an ingenuine apology. I don't know how to bring it up to my parents without feeling like he'll only get angrier. I just don't know what to do, I don't know if any decision I make is actually the right one to do, or if it will only make the situation worse, I don't know if its actually all my fault and I just need to stop, I dont know if I even have any real issues or if I'm just overreacting and shouldn't be doing any of this at all. I always feel like all of my decisions and feelings are wrong and I'm just going to mess it up again. I just really need someone to talk to about this.

Zoes Panic Disorder.
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My names zoe, im 18 years old with a 3 month old daughter, i had a c section (unplanned c section and pregnancy) the father is still involved. Were together but currently getting kept apart because of DHS and a family violence incident. I have PTSD, ... View more

My names zoe, im 18 years old with a 3 month old daughter, i had a c section (unplanned c section and pregnancy) the father is still involved. Were together but currently getting kept apart because of DHS and a family violence incident. I have PTSD, chronic anxiety and panic disorder, im on medication to mange it.. i have health anxiety as well which is annoyingly scary. If anyone else has these conditions, I’d like to hear back. Sometimes it helps when you have someone to talk to i guess.

Thereisalight I'm starting to get hi k I have chronic fatigue syndrome
  • replies: 2

Hi I'm wondering if it really is worth going to the doctor to get diagnosed. I thought i was just in burnout from leaving a job over a year ago but think it is more than that now as my energy levels are still so down etc I've just started a part time... View more

Hi I'm wondering if it really is worth going to the doctor to get diagnosed. I thought i was just in burnout from leaving a job over a year ago but think it is more than that now as my energy levels are still so down etc I've just started a part time job and am totally exhausted after a days work. Just thought it would be good to chat about it

melbgirl22 New to BB
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone i just wanted to introduce myself and give you a bit of my background in case there are others out there in the same situation. I am 28, I currently take medication for depressive symptoms. I have been ‘sad’ from the start of my teenage y... View more

Hi everyone i just wanted to introduce myself and give you a bit of my background in case there are others out there in the same situation. I am 28, I currently take medication for depressive symptoms. I have been ‘sad’ from the start of my teenage years and moved to Australia from NZ when I was 19 for a fresh start. Very grateful to be in Aus and for the kindness and support that I have received. I am very ambitious and have a good job but emotionally I am in a little bit of a rut. ‘Paralysis by overanalysis’ encapsulates what I’m going through. I have reclused from social situations and doubt myself a lot. I see a psychologist once a week and get to the gym most days. Mind and body hand in hand is very important to tackle this thing. I don’t believe that my life will always be this heavily impacted and I think practicing gratitude and positive affirmations is important. There’s a lot more to say and I welcome any messages so we can work through this thing together!! Would be great to get chatting. Thanks, Chantelle

Sasha_Rose Need someone to talk to
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Without writing a novel I have been finding life a little overwhelming at the moment. My work environment is not the greatest place for me to be in but I am finding very difficult to move on as well. Applying for a jobs makes me very anxious. Even th... View more

Without writing a novel I have been finding life a little overwhelming at the moment. My work environment is not the greatest place for me to be in but I am finding very difficult to move on as well. Applying for a jobs makes me very anxious. Even though I am unhappy with the person in charge at work, I am happy with the job itself however further up the chain they do not want to know the issues we have. The hours are also suitable which is making me hang in there. I work in a school environment which makes it very suitable for my teenage children. Mentally it has not been healthy for me. The first time my boss ripped into me (screaming his head off), I thought to myself ok may be it was my fault. The second time it happened again, I said ok he is under pressure but there is no reason for him to take it out on me. The third time it happened I said to myself this is not right. By this stage I was anxious, depressed and on edge. This all happened in within 6 weeks of the boss starting work. I was also up for promotion and I started questioning myself if it was going to be a good move. I in the end declined the position because I was no ones b@t#h. My whole team had made management aware of what was happening as the same had happened to them as well. The fourth time he decided he was going to go off at me, I stood up to him and said no, he was not going to have a screaming session with me. I went to management really upset and let them know this is not ok. Even though management has had words with him, he is still there. I turn up to work anxious and on edge. I try and ignore a lot. The bosses contract is up for review in a few weeks. My husband is pushing me to find another job and I know I should move on but am finding it hard. Looking at job ads has me crying. The thought of going for a interview makes me very anxious. I am applying for jobs hoping I don't get it. I am feeling very lonely and don't know who to talk to. Everyone I know is involved at work. I am so lost and just need someone to talk to.

Odd_Duck Technologicaly inept, borderline agrophobic and desperate.
  • replies: 4

Hi, I am completely useless with tech, have no friends to help me and can barely get out of the house for shopping let alone to undergo training or attend in person support groups. I joined up in the hopes of chatting with someone/some people in real... View more

Hi, I am completely useless with tech, have no friends to help me and can barely get out of the house for shopping let alone to undergo training or attend in person support groups. I joined up in the hopes of chatting with someone/some people in real time and I don't know where to turn or what to do. I only have a land line (no mobile) and it is in the loungeroom with my elderly mother so I can't talk on the phone with any privacy. I just need a little bit of human interaction. Can someone please help or point me in the right direction?

Denice Repeative thoughts
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Hello, I’m introducing myself, my name is Denice I’m 46 years old, and don’t remember when I noticed my depression, I’m very paranoid of what people think of me. I work with people with disabilities and wonder why I think my life is so hard when I lo... View more

Hello, I’m introducing myself, my name is Denice I’m 46 years old, and don’t remember when I noticed my depression, I’m very paranoid of what people think of me. I work with people with disabilities and wonder why I think my life is so hard when I look at others. I can’t stop thinking the same thoughts over and over. I’m very worried about joining I don’t think I’m intelligent enough sorry I thought I’d just see what this is about thank you