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Another newbie - thanks for existing :)

Community Member

I've just joined the forums today although I've read bits and pieces of threads over the years when they came up as search results on google - I finally decided to actually join in and participate, in the hopes that it would be more helpful than just browsing on occasion.

I've had anxiety issues my entire life and depression on and off - but the latest depressive bout having lasted a couple of years now has been pretty discouraging. It's never lasted this long before (life circumstances have contributed and still are a major factor). I have been able to get into therapy recently with a lovely psychologist that I really resonate with, so that has opened up a tiny hopeful door to a better future and I want to make the most of it and see what I can manage to accomplish - even though at this point I don't really believe in anything better or feeling good ever again. I do believe I can probably have a more manageable, bearable life - if I try, and if people will help.

I also believe that human connection is incredibly valuable and important, and that having support and validation from other humans can make an enormous difference so... here I am. I have been impressed often by the kindness and insight in many of the replies on these forums, and hope to become a part of the community over time.

I will try to read around the place and get the gist if things, and start and respond to threads occasionally. I am autistic, have social anxiety and often find communication with other people difficult but I'm going to try.

So in conclusion.... hi. 🙂
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear WorkingOnit

Hello and welcome to the forum. It's good you have decided to join the forum and I hope you will find some help here.

I am sorry you are having a hard time with anxiety, it's not a good place to be. Having a psychologist you feel comfortable with is a great start. Feeling that nothing good will ever happen again is a fairly common thought to anyone who is anxious or depressed. I hope we can support you until you reach a better place.

The human connection is vitally important. We try to make a difference in the lives of those who post here and validate your thoughts and feelings. There is a great feeling of goodwill on the forum. So many people have been where you are or are still there. Help from those who know what it's like is invaluable.

I'm glad you want to join in other conversations as this is often a way to see your difficulties in perspective. Thank you for joining.
