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Sophie_M Money stress? You are not alone!
  • replies: 4

So, I’ve been chatting with my friends over here at Beyond Blue and it seems we all have something in common right now: money worries. Whether it’s stressors about finding enough cash for the basics or wishing we had enough money for a holiday, we al... View more

So, I’ve been chatting with my friends over here at Beyond Blue and it seems we all have something in common right now: money worries. Whether it’s stressors about finding enough cash for the basics or wishing we had enough money for a holiday, we all seem to be experiencing a greater amount of stress surrounding money than we have in the past. And it’s impacting our ability to show up fully for the things we love. It’s not uncommon for us to experience shame and fear around expressing our financial challenges; it can be hard and somewhat taboo to openly discuss money matters. However, we believe this conversation is incredibly important and beneficial to have. Like all challenges, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’, so let’s help each other out. Of course, discussions about the economy and how to manage our money during inflation are a much larger (and frustrating!) conversation… but what we would really love to know is what your personal experience around money is. Are you feeling the pinch too? How is added financial pressure impacting your wellbeing? When was the last time things felt even slightly easier? And if you have struggled with money in the past but come out the other side, what suggestions do you have for others who might still be finding their feet? This is an opportunity to share openly and honestly about your experience in a judgement-free space. There are no wrong answers, and we encourage you to share all the things that you might be finding hard to express in your every day life. If you're interested - Beyond Blue also have a 'money and mental health' quiz to gauge a sense of how finances may be impacting your mental health and what to do next. Looking forward to your answers! Abundant hugs from yours truly, Sophie M.

Just Sara A Bouquet for Pearls - share your appreciation for other members
  • replies: 715

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful word... View more

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful words. I hope this thread stays active through members giving out praise regularly to people they feel deserving, and therefore keep generosity of spirit alive within the pages of BeyondBlue Forum. My bunch of Red Roses (my choice) goes to Wishful for the following sentence; 'Personally, I see no reason to be praised in me, but I'm learning that seeing through the eyes of others can be more accurate!!' I so hear you Wishful. Just beautiful... Try to keep your leading comments short to focus on 'their' words. Choose specific flowers (or a gift if you like) to present to them. Sign off respectfully and sincerely. I hope this takes off... Spreading the love...Sara

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white knight Steps to blending into normality
  • replies: 4

I've decided this week to embark upon my last stage of my own development to blending into normality. More on that later. The baby steps taken from 2009 onwards has been only remarkable in that I have insight hence I'm one of "the lucky ones". Identi... View more

I've decided this week to embark upon my last stage of my own development to blending into normality. More on that later. The baby steps taken from 2009 onwards has been only remarkable in that I have insight hence I'm one of "the lucky ones". Identifying there is a possible mental illness GP visit followed by his/her referrals Taking and tweeking medications Ongoing therapy Life changes like environment, career, choices of friends and family Period of stability Coping strategies. My coping strategies up till now and beyond include e.g. if stressed in a shopping complex I'll inform my wife I'm going for a walk. I'll lower anxiety and risk of any bipolar fuming going on. This week I've decided to take the next step- to tolerate the stress, inform my wife that I'm going through some stress and am uncomfortable (I call it an "episode") but in the future my plan is to not walk off but to remain nearby and "tune out" which will involve the following- My wife to not react to my frustrations For me to mentally distract myself To deep breathe Be opportunistic The last one is most interesting. An asset I have is a sense of humor. Recently while my wife browsed the underwear section I was getting stressed (the only male swarmed by ladies holding bras!). Then I had a fleeting thought- wouldn't bras make great slingshots. I laughed to myself and so did my wife once I told her. I realised my stress level lowered. Some observers have told me over the years "you should lighten up". Rather than get angry at that I'll take it on board and see if I can introduce humor in my own treatment of stress. What do you think? TonyWK

Ronoc Ice addiction
  • replies: 2

I tried it just before I turned 18, had used other drugs never really went out of control, was a daily weed smoker. Wanted to try it to see what it felt like thought I could just do it once for an expirense as soon as I did it I knew I was gonna do i... View more

I tried it just before I turned 18, had used other drugs never really went out of control, was a daily weed smoker. Wanted to try it to see what it felt like thought I could just do it once for an expirense as soon as I did it I knew I was gonna do it again but didn't know how bad it was going to get did it here and there for about 6 months then every weekend or 2nd weekend for about 2 months then next thing I know I'm using it everyday for about 6 months it started after a weekend on it and still had a lot left on Sunday and had work Monday used it before work because was so tired from the weekend then used it after work cause was tired after work and wanted to relax I would sleep every 2 or 3rd night sometimes I would sleep after sleeping the previous night after using I was that tired took its toll on me deffently affected my work. My parents had absolutely no idea that I was using this drug everyday in there house. If I didn't have any I could barley work I just walk around dragging my feet just trying to get thru the day ended up not showing up to work because I just wanted to use the drug In stead of goin to work. Quit my job cause I couldn't be bothered working anymore still used alot spent about 10 grand I'd say within these 6 months maybe even more when I ran out of money I had to stop using as much and I realised that I actually had a problem I spent all money that I had saved the past 2 years still found ways to get on it abit had a pre good break using maybe once or twice a month for a few months. Got a new job and started to use quite abit again cause I had money again. Then I realised that I really need to change what I was doing cause i I didn't want to be doing this all my life. Told my parents that I had been using they completely understood and helped me I went about 4 months without using then thought I could just have it one time and stared using pretty much every weekend. This relapse was only about a month and a half ago I can feel it getting bad again I have used the past 6 days. That's all that led up to this moment of me writing this. I don't know who to talk to I don't feel like I cant talk to my friend's about anything they all know I use, none of them use. I keep telling myself that I gotta stop but keep doing it. I'm afraid of what's goin to happen to me in the future if I keep going down this path. I don't wanna loose my friends because I keep using and they start to think that I don't care about them or anything else

Billybob32 Surviving night shift
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone. Just wondering if many people do night shift and if they have any strategies to help with coping? I only have to do 2 nights a month thankfully. I don’t sleep very well before hand. I cope ok with the 10 hour night shift itself but don’t... View more

Hi everyone. Just wondering if many people do night shift and if they have any strategies to help with coping? I only have to do 2 nights a month thankfully. I don’t sleep very well before hand. I cope ok with the 10 hour night shift itself but don’t sleep very well the next day. I wake up feeling very hungover, sick and teary. (My family would probably use other words to describe me!!!) It often takes me 2 days to get over it. For someone who has depression and anxiety it is really difficult. I get myself all worked up before I have to go. But once I’m there I’m all good. Thanks again

contrarymary Sleep and lack off it making my life a misery
  • replies: 2

Hi I have great difficulty falling asleep at night and I am often awake at 2am anxious and stressed as I am only person in house awake, I eventually manage to drop off for 2 to 3 hours i am looking at ways to fall asleep naturally I have defusser wit... View more

Hi I have great difficulty falling asleep at night and I am often awake at 2am anxious and stressed as I am only person in house awake, I eventually manage to drop off for 2 to 3 hours i am looking at ways to fall asleep naturally I have defusser with lavender oil and also a salt lamp. i have tried mindfulness and meditation but I can't get the hang of either but I will keep trying I read when I go to bed or do puzzles to help me drop off. If really bad I get up and walk round house, I stress because the rest of the house are asleep and I am wide awake. Last night it was 2am before I eventually got off to sleep. Sometimes I fall asleep about 10pm I wake up thinking I have been asleep for hours and it's only 10.30pm and of course that's me wide awake. I do not sleep during the day and try to keep occupied. i have never been a good sleeper but I am getting worse i spoke to my GP and he prescribed something to help me sleep of course I googled what it was and was too scared to take and took back to pharmacy

goldilocks trying to lose weight
  • replies: 3

I am trying to lose weight now so I can fit into my old clothes that I like again. I just want to look and feel good. I have always been the kind of person who can eat whatever they like and not put on weight, but this changed when I went to the psyc... View more

I am trying to lose weight now so I can fit into my old clothes that I like again. I just want to look and feel good. I have always been the kind of person who can eat whatever they like and not put on weight, but this changed when I went to the psychiatric ward of the hospital a few years ago and trialled a cocktail of antipsychotic and antidepressant medications. I am currently taking 3 medications to treat my mental health problems (I have schizophrenia and depression and anxiety.) What are your tips for weight loss? And how can I maintain a good, healthy weight? I just want to put it out there that I DO NOT have an eating disorder and I am not trying to promote eating disorders with my post.

TheBigBlue Accountability - running the hill
  • replies: 20

Ok, new fitness regime starts tomorrow. Unless I make myself accountable to somebody, I’ll find an excuse to avoid it. my challenge is to run the very steep hill my place is on. I’m super unfit, so am going to start easy & just walk it a few times be... View more

Ok, new fitness regime starts tomorrow. Unless I make myself accountable to somebody, I’ll find an excuse to avoid it. my challenge is to run the very steep hill my place is on. I’m super unfit, so am going to start easy & just walk it a few times before I attempt to jog it. So please feel free to ask me about my progress so I feel obligated to actually do it. And any tips on building up fitness would be appreciated. I need some fitness before the soccer comp kicks off in April. Thanks team

PsychedelicFur Feeling Good, I blocked him!!
  • replies: 1

Hey there, how are you? PsychedelicFur here again! well I recently discovered tonight that my toxic ex partner had unblocked on a social media platform. Feeling proud of myself because shortly after my discovery I blocked him on both profiles and on ... View more

Hey there, how are you? PsychedelicFur here again! well I recently discovered tonight that my toxic ex partner had unblocked on a social media platform. Feeling proud of myself because shortly after my discovery I blocked him on both profiles and on other apps too. I’m feeling actually pretty good that I did that. Not allowing him to ‘check in’ on me or try any hoovering techniques to rope me back in. Standing up for my beliefs and if I keep him blocked for as long as I need to heal for then I will be so very happy. My main responsibility at the moment is to take care of myself and not get myself involved with something that would only destruct my recent self discovery and development. It would only jeopardise every single piece of knowledge and healing I have done over the last few weeks. I did not wish him Happy Easter or Happy Birthday and again with that I am so much stronger than what I thought. PSYCHEDELICFUR.

Jacky482 I have poor work ethic
  • replies: 2

Recently I spent a month staying on my dads property while he had surgery that went very well. I am casual at work in an aged care facility and let them know when i would be leaving. My first shift back is tomorrow. They called and messaged nearly ev... View more

Recently I spent a month staying on my dads property while he had surgery that went very well. I am casual at work in an aged care facility and let them know when i would be leaving. My first shift back is tomorrow. They called and messaged nearly everyday i was away even though i had poor reception and new i was unavailable. It makes me feel so stressed and angry and flustered when they call or message. I like to work my set shifts and nothing else. This feeling of absolute panic and rage hits me when they ring. I shouldn't be like this I should be a better worker. I cant tell if its the job I don't like or if its just me with a crap work ethic. I can see in my past i always took the most time off at school especially mum and dad wouldnt batter an eye to give me a week of for not good enough reason or i'd miss out on a play i was meant to be in so they could start a day earlier drinking. Now i am like this at work. I have no desire to work, i feel drained and a bit upset in the morning. I ignore all of my workplaces calls. I feel like I'll be fired soon. I dont feel suicidal but i feel so tired of everything sometimes i dont think it would be bad if i didnt wake up in the morning. I am so anxious about tomorrow, i bet theres residents who have passed away since I have been gone. I will probably be treated not so nice by the staff who think i have been away to long. Maybe I'm being stupid and i need to snap out of it but my feelings remain the same.

Guest_0932 What would you want to hear?
  • replies: 5

When in hospital, what helps you to hear from friends? I have a friend who is currently in hospital. I want her to know I'm thinking of her but also give her space so I'm not overwhelming her while she is so unwell. She is having some really hard day... View more

When in hospital, what helps you to hear from friends? I have a friend who is currently in hospital. I want her to know I'm thinking of her but also give her space so I'm not overwhelming her while she is so unwell. She is having some really hard days and not up to communicating much at the moment. She let me know she had a hard day the other day and will probably be admitted for longer then planned. I want to let her know I'm thinking of her, am here if she needs anything and will be here when she is discharged . I know she does know that and I don't want to overwhelm her by bombarding her with messages if that makes sense. She really isn't up to much at the moment. I know everyone is different but what do people find helpful or how best can friends on the outside show support during hospital admissions without been overwhelming?

white knight Fortress of survival part 2
  • replies: 9

In the original thread "fortress of survival" the theme was to build, brick by brick a barrier between you and the world that had not been built when we were teenagers. Once built you'd have a wall that you could determine if someone was trustworthy ... View more

In the original thread "fortress of survival" the theme was to build, brick by brick a barrier between you and the world that had not been built when we were teenagers. Once built you'd have a wall that you could determine if someone was trustworthy enough to allow in or destructive enough to turf out. Ive noticed through studies that people without mental illness have additional steps that others need to take in the proving stage. With the original fortress we either love them or reject them, that results in much hurt. So, we should add more filters. A stranger knocks on the fortress wall. You dont open the door! You check with your eyepiece, ask them questions and guage compatibility and trust. Then entry to the foyer where over time you evaluate them. Then the kitchen for a meal, in a group. Then eventually the lounge. Only your soul mate visits the loft. This snakes and ladders process is implemented for your own protection. Having mania and other illnesses can make us vulnerable. Pure honesty to everyone is like waving a flag on it written "soft touch". Build your fortress, add a foyer to question potential friends, dont be so trustworthy and you'll protect your well being and maintain your dignity. TonyWK