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Sleep and lack off it making my life a misery

Community Member

I have great difficulty falling asleep at night and I am often awake at 2am anxious and stressed as I am only person in house awake, I eventually manage to drop off for 2 to 3 hours

i am looking at ways to fall asleep naturally I have defusser with lavender oil and also a salt lamp.
i have tried mindfulness and meditation but I can't get the hang of either but I will keep trying
I read when I go to bed or do puzzles to help me drop off. If really bad I get up and walk round house, I stress because the rest of the house are asleep and I am wide awake. Last night it was 2am before I eventually got off to sleep. Sometimes I fall asleep about 10pm I wake up thinking I have been asleep for hours and it's only 10.30pm and of course that's me wide awake. I do not sleep during the day and try to keep occupied.

i have never been a good sleeper but I am getting worse

i spoke to my GP and he prescribed something to help me sleep of course I googled what it was and was too scared to take and took back to pharmacy

2 Replies 2

Community Member

For what duration of time you need to take the medicine?

I think you need to trust your GP on this or you may also consult another GP.

Community Member
Hi contrarymary, I have never been a good sleeper, from way back when I was 16. But I am a person in chronic pain which if I do get any sleep the pain wakes me. I agree with wannabe, you should trust your dr. All meds have a side effect of some kind, even a flu jab. I have meds to help me sleep but only take them when really tired. So my body don’t get used to them. Good luck hope you snooze soon zzz