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Sophie_M Money stress? You are not alone!
  • replies: 4

So, I’ve been chatting with my friends over here at Beyond Blue and it seems we all have something in common right now: money worries. Whether it’s stressors about finding enough cash for the basics or wishing we had enough money for a holiday, we al... View more

So, I’ve been chatting with my friends over here at Beyond Blue and it seems we all have something in common right now: money worries. Whether it’s stressors about finding enough cash for the basics or wishing we had enough money for a holiday, we all seem to be experiencing a greater amount of stress surrounding money than we have in the past. And it’s impacting our ability to show up fully for the things we love. It’s not uncommon for us to experience shame and fear around expressing our financial challenges; it can be hard and somewhat taboo to openly discuss money matters. However, we believe this conversation is incredibly important and beneficial to have. Like all challenges, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’, so let’s help each other out. Of course, discussions about the economy and how to manage our money during inflation are a much larger (and frustrating!) conversation… but what we would really love to know is what your personal experience around money is. Are you feeling the pinch too? How is added financial pressure impacting your wellbeing? When was the last time things felt even slightly easier? And if you have struggled with money in the past but come out the other side, what suggestions do you have for others who might still be finding their feet? This is an opportunity to share openly and honestly about your experience in a judgement-free space. There are no wrong answers, and we encourage you to share all the things that you might be finding hard to express in your every day life. If you're interested - Beyond Blue also have a 'money and mental health' quiz to gauge a sense of how finances may be impacting your mental health and what to do next. Looking forward to your answers! Abundant hugs from yours truly, Sophie M.

Just Sara A Bouquet for Pearls - share your appreciation for other members
  • replies: 715

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful word... View more

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful words. I hope this thread stays active through members giving out praise regularly to people they feel deserving, and therefore keep generosity of spirit alive within the pages of BeyondBlue Forum. My bunch of Red Roses (my choice) goes to Wishful for the following sentence; 'Personally, I see no reason to be praised in me, but I'm learning that seeing through the eyes of others can be more accurate!!' I so hear you Wishful. Just beautiful... Try to keep your leading comments short to focus on 'their' words. Choose specific flowers (or a gift if you like) to present to them. Sign off respectfully and sincerely. I hope this takes off... Spreading the love...Sara

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Butterfly7 Coping with bed rest and maintaining my mental health from covid complications
  • replies: 2

Hi, I am looking for some ways to help manage or cope, or things to do to maintain my mental health when I am on bed rest after covid complication I have had depression in past, but have been doing well in my recovery so far. But 7 weeks ago I caught... View more

Hi, I am looking for some ways to help manage or cope, or things to do to maintain my mental health when I am on bed rest after covid complication I have had depression in past, but have been doing well in my recovery so far. But 7 weeks ago I caught covid, which led to multiple hospitals for a heart complication caused by covid infection. I’m triple jabbed and never thought I would get this sick, I take all precautions, so it’s been a grieving process. I’m on bed rest until my heart heals which I have been told is weeks too months, and am struggling with the frustration of not being able to do the things I need to do to stay well, and heartbroken not to be contributing to my family in the way I normally would. I am really limited in the amount of movement I can do at the moment, and have to watch my heart rate and blood pressure, but any suggestions of things I can do to maintain my wellbeing would be really appreciated. Do you have any ideas?

white knight Prevention of stress is better than cure
  • replies: 8

"Stress" and vast word that covers several descriptions of worry, load on the mind and the number of things in life to do. In our daily life we carry out hundreds of tasks from making our bed to turning off the light before sleeping. Many of these ta... View more

"Stress" and vast word that covers several descriptions of worry, load on the mind and the number of things in life to do. In our daily life we carry out hundreds of tasks from making our bed to turning off the light before sleeping. Many of these tasks are mundane however when we fall ill with a mental health issue these same insignificant tasks become hurdles, the hurdles then become a challenge and soon they all gather to become too high to leap over. We then plug away year after year to just manage this state of mind until sadly it all ends with a serious mental breakdown. It is only having gone through that process that I can see clearly that period of many years when the warning signs were ignored. The "fast lane" of juggling work in my case 80,000km a year driving, medication, relationship woes and childrens needs etc. Two psychotic episodes in quick succession was the end of my working life. That was 9 years ago. So what can you do about the build up of stress during that period where you are just maintaining tolerance of life itself? Acceptance- learn to accept that life will not be smooth, it will throw waves of unexpected barrier at any time. Accepting this results in less panic Realise that from the cave man days or even more recently, that life used to have far less activity. Hunt, cook, eat, maintain shelter and care for each other. Since then we've cluttered it all up. This means our mind is full and needs rest and de-cluttering. Leads to- Going back to basics. Remove things that you dont need. Toxic people, clubs and community obligations, reduce addictions and streamline bill paying etc Increase happy things, hobbies, sports etc. Barrack for a team? I made one mistake recently y joining a fotty team on facebook. You simply cant post a comment without controversy- nope, left that group. Leads me to- Learn to care for yourself. Everything that works in life needs care. Service your body and mind with rest and meditation. Start by googling "youtube prem rawat Maharaji". His videos are amazing Help others. You experience in life and your endurance to survive a mental health issue is invaluable. Helping others makes you feel valued. Learn positivity and motivation. Attend lectures. Our minds are open to learning better ways to thrive. Worry only produces ulcers. Praise yourself. You can be your own best friend Comments welcome TonyWK

Checkthebatteries I feel like just an empty shell
  • replies: 3

I have two public health and a physiology degrees so I know my covid stuff. I live alone. I have depression and anxiety. I am close to my parents, who are fit and healthy but are in their seventies and my mum has a respiratory illness. They are also ... View more

I have two public health and a physiology degrees so I know my covid stuff. I live alone. I have depression and anxiety. I am close to my parents, who are fit and healthy but are in their seventies and my mum has a respiratory illness. They are also my only family. Exercise is a huge part of my life and I am also wary of the effect of long covid on it. I lived in WA so it was great for a few years. Then at ANZAC day all restrictions were dropped and cases have skyrocketed. I no longer go to the shops, go to the gym, go to painting lessons, go to parties, go shopping, go to the movies or concerts, go on air travel, go to sports training sessions, eat out etc. I miss my friends and wonder if I will ever get to do the things I love again. I really just have this existence all by myself and I feel I have lost my identity. I have a very boring job that I do party from home. Despite all that, one of my parents now has covid and other is likely to follow. I am bracing for them to go into hospital at least in the next few weeks, I also probably have it. I feel I'm now a prisoner wasting my life and worried sick about my loved ones while being powerless to help them and am isolated from society, without being able to do any of the things you can do for mental health. I have tried walking and running on my own but I am now bored of it and it doesn't fulfill me. I feel this will go on forever.

ScarlettR Do you find watching Youtube 4K walk videos a great way to unwind and relax at home?
  • replies: 3

As we are still in a pandemic, lockdowns and their aftermaths have worn down the best of us. Even then, sometimes we just can't leave our homes to venture into the city or local shopping centre for some reason. On Youtube, there are 4k videos - basic... View more

As we are still in a pandemic, lockdowns and their aftermaths have worn down the best of us. Even then, sometimes we just can't leave our homes to venture into the city or local shopping centre for some reason. On Youtube, there are 4k videos - basically, it's someone who's filming their POV as they walk through cities and attractions. There are hundreds of such videos on Youtube, covering many cities and places across the world. They tend to run for about 30 minutes on average, and it's a great opportunity to do people-watching and contemplating the sights. I used to live in South Australia, and I often watch 4K videos of Adelaide CBD, because it brings back so many nice memories and I feel a release of bottled-up emotions and feel I'm actually there, walking in Adelaide. It's also just interesting to watch the other people walking and any new developments in the area. Does anyone else watch 4K videos, too? I think it's great for people with mental illness who are curious about the world and can get a personal "tour" of any global city.

Is_it_Just_Me_ Staying Positive
  • replies: 7

Hi there, how are you? Can I ask for help first please........I don't know how to register a profile name. Adivice would be much appreciated. I struggle sometime with the fear of losing my peace which I find through 'connections'.........I know my tr... View more

Hi there, how are you? Can I ask for help first please........I don't know how to register a profile name. Adivice would be much appreciated. I struggle sometime with the fear of losing my peace which I find through 'connections'.........I know my triggers can be loneliness, self-pity, boredom. When this happens I feel myself slipping and this frightens me senseless because then it's a slow slide down the old rabbit hole. I could feel it happening the other day and the fear was tangible.......and I thought, you know what, you're not getting me this time. Forced myself to think about what I could had dealt some pretty heafty blows in the last few months and I'm more of a listener than a talker so I keep things to myself. Big mistake I know. I'd been giving and giving and giving which is fine. I didn't want to talk to a 'professional" as it wasn't something I couldn't work on myself. What I realised was, I needed someone to talk to as a friend, to just share the ups and downs of life and someone who could also relate to the fear of when things are going good that you're maybe wondering how long you've got being connected to life to being dis-connected and becoming that pain-filled zombie. I missed having a really good laugh about it all to be honest. So, here I am...a person without a name - lol and just connecting........don't know if anyone will answer but I'm enjoying just writing. Was trying to think of a profile name and people come up with all these really clever ones and I can't think of anything really. I don't want anything cheesy or too positive cos that turns me off a bit so I kinda came up with "Is it Just Me?" Anyway, very strange typing into something that you don't know is really real so I'll be pleasantly surprised if I get a reply. Stay safe........... "Is it Just Me?"

Jacq333 Irritability and impatience - how to stop it??
  • replies: 6

When my anxiety and depression is high, I get extremely irritable and lash out about the smallest things such as traffic or simply someone not hearing me (not, not listening, not hearing). My whole body feels tense, my insides feel like they are on f... View more

When my anxiety and depression is high, I get extremely irritable and lash out about the smallest things such as traffic or simply someone not hearing me (not, not listening, not hearing). My whole body feels tense, my insides feel like they are on fire and that I could just scream at someone. when it subsides sometimes a day or 2 later I end up a wreck and cry a lot. I know a big sleep helps calm me down too. Does anyone else get this? How do you control it or stop it being so bad? I feel awful afterwards as I know I have snapped and shouted at people for no reason. I don't get violent thankfully. Any tips would be great

Sliksista63 Introducing myself
  • replies: 8

Hi all I'm new to the thread so hi, I'm looking forward to getting started and not feeling so detached, I have anxiety and depression and a really troublesome fear to having my blood pressure taken (even at home), I do a fair bit to help myself pract... View more

Hi all I'm new to the thread so hi, I'm looking forward to getting started and not feeling so detached, I have anxiety and depression and a really troublesome fear to having my blood pressure taken (even at home), I do a fair bit to help myself practicing aspects of spiritually, exercise, meditation social swimming and water aerobics, so yeah, hi. Looking forward to hearing from you.

contrarymary Ideas for a better night sleep without taking medication
  • replies: 5

I feel like I have never slept a full night since my children were small many years ago i go to bed around 9.30pm and read for about an hour nothing to heavy usually a woman's magazine what usually happens I drop of to sleep whilst reading and wake u... View more

I feel like I have never slept a full night since my children were small many years ago i go to bed around 9.30pm and read for about an hour nothing to heavy usually a woman's magazine what usually happens I drop of to sleep whilst reading and wake up about midnight and that's it I am awake for hours before going back to sleep i have tried going to bed later only to wake after a couple of hours sleep. Tried listening to music or reading a boring book still wake up after a couple of hours. i did an experiment last week I watched a comedy on britbox fell asleep whilst watching when I woke up I had slept through 4 episodes which was 2 hours lookingfor ideas on how to sleep longer. I am not tired when I get up in morning or during the day, I would like a night where I don't lie awake for hours. Spoke to GP his answer was sleeping pills don't want to start. its the same when we are away from home, perhaps I am one of those people who don't need much sleep last night I put light out at 10.30pm woke up what I thought was hours later but it was 12.30pm any advice appreciated

white knight GUILT the tormentor
  • replies: 45

Guilt in my opinion originates from a factor in our childhood. I dont think its hereditary but if our homelife includes generations of narcissistic behaviour then it could feel like its passed down. I know its not passed down because although I am a ... View more

Guilt in my opinion originates from a factor in our childhood. I dont think its hereditary but if our homelife includes generations of narcissistic behaviour then it could feel like its passed down. I know its not passed down because although I am a child of a narcissistic mother (and a nurturing one) I stopped the flow on to my children by refusing the trend of becoming a controlling parent. If hereditary I couldnt have succeeded. So why did I end up suffering guilty intrusive thoughts? As my father worked 14 hour days 6 days a week, our mother was our prime parent. She didnt work. Outsiders never knew. Its what went on behind closed doors that scarred us forever. As a young child, there is a huge difference between control and guidance. As teenagers there is a gap between a parent with recommendations and domination. As we arrive in our 20's we cant deal with our bossy parent any longer and fight back against what is by now manipulation and a gang mentality...even emotional blackmail. The narcissistic parent is clever. They'll use any means at their disposal to control. In my case turning our loving father and relatives against us. They can be possessive of your friends and even try to coerce you to choose a partner preferring one that can be "moulded" into their deputy...more control. If you've read this far you might also be a victim. What can you do? Im 61yo. Right up till 54yo I tried everything but nothing worked. My sister and I broke off all contact, put "return to sender" on letters from our mother and as she had ruined my first wedding in 1985, got a court order so she couldnt ruin my second wedding (her threat) It is highly unlikely a relationship with a narcissist of little contact will work as the control they lust for isnt with them, its with you. How dare you control your own life! So guilt forms in ways like being told- they are never wrong, you are at fault, you make poor choices, if you do that I'll do this, if you do that I'll ruin your life, etc Add to that some anxiety if the narcissistic parent is a "yeller". The expectations are too great as to your immature capacity to "be a good boy". You are their robot. I attended a psychologist. I'll never forget his words at the last session "do you think you need her permission to live without fear?" That was the light that sparked me realising her hold was a firm grip. Demand to yourself the basic right to mental freedom. Walk away, get help to repair the guilt wound ..into a scar. Tony WK

OhmeOhmy Sunshine and Fresh Air
  • replies: 25

Good Morning Everyone, This morning as I lay in bed a battle was being fought within me, do I face the world today or do I hide away and slip down that slope into the waiting darkness. I want to live my life well, I want to feel healthy and happy, I ... View more

Good Morning Everyone, This morning as I lay in bed a battle was being fought within me, do I face the world today or do I hide away and slip down that slope into the waiting darkness. I want to live my life well, I want to feel healthy and happy, I want to feel empowered and I know that the only way that can happen is if I listen to that inner knowing, that gentle persistent whisper that urges me to connect with nature and to move my body. I got up and I went to the gym for the first time in weeks, only half an hour but I moved my body and got my blood flowing faster, sending oxygen and life to every cell in my being, reminding me how good it feels to be alive. As I drove home I knew I had to do more, that persistent knowing again. When I got home I took my jacket off even though its cold and I walked at a good pace down to the lake. I focused on the sun on my skin and the cool air, I listened to the birds and I took a minute to stop and stare out over the water. Tears came to my eyes as I felt gratitude for nature. Nature so giving in its beauty and energy, so cleansing and healing. My mood is better than it has been for several weeks now and I know without a doubt that if I want to feel better I have to listen to the inner knowing and take action. If I don't listen the knowing will get louder to get my attention, it may present as anxiety, it may start screaming at me desperate to to get my attention and guide me back to wellness. My friends I have been feeling myself sinking back into that scary place for several weeks now, that dark, sad and lonely place that far too many of us are familiar with but today I won the battle, I listened and I took action and I think I will again tomorrow. May sunshine and fresh air reach every one of you today and every day.