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Just Sara A Bouquet for Pearls - share your appreciation for other members
  • replies: 715

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful word... View more

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful words. I hope this thread stays active through members giving out praise regularly to people they feel deserving, and therefore keep generosity of spirit alive within the pages of BeyondBlue Forum. My bunch of Red Roses (my choice) goes to Wishful for the following sentence; 'Personally, I see no reason to be praised in me, but I'm learning that seeing through the eyes of others can be more accurate!!' I so hear you Wishful. Just beautiful... Try to keep your leading comments short to focus on 'their' words. Choose specific flowers (or a gift if you like) to present to them. Sign off respectfully and sincerely. I hope this takes off... Spreading the love...Sara

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jok The role of faith in anxiety and depression
  • replies: 4

Hi all, I am a new contributor to the forum. I have had life long struggles with anxiety and depression but not bad enough to be hospitalised or to remove myself from life's activities and work. I have found that faith in some 'higher source' has hel... View more

Hi all, I am a new contributor to the forum. I have had life long struggles with anxiety and depression but not bad enough to be hospitalised or to remove myself from life's activities and work. I have found that faith in some 'higher source' has helped me at least as much as medication and the heaps of self help suggestions offered by many well meaning people. I think one of the main reasons why faith works is that we 'give up the struggle' and just 'surrender' our lives and everything about them to some higher, non-secular 'source'. I am not referring to any particular religious tradition here. I believe there are many pathways towards faith and different people respond to or are inspired by different 'pathways'. Paul Green's book 'At last a life' is an excellent approach to addressing anxiety. He suggests, after suffering for over 10 years that the only way to cure anxiety is to NOT try to cure it. He believes that we get ourselves stuck in the anxiety 'loop' by constantly fighting and trying to escape the way we feel. I can see the connections between Green's approach and faith in that both advocate a 'surrender to' and complete acceptance of our condition, rather than engaging in the endless adrenaline fuelled fighting and trying to escape. Love to see what others think about this.

Chris_B LIVE CHAT EVENT FOR MENTAL HEALTH WEEK: Thursday 8 October at 1pm - A GP's tips on staying mentally healthy
  • replies: 27

Hi everyone, As part of Mental Health Week, we will be hosting another live chat here on Thursday 8 October, 1-2pm with Dr Stephen Carbone, beyondblue’s Policy, Evaluation and Research Leader. Stephen worked for many years as a General Practitioner. ... View more

Hi everyone, As part of Mental Health Week, we will be hosting another live chat here on Thursday 8 October, 1-2pm with Dr Stephen Carbone, beyondblue’s Policy, Evaluation and Research Leader. Stephen worked for many years as a General Practitioner. A few years ago, Stephen decided to hang up his stethoscope and to move into the area of mental health promotion. He is now working at beyondblue where he is working with others to find ways to promote mental wellbeing, prevent depression, anxiety and suicide and ensure people affected with these mental health conditions have the opportunity to get the supports and services that are right for them - at the right time. Our live chat will be focussed on tips for staying mentally healthy, and also how you can get the best out of your relationship with your doctor. See also the BB resource What are my options? PLEASE NOTE as per our community rules, Stephen won't be able to answer questions about medications, these are best discussed offline directly with your mental health professional. So bookmark this thread, get your questions ready, and we'll see you back here next Thursday afternoon when this thread will be unlocked and Stephen will be here to chat.

Nella7651 A sunshine of hope
  • replies: 3

I was searching on the internet for someway I could participate in a fundraising event for mental health when beyond blue popped up. I had heard of Beyond Blue but actually thought it was for men with depression. I was so surprised, and relieved that... View more

I was searching on the internet for someway I could participate in a fundraising event for mental health when beyond blue popped up. I had heard of Beyond Blue but actually thought it was for men with depression. I was so surprised, and relieved that there are these forums. I have recently had a number of crisis that nearly cost me my life, my job and it did cost separating from my fiancee. I work in the health industry (emergency services) and have been so disillusioned by the mental health support. I am usually the one on the other side. Resources, communication, access in rural areas and basically stigma surprises me more than ever. I cannot believe for one that this resource was never available to me or even suggested to me. So many days, nights I would have done anything just to talk to someone who not just empathised with me but "really" knew what pain and distress I was going through. Someone that could not just "understand" but understand. Fortunately I have huge support from my family, friends/colleagues that have been with me day and night when I thought I could not possibly go on. I have never been afraid of dying, I guess as I am surrounded by death each day and see at times the peace in a person when the are deceased. I have so much to live for and to be grateful for that each day gets that little easier. Not to say there are going to be bad days and maybe even relapse, but I have hope. Thank you.

white knight UPSET? and desperate...some ideas
  • replies: 2

You likely know the feeling. It included crying probably uncontrollably, everything is doomed, your life, your family and friends. You might see all others as having a happy life while you wallow in your tears. I've been there many times yet I've stu... View more

You likely know the feeling. It included crying probably uncontrollably, everything is doomed, your life, your family and friends. You might see all others as having a happy life while you wallow in your tears. I've been there many times yet I've stumbled on some ideas that might help you break out of that feeling. The first and most important action you can make is doing two things at once. These are- a change of environment and thoughts centred on who means the most to you. ok, you are extremely upset for whatever reason and you are alone in your car or in your bedroom. Stand up, start thinking about your children or your dearest friend and walk. If you are in a car lock it up and walk. You return to your car or your room. Pick up a biro and paper. Begin writing. It doesn't matter what you write but make it nice, and positive even better if it rhymes. Basic, rhyme, meaning etc. This will move your mind to better things. Do this for at least half an hour. Go for a short walk. Take deep breaths. This next action is called "decision time". You have by now relaxed and no longer crying. What ever your upset was caused from you need to have at least some sort of answer in the way of action. Then its loved ones time. Respect them by notifying them. Don't let them worry. Recovery time. Try to think about a happy time. Sometimes we need a process to which we can go through so as to get to "the other side". We aren't taught this in schools. When we get pregnant we read up in books or attend prenatal classes to learn about the process. When we go parachuting we go through a training session. In everything we do we learn first. But when we are distraught no one has taught us the process of recovering from being desperately upset. Above is my survival routine. I haven't used those steps for a long time now as I'm settled, medically stable and happy. But I know it can still happen in a moment. Change- means change of environment thinking of the ones you love. Write - write down anything, try to make it rhyme. Notify - let loved ones know you are ok. Plan- make decisions to avoid further upset. Recovery - think happy moments. Divert your mind from sadness. Don't allow it to go to places you want to avoid. That's in desperate moments. Then there is self help. Go to a GP. Also plan your life to achieve goals. Be positive. At the end of the day you have the means to improve your life to make it the life you crave for. Tony WK

white knight The Significance of being "reasonable"
  • replies: 16

What is “reasonable”? If you have a mental illness and are actively mingling with other people be it work or socialising, you are likely to often trip up where your behaviour/reactions is seen as extreme. For the stable out there we could easily be s... View more

What is “reasonable”? If you have a mental illness and are actively mingling with other people be it work or socialising, you are likely to often trip up where your behaviour/reactions is seen as extreme. For the stable out there we could easily be seen as unreasonable. These people largely don’t have or rarely have the emotion level we have. (I’m speaking broadly). Fragile emotions that are often in the high range has little room for negotiation in a calm relaxed approach. We seem to others as not being able to reason as emotion gets in the way and that's what they focus on. In defense however often the instigator isn’t reasonable in the first place. But does that justify being unreasonable ourselves? Probably not. What do we lack? To be able to be reasonable? I’ve thought for some time about this. I have a friend, a reasonable friend meaning she seems to be calm and calculating even under stress. When she converses with others that are heated in their frame of mind, she doesn’t “lose it”. But what she has is something I don’t have- quick wit. Having quick wit allows you to think quickly and evaluate the situation to your favour. There was a classic example of this recently. She borrowed a beach umbrella some months ago for the summer. After the hot weather ended she tried to return it and she’d purchased one herself. But her friend had gone on an overseas holiday. She tried a few weeks later, he had returned but went on another holiday. Nearly 9 months went by and I was there when he called in. He immediately accused her of keeping the umbrella for 9 months “way in excess of what I’d lend it to you” he snapped. Her reply was calm and collected. Firstly it is a beach umbrella, I don’t use beach umbrella’s in the winter. Secondly, you have been overseas on the two occasions I dropped by at your home. They both went to her shed and she produced the umbrella “take note of the cobwebs on it, it hasn’t moved for 6 months” she calmly exclaimed. Her friend apologised and left. Had I been her I would have argued and got upset. Her responses were measured and witty, thinking on her feet, not predetermined. This form of thinking doesn’t come naturally for some but it is something we can work on. Staying calm, asking for some time to think about the situation, allowing others to get upset and waiting until they are calm….all contribute towards less emotion. And that’s a good challenge if you want to be “reasonable” and less emotional. Tony WK

Guest_9466 Travelling with depression and anxiety
  • replies: 12

Hi, I may start this thread in the wrong area, so please move it to where it belongs. I am travelling at the moment and has been travelling for the past three months. However, recently, my anxiety and depression have been overwhelming. The worse it g... View more

Hi, I may start this thread in the wrong area, so please move it to where it belongs. I am travelling at the moment and has been travelling for the past three months. However, recently, my anxiety and depression have been overwhelming. The worse it gets, the more guilty I felt, as I am travelling with hubby and recently, with daughter. I felt guilty for running their holiday. Not sure where I am heading with this thread, except, perhaps I am trying to reach out for empathy? Anyway, I think I did the right thing by sending hubby off to do some sight seeing on his own. Although, I didn't feel like it, I went off on my own to explore the neighbourhood. I am lucky that a friend who is now travelling, kindly shared her home with us so we can chill out until our next big adventure next week for a week. We are also heading to somewhere warmer, so perhaps my spirits will be uplifted somewhat. I don't really want to go but I felt that I must.

myownworstenemy Keeping Well
  • replies: 5

Hi all, I have managed to keep myself reasonably well by doing some voluntary work in the op-shop at church, getting regular exercise (also a good way to lose some weight), eating a healthy diet and thinking positive. I also take my medications corre... View more

Hi all, I have managed to keep myself reasonably well by doing some voluntary work in the op-shop at church, getting regular exercise (also a good way to lose some weight), eating a healthy diet and thinking positive. I also take my medications correctly and regularly, listen to my favourite music and play with my cats. When I do feel anxious and agitated, I do something to take my mind off whatever is the problem and distract myself which works really well.

phoenixstone When You May Need These Words
  • replies: 3

When the light isn't bright enough to lead the way, when not enough sorries can keep the hurt at bay, when there's not enough strength to step out of bed, when so many voices threaten to fill the head, when the clock on the wall haunts the inner ear,... View more

When the light isn't bright enough to lead the way, when not enough sorries can keep the hurt at bay, when there's not enough strength to step out of bed, when so many voices threaten to fill the head, when the clock on the wall haunts the inner ear, when scars are a reminder that death is always near, when not enough words can change a frown, when the world threatens to make the up become the down, when friend's offers always seem to fall on you, when smiling becomes your soul's greatest taboo, when the phone rings and it isn't who you desire, when someone's around your solitude lights on fire, when your heart is sick of fighting with willpower's fists, when not enough positives fill your empty lists, when hope has fled from you to a place unknown, and when darkness creeps to turn your life to stone, read these words to yourself is all that I'll ever ask. Let them surround you and comfort you for that is their task, may these words bring you hope from a place unknown, may these words split the darkness that brought the stone, may these words let your heart rest as it lifts its fists, may these words delete the negatives that fill your lists, may these words call you and bring about desire, may these words be with you as your companion's fire, may these words bring offers that are suitable for you, may these words be a smile filled with laughter's taboo, may these words be enough to change your frown, may these words make it fun when the up becomes the down, may these words silent the ticking that possesses the ear, may these words cover the scars so you see life is near, may these words give you the strength to leave the bed, may these words be the voices that fill your head, may these words be the peace that keeps the sorries at bay, may these words be bright enough to always light your way. -------- I wrote this for myself to keep me going. Writing is my greatest gift and the contribution I want to make in this world, so this is the first time I actually wrote something for me specifically, but I think it could help others too. Hope this helps at least one other person. I'll know I've done something right.

Dorian_Gray Thankfulness Advice
  • replies: 3

Hi All, I’ve been advised to do a thankfulness exercise, writing three things I’m thankful for each day. I’ve seen the posts of “Three things to be thankful for” here and it has some interesting examples of how to find small things to be thankful for... View more

Hi All, I’ve been advised to do a thankfulness exercise, writing three things I’m thankful for each day. I’ve seen the posts of “Three things to be thankful for” here and it has some interesting examples of how to find small things to be thankful for, so I'm really thankful (thankful for others thankfulness you might say!) for people having posted them. Even so, though I have been writing out my list each day for a while now, I don’t really “feel” thankful for any of the things on it; it’s just like an intellectual acknowledgement with no real substance. I’m wondering if anyone else who uses this technique has any advice on how to actually feel thankful for things rather than just noting them, or if you’ve experienced something similar etc.? BTW Today I am thankful for 1) My job 2) History books…and the fact I have the time and money to buy and read them 3) airconditioning Thanks D_G

Guest_2350 Helpful apps
  • replies: 3

Hello All, in this new era of mobile phones, are there any great apps that you know and use when you get sad, have an anxiety attack, pick yourself up, or you just want to monitor your daily progress / journal? I travel heaps and it is good to have s... View more

Hello All, in this new era of mobile phones, are there any great apps that you know and use when you get sad, have an anxiety attack, pick yourself up, or you just want to monitor your daily progress / journal? I travel heaps and it is good to have something that is always with me. I have a couple of meditation apps that I use: "isleep Easy" which has "falling asleep" and "waking during the night" meditations. There is another one called "At Ease" that I am trying to use for meditation when anxiety hits (have not used it much yet).There is also a "walking meditation" from the same programmer. I also use "Smiling mind" but more when I am having a good day - I like eating my chocolate with the eating meditation, but I struggle with any of the feelings, thoughts or emotions meditations. I have made a movie with photos of people I love and music that is soothing - have not tried that yet - to help me in a dark hour (I keep forgetting that i have it). I also have a photo food journal to remind me to prepare nice and healthy meals - this really motivates me to eat. On youtube I play motivational videos, some of my favourites used to be "Unbroken" and "Why do we fall" - though I have to say, that this is less relevant for my current journey. I loved these when I was working on fitness goals, but I get strength out of them for my current journey as well. Would be great to hear about your apps. Cheers, Yggy