Worry, is the root of my evil. How many of you try as hard as you can
not to speed and just when you gradually go over the limit you get
caught? So worrying about that possibility can prevent you speeding. It
will also give you headaches, anxiety and...
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Worry, is the root of my evil. How many of you try as hard as you can
not to speed and just when you gradually go over the limit you get
caught? So worrying about that possibility can prevent you speeding. It
will also give you headaches, anxiety and in the end you wont enjoy
life. Happiness will elude you. The two extremes are clear. One end is
the fool, the one that doesn't worry nor concern him/herself about
serious issues, key handling, income, rent, diet and so
on....responsibilities!! The other end is ....me!! and some of
you...worrywarts, ultra responsible, worrying about anything that needs
maintenance...what other people think of me and so on. Somehow in the
middle is where we should aspire to be, happy, having fun and carrying
out our responsibilities with the least worry...before you get back to
having fun again. And that leads me to "saving the world". Those like me
that ty to save the world run around in our lives plugging up the
imperfections of life. It's mid morning and I want to go to my shed to
continue building my caravan. I grab the shed keys, take two steps than
remember my phone as I'm waiting for Telstra to ring me regarding my
account, take 6 steps, better check the mail, take 3 steps...take my dog
for a walk to the mailbox...find the dog, walk 20 steps with the dog, go
back 15 steps...grab the wheelie bin, tow it to the naturestrip,
thinking deeply about my caravan, half way back to house forgot to check
the mail walk back, no mail anyway, Dog is now confused. Upon my return
better weed the garden, return to house, wife informs me I took the
wrong bin down to the road, swap bins, return to house. Dog now tired
and falls asleep. You get the picture. The brain never stops in this
mode. But its harmful. Most people would simply enjoy the walk to the
mailbox, think earlier about taking the bin down and which bin to take
and so on, and smile while doing so, breath the fresh air and smile.
Worry isn't productive and it robs us of enjoyment. It is the result of
having a mother that I could never please. A dominant figure she be and
will always be even after her death. Such is the fear. Worry can give
you peptic ulcers, heart issues, depression etc. Such "programming" is
rarely deprogrammed. You have to learn to live with it as a part of you
and yes....that worries me. like everything else. Some parents "own" you
as a product. I got rid of mine. That's one thing that doesnt worry me.
Sadly but proudly Tony WK