Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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needtobealone_ Should I be alone?
  • replies: 4

Hi, I have been with my girlfriend for about 8 years now, but I don't know if i should be in a relationship or single. I suffer from ADHD and depression/anxiety and have rather rapid mood swings. I constantly think I need to be by myself, and that I ... View more

Hi, I have been with my girlfriend for about 8 years now, but I don't know if i should be in a relationship or single. I suffer from ADHD and depression/anxiety and have rather rapid mood swings. I constantly think I need to be by myself, and that I would be doing a favour to my partner as I don't think she deserves to have to put up with my mental health for the rest of her life. I would not be able to cope if in 10 years time I am still in the same headspace and she is still trying to help me, in my mind I am wasting her life. I just generally think i'm worthless and deserve nothing and no one in my life. I have expressed to her how I feel many times, but I don't know if i'm scarred of being alone or just to much of a coward to break it off. Other than her, I have no friends (other than her friends) and don't see or speak to my family very often (maybe once a year, or even 2 years). I often think to break it off and just live in my car as that is all I deserve.

Qwerty9967 I need advice about my friendship with my best friend
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Me and my best friend are really close (I think) yet sometimes I feel like I am always the one texting him and organising to hang out and sometimes he suddenly bales and I don't know if I believe his reasons all the time. A part of me knows that's wh... View more

Me and my best friend are really close (I think) yet sometimes I feel like I am always the one texting him and organising to hang out and sometimes he suddenly bales and I don't know if I believe his reasons all the time. A part of me knows that's what his personality is like, yet I can't help but feel as if I am much more invested in the friendship than he is. It drives me crazy and I get so anxious thinking about what he's doing and whether or not he really likes me as a person. We do fight every now and then but we always end up saying we love each other. I just don't know what to do. Do I stop texting him and talking to him to see when he messages me, even though I'm terrified he won't message me ever and it'll be the end of our friendship, or do I bring it up to him and (most likely) cause a fight between us. He knows a lot about my issues with trusting people and feeling not good enough, but sometimes it still seems like he doesn't take these things into consideration at all I also have a really bad habit of holding grudges, and so sometimes when we fight it's hard for me to not bring up things that we've already resolved from the past, often just to hurt him. And I know this is terrible, and I'm worried that now this is all getting to him and he's realising he doesn't want to be my best friend anymore. I'm terrified of losing him more than anything, so any advice would be much appreciated. Sometimes my mental state makes it hard to think straight, and I think an outside opinion could really help me

Jec Life changes every 5 months and i have no control over it
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Hi my name is Jess and for the past 4 years my life has a dramatic change every 5 months. Before this i was in a stable job, great boyfriend and lots of friends and family. But after my relationship broke down four years I feel like my life will neve... View more

Hi my name is Jess and for the past 4 years my life has a dramatic change every 5 months. Before this i was in a stable job, great boyfriend and lots of friends and family. But after my relationship broke down four years I feel like my life will never be stable like it once was. Iam confused thinking how can i help myself as i dont known if i have developed a more severe mental illness from this experience. Iv always suffered with manaic depression and i think its one of the reasons why he told me he didn't want children but he got a girl pregnant after us only separating 5 months. This was four years ago and even though i moved on my life changes dramatically every 5month. I brought a house but lost my job when I bought it so i had roommate which completely stolenfrom me so i kicked them out so i do get house mates but double check them. My life went well for a bit but i travel long distance for work and lost my licence a year ago and had to live with my boss until the suspension was over but as soon as i moved there all my room mates decided to leave all of a sudden and left me with a massive financial burden when i almost lost my house so i rented it out through real Estate agent and that was a waste of time because most of it was spending money on maintenance. While i was renting it out i went from families house to another until the lease was up . I was offered a full time job and back in the house but iam worried something bad is going to happen again and i use to be close to my family but now they dont speak to me because of all the drama. My moods go up and down and i dont know why iv had so much drama all the time is this normal

everythingsintense Mother in Law issues
  • replies: 6

I've been with my husband for over 6 years and never gotten along with my MIL. She had an obsessive relationship with him beforre I came into the picture and he pulled back strongly when we got together (at 18, I was first long term GF). MIL (Let's c... View more

I've been with my husband for over 6 years and never gotten along with my MIL. She had an obsessive relationship with him beforre I came into the picture and he pulled back strongly when we got together (at 18, I was first long term GF). MIL (Let's call her Susan) used to make (bordering incestuous) comments about my partner (Let's call him Andrew) and nasty comments to me about how I was "trapping" him. She got drunk on multiple occassions and finally blew it with a nasty letter that made him cut her out completely. Andrew is very understanding but when he's done, he's DONE. He hadn't talked to her for months, not a word, when a close family member died. We went there to support them for a week but our own grief has been quite overwhelming and Andrew finds that it's worse when he's in contact with them. Susan made some comments (probably just out of grief) that reminded him why he cut her out and it's not been 8 months with no contact. Her declining to come to a major family event was a major contributing factor. I am not her biggest fan, because she has honestly caused me more grief than my troubled childhood ever could have. But the guilt is eating at me.. my husand wants to start a family and I am not sure how to handle telling my child their father won't let them see Susan? Andrews father is still married to Susan, and we speak to him probably once a fortnight, but we are not close. Most of the time Andrew ignores his calls and when FIL calls me I make up some excuse about how Andrews phone isn't working. When she is in our lives, I honestly lose the will to live. But I am sure she feels depressed without us in her lives and that triggers my guilt. Andrew says hes happier now without her clinging to him, he does not miss her. He misses the connection with his father but as long as his father justifies Susan's actions he has no desire to mend there either. I just would like to know if anyone else has had a similar situation.. Do you just put up with horrible people (that you could cut out of your lif if it weren't for that pesky blood-relation thing)? Or do you just cut them out and move on?

white knight Others perspectives
  • replies: 8

You stand on a verandah, a view of farms below. You focus on cows someone else sees the farmer, anitheyr the irrigation. And so it is with perceptions. We all sees things differently. And none more differently than during conflict.In fact I'd go as f... View more

You stand on a verandah, a view of farms below. You focus on cows someone else sees the farmer, anitheyr the irrigation. And so it is with perceptions. We all sees things differently. And none more differently than during conflict.In fact I'd go as far to say, that our own perceptions during any conflict has one enemy....our lack of listening. We hear them but we rarely listen for we are too busy talking, dumping our own thoughts onto those we try to educate. If you ever need a friend during conflict, then that friend is "clarity". To clarify a statement from the other party means you have to ask questions, to ask questions you display interest, to show interest results in you showing care and respect.One can respect another person but unless you show it, it is like love, far less valuable without affection. Simply saying "I respect you" isnt enough...action speaks louder than words. So with us all having different perceptions during conflict or discussions we need to "paint a picture" in such a way as to allow every chance for the other party to "get it". We can talk all day, but unless we convey accurately our vision of how things are through our own eyes, how we perceive it, then conflict will remain or recur. My wife and I are big talkers. We cant get a word in! So we raise our finger when we have a reply waiting. When she talks I have to listen, I force myself to take in every word and digest it. And visa versa. This pact of effort is one of several we have that has proven to be our secrets to a strong marriage. Mental illness however can complicate the strongest bond. Lack of patience and tolerance can make things hard. Moods even worse as moodiness results is adverse reactions . My wife's dyslexia can be frustrating for me. Imagine what its like for her? So to listen to your partner and to put your own issues aside can be crutial to resolve, harmony and praise.. it feels good that you've been heard and understood.Its the best form of reaching out at your fingertips. It will turn into an art...the expert listener is always rewarded with admiration and listening is often returned because they feel guilty they have been allowed to talk about themselves for such length of time. Allowing others to express their perceptions on topics is to value their views. You are returning respect with action not just words... Tony WK

Aah Moving interstate for dream job, partner doesn't want long distance relationship
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Hi all, This is my first post so thanks for having me. I've been with my partner for 3 years. That entire time, I've been doing my PhD. I've just about finished my PhD and have been offered an amazing job at a uni. These teaching jobs are very hard t... View more

Hi all, This is my first post so thanks for having me. I've been with my partner for 3 years. That entire time, I've been doing my PhD. I've just about finished my PhD and have been offered an amazing job at a uni. These teaching jobs are very hard to get so I feel lucky and excited. The problem is that it is in a city in another state. The reason why applied for the job is that my partner's family lives in that city and her dad has been unwell with cancer. At the start of the year, we talked about moving there. So now I have this job that is an amazing opportunity with a good salary that could support her if she needs to look after her family and/or she finds another job. Alternatively, the job is for a maximum of 3 years so I could come back to nsw at the end of 1-3 years and do a long distance relationship in the meantime. I have negotiated terms so that o could spend 1 in 4 weeks working remotely back in nsw. I was so excited to tell her all this but she is totally against it all. I don't expect her to be happy about the prospect of a long distance relationship but she is now saying that she wants to break up, that I have used her just while doing my PhD and that moving interstate is just an excuse to get away from her. She can't transfer her job interstate because she'd have to retrain, and she says she won't move to Vic unless I can guarantee it's forever. so, I guess I'm just writing here to see if, like she says, I am being selfish in really wanting the job. I know she wants to start a family but, as I told her, I wouldn't have done a PhD unless I was interested in pursuing my career. Surely that shouldn't come as a surprise to her? I love her but she is pushing me away and saying such hurtful things, it's hard to know what to do! I come from a broken home with an alcoholic dad, so healthy relationships are pretty foreign to me. Sorry for such a long lost, any opinions welcome!

Tears_on_my_Pillow My son is in his mid 20s and doesn't have any friends
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This is my first ever post and I would appreciate any responses. I suffer from depression and find myself becoming increasingly anxious as I can see my son going down the same path. I have felt so alone and lonely for the majority of my life and it s... View more

This is my first ever post and I would appreciate any responses. I suffer from depression and find myself becoming increasingly anxious as I can see my son going down the same path. I have felt so alone and lonely for the majority of my life and it seems history is repeating itself. My son is in his mid 20s and doesn't have any friends. He has been diagnosed with social anxiety and finds it difficult to form friendships. Seeing him lonely all the time is killing me. He is very quiet and a non drinker. I don't know how to help him and this is affecting my mental health. The area we live in is regional and offers few opportunities for meeting others who are like minded and of a similar age. I am concerned at how much this is affecting my health I seem to be conscious of his situation all of the time. My heart breaks from the loneliness I see in him. I feel like I am spiralling out of control.

Lynnie6 Opinions on direction
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My husband has been messaging women overseas. Sharing intimate photos, video chatting, calls, talking about marriage, compliments and love and he even sent money. There are so so many of them. We have two little daughters and he is certain he wants u... View more

My husband has been messaging women overseas. Sharing intimate photos, video chatting, calls, talking about marriage, compliments and love and he even sent money. There are so so many of them. We have two little daughters and he is certain he wants us to stay together. This is not the first time. He says it's just a bit of fun and he thinks most of them were scammers. He says he's really sorry and won't ever do it again. I feel it is like an addiction. When he is in contact with all of them he us moody and withdrawn. He constantly had reasons to do things away from me. Meanwhile there was pretty much no physical touch between us let alone sex. He has always had trouble in that area. Which is what I want opinions on. I wrote another thread "crossroads" which explains our history more. But I know I love him and want our family to stay together but since I've found this last lot he has been nice and helpful. I don't know if I can or should do this all over again. I've been focusing on what he wants and needs as well since finding out yet I still feel unloved. I wonder if he looks at me like a mother rather than a lover. He says he does but this doesn't get backed up by actions or works yet these other women got plenty of beautiful words and sexy comments. They've also seen more of his penis than I have for years. Interested in other's opinions

Mila_ Not trusting my guts anymore
  • replies: 6

Hi I am new to the forum . I am 36 , 3 yrs post divorce and now dating . Circumstances of my divorce were pretty awful , finding out that my ex-husband was cheating with my friend . I also found out that my ex-husband was spreading false rumors about... View more

Hi I am new to the forum . I am 36 , 3 yrs post divorce and now dating . Circumstances of my divorce were pretty awful , finding out that my ex-husband was cheating with my friend . I also found out that my ex-husband was spreading false rumors about me to family and friends,; so that when the divorce came to light, they turned their back on me as well. We were married for 10 yrs and moved countries a few times for jobs.No children. I relied on my sisters who supported me emotionally and in 2 yrs time, my job , home, finances and the dog were stable:) I started dating last year and met a 41yr old man.I met him online and I met his family and friends too. My family believes he is a genuine, nice bloke . He is loves me, cares about me , wants a life together and if all goes well, have children etc... He lives away , so it is long distance relationship . The last 3 months, he took a long annual leave to spend time with me , for us to get to know each other . Everything went well and at the end of 3 months, he was ready to quit his well-paid job and move into the city where I am living. I am strangely still looking for reassurances. I am looking for inadequacies and faults in the situation. I don't feel the same way that "fell in love" with my exhusband. I don't feel that crazy rush of emotions which makes you dizzy. What this guy does make me feel is - comforted, loved , stable and calm. I know that I can weather a storm with him and he will never leave me in a lurch . I am confused and I feel like I may be making the wrong decision . One of my friends who is a psychologist always talks about being physically attracted to your partner. I find my boyfriend attractive,but I am not as enthusiastic about sex as I was when I was 24. All these thoughts have made me feel low. I have lost all inspiration to exercise . started binge eating and spend endless hours watching TV. I am looking for answers, not finding them , hence trying not to think about them with the above bad habits. Is it unrealistic to expect to "feel crazy in love again?"... am I settling for this relationship ? I feel horrible , unable to make a decision and sometimes wished I wasn't here anymore. Am I still suffering from the after effects of the betrayal of my first marriage? Please help... as I feel exhausted and unable to move forward in life.

Sadoerson I'm so lonely
  • replies: 7

This is my first thread, so hey! I really don't know what to say but that I just feel so lonely. And it's been like this my entire life. Throughout my life, i've been the one chasing people and struggling to keep friendships. I've always been the sec... View more

This is my first thread, so hey! I really don't know what to say but that I just feel so lonely. And it's been like this my entire life. Throughout my life, i've been the one chasing people and struggling to keep friendships. I've always been the second choice/option for everyone I've become close to- including my childhood bestfriend rn and I sometimes even feel like my mum too. My closest sister doesn't live at home so I barely talk to her and my dad just recently passed away. As well as this, just a few months ago I got my first ever pet (puppy) that I was extremely close to, but can't live with us anymore for other complicated reasons. Along with that, at this moment I feel as if my lifelong 'bestfriend' is slowly drifting apart from me. Ever since the beginning of high school she has slowly lost interest in being close with me because of another 'best friend'. I mean they're both at a sleepover right now! This is what it's been like my entire life. It's a constant feeling of being neglected, taken advantage or granted of and being left out. I just don't know what to do anymore.