Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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Gill1989 Parents & Partner differences
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My parents and my boyfriend are completely different people. My boyfriend has always had difficulties clicking with them, and vice versa. Sometimes I think he tries too hard and it makes me so uncomfortable and I also get mad at him for trying so har... View more

My parents and my boyfriend are completely different people. My boyfriend has always had difficulties clicking with them, and vice versa. Sometimes I think he tries too hard and it makes me so uncomfortable and I also get mad at him for trying so hard!!! I honestly don't really care what they think of him and I wish he wouldn't either. We have been together for 5 years, and I think marriage is probably on the horizon soon and they are probably thinking this as well. Anyway the past few weeks my parents just keep on telling me they do not think he is "right for me". They say they think I always look annoyed or uncomfortable when I am around him and them. Which is obviously because I AM uncomfortable when they are all together!!! None of them get along! Then they just tell me I really need to think my decision through because its "for life" (as if a person with anxiety hasn't already thought this through a thousand times?!?!?!) Their attitude towards the whole thing is really getting me down, and I don't know how I will cope if/when we get engaged. How will I deal with having such an unsupportive family during that time All I want is for people to be happy and excited for me, but they are just going to be disappointed and probably keep telling me "Its not too late to back out" arggghhhh. anyone been thru anything similar?

Haidut How can I make friends?
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Hello, I won't go into the gory details but I've been very very sick for the past 13 years - it took some of my childhood and all of my teen years. I'm now rapidly getting better. I'm thrilled about this and looking forward to finally getting to expe... View more

Hello, I won't go into the gory details but I've been very very sick for the past 13 years - it took some of my childhood and all of my teen years. I'm now rapidly getting better. I'm thrilled about this and looking forward to finally getting to experience life. I'm at the stage now where I want to go out, do stuff and meet people. I don't have any friends due to the isolation I experienced from my illness. I'm trying really hard to make friends with people wherever I go. Last week I met a guy who I would really like to become friends with (I'm a girl btw). I asked if I could add him on Facebook and he said yes, so I added him. I honestly don't think he has any romantic interest in me and that's fine - I just think he's a cool person and would like to be his friend. How do I befriend him without him thinking that I'm hitting on him or coming off like a total weirdo? I really thought that making friends would be easy but I'm finding it very difficult and at times I experience a lot of rejection. I would appreciate any advice that you may have.

Crazy_train Need To Stay Strong
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I have battled severe chronic extreme clinical whatever you want to call it depression for more than 20 years, I am a 37 year old male single father of a beautiful 4 year old girl,I was forced to quit work and be a stay at home Dad to look after our ... View more

I have battled severe chronic extreme clinical whatever you want to call it depression for more than 20 years, I am a 37 year old male single father of a beautiful 4 year old girl,I was forced to quit work and be a stay at home Dad to look after our baby due to my Wife not being able to cope at ALL with the baby and it was a risk to our daughters safety. I am struggling with depression, I am a stay at home Dad and I have no life and no social life whilst my Wife worked and went to the movies and had a good social life, Whilst I struggled to get out of bed to start the day with my own depression that’s before cleaning, cooking, and raising and attending to a baby girl I did find it tough at times. 7 months ago my wife left and broke down crying and explained she is a lesbian and she has a partner and they are now living together and she is happy to leave my daughter with me and she left. She took our car, left every bill with me, took the little money we had with her, and racked up over $3000 in toll charges until I fixed that so I would not occur any more fees. She then thought it was okay at 130am to want to pick our daughter up for a few hours, after I said No please see her in normal hours, she did arrange that and then went to the Police. She filed a DVO when we attended court she broke down crying and said to the judge she lied about what she had written on the application, the judge was not happy and awarded me full custody and asked if I would like to reverse the charges on her I declined. At present I am going without absolutely everything and I don’t have 5 cents to my name BUT my daughter has missed out on nothing, I keep a roof over her head, she is well fed, I keep her entertained, she has toys and clean clothes, she has a shower every day and wash and condition her hair, we live in a clean house (another of my problems OCD) I manage to get her a Mcdonalds meal or KFC once a week she is clever. I sleep less than 3 hours per night, I have a severe drug addiction and dependency I manage to hide from everyone ( I am a very hygienically clean person I am not a filthy slob) I cry every night when my daughter is asleep, I have panic attacks, I cannot relax EVER, I am weird I don’t like TV AT ALL I only like music and mainly listen to talk back radio, I don’t like social media at all ( this is the only time this stupid computer gets turned on) I don’t like many people and find people NOT funny and they actually piss me off and waste my time,

Skoi Do I stay or go? I need to decide for myself and my daughter... Please help!
  • replies: 3

My husband and I have been married for almost 20 years. Though I didn't actually want to get married as I didn't love him, I grew up in a family with no love or affection but lots of emotional abuse (drugs/alcohol) so I latched on to him as he told m... View more

My husband and I have been married for almost 20 years. Though I didn't actually want to get married as I didn't love him, I grew up in a family with no love or affection but lots of emotional abuse (drugs/alcohol) so I latched on to him as he told me he loved me. What I believe now is that maybe I was just getting into my own abusive relationship? Our 13 year old daughter has a disability and requires full time care. It's so tiring and I know I've been depressed for a very long time. My husband helps with her a lot but there are other problems: He is very loving in lots of ways but also very controlling. Something is always my fault and I have to agree or I'm being a 'c*nt' or a 'bitch'. If the conversation doesn't result in him being right he says he won't talk to me until I act maturely. He's manipulated me to get thousands of dollars from my family. When our daughter was younger neither of us could work because of the care she needed but now he can work he avoids it as much as possible. He says the money is for our daughter's future but when I got money from my family he made excuses to not work for almost a year after that. We could have invested it but we spent it all while he watched TV. He manipulated me to get my elderly Mum to sell her house and move in with us so we could have the money. I feel so horrible that I've done this to her. Now she lives with us he is civil to her face but calls her horrible names when she's not in the room, and if I defend her I get told I can take her and go find somewhere else to live, and I won't see my daughter. We don't have any friends. No-one is ever good enough for us so after he tells me what he thinks all their problems are I have to start ignoring their texts. But he can have a friend who sends him porn videos which he just laughs off. He thinks we should be working on getting rich to provide for our daughter's future so he decided to start a very-expensive-to-run business in a field he had almost no experience in. It went broke and we lost thousands of dollars. If I disagree with him about certain things then I'm 'going against him' or 'going to war' with him. I'm so afraid to leave as I know he will try to 'destroy me' (his words). I feel that if I don't do something soon I'll be broke, living with my Mum in a rented unit, fighting to see my daughter. I don't trust myself to know what's right. Am I being too hard on him? Is he really just trying to help us? What do I do?

Bluesky3000 Should I pursue this relationship
  • replies: 15

I met a guy early April this year. We liked each other. He was a bit conservative, but in the following days since we met, he texted and called me everyday. He said I was like a book and could complement a man like him. 3 weeks later, he left to WA f... View more

I met a guy early April this year. We liked each other. He was a bit conservative, but in the following days since we met, he texted and called me everyday. He said I was like a book and could complement a man like him. 3 weeks later, he left to WA for a contract job which initially was 2 months, but extended later. At the beginning, we kept in touch. Mid June, he called me. He said he liked to have a conversation with me and he wish one day he wouldn't give me a reason to upset me... He also said we missed each other and fell in love. He said this wasn't for gilling but serious....He sounded happy on the phone, but he also told me that someone at work had different opinion from him and took it personally...I could feel his work might not be that smooth...That conversation last one hour and a half.... However, after this conversation, he never contacted me. I texted him, but he never replied. On one afternoon 4 months later, I got his call. He came back from WA. His voice sounded not very happy. He said that might be because pf the warm and windy weather. I asked when he came back, he just said 'recently'. Also the week before he went for an job interview but failed...He asked what happened to me in those days, and he said he missed my voice...When I asked him why he didn't contact me, he just said 'he didn't know, maybe he had low energy and brain packed with other things...' He asked to catch up that night. On the first sight, I could see he wasn't as happy as before...He told me he had an issue with his manager, the environment he worked had bad condition...The next day, he dropped me off at my office.. I felt he wasn't as close to me as before.. Before I left, he didn't kiss me and just did a call posture... That afternoon, there was heavy rain.. I got a message from him, asking if I was ok and got soaked.... However in the following days, he never took the first to contact me...I called him asking what had happenned and if there was anything wrong between us. He said he need his own time, he didn't like himself and didn't have the right to like other people, he wasn't in that best shape to be in any relationship...I asked if he didn't want to keep going me, if so I wish he could tell me clearly.. However, he said nothing wrong with me, it was all about him... I am so confused now... Does he still like me? Does he still want to be with me? Why doesn't he contact me? What should I do now?

Sophie_M Statement from beyondblue Board in support of marriage equality
  • replies: 22

In light of recent developments regarding the marriage equality plebiscite, we're reprinting beyondblue's position statement on marriage equality from September 2015 below. Please use this thread for discussion and support on this issue. ** Discrimin... View more

In light of recent developments regarding the marriage equality plebiscite, we're reprinting beyondblue's position statement on marriage equality from September 2015 below. Please use this thread for discussion and support on this issue. ** Discrimination in all its shapes and forms, intentional and unintentional, is unacceptable. Discrimination is the cause for many people of their stress, anxiety and depression. Tragically, it is too often fatal when people self-harm and die by suicide. We, the Board members of beyondblue, who are professional and lay people, young and experienced, men and women, straight and gay, black and white, and who are bi-partisan in serving beyondblue, are working to reduce discrimination in our society. We know the hurt, hardship and loss that such discrimination can cause. We direct a lot of our resources towards ending that hurt and loss. Our country long ago recognised the incorrectness of discrimination when it introduced the: Racial Discrimination Act in 1975 Sex Discrimination Act in 1984 Disability Discrimination Act in 1992, and the Age Discrimination Act in 2004. Discrimination is often based on colour, race, religion, size, looks, sexuality and any one of any other factors. On sexuality, homosexuality used to be a crime; it is no longer. Yet marriage between same sex couples is still not permitted in Australia. For heterosexual Australians, entering into marriage is a choice they can make freely based on the love and commitment the individuals have for each other. However, individuals who share the same love and commitment, but are of the same gender, are not allowed to commit to each other through marriage. This is discrimination in the most obvious form. For those who love, but are not allowed to marry, their sense of loss, hurt, stigma and discrimination is profound. beyondblue is committed to being an advocate for non-discriminating communities, systems, policies and institutions, because we know discrimination is a significant risk factor for mental health conditions and suicide. Therefore same sex marriage is not a political issue but one of equity; every Australian should have the same rights under law, including the same rights to make the choice to marry or not. The continuation of the current law reinforces that inequity, stigma and discrimination are in direct conflict to the laws and intent of the anti-discrimination Acts we have listed above. Many members of Australia’s LGBTI community would like to marry in their own country. Many parents, children, relations and friends would like to witness the union of two people in their own country. Allowing same sex marriages will not make any difference to the lives of the majority, including married heterosexuals, but it will make a great deal of difference to those who seek same sex unions. No law-abiding Australian citizen should be made to feel like a second-class Australian. Yet that is what the current law clearly does. Most LGBTI people lead happy, healthy, fulfilling lives. However, LGBTI people have an increased risk of depression and anxiety, substance abuse, self-harming and suicidal thoughts, and take their own lives at much higher rates than heterosexual people. This is not because of sexuality or gender identity. LGBTI people, just like any Australian, face the same risk factors for mental illness and suicide. What is different is the violence, prejudice and discrimination they face, simply for being who they are. This adds an additional and unacceptable layer of risk. beyondblue requests all our politicians, regardless of their politics or personal feelings, to understand the ramifications of a law that through positive discrimination causes so much unnecessary hurt, pain, mental illness and worse to some. A law that is in direct conflict with other existing laws. A law we consider to be out-dated, inequitable and unfair. The Hon. Jeff Kennett AC Chairman ​ Together with beyondblue Board members: Mr Tim Marney, Deputy Chair Ms Georgie Harman Ms Jessica Dean Professor Steve Larkin Dr Mukesh Haikerwal AO Ms Fiona Coote AM Professor Michael Kidd AM Ms Johanna Griggs A/Professor Michael Baigent Mr Paul Howes The Hon. Julia Gillard Professor Brett McDermott

Flower Earth angel I'm new , sharing some feelings today
  • replies: 3

Hi it's 1am and I'm in bed, i suffer great fears about a medical procedure I need to do, i have had this fear for quiet some time it's dental related I left a friendship/ relationship with a male last week thinking he would at least ask how I am . i ... View more

Hi it's 1am and I'm in bed, i suffer great fears about a medical procedure I need to do, i have had this fear for quiet some time it's dental related I left a friendship/ relationship with a male last week thinking he would at least ask how I am . i don't really work and if I have money I go to r s l clubs and try my luck on the poker machines so I am not alone although I live with parents , I'm in early thirties , they just don't support my career choices I want to take im all over the place study wise won't b continuing and old cours ex wanted to just finish no close friends , I guess I don't think trust anyone anymore. thanks for being here and listening next wek I see a new psychotherapist .. god bless stay safe amen.

Jas-kay Handling a relationship without affecting it when you are healing from depression and anxiety.
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Hi all, I have mild-moderate depression and I see a psychologist occasionally. I seem to be having this in waves from moderate to mild to feeling ok. One thing is for certain. I feel myself that I am not easy to deal with for a partner in a relations... View more

Hi all, I have mild-moderate depression and I see a psychologist occasionally. I seem to be having this in waves from moderate to mild to feeling ok. One thing is for certain. I feel myself that I am not easy to deal with for a partner in a relationship. Due to my condition at times during the past 3 months that I've been this way I have been more prone to negativity towards myself. I had low self-esteem, self-worth and joy in life. From time-to-time I would experience lack of sleep and cry for no reason at all. Or feel like I'm a terrible burden upon my partner due to the way I am. I tend to overreact more easily than normal, need reassurance of some things, overthink more often and talk more negative in general. I feel like this has started to affect my partner. He opened up to me and told me it's been not easy on him but bless him he's been so understanding and respectful. However he is human too and has at times been resentful, frustrated and annoyed at me without me knowing. I wish I could be that nice, funny girl he loves and I am sometimes when okay but we have had so many constant arguements due to my reactions from my condition that I feel so frustrated at myself. I feel like my condition will ruin my relationship and I am so scared. I break down so much. He doesn't even know. I love him so much but I can't control this fully. What do I do? I feel so bad for him and worse when he had curiously asked how long he thinks I might be like this. I know I'm not easy but I feel so scared to lose him that I'm considering a bit of distance so I don't overreact or create drama to lead to small arguements as I've done. Atm I'm healing myself and getting more okay than 3 months ago. Any advice guys? I would really appreciate it.

possumbottom How do I handle this ?
  • replies: 2

My lovely friend has a new boyfriend and has constantly bombarded me with things they have been doing together and things he has bought her. I am very happy for her but what I don't like is the constant reminders she has a boyfriend and I don't, I'm ... View more

My lovely friend has a new boyfriend and has constantly bombarded me with things they have been doing together and things he has bought her. I am very happy for her but what I don't like is the constant reminders she has a boyfriend and I don't, I'm so close to losing my temper with her and telling her what I really think but force myself to shut up. It's oh he got me this and we did this and he got me that and everything I post on facebook she comes back with a bf related reply. I had to laugh as she picked up I wasn't happy and said i was depressed and she would send her bf over to fix the problem ( my brother) and I thought if I hear about him one more time I will scream. Any ideas ?

Joshhh Relationship I need to hear your thoughts
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Hey guys, This is my first post on this forum so I'll try my best to keep this short and to the point. I've been with my girlfriend for about 5 years now. We met when we were 19 in the same music course that we were attending. We had been living with... View more

Hey guys, This is my first post on this forum so I'll try my best to keep this short and to the point. I've been with my girlfriend for about 5 years now. We met when we were 19 in the same music course that we were attending. We had been living with my mother for the last 3 years while playing in the same band and working part time. Now we live together in another state away from family and friends in order to pursue our dreams. For a while I've been going through this inner struggle, even before we moved, with maintaining the relationship while having doubts about our musical journey but wanting it to succeed. Although, I'm starting to lose the motivation and passion for music and the relationship. Or maybe it's the other way around. I feel like this whole thing has been unsuccessful and dragging on for too long. Even though I really cherish some of the memories, mentally it has been a real struggle. Through many failures and having family issues I'm currently unemployed and dealing with depression which I now realise was always around since highschool. Even if we were successful I don't think the lifestyle of being in a band and a relationship together is something that can easily be maintained. Even though I really don't want to give up, there is so much pressure. So I've decided to attend a course in another profession which I feel optimistic about. I'm in this phase of my life where decisions like this can change the rest of my life. So I want to hear what some of the beyond blue members think. Sorry about the rant and if there's anything you want me to clear up let me know. Thanks for reading.