I don't know where to start but I'll try to keep it short-ish. I tend to
waffle. Came out of a marraige when I was 33, it was over for a long
time before we got divorced so it wasn't something I had to grieve. We
are still close friends but we had di...
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I don't know where to start but I'll try to keep it short-ish. I tend to
waffle. Came out of a marraige when I was 33, it was over for a long
time before we got divorced so it wasn't something I had to grieve. We
are still close friends but we had different ideas on life and he didn't
love me like I did him. I also didn't find him sexually attractive in
any stretch of the imagination. So yeah, was a bit of a shambles. lol.
But we came out of it relatively unscathed, no help needed thankflly. No
regrets. 34 and I found a new man, eventually moved in together. Exactly
what every girl (well, me) had dreamed of A tradie. Tall as, red head,
big shoulders, firm botto.. ok I'm becoming carried away. He's a looker,
polite, kind, wonderful family, sosilly and not afraid to be so and has
a strong stable job and no issue finding another if he needs to change
jobs as he used to fifo. And He adored me. Well. I thought so... 36 and
the world went to shit. For me. Now, turns out 12 months before my 36th
birthday he noticed I'd told him I loved him and my feelings progressed
but his didn't. He liked me, found me attractive but that spark didn't
grow. So he thought maybe it was time he needed. He'd been in some bad
relationships in the past and thought he needed more time. Nope. Even an
overseas trip didn't do it. By the tie it came around to Christmas I
noticed he'd become more distant and just wasn't into the intimacy like
he used to be. But I put it down to his work and life stresses. January
(My birthday is eaarly december, so we are now in January of this year
and I am 36) and he pulls away entirely. I have a health issue at the
beginning of the year and he becomes so distant itmade recovery hard. He
finally spilled the beans one night. Told me how he's been in agony for
almost the whole year, just hoping his feelings grow yet his heart
breaking at the same time because I am seeking intimacy and he doesn't
want to because he feels it was leading me on, hence why he tried so
hard to pull away but was totally shit scared of telling me in the fear
I would rip his head off his shoulders. We also want different things in
life. He's driven by money, I'm driven by happiness.. and let me say the
two often don't mesh. Now he's lucky I am a realist and a talker before
I am emotional (my fight or flight is strong when it comes to
othersbeing hurting too). We had LONG talks about it. I don't blame him
and I feel so bad that he's been trying for so long. I feel bad because
he feels bad for hurting me. BUT The event aside. I am so heart broken.
There's no words. So I suffer from depression, anxiety and pannic
attacks. All diagnosed. The depression I can work with, anxiety I can
do. It's the pannic attacks I can't.. I moved out. I've been in the new
place a week now and if I see something unpacking that reminds me of him
I either cry hysterically for 2 days or go into mass pannic attack. as
in days long pannic. As in effects me working pannic. What makes me
pannic is the idea of him wanting to try again. What if he turns up one
day and wants to giveit another shot. I'm so hurt by all this I have no
words. Our relationship was anything but perfect and if .. IF through
some divinemagic we got back together there's got to besome changes in
the way he treats me. The common sense part of my brain, the realist in
me, says and knows it won't happen. We talked at length about how
there's no point pushing forth when it'll hurtus in the long run and
possibly ruin the friendship we have somehow retained. BUT the pannic
and anxiety and depression got togetherin my head and have this little
piuty party telling me that he'll want me back, that i'll buckle and
shit will go back to how itwas on our worst days and I'll be a ducking
miserable, useless, worthless human being (did i mention I also have low
self esteem). Can someone please tell me that things get better. I'm
impaitent. I want to not feel hurt in my chest every time I see a text
from him or a photo. I want to not freak out and pannic whenhe has to
drop some of my things overthat I missed packing. I want to be out of
this stupid grieving process. I've gonefrom depression to anger to
complete denial. Denial sucks hairy bottoms. I don't want to go back on
meds. I've been off medication for 2 years. After 10 years on. My god
this hurts. Some days I'd sell my right leg for a weeks worth just to
help me get through. Combine all this shiz with the covid19 virus and
not knowing weather i'll be working the next week .. I'm a casual
retailer. No pay for me. I really really liked him. Really. REALLY. We
were taking marraige and kids and fixing the house together. My white
picket fence dream coming true. Now I wonder in my late 30s if anyone
will truly love me. Am I loveable? My greatest fear si to growold woth
no children. All I have EVER wanted is to have kids and be married. I
did the marraige and now, once again, no man, tickig clock and no
children (endometriosis, so yeah, clock ticking for me). Does the hurt